THE StEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDPOR1), OrtEflOKT, THURSDAY, AUfl UST 'jo! lOOih 0 6e KEWANEE System of Water Supply provides an absolutely safe and satisfac tory water service, equal to that offered by any city water works. An abundant supply ot water always available and deliv ered under strong pressure tlirouehout the house, bam or grounds. Affords Absolute Fire Protec- - tion. t fir, With the Kewanee System, an air-dnht. steel, pneu- malir tank. caIIm the Vwn Pneumatic Tank rAarrA in the cellar. Water t nomiw! into this tank and is delivered to the fixtures by. air pressure. '. ' ' " No Attic Tank to Leak and Flood the House. No Elevated Tank to Freeze or Collapse. 100 per cent belter service and will last a lijettme. Over Nine Thousand Kewanee Outfits in Successful ' Operation. Also agents for White Steam Cars and Fairbanks-Morse Gaso line Pumping Outfits. U jf f ATTIC .mm u . I R 1 t IF i ''s i The Man From Home A NoeH:allon of the Play ;. of the Same Name By BOOTH TARKINGTON and ; HARRY LEON WILSON Copyrifht, I9f9. by Amaiic&a fnU E. A. Washburne & Son Miles Block Medford,.Oregon t X - - .1 1 1 "I .1 ' Savoy Theatre . iniS . T ONIGHTAND -T H URSD AY v v v V V v HUNTING WITH FALCONS No nature faking. VHE WITCHE'S DONKEY Oh, you laugh. THE CONVICT'S SACRIFICE A .;niographv drama. 1 1 ri 4 J r K ' . i - ONE DIME.. 'The carublnlcrl for me!" ho cried. Uoth men turned quickly to the win dow, anil Pike thrust. Ivuuuft t-Uiul him ns lie ilivw aside the heavy cur tain. ... . . . "Don't show yourself!" lie command ed. Hut there was a smothered ex clamation frmi the fugitive, uml liu pointed over l'ike's shoulder. "Look! Near llio lamp yonder there by the gates the carublnlerl!" His ii rm trembled ns It rested f,ur an Instant on l lie American's shoulder, ami Pike returned quietly: . 'Touf! They've been there since we hid you beneath the lunrhliic.'' He stopped nnr shaded his eyes with his hand from the glare of the lumps in side the robin, then xtnrted. "Vliy who on earth who's that they'vo pit with 'em? Why, Rood Lord, It's dm !" Ivanofl Ktralninl over his shotiUler to look and thou replied bitterly: "It In Ilerr vou (irollerhagen! 1)1,1 i not tell you he was a ItUKSliiu? He has betrayed me himwlf: Ho was not satlHtled that others should. Ah. I knew I was In the wolfs throat here!" Pike swore emphatically ami ex haustively. - "Pou't you believe It!" he snarled. ctinl with" the, tioio sho EeldT" " "Your lloto seellllHl HO oitrilnwiliinrnu uruciit," she beguu, but ho Interrupt- eu. "It had to be." hu said. "Stnlim f,,ILu who want to bco me aro coming hero, aim I want you to gee tliem-bore. They'd toppcd you from coming If they could." . ' : ; She Hashed a look of disbelief at him. "Tuero was no effort to prevent me," slio said coldly. "I dldu't Klve 'cm time," be amlled. "Mny I ask to whom you roferr ahe tyiiulrcd. "Certnlnly. The whole kit and hondla ef ejn," he repUod. "Excuse me. I bnveu't time to ho eleirii nr. nvnn If T knew how." . . i '1)6 you mean mv fhiitun-.,,, w..ut.i fllsiipprove?" hIiq asked, hastily rlslnu. "I shouldn't bo surprised. 1 reckon tllO WllOlO tllio rlouer nf Vnriu,,, n-,iiil,l dlknpprovo. Disapprove!' They'd sand- uair you in Keep you ntvnyl" s lien I can't Htn.v." she erled and started for the door. Ho stepped be tween her and tho exit and raised his hand with a gesture of coinmniid. les. you can. und vou will 'nn.l you've c'ot to," he suld. "I'm your (iunrdlnu, and you'll do as t say. You'll obey me this once If vou never !, aimlii. You'll stay hero while I talk to those people, and you'll stay In spite of everything they say or do to make you go!" She looked sin it led and stcinicd back from him, and ho went on: "Uod knows I htito to talk roiiL-h to you. I wouldn't hurt your feellus for the world, but it's eomo to a nolnt where I've got to use tho authority I have over you." Ill an Instant she flared up. "Authority! Do you think" "You'll stay hero for Hie unit lueniv minutes If 1 have to -make freey anil Agim-ourt ijkllku a pence eonfer- ence," he snapped. And she sank hack Into a chnlr with a gesture of alarm. ; rise went clos v .o her and sioko Pi C. Hansen. . Tom Moffat. '. ' ; '.. .: : ;.;. iWe make any kind and style of windows. We carry U4 glass of any size on hand. j Medford Sash & Door Co. ' State Depositary Established 1888. 