Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 20, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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The 3rd Installment
On The Reason Why
Tomorrow is your last chance to
buy Boy's and Misses' 25c and 35c
qualities in school hose at your choice
5 Pairs for $1.00
Men's Hosiery
Black and plain color, silk fin
ish and silk embroidered; regu-
lar 35c quality; at the furnishing
stores; here any size, weight or
5 pair $1.00
Laces, Veilings, Pocket Books,
Handkerchiefs, etc.; also the best
crty. Our prices are right. Come in
Have you seen the new line, of
fancy Japanese China we are
showing? It's the best ever seen
in Medford.
At the Nash J. I". Anderson, San
Franciseo; S. II. Mathews, Buffalo;
J. Becker, Jr., J. Gordon and wife,
Jeffersou City. K. H. Harry, Port
land; C. P. Bray, Oshkosk; .1. W.
Holmes. Portland ; J. A. Crawfield,
Indianapolis; K. K. Smith and wife,
Treka; M. II. Loveman, New York;
Henry Brower, city; C. H. Dawson,
Oakland; C. R. Parker, San Fran
cisco; C. P. Freick, Oakland; W. IL
Sellwood, Salem; IL L. Brown, Lan
sing; U. P. Murphy, San Francisco;
E. F. Caldwell, Seattle; Z. M. Boycr,
Central Point; A. Conro Fiero, Cen
tral Point.
At the Moore C. L. Matterson,
Omaha; G. W. Hollister, Portland;
The Bell Rings November First
Crestbrook Orchard Tracts
will all lie planted at that time. Then the price will be
that warranted by the productiveness and location of these
excellent tracts, of land. . We invite you to call and investigate.
Ladies' Hose
Black, tan, oxblood, etc., in
plain silk finish, lace stripe, drop
stitch, split foot, etc.: a 35c qual
ity in any other store in town:
here, in all sizes, tomorrow
5 pair $1.00
Bags, Purses, Combs. Hair Brushes,
values in men's Suspenders in the
if you want to be shown.
Union Suits, Pants, etc., the right
goods at the price.
J. A. Bothwell. city; S. K. Jones and
wife. Chieaeo: K. M. Huntley, Min
neapolis; .. F. Savior, Eugene; A.
K. Watt, San Francisco; "Mrs. A. W.
Field and daughter,, Chicago; W. F.
Ashby. McLean; F. R. Springer and
family, Pomona; H. E. Bush, Corum;
S. Murray, Portland; George E. Ed
wards, Bandon ; A. C. Carmack, F.
M. Rowley. Portland: R. X. Gorro,
Mrs. J. M. Ryan, Redding; William
A. Granfer, St. Loots ; F. A." Jones.
St. Louis; B. J. Gordon, Portland:
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Smith, Chicago;
L. R. Markell, San Francisco; J. P.
Brown, I. L. Brown. T. Newingham,
See the Southern Oregon Tea Co.
for spices, both whole and ground,
ior pictuing. , ..
Orchard Syndicate
Selling Agents
Is Sure That New Corporation Tax
Will Withstand Onslaughts
of Enemies.
lihuiu.. iiass. - .'u. - ii. -
purls reaching Beverly I rum ash-1 the largest mill probably tin. best
inglon uiul Now York that (lie con- equipped fish butchery iii tlio liiilil
Miliitionulity of Hip now corporutioii Stales, or fur dial matter anywhere,
lax is to b.' lesto.l have ml listurlii'(i 1 js m,w in course of construction near
(ho pivsiiliMil in tin loasl
declared himself yesterday.
Tlio tests ami tin- protests, Hie
president sail), wore all antiriiatoil.
Mr. Tal't liiinsi-lf is thoroughly eon
vini'oil that tho tax will stand uuv
tet" ihat may ho applied to it.
Attorney General Wiokershum is to,
hoc the prosidont Friday to discuss j
wiili htm a plan lor reorganizing tlio
inlerstalo coinmoVi'O coiuiiiission fo
I lie iimoiidmont of tho Sherman auti
lrut law, and for bringing interstate
corporations nioro definitely under
ouiilml of 0110 brnnoli of tho govern-
meat. . " '
According to .Mr. Tail's view, ((In- j nccommodaliou of tho young l'i-h as
nmeliiiiery to onforco tin- laws on ihej .v mature. Wilh tho oipiipinoiil eou
slaluie books is iiiailoiiuilo. Ho bo-! loiiiplatod, it is oxpoolod that tho
lievos the interstate commerce earn-; mohory will bo able to I urn out
mis-ion is ovorworkod and thai il t'rtnti 411,(1110.1101) to "lO.OOll.OOO try
ou;'ht to bo roliovod of its jurisdiction j ,.,.!, soason. A specialty will ho
ns an executive body, its function.-j mio of tho lioynl I'hinook, ami do
to bo limited to tho ipiasi-judicial in-1 volopmciit ol this' fiuo unlive spocios
vostijialiou of complaints. Ho favor' ,vil be iho first obioet. but inci.lon-
a new body to supervise (In
Enough to Give World Its Radium
Always Reported in the
KEXXKTT. Cnl., Aug JO.Aocord
nig t the story told by Dr. S. W.
