I'll E M Kl I DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, IflOQ. 3 What' 11 you have? BEAR CREEK WATER THE KIND YOU ONCE USED WELL WATER THE KIND YOU STILL USE RAIN WATER-YOU CATCH IT IN A TUB WATER FROM FISH LAKE OPEN DITCH or , Colestine Mineral Water THE ONLY WATER TO BE HAD 'IN MEDFORD THAT IS ABSOLUTELY PURE IS THE KIND YOU OUGHT TO DRINK. :Sold only by Tobacconists RITTER & DUNLAP Confectioners ASK ABOUT IT Bijou Theatre TONIGHT Complete Change of Pictures Best F.ver Shown in the City 3Jl3ila Don't forget FRIDAY night. Something doing. Admission Only lOc-lScf Attention, Pioneers. The 33d annual reunion of tha Pioneer society of Southern Oregon will bo hold at Ashland, Or., on Thursday, the 20th day of August, 1909. Wo hope to have tho pleasure of grueling you on that occasion, to gether with vour family and friendn. It is desirable that tho annual re imions of tho society bo perpetuated. I'roeRsor B. P. Mulkoy has agreed to deliver tho address to tho pioneers and their friends nt that time. Come 'and bring your badges with you. Re spectfully yours. SILAS J. DAY, Secretary. Prepaid Raiiroao Orders. "Something which is of consider known is the system of prepaid or ib!o interest to the public generally and which is oerhaps not generally ders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in the United States. By mentis of this, system tickets may be purchased at Med ford from any place in the United States and mail -ed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper ac commodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may also be forwarded at the same tira.B NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. A Bargain The famous 120-ncre I. W. THOMAS GROVE TARM 85 acres of ajfulfu garden, 20 acres of the prettiest oak nnnd laurel rovo in tho valley, 15 acres of apples and pears in bearing, and loaded with fruit at the preso'it time. This Is tho bust proposition ever offered in Southern Oregon. See .K'miMllEimiaiES WHITE & T ROB RIDGE s Kxolusive Agents, for prices, terms, etc, at ofl'ico, Phone 93 6 Fir street Medford Notico is hereby given that tho city council of tho city of Medford, Ore gon, will received sealed proposals, to construct a u-mcn lateral sewer along Ross court, from West Fourth street south, a distance of 000 fee-., in the city of Medford, Oregon. All bids must be filed with tho city recorder on or before 4:30 p. m. Au gust liltli, l!10!l, and accompanied by a certified check puyabie to the citv treasurer of said city, equul to 5 per cent of the contract price; check to be forfeited to the .city of Medford in case the successful bidder fails to enter into contract for same. Con tractor to furnish all labor and ma terials necessary to complete saftl sewer. Plans and specifications mav be had for said iinnrovcinent by call ing at or addressing (lie city engin eer s ottice. Done by order of tho city council this fllh dnv of August, 1909. J30 ROP.T. V. TKLFER, City Recorder. si una ii k 1 I I V ' i t ii liiirittvVA wwiik fitswt WW I ifil I I V f fill f l.lf 111 W'l V I I I M Mil I I 9 VI ill! DiREGT TO YOU Without Any Middleman's Profit Distilled iii Lou isvlllc, Kentucky, in tlicu UiM- fiiKliii)iieitwiiyfi(iin:ii'lei'l u'niiliiinil Minn I in mini, ornsleuinliealeil viuvlinii.'n mil II Mill vniiitu red, Ol.l) AM) JHKIXOW" ltotHeo especially Inr KAM ILYiiml JIHDICINAIi I'LiKI'OSKH meeting the most exacting re quirement of Uni pure fund luw, WHEN YOU ORDLR UIRKCf You save that extra, (irollt of tlio middleman, and no traveling cxpensex to pnv. ITS Till: OM.V WAV W Mt V This lino old whiskey is shipped dlruot in plain, Healed eases, without inarknto iiidlciilecnnleiiH I'nllunrt Imllkn, four to SO PER GALLON anion v ixniiit oHinoii Mif io NRY FIECKENSTEIN k CO.. PORTLAND. OREGON Send (or Trice l.til ui OIHrr llleli tlrnil l.luuora I,t:.t.w It k q . jr -r NOTICE. is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at tho regular meeting of the city council of Medford, Oregorr, mi September 7, 1909, for license to sell nmlt. vinous and spiritous liquors in less quantities than one gallon fo six inonuis at lot i.i, utoek Jll, in Medford, Oregon, for a period of six months. , GKO. M. NKKDI.KS. Dated August 10. 1909. e-r-,. P. CfQ CD ctr m- fi o CD 3 CD P. CD CD r1 cd CD SO - ' -i HP-. 5 O hrl hr1 o O 4 i r1 cd P CD 8 o .bo p CD o P-.. P- o V1 o P- c-f- CD O 13- O O O P P P P-. Q o ASHLAND X3 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Prof. Lloyd Bridge of Rochester, N. Y., has been secured for Prin cipal of the Commercial Department. Mr. Bridge is most highly en dorsed by E. E. Gaylord, ex-president of the National Business Educa tors' Association, Prof. Zaner, Pres. of the Zanerian Pen Art School; S. L. Williams, Pres. of the Rochester Business Institnte, and others. Mr. Bridge has taken two post-graduate courses, and being an experi enced business college teacher and nn expert penman, he will be a de cided acquisition to tho commercial school fraternity of tho coast. Prof. Bridge is un experienced instructor in Calisthenics, Gymnastics and Athletics, and the yonng men a.id women of the Ashland Commercial College will have an opportunity for the bes.t training in these lines. Terra opens September 6th. ' ' P. RITNER. A. M , President. College Preparatory and Business School Ashland, Oregon First Term Opens Sept. 6, 1909 State High School, College Preparatory, Teachers' Review, Bookkeep ing and Stenographic Courses Taught by Competent Teachers. THOROUGHNESS OUR MOTTO W. T. VAN SC0Y. A. B., Pres. A. C, CREWS. Secretary. APPLES AND PEAES AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combyje. Competes with all first ' clas9fhirseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, ORE JON i it f : : Hi X A I II f ... 1 It 1 1. .1 n I. tn 4 L. mi. nivcaiui ndvc yuu seen inc iiiuucin nuiiic seven iuuius in inc space and cost of four rooms; iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets ' J and dressers; cabinet kitchen. t J J. A. MclNTOSII, Architect. Third Floor Medford National" Bank Buildinii. Electric Cooking Demonstration Mrs. A. M. Colby will demonstrate cooking with electricity at tlx: office of the Kogue River Flei tiio Company, 20'J West -Main Street BEGINNING Tuesday Morning, August 10 Hours 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 p. m. Makes cooking a pleasure. The public is cordially inviled to tcml these deiuonsii-ations and learu aboiit runkiiii.- with tlii.s prac ticul iititl convenient method. ,rvis ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Suctfossors to Condor "Water & Power Co.