; TnE MET)FORD DAILY TRIBUNE.' MEDFORD. OREGON, TUESDAY, AUOUST 17, 100!). , , ... , , ,. ff Running Water in x f)r .i hii me rotiVKni""' .. You can have mi mmnttnnco of w-'Ul1 hydrant. No wutcc biila and rupuu; Eriry Kfirnntw SyNtom i in water aystems, insist upon the nvuin bv un. Look for our trado mark and i ironuine and you will take bo chances. , Aj guarantee thu The beat and moat efficient water supply will be yours if you inttall the Kewanee System of Water Supply No More Elevated or Attic Tanks I Engineering Service FREE with the Kcu-nme Sywtvtn, ttie tank la located In the collar, tr buried la the ground Thfa fcink In made ot atoel plntot and will laat almost indefinitely. Tbo Kownnrs tank rtwu on solid ground, ace pmUHted from nil xtrnja In wociher; ot leak, frie, orortlow or collspw. Ir wunce , t m purupiug the utr,. sta ibo air proa aura. 'iu puuiniug the water any klod ot powrr may he used wltU the Kowiinr Sy tem windniilU, gasoline engine, elect rtctty, team, hot air, or any other klod ot auiubia power. lilt naontoA r.very ivevriiiiec system is ruarnuieefi m . re,. VUr VlUOiaiUCC )vfirtit-rlu8 water uitnl and lo do arerr. ? thine we claim (or i pentie and 'V! ikX we take an we nsic. WHITE STEAMER CARS AND. FAIRBANKS-MORSE Gasoline Pumping Outfits E. A. WashburneJ & Son Miles Block Medford;Oregon Savoy Theatre TONIGHT AND The Great Historical Drama Washington Under the American Flag Strong Comedy Features. SsB&fet' ' 1 .. ONE DIME. " P. C. Hansen. We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. State Depositary Established 1888. Capital and Surplus (123,000 Resource! $700,000 WHY COOK These hot days? When yon can get anything yon desire in the lino of BREAD, TIES or CAKE, in addition to everything usually found ii. a lirst-ciiisss DELICATESSEN. MEDFORD DELICATEESSEN & BAKt.fi V'. Wetzel & Hodges, Proprietors. Thejribune is Up-To-Date jr House and Bain the Year . city water BVMcm. can now bv had any w hrr. trwl under tnin pmumrr. to at) tixturra and Jiu plant ia almost vurlatini. I nt our rink, not your. To avoid uiwuoful wunrv pneumat if tank and ytem nianuf acturol i plau-s on tank and pumping machinery. Gel t h Wo do not meielr nmnutneluie water auwdy plants. Wetkiire wHtrupply problem. IMir lug the 1hi ten year. e havw auccea(ullf anlredorerttn) water uplr problem. Tba larceM building, as well aatheamalkrt home, are equipped with Kewitnee Water Supply outfits. Wearexpert.Rndhnve t .i-fltcul tukr4nia. l-'rerv Kewiiiies J Mrtttrtu has the Kwaue trade mat k 4attf and must corue up to the Kewanoe UndarU,an(Hi!lboKwimoguar- 1 I aitteeotsatlfifartlon leblnd it. Our K!Jr engineer will plan your complete V , water system froe ot uIuh-kc. r-.z. v to It. II it hills return It at yJfs T your money will be refunded. Ask for Our 64-Page Catalog I et us shnw you hw ynu can have a Ke wmie4ViiterSupply System in your nous. Our catalog " beauiiiuUy illus rated, and shows th? many advantages of the Kwwnnee System over the old elevated tanks, (let ourotaloc (mm our dealer and isk him which Kewanee bystem you sliouldirotiall. Also Agents for TUESDAY Tom Moffat. m HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE . The JacksoifCounty Bank respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in. systematic banking service, which assures 'the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this olstig ing institution. . W. I. VAWTER, President. G. R. LTNDW.Y, Cashier. The Man From Home A Novelizatlon of the Ploy of the Same Name By BOOTH TARKINGTON anJ HARRY LEON WILSON Copyrijht, 1909, by American Press Association "If this fellow couutryuuui of yo'irs were assured that the law would hu permitted to tako Its course If a favor able answer to a certain question wcro not received lu au hour within tlmt hotel, what. In your opinion, would the answer be?" Tike looked up from the tetter lie was twist I ns lu his bauds, nud his thin shoulders took on a squurer atti tude. He looked his antagonist square ly lo tlie eye, but ho did not raise the toho of his voice. "It would depend a good den I on which of my countrymen you vnught. If It depended on the one I know best he'd tell you he'd sec you in hades nrst" For nn Instant the earl looked fixed ly at' Daniel, and bis face went red and white by turns. There was a dan gerous tlash In his eyes, and he step ped n trIUe closer and half raised his wulking stick. Then, with a mut tered oath, ho dropped it, picked up his hat from the bench where be had thrown it and walked to the hotel steps. "You have au hour." be said, menac