Wilkins, who recently arrived here,
enough pitchblende has been discov
ered on the McCloud river, north of
bore, to supply the world wilh ra
dium for ull time. Dr. Wilkins had in
his (Hissessiou some fine specimens of
the precious stuff and so impressed
were some of the business men of
this place with his story that they
.clubbed together and sent an expert
to visit the newly found ledge. The
ledge is located 20 miles up tho Mc
Cloud river from the confluence o
that stream with the Pitt river.
Thursday's Scores.
National league Boston 5-1,
Brooklyn 1-0; Pittsburg 8. St. Louis
3; Philadelphia 4-1, New York 6-0.
American league New York 7-2,
Boston $-1; Detroit 1, Chicago 0;
Clevelnud 1, Philadelphia 2.
Northwest league Portlands, Ab
erdeen 1; Scnttle 6. Vancouver 1:
Tacoma 9, Spokane 2.
Coast league San Francisco 1,
Portland 4; Los Angeles 4, Oakland
2; Sacramento 1. Vernon 2.
You can get as good at the Nash
drill as you can get at the best grills
in the cities at half the "price." Spe
cial music every evening.
Fifty Million Fry Will Be Hatched
Yearly at Bonneville.
i POHTI.AM), Or., Ant,-. "JO. One of
mouth of Tanner mock, not far
from Iloiiui'villo, anil ahout 10 miles
front I'orlland. J. W." Borriun, who
lias in charge tho building of Iho big
ni'w liati'hury, says that Hie Jialimil
food, supply for i'iali in Tiiuiiur crook
cannot ho sunmsscd aiivuhuru in tlu
,d ami that tho plaoo selected for
,1,0 hntohorv is nn idoal 0110 for the
purpose. ' , '
Tlio main building is to ho 'i'.W foot
long, wilh a width 'of "." fool. There
will ho 11I1011I li'il) hntohiiii! troughs, to
;i. Hljlt a Iho nood for Ihom ihniiamls
ami this to dopond upon tho nuiiihor
of ponds that can he aminecd lor the
tally nil the oilier standard spocios
will bo cultivated.
Water is to be piped about it ipuir
lor of a mile from Tanner oreek to
the hatchery site, and it is expected
that n flow of 2000 gallons a minute
will be secured. From six to eight
men will bo employed steadily whou
tho hatchery gets under way, ami for
the accommodation of the superin
tendent and hi assistants comfort
able and modern quarters are
being built. Throughout the building
and all its equipmout, the best anil
most modern materials, plans, 11111-
fhiuerv und apparatus will be used.
Work was begun on tho building on
July lH, and it is expected that it will
bo completed and ready to put in op
eration within two months from that
Settlers in That Neighborhood Out in
Force Endeavoring to Save
. Their Homes.
A forest fire is raging in the up
per Griffin Creek country and the
settlers are out in force endeavoring
to check the flumes. Only the most
meager reports can be obtained, but
it is reported that several homes in
that neighborhood nre in danger of
burning. ,
As a rule the less said of the uv
erage traveling troupes the better,
but there is an occasional exception.
guch as tho Venetian street musicians,
and the Bycr Brothers, who gave 0
performance ut the Bijou theater last
evening. They have been playing to
packed houses on the Pnnlages cir
cuit at Scattlo nnd Tacoma nnd arc
nnw on their way to Sueramonto to
fill an engagement, and the only rea
son they stopped at Medford was
their desire to sec the Rogue River
valley and to win a bet made with
parties in Scattlo that they could
make their expenses to Sacrnmonto
by slopping at not more than three
towns and giving pcrl'gonnuneos
without previously announcing their
intention of stopping or in any way
arranging for a house until they had
reached the town in which they were
to perform, and still be in Sacramen
to Monday afternoon, As to whether
they will win their bet or not cijnnot
be told, but it is safe to say that
nothing belter in tho trick bicycle
riding line has ever boon seen in Med
ford. and there were many in tho
audience last night who have paid
$2.50 for standing room and listened
to a poorer rendition of the harp and
violin solo, "Poet nnd Peasant," and
the selection from "El Trovatore,
'.jivon as an encore by tho violin solo
ist. . ,
They will appear at the Bijou again
Are you making a file? Whether you do or do not, we feel that you
appreciate our efforts and we will strive the harder.
