Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 18, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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ft tains Watering" Jr House and Darn
n the Year
iiic Mnvei.i .
Vou rati hvf un nuiulnnf f
hydrant. No wUi bill and rep&m;
Every Kiwnnr SywtMU f ir.
wntcr syati-m. insist upon tho nvtuin
l.w i in 1.cm1i fur our tralD mark and i.
pwnuinc nJ you will take no chitticca.
.vi j water trm. ran now 1 had mm liens
rl under alrons- pifMun-, to all Kilurw and
ji plant ia almost avoriaatinti.
I at our risk, not jroura. To avoid unsuccessful
vrnnev pneumatic tank and system manufacturjd
j plaei gn tak aid puiupinj machinery. Uet the
,.. ! most efficient water atiDnlr will be voura if you Install the
Kewanee System of Water Supply f
No More Elevated or Attic Tanks
With ih Kewanr-e Srtiu. tb tank It
Incited tn Ihu cellar, or buried li tbe ground.
1 bt tank lit made of twl plato and will last
almt lolftlnitly. Tbt Kovrnnee titnk
reu on solid ground, aut " protected from
all extremes In woctlier; nt lok, freeio,
oTftrtlow or ellape. lr VKWiinre Sys
tem, pumping tbe vmtvr Mites the air pre
aura, for pumplnti (lie Witter any klod of
power may bo used with tbe Kwune Kya
tm wiudmilU, fraaolineeneioea, electricity,
tram, bot air or any other kind of suitable
Engineering Service FREE
We do not merely manufuoia re water auppiy
plants. We M4vewUr supply problems. Pur.
in tbe last ten yeure. we bave succesatully
olvtnl oTf r PrtU water saprly problem. I be
lamest bui Kit tiff, as well as tbe snisUest homes,
are equipped with Kewiui Walwr
Supply outtlta. We areoxperis. and have s
prm-ucai experience, rvrwrj im ' vi
My stem has Ibe KoffWiw trade maik h&SM
and must mme up tn tbe Kmwniive
eundard.andtuuiUie Kwnegur sl j
auteeof eaUftfactioo ovblnd It. Our
engineers will plan your eompieto .-j
watar ajstsin trt of eburxe.
-,, ruarantAB Erary Srstem la rnaranteed to jV-tT
UUr VlUaronieC aiTeBarsl-clsasvsiersurDlTandtodneTeri. ,', 'I,
thin claim for It. If U fails return Lt at
pense ana your mooej wui do raiuuueu.
Supply Co.,
,-jnr state all men..
I !''!JI?!iOv K.wa. Water
: :i m mm fa : i m fflj
Ask for Our 64-Page Catalog
I et us shnw you hmv yoo can have a K
,wnneeAViiterSii)plySystMiiiin your
notute. ()ur catalog is beautifully illus
rated, xnd shrts the many SfivjnURcs of
the KfWiinM System over the old
elevated Units. Get oorcatalo frum our
dealer and ask him which Kewaucc aSyiicm
you should install.
Also Agents for
Gasoline Pumping Outfits
E. A. Washburne & Son
Miles Block Medford, Oregon
Savoy Theatre
HUNTING WITH FALCONS No nature faking.
THE WITCHE'S DONKEY Oh, you laugh.
P. C. Hansen.
Tom Moffat.
We make any kind and style of windows. We carry
glass of any size on hand.
Medford Sash & DoorCo.
The Man
From Home
A Novellatlon of the Play
of tbe Same Name
CapyrUht, 1909. by Amcrlaaa Prau
"I your iiilntl wiiiitfvrriiKf" Hkcd
Uily CntH'li. "Ulcnwuotl I'llory Is tin
nniuo of tlio ri)u-rty llnwriinllo Inher
IttHl from hts motlior. ("nil you slate
Its oouneotloii with t hn Htilil.wfT"
Pimlel nlmoHt Htn ifiroiwl w!Mi il.A
thought the knowledge that nime to
him. Ho looked un.
TliHfs how ho nrotcvtctl It." ho
snld. "Ho took tint nmiwi nfi:i..n.
wood. God moves In a mvBtcrluim way
his wonders to lUTform! Ijidv tlrwH-h.
tell your brother-in-law lio nn lmv
his oiiHwer here In ton mlimlea
As she swept from tlio room In ill.
iilllotl ninnzemont I'lko sntik I ntn
chair for u mument itud fairly glowed
im cngeruess.
