THE MKI' ' ' DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREtiON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1909, What'll you have? BEAR CREEK WATER THE KIND YOU ONCE USED ,-. S -.Wm9b WELL WATER-THE KIND YOU STILL USE RAIN WATER-YOU CATCH IT IN A TUB WATER FRDM FISH LAKE OPEN DITCH or . Colestine Mineral Water THE ONLY WATER TO BE HAD IN MEDFORD THAT IS ABSOLUTELY PURF.-IS THE KINO YOU OUGHT TO DRINK. :Sold only by- Tobacconlsts RITTER & DUNLAP Confectioners ASK ABOUT IT Bijou Theatre TONIGHT Paul Brady AMERICA'S FAMOUS ACR0BAT,U33SZ2M in his singing, dancing and tumbling act. Direct from I'aiituw'H n uli vi) li circuit. Qomplete Change of Pictures Tonight ess Watch for something special FRIDAY NIGHT. Admission Only 10c-15c A Bargain Tin) famous 120-ncrc I. W. THOMAS GROVE FARM 8"j acres of. ill fill I'll garden, 20 u.-ii-s of llm prettiest onk mini) laurel 'erovo in the valley, 15 acres of apples nnd pears in bearing, and loaded with fruit nt tho prose-it time. This is tho licst proposition over offered in Southern Oregon. See. WHITE TROBRIDGE Exclusive Agents, for prices, terms, etc, at office, Phone 93 6 Fir street Medford SEE The Latest Things in JET NECK WEAR Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler Fine Watch and Jewelry Rcpairinu A Specialty. Nua" fpstoffice Attention. Pioneers. Tho 33d annual reunion of tho Pioneer society of Southern Oregon will ho held at Ashland, Or., on Thursday, the 2(ilh day of August, j HKMI. Wo hope to have tho pleasure ; of greeting you on that occasion, to gether with vour family and friends. It is desirable that tho annual re unions of tho society ho perpetuated. Professor 15. V. JIulkcy has agreed to deliver tho address to the pioneers and their friends at that time. Come and bring your badges with you.. J?o speelfiilly yours, . SI .AS J. DAY, Secretary. Prepaid Raiiroao Orders. "Something which is of consider known is tho system of prepaid or iole interest to tho public generally and which is nrhaps not generally ilers now in effect between stations of the Southern Paoific company and all points in tho United States. By means of this fiystem tickets may he purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mail ed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper ac commodations and small amounts of rash in connection with these ticket? may also be fr.marded at the xarar -tin. . . , T" Helping Hr Out. ' j i 1 I II I ASHLAND 'Your milliner' lilll has cost me this year as niuh us Hie nalary of my two tMMktieeiix. Tills is more than I can afford." "Well. iisclmrso oue of them." Diarrhoea. For a quick cure without iuiv un necessary loss of time, take Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and J)iar- rhoen liwncilv. One or two doses :s siilficicui io effect a cure in any or dinary. ;:.-:. It can always he de M'iided iimiii and is equally efficient for ehiliiren and adults. For sale by l'iin H. Il.i-kin' Phunnucv. Tennis Courting. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Prof. I.Ioyd P.ridge of Rochester, N. V., has been secured for Prin cipal of the Commercial Department. Mr. liridge is most highly en dorsed by K. E. Oaylord, ex-president of the National Business Educa tors' Association, .Prof. Zaner, Pres. of the Zanerian Pen Art School; S. L. Williams, Pres. of the Rochester P,usiiieK fnstitnte, and othors. Mr. P.ridgo has taken two post-graduate. courses, and being an experi enced business college teacher and an expert penman, he will be a de cided acquisition to the commercial school fraternity of the coast. Prof. Tiridge is an experienced instructor in Calisthenics. Qvmnastics and "Athletics, nnd the young men avid women of the Ashland Commercial College Hill have an opportunity for the best training in those lines. Term opens September 6th. . . P. RITNER, A. M., President. SALEM BEER , . . . . SALEM is the most popular beer in Northern California and South ern Oregon. It is acknowledged to be the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers are liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies in drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, Medford Depot: Medford Ice & Storage Co. " NOTJCK TO CONTRACTORS. j Notice is hereby given that the city council of the city of Medford, Oiv jgon, will received scaled proposals, to 'construct a li-iuch lateral sewer . along Ross court, from West Fourth street south, n distance of (iOO fee1. . in the city of Medford. Oregon. All bids must bu, filed with tho city I recorder on or before A :30 p. in. Ai: jgust 1 Olli. ltMVI, and accompanied by a certified cheek pnyahlo to the city ; treasurer of said city, equal to por j cent of tho contract price: check to ! he forfeited to tlio citv of Medford in case, the successful bidder fails to enter into contract.. for same Con tractor to furnish all labor nnd ma terials, necessary to complete said sower. Plans aiid'specifications may he had for said iinnrovoment by cnll ing at or addressing the city engin eer's office; , Done by order of the city council this !)th (lav of August, 1!)09. -130 ROUT. W. TF.LFF.R. . ' City Rocovdcr. NOTJCK. is hereby given that tho undersigned will apply at the regular mauling of the city council of Medford, Oregon, ouM'ptciiiber 7, IflO!), for license to sell malt, vinous and spiritous liquors in less quantities than one gallon for i six months at lot 1."), block 2(1, in i Medford. Oregon, for a period of six ' months. ! fll'.O. M. NF.K.D1.F.S. ! 'Dated August 10. 1!HH). i APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OP FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. , YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the cowMj. Competes with all first claOOirseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, . ORE O OX, "I Relieve they play tennis just. to get lo SHHIIl." ' 'I hadn't noticed It." ' ".lust listen to liiiu call '"0 love" and notice i he decided pause he puts be tween the two words." Kansas City Tltno?. ' . N STEAM FEATHER RENOVATING. a it a W'e have tini-hed the canvass of Mi llion! and vii'initv and will close , J our business Wednesday. August IS. jj T Tli"-e having beils or pillow-, to tre-it J J Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms in the drop a line'to p.ox 2."ii and we wiM , space and cost of four roums; iceless rcfriserator, built-in buffets call tor same. ! F. IT. 1!. TAYLOR. Citv. ! and dressers; cabinet kitchen. , i J. A. MoINTOSJl, Architect. . J Thirrl Floor Medford National Bank Ruildiiiu. "Indy, 1 ii tn footsore an' weary "Well, so nni I. Hut I don't go m -.1111111 the counii'.v telliu' folks iibmit i! :" New York World. Wo nn Orowont Pny lh(t't lrm (if NO AO R NTS Our Tr(i tint frown ulrlrdy WITHOUT IRRIGATION Wrttn for f n rntalofr. I-nro ntcx k of viiriotiintialtAiilii fori'omnurcilnrrliAnl Choice Fruit, Nut and Ornamental Trrft, Grape . Vinei, Small Fruit Plants ant) Shrubbery A AUlnOflloo, Grand Avo,IortUnl,Or. Watch for. (he opening of the new Western ustness College Medford, Oregon. Day and night sessions. Every thing strietlv up-to-date. J. B. MACK, Principal. Electric Cooking Demonstration Mrs. A. JT, Colby will demonstrate cooking with electricity nt the off ee of the. Kotrue River Fleet rio Company, 209 West Main Street BEGINNING Tuesday Morning, August 10 Hours 10 to 12 a. in. 2 to 4, p. m. 'lakes cooking a pleasure. The public is conliullv in iled to al ien. 1 these dc-itimintrnlious and learn all about eookiiiL' with this prac tical and convenient method. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co.