THE MEDFORD DA1IA1 TRIBUNE. MKDl'ORl). OREGON', THURSDAY, AUGUST W, 1fl0. Buy Your Children's School Hosiery at FRIDAY-SATURDAY 100 dozen Men's. Ladies' Misses and Boy's 25c and 35c values in Hosiery, Special for these two days 5 Pairs for $1.00 This will be your last 'chance to buy our children's and boy's hosiery at '.this price, so get wise and lay in your school supply now. ; THOUSANDS TO EAT LOCAL APPLES Purchasing Agent for Fred Harvey Eating House System to Buy Local Pears. THE BUSY STORE ! Tim t'onmieieiiil rluli is in receipt lot' it letter from V. F. McCorinack, llic purchasing aeut I'm' the Uuney filling house system, milking impii ries reijiiriliiij: local tipples. Tin' llnr vcy ciitinj; houses are known to the iriiviilin.n publii' tlio I'onnlfy over. Fol lowing is Mr. McCorumek's U-tu-r : San Francisco, t'ul., Aii;. J". Secretary ('onuncreiul I'luh, Medford, Oregon Dour Sir: If. coudilious warrant. I export to visit Medford about September I for the purpose of investigating llir apple situation. Tlio concern 1 represent, the Harvey Ealing House System, operating on the line of the Santa Fe railway, will require u number of fancy apples. If you ran refer me to a stvirtly relia ble irmiifp who this woulil likclv in terest I w ill appreciate it very iiuirli, j as it will assist mo in saving time on arrival at Medford. It is uiy inten tion of completing arrangements for these apples and later on return and see them packed and shipped. Tours trulv, W. F. M'OOUMAC'K. Purefiasing Afrout for Fred Harvey, Ferry Building, Sau Francisco. 1 000 BOXES OF APPLES TO AGRE . The Ad Helms orchard at the south end of the Rogue River valley is again forging to the front as n rec ord breaker. " This orchard consists of eight acres of 123-year-old Newtown Pip pins, ami the trees are now ladec with the biggest crop on revord, an estimated yield oi 1000 boxos to ine acre. From present indications this will net the owner from i.j00 lo $2000 an acre. In 1907 the orchard produce.' 6500 boxes of Newtowns, which net ted the owner $2.50- a box, or .lt. 000. '.- - HARRY CANNOT SMOKE CI6ARETTES Officials Deny Him Any Special Privileges. Although They Were Suggested. FISHKILL LANDING.. N. T., Aug. 10. The privileges suggested by Jus tice Mills at the recent investigation as to Harry Thaw's sanity have been denied by the officials of the. Mnt tewan usyluni. Thaw is denied the privilege of smoking, can't have n light in his room and must retire at the same hour as the other inmates. Justice Mills, although ruling that Harrv is insane, suggested that he be allowed several privileges, i NOTICE. A nice supply of fresh fish, chick ens and oysters, cheese, etc., at the Rogue River Fish Co. Cash paid for chickens. MORE REASONS Ditl You See This Space Yesterday? Every woman in Medford and vicinity would do well to make a file of these reasons and read them over when they contemplate purchas ing any extensive amount of goods. There Is REASON in every word. Seventh We buy direct from the BEST manufacturers of skirts and all ready-to-wears and pay less than any store who buys in or west of Chicago. , Eighth We can prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that fully 75 per cent of tlio millinery and realy-to-wear goods which will be of fered to the people of Medford this fall by our competitors will have been bought on the coast and will have cost fully 25 per cent more than we pay for our goods, consequently must of necessity be sold or of fered at a higher price. Ninth Our buying service In New York will buy our goods as close as the jobbers of the coast can buy. hence we save you the middle men's profits. Think what this means and watch our prices on the new goods. A Hint to the Wise All goods now on our shelves and on our racks will be sold from today on at slaughtered prices in order to make room for the Incoming fall purchases. You have a full two months to wear these goods yet. THE HUTCH ASON CO. Successors to Baker Hutchason Co. FOR SALE AUGUST ONLY A SUMMER RESOnT ON KLAMATH LAKE That is Unsurpassed In America This i- a spoiling proposition for men of wealth il it not a 1 ti tin. I'ni'ipiiillcil Trout Fishing - ilium to November. Peer Hunting on the picini.-es, August I to November 1. Duck Shooting superior In nuy ii the hlalc, over thousands' of acres of wild celery ami rice, September 1 to February 1. (Irons; iiuil l'hi'iisiiut Shooting 'i Ihc place October 1.1 to Novem ber l.V I lest shirting place in the county for u Hear hunt. The Crater Luke Automobile road will rim through the place for n mile and a ipiarter. Navigable water to the proper ty, unsurpassed drinking water, anil power to develop (be prop erty. More bottom lain! anil line gul den land than nnv place on the lake. Thousands, of l'ine mid Fir I roe unil thousands of Quaking As lms. More varieties of wild Mowers mid natural grasses and etclii than any place in the county. If you develop this property a l can be developed, there is no resort in the county thai ciiti compare with it. No amount of talking will de scribe U let us dhow you. We have boen offered more than twico what it cost, but have a price nt which you may take it - below which we will keep it. J. G. PIERCE, W. T. SHIVE, J Klamath Fails. Oregon. Wc will cxehunge small fruit much for house and lot in Medford. , 912 BENSON INVESTMENT CO. The Best Is None Too Good When it comes to buying incuts for home consumption und tho surest wus of securing the best is to trade where only the bent J bundled, Let Us Supply You when in need of FltESH or CURED Meats and Poultry. Wc handle our OWN MAKE OF SAl'SAOK und wo take pride in saying nothing better in its line can be found in the I'acifie Northwest. A trial will convince you of our statements. WEST SIDE MARKET BYBEE & HEIL, Props. 212 W. MAIN ST. PHONE 851. A Guaranteed Income For Life IS PRACTICALLY ASSURED ANYONE WHO IS FAR-SlG HTED ENOUGH TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OP THE RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICE OF LAND IN THE ROGUE .RIVER VALLEY .AND INVEST A PEW HUNDRED DOLLARS . . In One of Our Ten Acre Tracts WE HAVE BOTH IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED TRACTS WITHIN A DISTANCE OK PROM ONE TO FIVE MILES PROM THE BUSINESS CENTER OF, MED FORD, SOME ALREADY SET OUT IN, COMMERCIAL ORCHARDS, AT PRICES RANGING PROM $175 TO $350 AN ACRE. DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR THIS. INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELF. IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING AND OUR SERVICES ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL AT. ALL TIMES IE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN INVESTMENT. : BENSON INVESTMENT "CO.