Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 16, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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I nin mnnirinr mi in miRiiurn nnrnnniiinmr I
Dili MiKiribt UN ALL MJllffltK IVItKljllnPIUM
Tin? store jou should visit every day, not n week lint what
something new is shown here. New goods, new ideas :imi always ou
lar priced. ' .
New line of them just in; sale Just the thin;,' to slip on for
price ' early .calls; all sizes,
25c AND 50c EACH. 15c PAIR.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) we are ;oing to make up two table- of mM.;
and emls in China iiud fancy Glassware; regular l.V. L'Oe ami '-'V
items; to close out quick, choice.
10 and 15 Cents Each
10. dozen Japanese fancy Cups l.i dozen ladies leather Shof-
, , ... , pins' Dags; large size; well made;
and Saucers; regular -m value:
regular ifl to .'J.."0 quality; clos
here tomorrow, 15c each, or ,s out price.
75c SET OF SIX. 75c AND $1.00 EACH.
Conservation Commission Will Mt
August 30 in Portland Pinchot
Will Be on Hand.
We carry the most complete liae of Table Glassware in Medford;
also the largest Hue of moulded and blown Glass Tumblers. Goblets,
I ' Undue Haste.
So doubt Dermis nprecialed to the
full tbe excellent qualities of Celia,
lilx wife, but: lie occasionally indulged
in a sigh for the liberty of his years
of single blessedness, "lis, 'tis a good
; -ife sbe makes me." he said to a re
turned traveler during whose absence
-Jrbe'('dding had occurred. "And we
was t:ortii!g seventeen years. Ailcen
an' all o' clic rest said 'twas time I
married or Terry Leahy would be gct-t;-.::
the prize away from me."
'. "Well, man, you've no regrets. I
hope?" said the friend, who bad just
enjoyed a delicious supper at the hands
of Celia. 'She's a Am- woman."
"Didn't 1 tell you that?" said Dennis
impatiently. "The oniy thonght J iver
have is trance In ahile whin it comes
over me: that I might 've waited an
other year an' still have got her. for
Terry was not near so high Id her es
timation, after atl, as tbim women
made out r" me.
"A man to love is- always hurrying,
hurrying, ye- mind." Youth's Companion.
I'OHTl.ANli. Or. Aug.
conservation of Oregon's resoim'.'
will he discussed fully lit Portia'!. 1
by the Oregon conservation commis
sion, which will hold its ennventio:i
on August ;tl). (iifl'ord Pinchot. h,il
of the forestry service, will be the
principal speaker lllu' w" 'liil'uss (!'..
union phases of- conservation ia
Oregon. He is thoroughly familim
with the situation here, having stml
ied it in connection with his forestry
Since the oomiiii"ioii was organ
ized much has been accomplished ;i
protecting natural resources. Wnlej
nower. timber ii'hI land have lice,!
'Ved to the slate. It is expected
that much good will icsull in the fur
thering: of this work by (he forth
coming; convention. Citizens from
l he whole state are united to nltrud.
German residents of the slate are
to lake part in large numbers in the
celebration of German day at Scut
tle August 111. Gennan-Amcricaiis of
the city will make the trip in (no
divisions, leaving on August 17. ami
IS. 'reparations have been made .".
Seattle on a In lire scale to receive the
visitors. The evercises will he liel i j
at the fair grounds and the exp."-:-j
tion management is taking' steps y
make the affair one long to be re-j
Building Big Mill. -
Work has been started in Portland !
on what will be the biggest and most
complete cereal mill on the const. Tic I
nil) is being built by Alhers Hi'others, ;
:mm! will be located on the river front, j
here additional property for the j
purpose was recently purchase 1. j
Vl en complete the plant will repr.- ,
set an outlay of .l.(Ml( It is j
'Aieclcd that the plant will be ready j
,' opf-mtion this winter.
Joy riders have been put iniilei the!
' ijv the Portion.' Automobile club
and .sic)..-, wefc taken at .1 merlin;;
held this week ! do away with reck
less motorists. Ilecent killings bv
nutos on SMedwnys about the city
by the class of drivers known as j.".'
riders hare caused the nittoniobiie
club to start ti campaign to restrict
dare-devil Automobile speeding. Ifes
ointions were passed at the meotinu
and member- of the dub arc g"in
to do everything they can to nut .1
stop to six-eding on publii- roads.
WilT Undertake Portrand.
During fate September and mrly
October Portland will be the scene
of the gri-atest gathering of under
takers ever held in America. Tt will 're,
the occasion of the annuareoiivetitiou
of the annual convention of the Na
tional Funeral Directors' 'nssopi.ttini!.
Lot l-Ready-to-Wear Section
Black Voile Skirts, $20.00, sacrificed to... $14.7.1
Black Voilo Skirts, $19.00, sacrificed to... $11.59
Linen Dusters, $4.98, sacrificed to.. $3.6lJ
Kahkl Ousters, $4.00, sacrificed to $3.2o
Heatherhloom Petticoats, $5.00, sacrificed to $3.9.1
Hcatlierhlooni Petticoats, $3.50, sacrificed to $2.79
Sorosls Silk Petticoats, $15.00, sacrificed to $9.5'J
All Black and Fancy Silk Petticoats. $7.50,
sacrificed tq 4.9;i
Lot 2 Dry Goods Section
Voile Dress Goods, 85c, sacrificed to 44c
Including all fancy stripes and borders.
Ladies' Chamois Finish Hosiery, 35c, sacriflrrd
to . 25c
Children's rllilietl Hosiery (all sizes), 20tv sac
rificed to 14c
All Glnyliams and Wash Goods to 35c sacrificed
to 13c
Talilo Damask, $2.25, sacrificed to $1.69
Table Damask, $1.75, sacrificed to $1.13
Table Damask, 05c, sacrificed to 59o
The Hutchason Co.
Successors to
in conjunct iihi with which will be held !
the annual conventions f the Ore- I
gon and Washington stale associa '
lions. September L'S, 211 irnd HO un.l ,
October I and 2 are the dales set I'm j
the three conventions. This will he j
the first lime the national convention j
has been held on the Pacific- eons'.
Preparations have been made to g'nc
the visitors u warm reception. They ,
will he dined al the Commercial' club.
formally welcomed to the city by the I
mayor ntid the club officials, uii'l
taken ubont Portland and up the Co
lumbia river for sight -seeing trips.
Contracts were let during the pnst
wii-fc for double-trucking the North
ern Pncitie main line between Ki.
lania and Tncoma. I'ctuccii Kalnuui
and Portland 11 double track already
exists. The additional truck is bain '
laid ro pifride for the common Use
of the Northern Pucifie line by tlW
I'nion' frtrfflf between Portland uud
Pugct sound cities. The work is en
poetrtT to fur coinlctcd within MS
month at a eost of about $1.0(111
At the Dual.
I'lit Man To even things un he
should give- me two shots to bis one-.
Hume your want uds to the Tri
bune for quick results.
Rest - Romp - Recuperate
At the Seashore -
Is a delightful resort and a happy combination
of pleasure; ground possibilities. An ideal elintalc.
diversion of recreation perfect bathing Ioatiiig--fishing
riding driving, and exploring, make New
port a most churning and popular play ground.
Southern Pacific
Has a ,
$10.00 from Medford
Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon."
A. 8. UOSKNBAUM, Agent, .Uedford.
Generjd Passenger Agent,
Portland, Ore.
See The Daily Tribune For
Commercial Job Printing
and machinery is expensive and short lived at the best. The basic principle of the modern
farmers success is found in the fact that, every piece of machinery on the farm is
Carefully Housed
and cared for when not in actual use. If you have not already a
shed for your machinery call and get our prices on Lumber and build at once. IT
I I n n