ingly turning. "At the cud of that time we will know what to do." Daniel must .have stood there ten minutes after Hawcastlc hud gone, and the twilight came down and envel oped blm with Its soilness. As the lights came out here and there he turn ed and looked over at the windows ot Von Groilcrhagcu's suit nud noted the shadow still on the window blind. "Looks to mo like doc's In this thlug nnd ought to be told," lie murmured. He found his way slowly across the grass mid up the steps and lu another moment tapped uon the door of the German's rooms. The door was opened by Itiliiere, who informed 111 in that Von Grolierliageii was dressing. He found his friend adjusting his white cravat before a mirror. i Within five minutes he bad acquaint ed the other with all tbat had passed and had received a smile In return. Von Grollrirliagcn refused to take the matter seriously. "Pouf!" be said. "Surely you cau trust this Lord llawcnstle not to iiinn tion it. He must know that the conse quences, for you as well as for mo would be. to say the least disastrous. Surely you made that clear to him." Daniel smiled gently. "Xo." lie answered grimly. "He made It clear to me. Two years in jail, and If I don't make up my mind In fifty minutes from now to do what he wants me to do" "What is it tbat he wants you . to doV" asked the German. "Tlie young lady's father trusted me to look after her, and If I won't prom ise to let her pay firw.000 for that well, you've seen it around here, haven't you?" "I have' observed it, if you refer to the son of Lord Hnwcastle," nnswered Von Grolierliageii gravely. : "Well, if I don't agree to that ivanoff goes to Siberia and you and I to jail." Von Grollcrbngen looked at him quickly. "He threatens that! What do you In tend to do'" "I can't agree. There wouldn't be any trouble to It if it was only me. They could land me fur two years or twenty. Hut I can't do what they want, even to let you and lvunolT out U ain't my money. All 1 can do is to bint that you get out right away. IvnnoK can't go. They've got a ring around this place." . "You could get away, too, my friend," said the Gorman, watching li i in softly. "You had not thought of that?" ".'o. sir, uud I'm not going to think of it. Hut you" - "As for me, I shall go." said Von Grollcrlmgen, standing up. "Well, that's part of the load oh my mind. I haven't had the nerve to (el I that pour fellow In I here, though." Von ; fi.l ti' 1 1 i.i u'-n mot limed in i:. HEADQUARTERS FOR arness Whips. Saddles Robes Blankets Sheets Tents Wagon Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. ,C. Smith 314 E. Main blere. ' " "Appulle lo monsieur lu!" hu com manded nnd pointed to tho other door of tho chamber. Tho nmu ppeued It at oueo and beckoned to lvno(T. "Ivanotr, sonio unexpected dltllcul ties huvu arisen," snld the Gorman. "The police have discovered your pres ence here, uud persons who wish evil to my friend have threatened to innko trouble. Ho can do nothing further to suvo you unless bo betrays n sacred trust." i "It's tho truth, old mail," said Dun lei feelingly. "I cau't do It." 1 ' l''or a moment tho ltuuslau refugeo staggered uud supported himself with his band on tho table. Then he looked up. "I thank you for what you hnvc tried to do," Vou Grolierliageii went on: "In tho meantime my friend believes Naples n Bafo placo for me. And so auf wletlei-selien." I'lke extended his hand, which tho Oormtin took. "Good by, doe, and God blest you!" he snld. And Von Grollerhagen squeezed Tike's fingers. "To our next meeting," lie snld and In a moment was gone. CHAPTER XV. "he's a iu'bsian Tiont.r!" rllK Instant be laid disappeared Ivanoff crossed rapidly to the smull table near the. bedroom and picked up a cigarette from a box that lay there with a bottle. "I thought so. liUNsian!" he said, and lu niiswer to Tike's look of inquiry went on. "That man, your friend, who calls himself Von Grollerhagen. Is nut a German he Is a Itusslan not only that ho is a Itusslan noble. I see It In n hundred wnys that you cannot." 'lie looped us this afternoon," snld Daniel, but Ivauon dhl not seem to bear him. '1 have felt it Inevitable that 1 should go back to Siberia ever since I came here" "Terhaps" began Daniel, but the other interrupted. "There is no 'perhaps' for mo. There has never Ih'Cii n 'perhaps' since I met Helenc. iny wife she who sent me to the mines, she and my dear Kngllsh friend." For n moment Daniel was thought ful; then ho looked up quickly. 'What was his name?" he asked. 