THE MEDFORD DAILY TRTDTIN R. MEDFORD. OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 1G, 15)05). ff Riii!9in5f Water in ' -n. n- n i ui ronveni" . ji'.J" Yon can huv nn aouiu1sne i t wU:r hydrants. Ho waur bilb cd rcpcu Erery Kovrnne Syttm is ftv water system, insist upon the jretuin hv iir. Look for our trade mark an J : genuino and you will take do chance. .o guarantee that. Tho best and most efficient water supply will be yours if you install the Kewanee System No More Elevated or Attic Tanks With the Kfirnnen STtm, the tank la located in tboceliiir, or burled 1 j Uie ground. This tank l made of ateel plntej and will last almost indefinitely, The Kownnee tank reeta on solid ground, au " protected from all extreme In wecther; ' nt leak, freer e, overflow or collapse- Ir twunee Siya tmpamplncthswater. utea the air pres sure. For pumping the water any kind of power inay be used with the Kewnne Sys tem windmills, gasoline engine, electricity, steam, hot air, or any other kind of suitable power. "lie- nnninntAA Every Kewnnee Syntem It iruaranteed to UUT UUaroniee gtveafliaaasirateriiapplyandtodoereri. r (tlveaflnrt-ciass thin mm claim for our expense and your we take ait tne na. Kwmm Waftr Sneal Co.. WHITE STEAMER CARS AND. FAIRBANKS-MORSE - Gasoline Pumping Outfits E. A. Washburne & Son Miles Block Medford.sOregon Savoy Theatre TONIGHT ;AND The Great Historical Drama Washington Under Strong Comedy Features. ONE DIME. 1 C. Hansen. We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. atJtstm Stank ' KEBrOED, OBEQOir State Jepopitsry Established 1888. , Capital and Surplus $125,000 KctourcM $700,000 WHY COOK These hot days? When yon can get anything you desire in the lino of BREAD, PIES or CAKE, in addition to everythiiig'nsually fomi.l hi a first-ciass DELICATESSEN. MEDFORD DELICATEESSEN & BAXt.RV. Wetzel & Hodges, Proprietors. ; ,,,,.... i .or jr House and Darn the Year . cily ter syfttem can now be had n j wlierv. trod undtr strong pressure, to ail tixturva and .ho plant ia almost everlasting, i at our risk, not yours. To avoid unsuccessful tuii o pneumatic tank and system manufactured i plate on tank and pumjuoff machinery. Oct the of Water Supply Engineering Service FREE ' We do not merely manufacture waiersuprij plants. We solve water supply problems. Dur ing the last ten Tears, we bare successfully aolved over IMA) water supply problems. The Unrest bull din, as well as the smallest borne, are equipped with Kewniiw Water Supply outfits. We are expert, and bare System has the Kewanee trade mark Lf-M and must come up to the Kewnneo Ky standard, and has the Kewnueiruar- I ante of saUsfacUoo behind It. Our cl engineer will plan your compieie Ar water system tree otcbarwe, rr " waterBUpplyanntoaoev It. If It falls return It I money will be refunded. .'.im .i p. i. aawaase, 1IL n. raw $m'it m.'M Mil t L Ask for Our 64-Page Catalog Let us show you how ynu can hive a Ke ivnneeWnterNupiily System in vour Ikium. Our catalog ii bciuirtully illus rated, and shows the many advantages of the Kewaneci Syntem over the old elevated tanks. Get nur catalog from our dealer and ask him which Kewanee System you soouia maun. Also Agents for TUESDAY the American Flag Tom Moffat. HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respect fully solicits your account, subject to 'your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures1' the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this olrfig ing institution. . ' W. I. VAWTER, President. G. R. LIXDLEY, Cashier. UCSSSttfil The Man From Home A Novellzallon of the Play of the Same Name By BOOTH TARKINGT0N and HARRY LEON WILSON Ccpyrijht. IJ49. by Anttfua Pms Association ' . CHAPTER XIV. BLACKUAIL. ' PIKE was still standing with the letter la his hand, looking after Ethel, when lie awoke to the reallzntku of what bcr words meant to hlin. She had given her promise, and she did not mean that anything In the world should make her revoke It That promise was sacred to her. Just as If it bad been spoken before a clergyman. Ia bis heart Pike knew be would bare to give in If be was to make her bappy, and yet be knew tbat In mak ing her temporarily happy be would be making her eternally miserable. If he conld hare tbc stKngth to hold out against ber and refuse to sanction the marriage be knew the crew of aristocrats would never accept her without the cash, and tbat by the terms of John Simpson's will could never be theirs without his consent Of his own hopes he could see but the faintest glimmering. He had Ir retrievably ofTended the girl, and she would hate him all her life for It, he feared, nis entrance Into her flew phase of life hud been unfortunate. His continuance in it was little else than an Insult, according to her way of thinking. And Jim Cooley, whom he bad trusted to find the II mv In the Hawcastle escutcheon that ho knew bad existed, had failed him miserably. The lawyer felt that he was a long way from home. He sighed nnd turned to where the sun was sinking in a haze of red across the bay. Then he heard the voice of Horace and chim ing with it the cultured accents of Lord Hawcastle. Apparently they were coming to seek him. She had reiterated his refusal. Wearily he turned agaiu to the au tomobile and leaned against it As be did so he beard Horace say: "But Ethel says Mr. Pike positively refuses." In return he heard Hawcastle reply: "Leave him to me. In ten minutes be will be as meek as a lamb." Dumbly Pike ' wondered what fresh argument the carl had to offer and mentally steeled himself against it As he looked up he encountered the steady glare of the earl. "My dear 1'ike." begun the latter, "there is a certain question" "I said I would not discuss that with yon. I meant what I said," observed Daniel quietly. "This is another question," went on the other, heedless of the warning or at least unaffected by It. "Late this afternoon I developed a great anxiety concerning tho penalty prescribed by Italian law for those for tunate and impulsive individuals who connive at the escape or concealment of certain unfortunates who are want ed by the police." Daniel looked nt hlin, with a smile. "So you're all worked up about that, are you?" Hawcastle glared at hlin, but went on. "So deeply that I ascertained the penally for It. Tor the person whose kind heart has so betrayed . hlin-the penalty Is two years In prison, nnd Italian prisons, I am credibly Informed, are unpleasant." Pike ruminated nnd folded his letter. "Being in Jail ain't much liko an Elks' carnival," he observed. "Kven a citizen of your admirable country could not escape If his com plicity were proved if he were caught in the act. I will Im plain with you." These last words had an ominous note. "Let us Imagine that a badly wanted man appeared upon the, per gola here and made an appeal to one of your countrymen who. for tho pur poses of argument. Is nt work upon HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents ' Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C Smith 314 E. You must not forgot Ihe 'nioo fish coming' in everv dnv nt, the Ito'u" this car. Kuy that the" too amaTolo American conceals tho fugitive under the untoinobllo nnd afterward, with the connivance of n friend, deceives the officers of tho law aud shelters the criminal, say, In a room of that lowor suit there." He looked about In the growing twi light and pointed dramatically to tho window. Plko, now thoroughly Inter ested nnd with his pulso beating a rapid tattoo, followed his finger. The carl went on; i "Imagine for instance, that the shad ow which appears upon that curtain were that of tho wanted man. Would you not agrco then to a reasonable re quest? Daniel swallowed pnlufully, for be saw In some ninnncr thnt that sway In; window curtain which hod caught his eye an hour ago hud held a dis tinct menace. " It seemed too bad" that this should be the cud of It nil nil the defeases be had raised for tho girl of bin dead friend should bo swept away In an Instant by a bit of folly. "What would be tho nature of that request?" he asked. "It would concern a certain alliance ailght concern a certain settlement," the carl replied softly. "If tho request were refused, what would the consequences be?" Plko went on, with lowered eyes, for ho would not trust himself to meet those of the nobleman. "Two years nt least in prison for the American." "Looks bad for that American, til?" Pike inquired whimsically. Lord Hnwcastlc stepped close to him. (To be continued.) GOLD HILL ITEMS. (The Xews.) Uasil Kcllogg of Grants I'at m Colli Hill I uesilay. A. X. Ilnlhurt visited Grants Pass the fore part of this week. Miss .Martina Thielo is visiting friends living in Ashland this week. Airs. Pertha Dixon (nee Nichols) of Crook county is visiting relatives and friends in the valley. S. ('. McClcudan mid A. Jennings. with their families, relumed Wednes day from u camping trip on Evans creek. J. H. Beemnii and family returned this week from u trip to the Lucky Unit mines where Mr. Tleeman is having done some development work. I ivin Unv nod John Ralls returned Tuesday from a hunting I rip ini the headdwaters of Evans creek. They rcsrt glVme plentiful, hut hard to get, owing to the dryness or llio woods. Marion Lance, J. G. Phlegar an 1 M. S. Bidcn were in Godl Hill Thurs day on their way home from n hunt ing trip in the Sardine creek section. They had the ustiul lucky. Kalph Darling. Sam Hodges, K. II. Moore ami L. ('. Applegalc left on Thursday morning- via nulo for f 'ru ler Lake. They expect to mako the round trip in three days and he back by Saturday morning at (ho latest. The numerous brush fires have caused the atmosphere to he pii't'.v coiisideralile murky of late. The fires seem to In? iiiineipiilly in the lower hills, the higher ranges being guard ed verv closelv both by the gover.i- incut rangers and watchmen of pri vate owners of timber lands. Cluirlcs Gilchrist, a prominent huiiker and lumberman of Ontralia, Wash., together with his wife and son. Harry and. his. wile, hd Mowers auo wife. 'nnd son and Air. Rowers' moth er formed an auiomoonc puny, v. moo reached here Tuesday evening from Centralia on a pleasure trip of the coast. They arc traveling in two ma chines and;'inloiid going by way of Crescent City Through California us far south art Los Angeles. They are equipped willi camping outfits nnd am fakinfr their time along 11m rond. The ohjecl "f H'1'1'' ntop here was to i.-it Thomas GilchriM, the sage of Fools creek, whose occasional con iriliulions to these, columns lmvo hec.i much enjoyed by our readers Watch for the opening of the new Western Business ' Medford, Oregon. Day and night sessions, ftwy- llimf cfriettv iin-tn-dnlo College The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant' All white help. Home cooking. Boom and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. Few people realize luv important it is to lmvo thoir glasses lit properly and wonder why thoy never havo comfort. Tho nhovo cut shows tho lenses adjusted in su -h a wny as to cause strain on tho delieiito muscles of tho eyes, wh'.'Jh struin often causes headaches, irri tability nnd many olhor little troubles. Watch for cut showing glnssi u properly adjusted anil noto tho difference. I do e.M-rt glass fitting nnd will give- satisfaction in the most dif ficult cases, no matter how tunny lmvo failed on your ease. Brief consultation free. DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, v Main Street, over Nicholson's Hardware, Medford. We would like to U Ik with you about fire Insurance. We are agents for the WORLD'S GREATEST FIRE IN SURANCE Companies. The i JBTNA,iROYAL, QUEEN LIVERPOOL, LONDON, GLOBE and others R. A. HOLMES, . Successor to CANON & HOLMES Room 33, Jackson Co. Bank Bid". Phone No. 781. J. E. ENVAUT, President. J. A. TERRY, JOHNS OflTII. Cashier. W. B. JACKSON', Ass't Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes' for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. Timber and Coal Lands , ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON . TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON RESOLVED Tho best resolution for you lo mako is to cotno to ua for your next suit, if you want something out of tho ordinary. Wo do tho best work nnd charge tho lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE PEOOEfcHSIVE TAILOB GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. You can bid defiance, lo tho heat by having an ole'clric fan put in po sition. It doosn't cost very mnoh, oilhor. If you haven't one, wo can fix yon up i na short time, at the least, expense Wo'ro general eloc Iriciuns, nnd do nil classes of work in our line in tho most thorough manner. Jobbing skillfully and promptly exnculed nt lowest charges. Porlablo lamps in nil varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO