' THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, 'ORKOON. THURSDAY, AUGUST ). 1000. LEST YE FOKGET There is nothing that will add more to your pleasures of a hunting trip than the assurance of having the very latest thing in guns and ammunition. If you are not already so fortunate call and let us fit you with one of our No. 4 REMINGTON AUTO REPEATING RIFLES ; fast shooting, hard hitting, urge: enough for any game. chambered for 35, 30-30 and i 32( remington auto-loading smokeless shells. TWENTW-TWO-INCH BARREL ONLY. STRAIGHT GRIP, PLAIN WALNUT, STOCK. SHOTGUN BUTT PLATE. BLUE FINISH, FIVE SHOT.' TAKE-DOWN: WEIGHT 73-4 POUNDS. Most complete stock of all makes of fire arms and ammunition to be found in Southern Oregon Medfo Go 3Urs. "3rme "3fampton 3saacs Instuctor of "Piano. Hiszt :ftttt!o6 ;S" ; o o u Economy Get The Habit 'of 'planning your purchases in advauce. You will find it.. will 'materially lighten your labors. For in stance, why not decide NOW just what . you will .have for Sunday's dinner? For the meal courses we would suggest one of our plump and tender YOUNG CHICKENS, all dressed and ready' for 'the pirn, per. po'iind i! I,".'.'.. ?0c ipi 25c '. :Or, if it is too -Warm' 'to" cook, try.soine.of .qnr COLD "lipjtiED HAM (sliced and ready .:r ingLper' pound ( .,vv35c i'; If you prefer to boil them join-self we 3ii-,;offcr in the finest Eastern Hams for, per lb. . . : . 18c j Nothing better than our MEDFORD CREAMERY '- - - s'i - , BUTTER on the market; per roll . .... .tC THE ECONOMY MARKET HUTH & AS HP OLE, Proprietors. Opposite Postoffice : Phone 461.- Economy o o . 3 TWENTY-ACRE TRACTS NEAR MERLIN. I have a number of 20-nere tni.ts noir Merlin, which I run wll at from $300 to ."00 .for unimproved land, nnd up to $'2000 for well improved. See me for good investment. , " CHAS. II SHOUT, "Merlin, Or. ' ATTENTION. ELKS. ' There will be a meeting tonight ut the t'Aka hall. Full attendance 're quested. ' 129 COMMITTEE In Boyland. For Whom are You Sowing .- If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying for your home for yourself and family. . Let us help you reap the reward of the mpney you have been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rate of interest. "J. ' . We will furnish money to build Churches. '.Parsonages, - homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest, or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. We also allow you 3 percent interest on all advance . , payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay- ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see. us at the Real . .....Estate .Office of ,- '.... .! :; r.v ;.,:'..' WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEOF0R D Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, RoSeburg A Swelling Howl. . "Was Jiinmift'a home run a real long one" ... "(!ce, I Hlionld sny! It inunt V went hundred feet!" Kanxaii City Times. Hit Plea. We do JOB PRINTING Excellent Workmanship ;'AnU now, friends, let os pray for Ihosi! Mho are dwelling on tlio unln In hi ted portions of th earth." "This baby." aald tlio fulhor, A hla brows -met tn.ivNcow ; r "May not Imi a howllnic an ell, i ! 1 ' Km he'a got a awellltur liuwl," ! : " Ona Up-arid twi to Qo iolf IlliiHtrated. ' NOTICE '. hereby given thut the undorHi(,'ned will apply at the regular nieotinp of the city council of Mndford, Oregon, on September 7, 1009, for license to sell malt, vinous and Hpiritotm liUorn in less qunntitieH than one gallon for six months at lot 12, block 20, In Medford.' Oregon, for n period of fix months. O. M. MURPHY. Dated Atigwtt 17, 1000. . 137 I Medford Iron Works 1 E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. I Foundry and Machinist ? All kirn' of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma- jemnery. Agents in southern Oregon for , FAIRBANKS. MORSE L CO. ,k For you particular customers who demand the : 1 best-groceries, we recommend Folrrcrs (loldt-n Cit Coffee.'".' It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we nairf SI a pontic! for it. Every thiiiR,. about Folger" Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, aatj we sell it.with the positive euarantee that it will please you. Allen GROCLiJES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED. Rest - Romp - Recuperate At the Seashore --' -A port TfIs,fa 4oli$htfTil , resort and a happy combination joip pljeasijr ;grjna possibUititfs. ..' An ideal climaito. diversion of recreation perfect bathing boat ing--fj8hmg riding driving, and exploring, make. New.' T)rttt. a tnnsf. nhnfmiin' 'nnrl rrnnlrv -nlotr rrrr.nnA .J" . m Mak I l a avU I J boutnern Facitici i SPECIAL SUMMER EXCURSION RATK TO ..." ..;,.".; NEWPORT OF : ' . :'V $10.00 from Medford Ask for pur booklet "Outings in Oregon." , ' ' -r ' A: 8. ROSENBAUM, Agent, Medfonl. . ., . . ' . WM. McMURRAY, , General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. ,