"If you" dou't mind we'll omit all
tradesuinnllke references," remarked
the old lady acidly. "It has been sug
gested that you make this opposition
uxcroKO, oixooir B
State Depositary
Estabiisbed 1888.
pital aad Surplus $125,000
Rctosrrci (700,000
The Jackson County Bank respect
fully solicits your account, subject
to your check, with the strongest
guarantee of safety and efficiency.
We offer the highest attainment in
systematic hanking service, which
assures the greatest care in every
financial transaction, with this ostig
ing institution.
W. I. VAWTER, President.
G. It. LINDLEY, Cashier.
These hot days? When you can ;et anything you desire in the line
of BKEAD, PIES or CAKE, in addition to everything usually found
ir. a first-class DELICATESSEN. .
Wetzel & Hodges, Proprietors.
, a
"1 ffucw tre'll keep on rallnfl."
because you have a sentimental inter
est lu the young lady yourself. We
can comprehend no other grouuds."
"Me!" echoed Daniel lu surprise.
Ton can't 'comprehend.' But you can
comprehend I could have no - hope,
can't you?" '
One never knows," replied T.ady
Creech loftily. "We had thought to
offer her an alliance with a family
that for 700 years"
"Yes, ma'am. I know Crecy uud
Aglncourt," interjected Pike, but she
paid no attention.
"has never been sullied by tbe low
Ideals of trade and barter"
Walt a minute. Mrs. Creech," said
Daniel quickly, tugging at his coat
pocket. "I've got a letter right here
that tells me your brother-in-law was
In business and I respect him for It
only a few years aj;o."
'A letter from whom?" demanded
the lady angrily, rising.
"Jim Cooley, our vice consul at I.on
ion. He says Mr. Haweastle"
"Mr. Hawcnt!o!" ejaculated Lady
Creech. .
"Well, I can call a person cap or doc
or colonel, but I don't Just know how
to use the words you have over here
for those things. I don't mean any dis
respect. Just let me run on in my own
way. Jim says your brother-in-law
was In business in ttussla" he stopped
suddenly, for an idea bad occurred to
him "in business In Russia"' he re
peatcd dazedly. "Why didn't 1 think
of that"
"Since some of your officials hav
been spying" Lady Creech began, but
be Interrupted.
"Never mind. He was lu businexs lu
Russia. I don't say he was peddlin
shoestrings or Wienerwurst" she
screamed. "He was probably" he
stopped a moment and lonki-d at her.
The Tribune is Up-To-Date
-J- ill i ri
O ar 1 j fepl
All Vj
"Ham loit encr heard of the name of
Hitmrooa i lie akiitil quiuay.
"He did not have contracts with the
government for hydraulic machinery,
I suppose'" he asked tensely. The old
woman tossed lier head.
"Even If he did. he protected the his
torlc name," she replied proudly.
"I believe you!" snld Daniel fervent
ly." "Have you ever heard the name of
Q.lenwood?" he asked quickly..
x wmsi-itn or vkmqanck.
THK moment Lady Creech had
gono Daniel snilled broadly
' for the first time since ho had
ci cyea upou ivanotT. Ho
could seo his way clour now to the
tliorough uccomiillshmeut of his mis
sion, and ho mentally thanked heaven
for putting Into his bands such a
weapou ps the Itusslan fugitive.
'Ulenwood, eh? Aud he protected
thu historic name of 8t. Aubyn, that
noblo earl; protected It on the surface
while lib dragged it lu tho mlro of an
other man's disgrace and humiliation
lu private. Ho was a sweet lot, that
noblo earl! He carried himself high,
and his keen eye last no whit of Its
dignity nnd importance from that con
science that must bo uneasy within
his breast."
And the woman, too. "Heleuc," Ivau-
olt had culled her. So they had stuck
together all those ten years, with Lady
Creech as a most cumplulsnnt anil
discreet chaperou-but that couldn't
be. for, whatever else Lady Creech
might be, worldly wise and haughty.
she was at least an English gentlewo
man at heart, aud Nhe would have
starved rather than connive at a scan
dal of that sort. '-
No, Daniel reUected. he would huvo
to leave 1-ndy Creech out of the mess,
even though she was a bitter old dame.
Hut Haweastle should feel the touch
of tho Iron. It should bum him deep
ly, and the scar would remain.