'Glcnwood 1 shall never forget It." the ' Russian replied. ""He bad con tracts with tlm ministry of II na nee. He supplied hydraulic machinery to the government. Tho name Glcnwood means nothing to you, nnd there are a million HeliMies lu Frnuce. I prayed God to let mo meet them before I was taken; but" lie' paused as a knock ciiuie upon tho door. "It Is the ctirabl- nicrl!" be said hoarsely and shrank back. " ; ' "Not yet," answered Tike quietly. "Go back to your room. i We won't throw our bunds Into the discard until we're cnlled. uud I guess we'll keep on raising." He waited a moment until Ivauon" had retired and then opened the door. Mariano stood without bow ing. - - "Mlladl Creech she ask you. would speak wlrti her n few minutes," he said. ,. "Where Is she?" listed Tike.' "Here, sir," replied the man. "Tell her to conic right In. Ah. come In, ma'am," be went on lis Lady Creech appeared in tlie doorway. When he hud closed the door behind her she said coldly: ".My brother-ln-luw feels that some one well acquainted with Miss Granger-Simpson's ambitions nnd her Inner nature should put the case flnnlly to you before we proceed, to extremities," sho said. "Yes, ma'am." answered Daniel. , "My brother-in-law bus made us aware of the state of affairs, and we are all quite In sympathy as to what should be done to you, but In the kind ness of our hearts we condone your offense if yon accede to our reasona ble demands." Daniel looked nt his watch. "In twenty minutes?" he asked. "In twenty minutes." she replied frigidly. "You say he told all of you. Did he tell Miss Ethel?" Daniel asked. . . "It has not been thought proper. Young girls should be shielded from everything disagreeable." she1 answer ed pompously, and Daniel i-1 i "Yes. ma'am." lie said "That was the Idea I lull got me into iWi i.o,iM" You Bee, I know )r.i:r l:u ; I i he I'VC bundled all I'.c: '(To he continued.) MEDFORD, Or., Aug. 5. I'll)!) Hall's Texas Wonder, of SI, Louis, cured my dinifihlcr of a severe kidney nnd bladder trouble ofter doeloiM failed lo (rive any relief, nnd I can cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. L. L. Wilson. Karl Id t Si. Sold bv HiisImiih' Drnir Slorn. Mt. Angel College MT. ANGEL, OR. in charge of the Ilcncdietine Eiillmrs. For young men nnd boys. Term opens September 71b. Preparatory, (lommorcial, scientific and elnssicnl courses. Write for cntaloguo. The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant ' AU white help. Home cooking. Room and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. Few people realize how import ii'i L it is to liuvo their glasses fitte.l properly nnd wonder why they never huve comfort. The above cut shows t lit) lenses adjusted in sn:h a way ns lo cause strain on the delicate muscles of the eyes, whli strain often causes hendnehes, irri- s tubilily and many oilier little troubles. Watch for cut showing glnssi n properly adjusted nnd note the difference. I do expert glass fitting nud will give sulisfactioii in thu most dif ficult cases, no matter how many have failed on your ease. Brief consultation free. DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, Main Street, over Nicholson's Hardware, Medford. We would like to ta . Ik with you about fire insurance. We are agents for the WORLD'S GREATEST FIRE IN ' SURANCE Companies. The iiETNA,(ROYAL, QUEEN . LIVERPOOL, LONDON, GLOBE and others R, A. HOLMES, Successor to CANON & HOLMES Room 33, Jackson Co. Bank Bldy. - Phone No. 781. J. B. KNYAKT, 1'rnsidcnt JOHN S ORTH, t'nshier. THE MEDFORD CAPITAL $50,000 ' -SURPLlis $10,000 Safety bpxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit youT patronage. II . WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND v SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs RESOLVED Tho best resolution for you to mako is to come to us for your next suit, if yo.t want something out of tho ordinary. Wo do the best work and ehnn;o the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT Tint PROOBfeBSIVB TAILOK J. A. PERRY, YiL'e-Prcsidujt. W. II. JACKSON. Ass't Cashier NATIONAL BANK GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. You can bid defiance lo tho heat by linviiiR un olecli'io fun put in po sition. It doesn't cost very much, cither. If you haven't one, we can fix you lip i un short lime, at tho least cxpoiiHo, We're general olee ti'ieiitns, and do nil clasHes of work in our . linn in the most thormnjli manner. Jobbing skillfully and promptly executed at lowest charges. Portable lnmps in all vurieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL ! , CONSTRUCTION CO