THE MEDFQRD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OH KOON, WEDNESDAY, AirOUHlM8. IQOi). IT WAYS PAYS TO TAKE PROPER OA RE OF YOUR STOCK YOU OA NT EX 1' EOT TO OHTA1N TIIM I JEST RE SULTS FROM A COW OR HORSE THAT IS EXPOSED TO THE ELEMENTS. IE YOU IIAVM NOT ALREADY 1UTIET YOUR DARN, WM WOUE!) ADIYSM AL YOU TO GET OUR PRICES OX.LUM1JER AND THEN DO A LITTLE FIGURING AND YOU WILL READILY SME THAT IT " AY1LL NOT ONLY HE CRUEL TO YOUR STOCK. RUT A .FINANCIAL LOSS TO YOURSELF IF YOU NEGLECT TO BUILD SOW WlllLK LUMUEl! IS CHEAP. . . ' 1ESHIS liiilB HHlf - ' - l - Iitstuctor of "Piano. "Tlsat 3Rett)0& a o a o v Economy: No Favorites played in our market. You are assured of the best money can buy in the line of FRESH AND SALT MEATS, POULTRY, BUT TER AND LARD at ail times, regardless of whether your bill is 1 cents or $10. We are not a cut-rate market, as we must have a living profit in our business and the only way to cut prices is to give inferior quality, which we will not do. If you desire the best at no greater price than you pay for poorer quality, buy of us. THE 3 ECONOMY MARKET HUTH & ASHPOLE, Proprietors. Opposite Postoffice Phone 461. :Economy rY o S3 o 3 TWENTY-ACRE TRACTS NEAR MERLIN. I have n number of UO-mrre tr:i. ts near Merlin, wbii-b I run .-ell " at from $:!00 to $.100 for iim::,prtivcd bind, nntl up to $'JO(IO for well improved. Roc me for smid investments. ('HAS. K SHOUT. Merlin, Or. For Whom are You Sowing ' If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying for your home for yourself and family. . , . v Let us help you reap the reward of the money you-have been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rate of interest. We will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages, homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest, or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. We also allow you 3 percent interest on all advance payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for .annual pay ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFOR D Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburg REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Teresa A. Dews to liossie' M. Itliickiiiore. property in block 2it. Jacksonville ISessie M. I'.lnekmore to Tercs.i A. Dews, lot .", block 3. Jack suiiville ofe McKHIifian to Emil De Hoboam, lot 2. block 1 anil lot 0. block . We.-t Mcdforil Fred ('. II. Keincke to Unpue River Timber company. Hit) acres in section 28. town ship '.i'.i. rimre '.' K N I), lirophy to II. I.. Whited. 40 acres in section !). town ship .'!!), range 1 V William A. Colby to .Timothy M. Farrcll. 18.08 acres in township I!!), range 1 YV . . A! MeCallen to Charles A. Smith, .".071 acres in town ship H!), range I E Charles A. Smith to .1. V. Abbott, ".0T1 ncres in town ship 30, range 1 K Thomas V. Hill to M. C. TJressler, S V section 1 1. township range 1W ... Mabel Jacobs to (. 15. Dews. . property on Monntview nve- mie. Ashland Alice II. Graves to .1. A. Graves power of attorney J. A. Graves to Ashland Land company, land in township 40, range 2 E ; f .".0(1 .-.00 100 10 10 l.'.OO l.'.OO 1.0 4r 10 We do JOB PRINTING Excellent Workmanship New Cases. Sarah E. Kinr vs. David King", suit for divorce. George W. Trefren. attorney for plaintiff. William II. Gore vs. W. C. Hopson ; action to recover money. Colvig & Kennies, attorneys for plaintiff. Marriage Licenses. Giis Newbury nnd Maude McCoy. Articles of Incorporation. Articles of incorporation of the Ashland Land company have been filed with .1. A. Graves. Kd Ktras burg, Jud Sneger, Abe Haas and Mark L. Gcrstle incorporators. Capi tal stock $8000. REACHING THE SPOT It Can Be Done. So Scotes of Mcdford Citizens 87 To euro an aching buck. The pain of rheumatism, The tired-out feeling, You must reach tbo unit get at the causa. In most cases 'tis tte kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills nro for the kid noys. G. L. Boone, corner Ninth and C streets, Mcdford, Or., aya: "I wi troubled with rheumatism whoo I first began iHing Doan's Kidney Pills. I did not think they "c.iM 'In me miy, hut finaily p-v.r-d n Imx ut t'if kins' drug store. They proved to be the remedy I require My kidneys were restored to thoir uormnl condition, and the pains and achei in my back were removod. Doan '3 Kidney Pills lived up to their representations in my cam." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 conts. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agents for the United States. Itjmombnr the nam Doan's and talcs no otbftr. 46 NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the regular meeting of the city council of Mcdford, Oregon, on September 7, 1900, for license lo sell malt, vinous and spiriloits liquor in less quantities than one gallon six months at lot 12, block 20, i;i Medford, Oregon, for n period of f ix months. O. M. MURPHY, Dated AugUHt 17. 1900. 137 STEAM FEATHER RENOVATING. We have finished the canvass of Medford and vicinity and will close our business Wednesday, August 18. Those having beds or pillows to treat drop n lino to Ilox 250 nnd wo will call for same. 128 V. II. 1!. TAYLOR, City. You haven't read all the news tin -less you have read tho ads Homo -toresting items for your purse in ev ery issue. t Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. I Foundry and Machinist i All !r.i' of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-T tchincry. Agents In Southern Oregon for FAIRRANIf fi MDPSr M. X . "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, uc rcconinicnd Folders Golden Gate Coffee." It is o rooiI we cannot ol.uirt ;l Letter coffin not if we natA SI a pound Lr it. Kvcrythiiifr about Folir's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and re sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GROCEiJES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED. Rest - Romp - Recuperate At the Seashore Newport Is a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion of recreation perfect bathing -boating--fishing riding driving, and exploring, make New port a most charmng and popular play ground. Southern Pacific Has a MIMWIATj SUMMER EXOURHTONf RATI'! TO NEWPORT OF $10.00 from Medford Ask for our booklet; "Outings in Oregon." A. S. R08EN.BAUM, Agent, Medford. . , WM, McMURRAY, . General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.' Miiii" iilHcflf tm.rn-HnTO