And the fair countess, who was uu-
gllng for that addle paled Horace uud
his share of the estate! That woman,
who had deliberately sent a 'good mau
to what was worse than death, should
he have auy pity for her? Not for a
single Instant.
He leaped up and hastily crossed the
room to the writing desk, scribbled a
note and, before he put It In tho en
velope, rang the bell.
As be sealed tbe uole Mariano tap
ped discreetly at tbe door, and I'lke
"Come In!"
"Look here. Mariano. I want you to
take tlds note to Miss Simpson," he
said quickly.
To Mces Granger - Keempsoner'
asked the man deferentially.
Yes. Do you know where she Is.'
'She walk upon the terrace alone.
salr," replied Mariano.
'Then give It to her yourself to no
one else and do It now!" he went on
emphatically, pushing the servant out
of the iluor in his haste. When lie had
closed It he went to the door of the
suit, threw It open and called:
Almost Immediately the Husslan
came into the room, aud l'lke noted
the suffering upon his fare, the look
of timid apprehension with which he
glanced furtively about. For him
there was a carabinier In every cor
ner. "Have they come?" he whispered
tensely. Daniel went over to ldm
and laid a lank hand upon the bent
shoulder, looking him triumphantly In
the eyes.
"Not yet." lie answered, and paused.
"Ivanoff, you prayed to see your wife
and your friend Glenwood before you
went back to Siberia."
The Itusslan tore himself away with
a gasping cry, but Daniel caught Ills
"If that prayer is answered through
me," he went. on, "will you promise
to remember Hint It's my light?"
Ivanoff covered his face with his
hands, and bis breath came chokingly.
"It Is Impossible! You wIMi to play
with me!" he gasped.
"Do I look playful'.'" demanded Dan
iel. And as he spoke a Initio Hounded
iharply outside I lie window olT tn the
right. At the simml IvaiKlV slirai:!;
Into himself, and his lin-.-i i- I .v.. 1'deiJ
In the other's cia-sp.
(To lie conlinueu.)
MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 5, 11)00.
Hall's Texas Wonder, of St. Louis,
uurcd my 'laughter of a severe kidney
and bladder trouble ofler doctor)
1'niled lo give any, relief, and I can
cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. D. T..
Wilson. 13.') P,nrtlett St. Hold by
ITiiskiiis' Drur Store.
Mt. Angel College
mt. angel; or.
in charge of thrt Renedictino Fathers.
For young men mid boys. Term
opens September 7th. Preparatory,
commercial, scientific and elussicul
courses. Write for catalogue.
The Best Meal
In Medford is to be had
At The Star Restaurant '
All white help. Home cooking. Room
and board $5.00 a week. Give us a
trial and be convinced.
MRS. W. E. OOODE Prop. 322 E7th St.
Few people realir.n how imporlu'it it is to Imvo their glasses fittcl
properly and wonder why they never have comfort. Tho ubnvo cut
shows the lenses adjusted in su ii r way its to cuuhc strain on the
delicate muscles of the eyes, wh'.'.'h strain often ennses headaches, irri
lability and many other little troubles. Watch for cut showing glnxsei'
propoiiy adjusted ami noto the difference.
I do expert glass fitting nnd will givo satisfaction in I he most dif
ficult oases, no mutter how many have failed on your caso.
Brief consultation free.
13iSlLA Main Street, over Nicholson's Hardware, Medford.
The best resolution for you
to niukn is to come to un for
your next suit, if you want
something out of tho ordinary.
Wo do tho host work nnd chnro
the lowest prices.
We would like to tn Ik with you about fire Insurance.
We are agents for the WORLD'S GREATEST FIRE IN-bw-
SURANCE Companies. '
GLOBE and others
Successor to CANON & HOLMES
Room 33, Jackson Co. Bank Bltlg. . Phone No. 781.
J. E. ENYART, President "
JOHN S OftTH, Cushicr.
J. A. PERKY, Vice-Presideat.
W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier.
CAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS $10,000
Safety boxes, for rent. A eneral Banking Business transacted.
We solicit yom patronage.
You cun bid. defiance to tbe heat
by having nu electric fan put in po
sition. It doesn't cost very much,
cither. If yon haven't one, wo can
fix you up i na short time, at the
least expense. We're general elec
tricians, and do alt classes of .work
in our lino in tho most thorough
manner. Jobbing skillfully and
promptly execntod at lowest chargos.
Portable lamps in all varieties.
Timber and Coal Lands
B. H. Harris & Co.
Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs