t THE MEDFOItD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFOUD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST, 20, 1909. HSOCIAL AND PERSONAL! '"Yon, Arabella, wo will go to I In Wigwam tonight. 1'verylhitiK there is nt the bunt ho I rot ulong itnil got ready." Talilo d'hoto dinner ut the NiihIi drill Sunday evening Special niu itic. Thorn in a. letter fr "M" lit this office Cull. Tho follofriug were tha neuron made nt tho rcgulur woekly idioot of tlio Madford Uun club liuld on tho club grounds: Kecly broke 42, Knynrt 40, Hordouux 37, Whitney :, Mrs. Kn yurt 19. Apprentice girls wanted nt Uur nurd & Connayer's millinery pur lorn. . Miss Hossio Newtown Iuih returned to her homo in (lold Hill after ii visit in Medford. Apprentice girl wanted nt Ilnr nurd & Cornnyor's millinery imr- 139 Orders for nwect orenm or butler ,HL nrnmnttv filled. I'bonS lhJ - , 1'" - J. M. Potoron Iuih returned from a trip to Klmiinth Fulls. . Professor J. M. Miiek. who an nounced hin iutenlioii of opening u business college hern on September 1, Iiiih been compelled to relinquiMi Hie project, owing to the fuel that it in utterly impossible lo secure n sun utile building in time for Ihu opening if the full term. Ho will go " ,l10 A-h1nnd coinmcrciiil college for n while, but will eveutuiilly return to Medford to establish bin snllool. Kiln Onunyuw, publin stenogrnph'r, room 4, Pnlm building. ' Mr. nnd Ndi. J. W. Thonms spent Thursday in Ashland with friends. Everybody conies lo the Ilogno Riv er FiMh "o- for dressed chickens, fresh fiHh, oysters nnd imported cheese. Pboiio 30(13. Here is n simp. Como und look it over with iik. Eighty acres firs'.. eliiBH fmit Innd in brush; level, good soil, well located,, only $1,100. .1. W. Dressier Agency, West Muin. 132 George Daniel of Prospcet was n recent visitor in Medford. : Fletcher Linn of rortlnnd arrived in Jacksonville Thursday to look aft er bin orchard. Do you liko crawfish t Tho Nash drill serves them. Fresh shipments daily from tho famous Quelle cufn :it Portland. William M. Colvig bus returned from u hunting trip in tho (iuliee eountry with bis brolher-in-luw, Wes ley Birdscy. Mr. Hirdscy not three deer und u brown beur. Mr. Colvig got mos(uito-bitten. Fred Orfenlmcber and .1. A. Krew son of Appleguto were in Jucks;m: villo Thursdiiy. Orchestra music, during dinner each evening ut the Nash Grill. M. E. Morgan bus returned from a trip to Crater Luke. Krnest Elmer and wife of Port land urn visiting the former's moth er, MYs. Amelia Klmnr of .Tnekson ville. ' Phono your want ads to tho Tri bune for quick results. A representative of the Chicago Packer, a fruit publication, is in Modford looking' over tho fiold pro paring a special article on this year's fruit output in tho valley. Table d'hote dinner nl the Nnsh grill Smdny evening. Special 'mn die. " MrR.' Znch Cameron of Unionlown and dnnghtor, Mrs.. Guy Lawlon of Modford, left for Sontllo tho first of tho" week to take in tho fair.. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. E. Altie of At lanta, 111., are in Modford visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Conklin. Mr. Al tio is n retired rnneher and whilo he received 70 cents iv bushel last year for corn, is nnini'.ed at prices reociv; ed for fruit, locally. Tea, coffee, beer or claret, with club lunch, 30 (V.nls, nt the Emcric.k Cafe. V I.on Stone bus returned from n trip through tiorlbcrn California. lie is more pleased with this valley than ever. Mr. nnd Mrs..'!'. R Pnllenger have returned t o (heir homo mi the Apple gnlo after a visit, of some days in Medford. They will probably return lo ninlo Medford Iheir homo in IIia winter and will erect a handsome new bungalow on North Central avenue. Ilcsl, 2.-cont dinner in town served every day at. tho Spot Cafe. A. P.. Cornell, (ho insiminoo fipont, wns up from Grants Pnss llio first rf tho wook. M. Marshal), the well known ranch er from Central Point, spent Friday in Medford. lie hroiigliL with him u line loud of tomatoes I'roul his runch. Something doing ut the Wigwam tonight. Kicliuid Guhkiu, who is located ut Sisson, Is making this part of the valley u visit. Tea, iroffuu, beer or claret, with club lunch, 30 vents, at tho Kmcriek Cufe. See the Bijou, ud for tonight' pro gram. Mrs, Florence Whitaker of Inde poudcnco is visiting her brother, Dr. It. T. itiirnott of Jacksonville. Froith (jraxyfish received daily from the Quelle at Portland ut tbu NuhIi Grill. Uyers & llros., the greatest trick bicycle riders of the age, at tho Bi jou tonight. s . Bead Ilia new ud (if tho Anhlund Commercial College und enter Sep tember (1th. Mrs. A. L. Eddy of Jacksonville bus returned from a visit to Portland. You have puid $2.!i0 to see and henr a poorer performance than yon will bear ut the Bijou tonight for 10c and 2.re. Ten, coffee, beer or claret, with club lunch, ,30 cents, at the Fmeriek Cafe. t The wonderful Venetian musicians nl'lhe Bijou tonight; Mining Hit Culling. DAVIS-DAVISON. Mr. Lester Duvis, son of Dr. and Mrs. F. Duvis of Central Point, and Miss Kva Davison of Ashland were quietly married in the latter city on July 22, lie v. Mollondry of tho Pres byterian church performing tha cere mony. In fact, so very quiet was the wedding und so well did tho happy young couple, aide dand abetted by Kev. Mc Hendry, guard the secret that not even tho pureuls of the young people) were aware of what hud hap pened until last Saturduy, when, hav ing gotten a homo ready in which to commence housekeeping, they let their parents and oilier friends into tho socrot. Both tho young people are well and favorably known all over tho coun try, nnd their many friends will unite in best wishes for their future hap piness. Mr. nnd Mrs, Davis spent lust Sun day with his parents in this city. They will reside in Ashland. More Economical. IN MEM0RIUM. lid ward 'fryer was born in Lowell, Henry County, la., March 21, 1872. When a boy be moved with his par ents lo California, from which state he moved to this city in 1877, where ho lived with bis parents until grown to manhood. After living in Mod ford several ycurs he moved to Se attle, Wash. From Seattle bo aguin returned to Medford, where ho lived several months, when he moved to Grants Pass, in Josephine county, Or., where, nfter a short illness, he died of abscess of the brain on August 17, 1909. Mr. Trycr leaves lo moltirn his loss a sorrowing wife, two daughters, Edna and Ramon Tryer, besides an Oged mother, and the following brothers and Bisters: Mrs. Annie Scbreyer, living in Kansas City, Kan. ; Marion Trycr o this city; Lydia Scbreyer, Tacoma, Wash.; Samuel Tryer, Kennett, Co., and Mrs. R. II. Toft also of this city. Fanernl services were held at the home of his sister, Mrs. R. II. Toft, in (his city, August 19, conducted by C. II. Hoxie. BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. "When I lnill Hint bouse it wasn't (It for a (liK to live In. It lias cost me over $l.rno to put It In sbapc." "So? Don't you think It would have teeti cbouper to ikjIsod the dog?" -llnrpcr V ';!; Tea, oof foe, beer or claret, with club lunch. 30 cents', at the Emorick Cafe. ' . ''I love my band concert but, oh! yon Wigwam!" ''Come on in tho water's fino" ut The Wigwam. Best of music. And job! so cool. Dtont of Man. M. L. Alford and wife and Ear! Guddix and. wife drove down from Cump Entrop to Butto Fulls on Sim day. . The mill is manufacturing a large number of fine fruit boxes and are supplying Medford and Eagle Point orehardists. B. L. Brown of Seattle, Wash., has purchased a fine business lot on Broadway and is very much enthused over, the prosjiects of Butte Falls. Bill Perry and Mr. Nyhart of Rogue River section are intending to make a trip to the mountains during tho week on business bent. - Dr. and Mrs. Holt of Eagle Point have been entertaining Mr. nnd Mrs. Pratt of Berkeley, Cal. Colonel Fred Medvnski drove to tho valley on Monday to look after business matters. He left his wife , and Mrs.' Palmer atthe homestead. I William Eriekson took a trip to Medford on Monday with Scott Clas- pill. Huckleberries are a scarce and scanty cron this season which will he a great disappointment to many of our people as they usually can large quantities of this delicious fruit. Charley Ubencbam is eatherin? un his beef cuttle and will market them J. I. Patton and familv have be- come residents of Butte Falls. There is much activity in railroad matters and the price of men and teams has been lareelv increased, as it is tne intention to rapidly push matters. Fred Reineke is kept busy at the mill in getting out tie and box tim ber. Mrs. John Allen of Derby is visit ing her mother, Mrs. B. F. Edmonson. Good driving horse wanted in pin t payment on piano. Van Walters, op posite Tribune office. 130 Don't forget the regular dunce at The Wigwam on West Seventh tonight. Tea, cofu-j, beer or claret, wiih club lunch, 30 cents, at Ihc Emeriek Cafe. "Man Ovrbord" en th. Ark. Tbe Duck Dod gast the silly Idiots! If they don't stop throwing those Ufa preservers they'll hit and kill me yet. Harper! Weekly. WANTED To rent, furnished house ' or furnished or unfurnished rooms; two adults. Address Box 462, Med ford, Or. 132 HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smitb 314 E. Main . WHAT HAS BEEN DONE NEAR MEDFORD CAN BE DONE NEAR MERLIN Twenty acres in bearing orp'iard near Medford means an inde- pendent fortune. I can sell you 20 acres of unimprw?ei.land near Merlin for $400. Sco me for investments. J5j. . CTIAS. E. ifkTTJriiii, dOo. J . 4 v.. 4 ryyr a ii I V.jJivJ J fit l; T f TEN REASONS WHY You Should Be a. Reader of The Pacific Monthly 1st. It is the leading magazine of Western America, publish ed on the Pacific coast edited by western men and its entire conteuts are Western. With pen, brush and camera, it tells tbe story of the wonderful progress of the West. 2nd. Xo other section of the entire world is experiencing such a rapid industrial and commercial growth as that section of the United States west of the rockie s. It is a duty yon owe to your self to keep informed The Pacifi e Monthlv coivjletely covers the field. 3rd. There are opportunities for the extension of practically every line of business in this territory, nnd The Pacific Monthly Tells of these opportunities. . 4th. If you are kioking for a chance to invest or locate ' commerce, fanning, orcharding or professional work, if you are worn, tired or in ill health, seeking rest or reasonable, The Faeifiu Monthly will give you a thousand valuable hints. 5th. Here also you can get close to' nature. The great snow capped mountains, in nil their rugged grandeur, the boundless plains and the virgin forests, "God's Country," unfurnished bv the hand of man. Do you not wish to spend a few hours eacii. month with ust 6th. The best of western literature to be found in the Pacific Monthly. Live topics of THE DAY, stories of progress nnd of opportunities, the Romnooe of the mountains and the plains, al ways intensely human. 7th. One never tires bountiful pictures und the Pacific Monthly is famous for its illustrations, always a verituhlu picture book of Western scenery, from Mexico to Alaska and from Denver to the coast. No Npense is spared j securing the most s..iic.;, photos for reproduction in colors mid halftones. Hth. The Pacific Monthly should be in every home. From to cover it is clean wholesome reading of uu educational n.itiu? It is particularly interesting and valuable both to teacher .ind students. 0th. Look upon your map. n,i0 (he great area e-l ( i'ie. Rockies, think of the wonderful recourees of this se, ii,i i,t i;e country thousiuids of acres of agriculture land.billiunv nf ,., i ..( standinj.' timber, mineral riches beyond compreheii-i .-.iu;,i;- ing to the shores of tho mighty Pacific, (be ImhImvi i,., n.:,,, , Do you not want to know more nbout this niiiix elm- . i..,i,im. 10th. A spirit of optimism prevails throm:li,ni( (he i-cM lint lends life and vigor to nil. That is why the Pacific M,,,,;!.:v . different. It comes lo yon each nidiiih breathing ihis 'spirit, ui west. It will put tho red blood into your veins try it. Sample enp'.os nt the Tribune office where subscription can bo loft. I MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE FOR TURKU THE PACIFIC MONTHLY ONE YEAR , BOTH FOR MONTHS $l.ro. ..fi.rjO $2.00 A to V