Tenth By means of a dally bulletin sent out each day from New
York we can tell as soon as the mails reach here just what Is being
brought out new there, and will endeavor to bring to the doors of Med
ford ladies the articles they most desire.
Eleventh By making this trip I secured the exclusive right to the
American Tailoring Co.'s made to measure system and can now take or
ders for suits, skirts, etc., so that no one need to feel that they have
to send away for anything in order to get something entirely different
from any thing shown in Medford.
Twelfth This trip places this store in such a position that you will
he acting very unjustly towards yourself and friends in business If
you do not first try to secure your needs here before sending away to
houses In distant cities that not only do not help to support this sec
tion, but do not sell any closer or offer any newer styles. Beside we
will be glad to send for anything anyone desires. Give us all the trou
ble you can.
They Are Going Fast
The goods suitable for summer wear and which you can use for al
most two months are now on sale at this store at prices that show
Successors to
Baker Hutchason Co.
Apprehension Felt for Son of E. H.
Harrlman Claims Recently
Awarded Damaged. '
Sl'OKANK, Wash., Aug. 20. A
line of fire three mile in width in
reported sweeping over valuable tim
ber lands of the Crtcur d'Alcue In
dian reservation, causing thousands
of dollars damage and seriously im
pairing the value of the claims r
oontlly awarded by the government to
The fire, according to advices from
Coeur d'Aleno and Kookford, has al
ready done dnmagc estimated ut
.ii0l),000. There is apparently no
moans of checking it because of the
wind. It started yesterday in an O.
R. & N. camp and it is feared that
parties of surveyors of that road
may bo caught. Apprehension is folt
by the road officials, particularly
ior the safety of Kverett Harriman,
son of K. H. Hurriman, who with a
school chum is with a surveying gang.
No word of the parties has been re
ceived, owing to the difficulty of
The fourth of the terics of band
... V. ll. - ...:n v. - t
uourenn ior me hiiimuh win uu kivijii
at tho city park 'tonight. The fol
lowing is the program:
March, "Thunder Cloud;" charac
teristic, "A Georgia Sunsot;" medley,
"Way Down South;" Spanish, "La
Pnloma;" waltzos, "Kstundiantina;"
dance Oriental from "Mile. Modiste;"
selection, "His Honor, the Mayor;"
march, "flardo dtt Corps."
, I
Next Sabbath, at 11 a. ni., tho sec
ond of tho series of sermons, "Four
Johns," subject, 'John Knox, tho
Scotch Prosbytorian Reformer." At
night a genuine 'revival sermon in
the summer timn. Sabbath school, 10
a. in. Kpworth loague, 7 p. m. AH
are invited.
this evening in two performances,
when as a special request the harp
soloist, accompanied by the violins,
will render "Man of Ardcn" and
"Welch Melodies." This, in coniiec
liou with the special musical program
is well worth double the price of ad
That Is Unsurpassed In America
This is a sporting proposition for
raon of wealth it is not a farm.
Uueuallcd Trout Fishing Juno
to November.
Peer Hunting on tho premisoH,
August 1 to November 1.
Iluck Mooting superior to any i:i
tho stale, over thousands of
acres of wild celery and rico,
KopU'tnbcr 1 to February 1.
Orouso and Pheusant Shooting ou
the place October 15 to Novem
ber 15.
Best sturling place in tho county
' for it Bear limit.
Tho Crater Lake Automobile roud
will run through the place for n
mile and a quurter.
Navigablo water to the proper
: ty, unsurpassed drinking wntor,
und power to develop tho prop-
More bottom land nnd flno gar
den land than any plaoo on tho
Thousands of Hue and Fir trees
and thousands of Quaking As
pens. More vuricties of wild floworu
and mittifal grasses and votchoa
than any plaeo in the county.
If you develop this property oh it
fan be dovolopcd, thero is no
resort In the county that can
compare with it.
No umonnt of talking will d.
scribe it let;tts show you,
Wo Imve been offered more than
twico what it cost, but bavo a
pnee at which you may tnko it
-below which we will koop it.
Klamath Falls. Oregon.
The ABC of