THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY. AUGUST 20, 1909. v You Need Our Lumber BECAUSE IT IS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY AND YOU A HE SUHE OP R EC El Y1XG ST A N D A H D (! H A D KS AND IMiOM PT DEMYEHY RKG ARPU'ISK )-' THE SIZE OF YOUR ORDER. We Want Your Business BECAUSE WE KNOW THAT OUR TREATMENT OF YOU WILL BE SO APPRECIATED THAT IT NOT ONLY WILL BE A CASE OF "ONCE A CUSTOMER ALWAYS A CUSTOMER." BUT A PER SONAL FRIEND GAINED FOR THE . lis IS? J y mm lb 3ttrs. 3rme "3fampton Isaacs . . "Jitstuctor of "Piano. Tlwt 3tttl)Oo s o a o u .a Economy Get The Habit of planning, your purchases in advance. You will find it will materially lighten your labors. For in stance, wby not deride NOW just what you will have for Sunday's dinner? For the meat courses we would suggest one of our plumy .and tender YOUNG CHICKEN'S, all dressed and ready for the pan, per pound . . . .20c "fid 25c Or, if it is top warm to cook'," try soiiv.: of onr COLD V.OILEB HAM (sliced and ready Y:r serv ing), per pound . ....35c If you prefer to boil them yourself, we are offer ing the finest Eastern Hauis for, per lb 18c Notlnug better than our MEDFORD CREAMERY BUTTER on the market; per roll 75c THE ECONOMY MARKET - HUTH & ASHPOLE, Proprietors. Opposite Postoffice Phone 461. Economy n o S3 o CENTRAL POINT ITEMS. For Whom are You Sowing If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying for your home for yourself and family. Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rate of Interest. We will furnish money to build Churches. ..Parsonages, homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest, or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. We also allow you 3 percent interest on all advance payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real Estate Office of ' . . WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFOR D , Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseliurn 1 We do JOB PRINTING Excellent Workmanship mamssasm (The Herald.) Wayne Leever and Vern Miigrudcr left Sunday evening for Seattle to take in the fair fur a few days. T. C. Law was in from Willow Springs Monday and had his name. entered on the Herald list lor a year. The fine residence of Cotiin'ihnaii Robert Kyle mi the east side is about completed and is one of the largest and best nppoititi'd dwellings in the city. Grandma Mann and her thre grand-daughters. Misses Eda, Flor ence and Mabel Mann, have returned from a pleasant outing at McAllister Springs. H. J. Gardner is building a sub stantial residence on his lots on Lau rel street between Fourth and Fifth. Mrs. Randall has commenced the erection of a handsome cotton on her lot on the cast side of town. John Albert is hbilding two dwell ings' in the I'attison addition on lots recently purchased there. That part of the town is building up rapidly this summer. Mrs. Lyman and her son Ernest of Rogue river spent Friday iii town buying supplies and visiting friends. Ren Little and Vern Pendleton loft Saturday afternoon for n two weeks' camping trip in the Dead Indian country. They expect to ascend Ml. Mclaughlin before they return. -Mi's. .1. Upton was seriously in jured in 'a runaway accident on tbc road between the Upton home and town last Saturday. Mr. Upton and Miss Upton were also in the rig, which was overturned, pinning all of the party beneath it. Mrs. Upton, however, was the only one seriously injured. Ben H. Charles of St. Louis, Mo., spent the day here Monday, ( the guest ot his uncle, .1. I!. Holmes. Mr. Churlesc is a prominent attorney of the Missouri city and at present holds the responsible position of cilv conn sclor. He is interested in a valuable water power location on upper Rogue i river which he visited while in this I section. While driving home from town Sat urday evening Mrs. T. C. Wilson, re siding on the Agnto road, met with an accident whereby her buggy was smashed, but fortunately she was not seriously injured. A runaway horse collided with tier rig, partially wreck ing it, but Ibe fact Ihnl her borse was gentle nnd did not run prevented a serious accident . Rev. J. K. Day, T'rcsbylcriaii min ister of Woodvillc, will prcaHi in the Hnpfist church here next Sunday morning and evening. Subjects; "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" and "Cnii a Man Carry His Religion Into His Business and Succeed?''. Holbrook Wilhinglon, who was em ployed by the town some lime go to look after the legal work incident to the water bond issue, was in town Monday preparing an abstract of the proceedings of the town council lead ing tip to the bond issue, to be for' warded to the buyers in Chicago. Henry Maury and sister nnd Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart exieet to leave next week for Seattle, where they will 8ond a few weeks visiting the fair and enjoying life amid the cooling breexes of the sound. Musters Floyd and Elmer Kyle have returned from an enjoyable visit to their former home at Lebanon, Linn county. The boys made the trip alone and enjoyed every minute ot their vacation both at Lebanon and en route. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiley left last week for Salem and . other valley points, where Mrs. Wiley will spend several weeks visiting relatives nud enjoying a trip to the coast. After spending a tew days at Salem Mr. Wiley expected to continue his trip to his old home in Illinois, where he will spend a few weeks with rela tives. J. F. Hopkins, proprietor of the t p-to -date nursery, near this city, reports the sale of 5000 choice pear trees 'to Dr. l'ickel of Medford for use on his famous 401 ranch cast of town. Dr. PicUel has planted a large number of trees grown on this nur sery in the past with such a high de. gree ot success as to make mm a per manent customer. A. L. Aikins of near town and Frank Dickey of Ashland left yes terday morning for a cumping and hunting trip in the mountains. Mr. Dickey is a well known passenger conductor running out of Ashland on the Southern Pacific and he nnd Mr. Aikins nrc old cronies in the bunting und cumping line. TheyMeft with the avowed intention of having the lime of their lives, and the bear, deer and trout would better look a "leetle out." ' W. II. Koreross and family relum ed Friday from a pleasant outing on upper Rogue river, during which they camped for three weeks at the natur al bridge, making side trips from there to Crater Lake and other points of interest. They mndrt the trip in their While Steamer car and found it an ideal machine for mountain work. Mr. Norcross drove his car to the rim of the lake without trouble and was the first to cross the new auto mobile bridge over Union creek. While at the natural bridge Mr. Nor cross and his son were fishing one day when two magnificent buck deer walked down the bank lo drink with in a few feet of them, and after sur veying the parly carefully nnd de ciding that they were not dangerous they amused themselves for a while in polishing each other's horns and oth er deer play when they slowly mo sied off into the brush. This hap pened a day or two before' the open season came in and when the fisher men were without guns. After the, seuson opened, however, Noreross says ho could fish nil day without being molested by game animals. It took hunting to find them nfter Au gust 1. "For you particular customers who demand the best groqeries, wo recommend Folcrcrs Golden Gate ' Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it. EvcrythinR about FolRcr' Golden Gale Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCERIES, OIIINAWARE, FRUIT AND FEED. Something every business man wants the merchants' lunch at the Nash grill each noon an elaborate menu, Price 35 cents. Rest - Romp - Recuperate At the Seashore Newport Is a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleasure ground possibilities. An Ideal climate, diversion of recreation .perfect bathing boating fishing riding driving, and exploring, make New port a most chanting and popular play ground. '' Southern Pacific Has a 'SPECIAL SUMMER EXCURSION' RAT K TO NEWPORT O K $10.00 from Medford Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon," A. S. ROSEN BAUM, Agent, Medford. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. i