THE MEDFORD DAI LI TKIHUNK. ME I) FORI). OKKQOX. TUKKDAV. AUUITST 17. HMKl. -, i I iii Si If FOR SALE AUGUST ONLY , A SUMMER RESORT ON KLAMATH LAKE That is Unsurpassed in America This is u sporting proposition for moil of wealth -il is uot a farm. Unequalled Trout Fishing June to November. Deer Hunting on the premises. August 1 to November 1. Hack Shooting superior to any in the state, over thousands of iieres of wild celery nml rice. September 1 to February 1. Grouse and Pheasant Shooting o-i tho place Oi-tober 13 to Novem ber l.ri. Best starting place iu the county for a Bear hunt. Tho (.'rater Lake Automobile road will run through the place for a mile and n quarter. Navigable ttater to the proper ty, unsurpassed drinking water, and )Mwer to develop the prop erty. More bottom land and fine gai-j den land thmi any place on the . lake. " Thousands of Vine and Fir trees; v nud thousands of Quaking As- pens. . More varieties of wild flowers, and natural grasses and vetches than any place in the county, j If you develop this property as :t; can be developed, there is no. resort in the county that ea:i compare with it. No amount of talking will de scribe it let us show you. We have been offered more than twice what it cost., but have a price at which you may take il below which we will keep it. J. G. PIERCE, W. T. SHIVE, Klamath Falls. Oregon. Remember the Rogue V::r Vish Co. always has dressed chickens, fresh oysters and fish on linnd. . "A four or five-room, furnished house wanted at once, not too farj ant. What have you? Address In-J quirer. care Tribune office, giving, location and terms. ' Benson nr. n i ire cx-jt TOURISTS BOOST GASOLINE' TRADE Klamath Falls Forced to Buy Gaso line in Carloads for Use Tourists. KLAMATH FALLS. Dr.. Aug. IT. The first straight carload of gui oliae that was eer shipped into this i-ily was received by the Baldwin Hardware company Saturday. It va only three or four years ago when a ten-case shipment was considered quite an order. This great increase is accounted for by the great num ber of tourists who are making the rounds of this country in automo biles, (and with its natural locution, this city is enj.ivit.g the benefit ! this trade, which i- only in its infancy as compared to what it will be whei. our roads a lie put in good condition, especially the proposed ( inter I.ak: road, which is now being looked over by I'nited States Engineer Heidel. Gasoline is not the only commodity affected, either, for nil along the street is heard comments by the mer-s-hants of tourists making; purchases. It is estimated that so far this year 7."i automobiles have passed through this city, each with parties of from two to six, on. pleasure bent to va rious points in the county, especially Crater Lake. Very nearly all. if not all. have remained in the city over night, the result of which has been very beneficial to this community, for here they replenish their gasoline sup make necessary repairs and pur chase innumerable things needed for their trip. The situatiou of Klumatti Falls brings about this condition, as aoulo pat-ties generally arrive heroi in the evening or afternoon, thus giv ing them a chance to have, a night's rest and. by leaving at a reasonable hour in the morning, the ruu to Cra j ter Lake can be made very comfort-1 ably. Club lunch, 30c, at Emerick cafe. ...... ' . - Best Buy in the Valley, 27 acres, 3 1-2 miles south of Medford, opposite famous Burrel Orchard, 5 room house, good barn, chicken house. 9 acres 4 year old pear orchard; 15 acres alfalfa, large vegetable garden, berries, etc. Price $5400. Terms I ' WHAT THE BOY WILL NEED FOR SCHOOL Superintendent Smith Issues List of Books Needed During Next Session of School. The public schools of. Mcdfortl . HI open Monday, September (i. In order thai I he parents and scholars may be prepared for vliM might be expected, the following i published as tin- list of textbn"!, nhich will be usi-il in the different forms for the ensuing term: Chart class Slalo nml pencil: lead pencil and tablet. . First grade Wheeler's primer; lead pencil ami tablet: writing lino; and drawing boo-'. N'. I. Second grade - Wheeler's Scnm i reader; pencil and Mblel; element :i-y nrithmctic: writii l- ' k and draw irg book "so. 'J. Third grade -Wheeler's third read er; jiencil and tablet ; elcmcntan arithmetic; modern lessons in Kng lish: elementary geography: writiiiv, hook and drawing book No. 3. Fourth grade Cyr's fourth read er; elementary arithmetic; modern lessons iu Knglish: elementary geog raphy; selling book: writing .iellr: Krohn's graded lessons in hygiene: writing book and drawing book No. A. ' Fifth grade Cyr's fourth reader; Thomas' elementary history; prac tical arithmetic; elementary geography.- speller and writing SMller "Crohn's graded lessons iu hygiene: advanced book: writing book nud drawing hook No. ": modern lessons in Knglish. Sixth grade Cyr's fifth reader: el ementary history: practical arith metic: modern lessons in Knglish: ad vanced "eoarapliv: speller and writ ing speller: physiology and hygiene. advanced book: writing book ami drawing book No. 6. Seventh erade Cyr's fifth read er: practical arithmetic; advanced .'eoL'raphy : Knglish gnimtnah: L. S. iiistorv. Poult's: speller and writing " i Investment 112 West SUMMER IRCHHIS Sale Continues Wednesday and Thursday In all the store s history we've never seen such a splendid sutlinu of summer merchandise. These items below and many others which you will find at the sto e. Black Voile Skirts, $20.00 value, sacrificed to $14.73 Llnon Dusters, $4.98 value, sacrificed to . S3 GO Heatheruloom Petticoats, $5.00 value sacri ficed to $3.93; Ginghams and Lawns to 35c sacrificed to . l3o All fancy voile Dress Goods to 85c sacrificed to 44.: See display in store. The Hutchason Co. Successors to BAKER-HUTCHASON COMPANY .pi'llcr: writing book and drawing bonk No. 7. Kighth; grade -1 'radical aritlunci ic; advanced, geography ; I". S. his lory; Knglish grammar; speller; wri'. -ing book No. "; drawing book No. High school texts minimi d a I opening.' . ' I. O. SMITH. Superintendent of City Schools.' In Kidville. "Say, bos.. you better Hire a liny to tin my Wyrl. litis nflornoou. I feel iim 1 if was uolir to be took sick about 'J o'clock." New York World. A Main Street E Polly Want j Craekar? Fn-.-h crawfish received dailv from I the Quelle at I'ortlitrxl lit the Nn-.ll drill. ! i Regardless of Cost - - A0VANCE SALE ON BLANKETS AND BEDDING. $2.50 wool fleeced Blankets, this sacrifice sale $1.79 $1.25 cotton fleeced Blankets (gray), this sac rifice sale 79s HOSIERY SACRIFICED. ' Ladles' chamois finished stainless black, now 25u All children's rihlied Hosiery to 20c, now 14c See our ccntor tables for wonderful bargains In summer goods. Some Ihiiig ecrv IniMiifss mil l wants- the iik' I'-ltii nts' lunch at the Nash grill each noun -an cliihotitlo menu. I'rice ccul. Trunks, suit ciim-h and (eb-seopei and hand grips at Van I tyke's, In tin Raalm of Rapartaa. "Pear me, r you a tramp r "I don't know. Inily. Home towna I piiNsea tiiroiitfti miy i am nml put Iim In lie J.ili. but other any I'm clmmpeeii pi-deHirluii nml Klven me liniiiudH an' tlilmfi." New Vrk U'yrld. n Go