'Capital and Surplus $125,000 Bcionrcoi $700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respect fully solicits your' ueeonnt, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this olstig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. G. R. L1XDLEY, Cashier. IV A SOW HA W SOSB , Utf UEll. WHY COOK These hot days? When you enn get anything you desire in the Jiuo of BREAD, PIES or CAKE, in addition to everything usually fouii.l i:; a iirst-cliiss DELICATESSEN. MEDFORD DELICATEESSEN & BAKERY. ; Wetzel & Hodges, Proprietors. The Tribune is Up-To-Date 'They've arrested poor old doc! (5ot blm as he went out!" ' "Xo!" cried Ivanofl". "They speak, respectfully to him! They bow to him"- , ' i "They'll be bowing to us III a minute. That's probably the way these colonels run you iu!" snarled Dauie) As he spoke there was a sharp knock on the outer door,, and he seized Ivan off by the urin. ' "Back into the room with you! Wslt until 1 cttll, pud remember It's my. light!" He was about to add more when the dnorv opened and Mariano appeared, Instantly the American changed bis tone to one of severe command. "And don't you forget what I've been telling you, You get the sand out of that gear box tirst thing tomorrow morning, or I'll see that you draw your hist pay Siituiduy night!" IviinolT caught the idea and bowed silently and then turned and ciileivil the door to the inner chamber. Mari ano came forward and bowed. "Mens liraiiger-Kcenipsoiie," said he and went out, standing to one side to make room for Kthel as she entered with a look of complete listonlHhinent on her face. 1'lke approached her. "I'm much obliged to you for taking my note the right way," ho said. "I've got some pretty good reasons for not leaving this room," She Inclined her head Icily and llilg- more softly. - "You and. your brother have soaked up a society column notion of life over here," ho said. "You're like old Pete Ticlmiey of Terve Hut. Ho got so he'd drink cold tea If there was a label on the bottle that spelled whisky." "You're going too far!" the girl cried. ' ' . . ' "They've got you fuddled with labels here," went on the American. "It's my business to sc that ynn know what kind of people you're dealing with." .. (To be continued.) MKDI-'OHD, Or., Aug. 5, 1001) ' Hall's Texas Wonder, of St. Louis, cured my daughter of a severe kidney and' bladder trouble fifter doctor! foiled to give nny relief, nnd I can cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. L., L. Wilson. 135 Barllclt SI. Sold by Hawkins' Dni? Store. The Best Meal ; - ;: In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant ' All white help. Home cooking. Room and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. Few people realize, how iuipoi'tiut it is lo have their glasses fitted properly mid wonder why they iniror have comfort. Tho above cut shows tho lenses adjusted in '.mi-h. u way as to ciiiiho slruiu on tho dclicnto muscles of the eyes, whydi strain often cuuses headaches, irri (uliility mid many other litllo troubles. Watch for cut showing glassci properly adjusted uml no'lu tho dil'feruiiei). ' I do .e.iert glutis' fitting mid will give satisfaction in h most dif ficult cuses, no matter how inniiy have failed on your ensc. ' Brief consultation free. DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, IBllIIfll Main Street, over Nicholson's Hardware, Medford. , W3W5Wi r III RESOLVED The best resolution for you to miiko is to eomo to us for yiur next suit, ' if yo,j want something out of tho ordinary. Wo'do the host work nnd charge tho lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE PROOWbSSIVB TATXOK ""i"!4'We' would" like to h " " lit with you about fire Insurance. We are agents for the WORLD S GREATEST FIRE IN SURANCE Companies. 1 1 '.The i2ETNA,iR6YAL, QUEEN LIVERPOOL, LONDON, ; GLOBE and others ; ( R. A: HbLMES, Successor to' CANON & HOLMES Rpom 33, Jackson Co. Bank Bldjj. Phone No. 781. J. E. ENTART, President JOHN S. ORTH, dashier. J. A. PERRY, ?? W.'H. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. ---i THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK - CAPITAL .J...; $50,000 ; SURPLUS .1 L...... $10,000 Safety boxct for: rent. A leneral Banking Business transacted. ' Wo solicit your patronage. ' 3 GET AHEAD OF THE HOT 1 SEASON. ' ' ' You can hid dofiunco to the heat by having mi oloclrio fun put in po- : ilion. ' It doesn't cost vory much, oitlior. If you hnvon'l one, w can fix you up i nil short time, at tho, lcasl expense. We're general elee- , tiii'iniiH, and do nil classes of work in our line in the most thorough '' ( manner. Jobbing skillfully and promptly oxocutod nl lowost elmrgoH.. Portable lamps in all varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL WJK5IKUUTI0N CD. Mt. Angel College MT. ANGEL. OR. in charge of (ho licncdictino Fathers. For young men .vnnd ; boysv Term opens September 7th. Preparatory, coninioroiul. scientific and slnHsinnl courses. Write for catalogue WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. IB. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, ; OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs