TIN'S MKDFOKI) DAILY TRIBUNE, M KDVOIU), OREGON, THURSDAY, ATJQUST 13, 1000. A A What'll you have? BEAR CREEK WATER THE KIND YOU ONCE USED WELL WATER THE KIND YOU STILL USE . RAIN WATER-YOU CATCH IT IN A TUB . ' WATER FROM FISH LAKE OPEN DITCH or ' - ' Colestine Mineral Water THE ONLY WATER TO BE HAD IN MEDFORD THAT IS ABSOLUTELY YOU OUGHT TO DRINK. ' PURE-IS THE KINO -Sold only by- Tobacconists RITTER & DUNLAP Confectioners ASK ABOUT IT Bijou The at r e TONIGHT Complete Change Pictures Best Ever Shown in the Cit i ;1 i'; It I f Oon't forget FRIDAY night. Something doing. t- Admission Only 10c-15c;; A Bargain Tim famous 120-ncro ? ' "fc I. W. THOMAS GROVEJFARM 85 acres of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of "the prettiest oak anud laurel grove in the valloy, 13 acres of tipples and pears in bearing, and IiiikIimI with fruit at the present time. ) r Thin is the best proposition ever ' offered in 'Southern Oregon. See . ' ' 4;uM ilriLlIBlAiJfc 1. WHITE & TROBRI DQE " '' KxuliiKive Agents, for prices, terms, etc, at office, Phone 93. ) ! 6 Fir street Medford SEE The Latest Things in JET NECK WEAR Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler Fine Watch and Jewelry Rcpairinp, A Specialty. Nhu'- Postofflce Attention. Pioneers. The Md oniiunl reunion of tho Pioneer noeiety of Southern Oregon will be belli nt ' Ashland, Or., on Thursday, the 20th day of August, 1D0D. We hope to have tho plenmire of greeting yon on that occasion, to gether with vour family and friends. It in desirable that the niinunl vi unions of tho society be perpetuated. Professor H. I'; Mulkcy lias agreed to deliver the nddresH to thtf pioneers und their friends at that time. Come and bring your badges with you. Re spectfully yours, i V ?- ' - SILAS J. DAY,. Secretary.' , Prepaid Raiiroao Orders , "Something which is uf consider known is the system of prepaid or b!e interest to the public generally and which is uerhaps not- generally ders now in effect between stations of the Southern Paoifib company and all points in the United States. By menns of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mail ed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper ac commodations and small amounts of axh in connection with these tickets may also be foiwarded at the same :iu.n ' - NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notico is hereby given that the city council of the city of Medford, Oro gon, will. received sealed proposals, t i-unairuw a u-iiicn lateral sower along Ross court, from West Fourth street south, a distance of GOO feet, in me cny 01 .ueotorn, Oregon. All bids must bo filed with tho ei'.y recorder on or before 4:30 p. in." Au- gust flth, 1900, and accompanied bv a certified check pnynblo to the city treasurer of said city, equal to 5 per cent of the contract price; chock to on J oi l cited to the city of Medford in case the ' successful' bidder fails to enter into contract for same. Con tractor to furnish all labor and ma terials necessary to coinplcto said sewer. Plans nnd specifications mnv be bud for said improvement bv cnll ing at or addressing the city engin eer's oitieo. . Done by .order of tho city council this f)tl day of August, 10011. .130 ROBT. W. TELFKR, City Recorder. NOTICE. .- is hereby given that tho .nmlersiirned will apply at the regular mcetinsr of the city council of Medford, Oregon, on September 7, 190!), for license t. sell mult, vinous mid spiritous liquors in less quantities Hum ono gallon for umnills ill. IOI J.l. OIOCK 'll. ill Medford, Oregon, for a period of six maul lis, GEO. M. NEEDLES. Duted'Aumist 10. MOP. WILL BE SHIPPED TO ; HIS SUMMER RESIDENCE Carefully Picked and Packed, and Sent to Grace Executive's Table. Manner ('. K. Whistler of the l:c:ir Creed oreli'iids is preparing a box of extra cicnce Hartlett pears, w!ii h nre to be sIiI,mm1 to Beverly, Muss., as a gift to President Toft. The pears are lit io grace the table of thy na tion's chief executive, as they have all. been selected with the grcntst care, snowing not a mark or a brui..e, and hre uniform in size. 'fJreat ertre has been exercised in their selection ami tliey will probubly be as choice as was wr sent east from the coast. The box will be sent east in a ciir lot to N;v York and from there they will be diverted to (lie President's siimnicr home. Illmtrated Definitions. J0 UiwiMM3gy . "Itatxfng vegctnliles." ''. Her Spelling. APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF "UIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. T YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not m the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MED FO RD, ;: - : p R Ea.0 N wtHHmmiwti 44 t A 4 iff h . . A i t 9 t i t 'On t t i t t Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern Home seven rnnms in the Cnnna -inrf nnrf n4 ( - i r . i Hvt ..u vwi m iuui luunis, iceiess reingeraior, ount-in nutlets J and dressers; cabinet kitchen. i t " J. A. McINTOSH, Architect, J.mra iiioor Medford National Bank Buildinp-. Towne-Von've got a new typewrit er. I see. Browne-Yes. . Tovnerl slie lrii;ut? Browne-Well, 1 ilon't know whether It's iiitcullniiiil. Init she seems to be a foiimle Jili BUUiiks. I'liiladelpliia Press. . ; : . '. Farmers and Feed Consumers. We wnnt year hay and grain and will pay the highest market price for it. We will roll your barley ami crack your corn at the Rnss mill. U" you need hav we will give you sen!'.' weight and every pound yon. pay for you will get. We keep a full stoc'i of nil kinds of feed on hand at rea sonable prices. Cnll nt the Russ null and get acquainted witli us, i whether or no you wish to sell or buv. " POLK HULL & SON, 1J,i Medford, Oregon. Electric Cooking' Demonstration I Mrs. A. M. Colby will demonstratewcooking-with electricity at the , office of the Rogue River Electric CompaDy, 200 West Main Street" ...":. 'beginning. Tuesday Morning, August 10 Hours 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 p. m. Makes cooking a pleasure. The public is cordially invited to at tend thee demonstrations and learn all about cooking with this prac tieal and convenient method. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. Pur Spite. FORTY MILES FROM MEDFORD TO MERLIN ' v FORTY MILES OF ROGUE RIVER-VALLEY The. climate'is the same, the soil very similar. ''I can sell von 'JO acres of unimproved land '.! $400. One tract with 12 acres " nl' vollini. nrplui t,l liol).i wi'll ili . 17 iK.riw iiiiiImi. irnikil finirtu " for $2500. Terms.. See nm'. for At vestments. '. s. .. ( HAS. K. SHORT, Merlin, Or. M 1st ivms What tltil you tell those ladles who Just culled? Servant Ol told 'ein you whs out, mil in. , Mistress Ami what did they say? Servant "How fortuiilt," mum. mm Wo nre flrnwrw-nuy tllnn-t ttvat a NO AOKNT8 Our Trin ar ffmuu utricHr WITHOUT IRRIGATION Writ for frco cata1itf !.rnt tloi-k of :tlitl(Mnuhl!i) for commercial ore iinnli Cholc Fruit. Nut and Ornarnenlnl Tree, Orapa eii.w! 01111 'I linn ri"i mint w 'Vum 11a? r NfrnHV.itiKA Main Oft ws ra GnunlAv,rortttbJ,Ore. l" TO SURVEYORS AND OTHERS. 1 have complete field notes of all donation land claims and a larue portion of the government surveys in Jackson county. The ' may be copied in niy office for 50c a claim or section, t'oinplcic of Medford. Talent. Central l'oinl, Tola, Gold Hill, Kaylc Point. Woodville and Unite lalls. Surveys, mnpSj blue prints ' nnd 'des criptions of lots and tracts made. '''"KiTSSCJ. S. HOWARD. C'E. Rooms 7-8. Atlkins Bltlg. Medford, Or. Granulate Sore Eyes Cured. "For twenty years I suffered t'roi.i a bad case of granulated sore eyes," says Marlin llnyd of Henriclla. Ky. "In Keliruaiy. 100:1, genljcman ash ed inn to try ClianiberbriiiV Salve. I brought one box and used -abort two-thirds of it and my eyes have not given me any trouble since." This sajvc is for sale by Leon ii. Has. kins' riiurmncy. , . Diarrhoea. For a quick erne without .any un necessary loss of time take CIihiii bcrlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. One of two doses U sufficient to effect a cure in anv ov- dinary ease. II -can always be de pended npoil and is equally efficient for children and adults. For sale, by Leon B. Haskius' Pharmacy.