Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 16, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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('lull lunch, Mh; lit Kmciick cnfc '
Kditnr Fay of the Oold Hill New
wiih in .Medford over Sunday.
Fresh crawfish received daily from
llm Quelle ut I'oi'tliiiiit ut tlin Nash
drill. ,
Fat iKiiiou'ni t JnckHonvillo wus
onii of (ho interested fans al nun
iIhv'h bull Kiimo in thin city.
William Werth of Central 1'oint win
in Medford on business Mundiiy.,
Kruit IiiKKH!tor Taylor ban return
ed from a business visit in Portland
Head ttin now nd of llio Ashlund
Commercial Colli'K" d enter Sep
(ember (Mi.
. Editor S. A. Piittiwin of Cmitrul
Point wan u Medford visitor Sntnr
Orchestra music durhiR dinner each
evening lit the Nush Orill.
Colonel Oconto I'. Minis of Central
Point wo a Medford visitor on Mon
Hon'! forirel tlu merchants' lunch
served daily from 11 iW to 2 o'clock
at Dm Xali Grill for H.'i cents.
Professor N'arroKnii of Kae Point
HpiMit Monday in Medford on busi
ness. , '
New fall styles in men's shoes no v
ln'iiiu shown at Van Dyke's.
J. H. Cochran is visiting at Stv -vcusvillc,
,1. J. OniMibruKK" and tt iarty of
friiinibi lire deer bunting lit I'rospccl.
ltcliiriicd campers report tlint llu
riiHh to Huckleberry uioiiutain lias
jiiht begun. Tim berries are just
bi'KiiiiiiiiK to ripen.
J. W. MoIiIih of Kueiie is in Med-
ford on business.
Club lunch, 'Mh; at Kmcrick cal'e.
Mr. mill Mm. Fred Colviu, Mi
Kvu 1'utlerson and L. V. WiiHliburni!,
who linvo just returned from it two
week' oiitinx ut and nur Crater
Lake, report having u splendid time.
Will Grieve, county assessor, bus
returned from a successful deer hunt
near ProHpcet.
Henvy wbilo front is a nightly oc
currence in the Crater l.nko country.
Wo arc offering 27 ncrcs of proved
land opposite the Hurrcll orehard for
'200 per acre. Nine acres is. net In
4-year-old peurs, 15 nereH in nlfalfn,
l-room hoiiHe. large barn. Distunc.o.
from Medford ft'a mileH. Thin in n
real bargain. Henson Investment
Co. 120
Trunk, hiiil cum' mid tclescocs
mid liiuid grip ut Vun Dyke's.
Something every business man
wants the nicrchnnlH' lunch at the
Nash grill ciieb noun an cluborato
....... .
Mini). I'nce .J.i ccnis.
Club lunch. .'Hie, it I Kuicricl; cnl'c
Do you like crawfish? The Xnsh
Grill serve tliein. Fresh shipments
daily from the famous Quelle enl'e :it
Arthur Brown has returned from
a business trip to Woodville.
A Tiger !n Wales.
Koine yearn niro It wait reported that
a tiger lint! escaped from u trnvelUig
iiioiingerle ut llreeon. In Wales. Man
gled sheep were mild 'to murk ltd
course across country to Llandrlndod
Wclla, moiiio farmers (out their dog
nud on uiurkct iliijH at If til It tt. Brecon,
I'onybont n nil Lliinmiirmch the wild
beaut was the center of rumor. Coun
try schools were cloved been line par
ent fen red to let iielr children go
ulong the rundx, nud hands of armed
men nought (o hunt the tiger down.
This Hi a t e of terror hinted a week,
though no person was found who had
actually seen t lie tiger, hut only people
wbo "had beard that some one else,"
and bo forth. Then too truth was
bunted down and tlio origin of the
whole affair discovered at the remote
hamlet of Ebcrcdw. One night the
schoolmaster there. In dismissing tbe
children, playfully had warned them
not to loiter in going home lest a tiger
should get them.
Tho scared children accepted tbe
warning as real and hastened home
with stories of a savage beast larking
behind hedges or growling in ravines.
And so the story grew, as stories do
under (he culture of imagination.
Not Tht Hrole.
(';: vi ii i( a
"I have never married because I can
not love a man wbo is not truly brave
and heroic."
"I see. And you have never fouud
any one brave and heroic enough."
Kaunas City Times.
Thnrles I.yon, J. A. Lyon and pnrtv
have returned from a trip to Crater
Lake. Their auto had a misliap on
the rim of th
A high wind wbicli prevailed Sutur
lav in the mountain", blew down a
lake and the partv ibuge tree aerosB the Crater Lake roa.i
Mlept there during it night.
Wemctiilici' I he liogii- l'; ' ' ""i-U
Co. alwii.VH bus dressed chickens,
fresh oVsterH and fish on hand.
Hurry Foster and K. G. Trow
bridge have returned from a success
ful fishing trip lo Spring ereek and
tho Klnmalh Falls and Crater l.aku
country. The trip was made in Mr.
Foster's auto without mishnp.
Don't forget the Sunday (linnet
hcred by ihe Spot cat'e. IJesI cook
ing in town.
D. T. LiHvtun is riistiealing nnua
the Kogue. He will hunt along the
Umpqua divide and upper Hogue see
tinn before returning.
between Prnpcet and 1'nion creel;
necessitating a long detour tbroug'i
ihe brush to gel ai-ound it, and much
work on the part of anWi drivers in
clearing a passage.
Carelessness in handling mulchc.
or the throwing of a cigar or cigar
ette stump into the dry grass along
the road near the Duffield place :n
the Foots creek district caused n fire
Tuesday, says the Gold Hill Xews,
that destroyed several hundred dol
lars' worth of wood, (plito a bit of
fencing and swept the mountainside,
damaging a good deal of timber. "
Ity the strenuous efforts of the
citizens of the locality and volun
teers from this city, the fifu was
kept away from the hiiihliiM's on I lie
; farm, but the force at hand were ii:i-
able lo check the fire before it got
Whv does the Xnsh Grill gel tho! into the limbered hillside.
As Clear as Crystal.
An English Arm whose shipment of
goods was delayed in reaching Japan
received the following communication
from It newly appointed Japanese
agent: "With regard to the matter of
escaping tho penalty for nondelivery
of this there Is only one w4y to creep
round same by diplomat. We must
make a stir or strike occurring In our
factory. Of course big untrue. I place
my presence on Inclosed form of letter
and believe this will avoid tbe trouble
of penalty of same. As Mr. Is most
religious and competent man. olso
heavily upright and godly. It fears me
that useless to apply for his signature.
Plcuso therefore attach same at Yoko
hama office, mnklug force. Hut no
cause for fear of prison happenings,
as this often happens by incrchnnts of
high Integrity. Hut If thin Involves that
your .honor look mean and excessive
awkward for business purpose. I think
piorc bolter a lit t Ic scrpentlike wisdom
of polite mnuliiiml nud thus found
good business cdince." The firm knows
ns much now nhout tbe delay as it did
Not CompUte.
"Sir." says the sleek looking agent,
approaching the desk of the meek.
meiicblug looklug man and opening
one ot those folding thlnguiullgs
showing styles of binding. "1 benevo
I con Interest you in tills massive set
of books containing tbe speeches of
tbe world's great orators. Seventy
volumes. $1 down and $1 a month until
the price, Sl'.SO. has been pulif. This
Ret of books gives you the most eel!
bra led speeches of the greatest talk
ers tbe world has ever known, and"
"Let me see the JnUei." says the
meek man. The agent bands it to
him. nud he looks through it carefully
and inethodlcully, running. bis linger
along the list of names. Iteneblng the
end. be bands the index back to tl'c
ageut anil says:
"it Isn't what you claim It Is. 1 hap
pen to know the greatest talker in tin
world, and you haven't her In the in
dex." Chicago Post.
business? Ilecnuse everybody gen
n run for their nione. 128 j
'Club lunch, .'We, at Kiueriek cal'e. '
,T. F. Hale mid party n're deer hunt
ing at Urown's cabin in the upper
Hogue and I twin creeg country,
.fohn Muter of Chfc'ngo is visilinu
his cousin, William Fnckham of Con- j
trnl Point, and expresses himself W
mue.b. pleased with the vnlloy. The j
cousins hud not seen each other for
many years.
Mrs. IT. TJ. Lumsdcn mid family
are on an anln trip to Crater Tilike.
O. A. Kriiuse of Klainnlh Falls is
visiting in Medford.
Kiln Giuinyaw, public, stenographer,
room !, Palm buildins.
F. It. Van Xoraii and wife of Kit -reka,
Oil., are spending a few iln.v J
in Medford.
WANTKD To buy, a few good milk
eows, cream separator and few
while Wyandotle chickens. W. It.
Harris, i:i' X. Ivv street, Med fori.
' VM
TO UF.ST - -l-room collage, close in,
$10 per month. Address P. (1. Ilox
325, Medford. F2ll
FOH BALK Good wagon, horse ami
donbln set harness, only $1(10. Ail-
' v
The Turtle's Cunning.
Although not credited with any hisli
degree of Intelligence, the turtle when
about to deposit lis eggs exhibits con
siderable cunning. It scoops out u
hole, as if to prepare a repository for
its eggs, but hi order to delude the
birds and other enemies the turtle
throws ttic sand again Into the hole,
leaviug lliev surface rough, ami wad
dles off to another spot, where it re
peats tho process. Sometimes this Is
done three times, mid eventually Ihe
cgys are laid In au excavation wllliie
a few yards of the slnim nest, the sur
face being smoothed and naliened
down. When limiting for the e-.-L-s Ihe
Queensland blacks probe the s:inil in
the vicinity of oue of the sham nests
and are usiuillv successful.-London
"Which do ,oii love best, pussy
your (I il!V"
"I", s.v. hit: don't lot do!llc hear.1-
Childhcr.ri'i Simple Ways.
When the Dog Wns Drtsied.
"Oh. niiiminn," said lllile .lackv. line
nlng Into the house, "our dog 'l ive Is
j dressed awful funny!"
1 .M :i ill 1 1 in looked out of the uiiiJ.'W.
"Why, there Is Tlge." she replied, "and
I he's not dressed at all. How coiil.l a
! dog be dressed';"
! Jack's eyes sparkl.'d. " wanted ynn
I to ask me that," he told her. "been use
I wanted to tell you that a dog Is
dressed after lie's been riinnlng-wheii
lie wears n collar and pants."
Cause For Tears.
"What's the mutter, dear!" queried
the mother of llve yenr old Helen, who
was crying as If her III tie heart would
break. "What are you crying about?"
"I w-want. s-soiu'thln'," sobbed Hel
en. "What do you want?" asked her
mot her.
"I've f-forgot what I w-wntit." an
swered tho little miss. "Th-tliat's
wjiat m-makes me e-ery ." Chicago
A Kick Coming.
At the Nash K. Allison, Grants
Puss; U. K. Maling, L, J. Wattson,
G. W. Cryer, Portland; F. E. dap
lin, Ashland; J. 15. Pilkington, Port
land; H. W. Strntton, Oregon City;
K. P. York, Portland; A. It. Gray.
San Francisco! T. S. Wagner, W. J.
Dermody, Portland;' A. L. lkebe, Av
alon ; Mrs. X. It. Seidle, Evelyn WeU
eking, Chicago ; G. A. Krause, Klam
ath Falls; J. W. Hobbs, Eugene; J.
M. Unci. Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Mer
cheuch, Hilt; F. II. Van Horan, Eu
reka; G. C. Watkins, Cleveland; S.
A. Peitz, San Francisco; C. V. Bow
man. Portland; E. C. Gardner, Los
Angeles; L. F. Enger, A. Harris, .W.
A- Knapp, San Francisco ; R. C. Asi-
b'tiry, Gold Hill-; It. A.obie, Grants
Pass; II. U.' Tronson, : Eagle Point;
L. H. Sherman, Pasadena. .
At the Moore II. It. Letcher, P. H,
Harrington, Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
J F Fitzgerald, OtUwa; M. S. Gray,
Davenport; M. Jacobs. Portland; H.
Piringer, Yreka; Elinyra Edwards
, Clinton ; ' J. O. Cardorff and wife,
Ciinton ; B. A. Stcrauch, Champaign ;
. Miss Mary Mattens, Thomaston; W-.
'A. Wilder, Tlioniaston; E. K. Parks
and wife. Trumble; B. R. Burks, New
'burn; G. II. Merritt, Jacksonville;
i Eliot Daggett, Minnesota; E. D. Hoi
! den, Boston ; Emory Hartzog, and
v. ife. Hilt; M. Ievy, San Francisco;
,(. L. Mattson, Omaha: E. C. Gard
' ner, John Benin, M. J. Marcell, Oi -t;iwa;
F. G. Roper and baseball team,
; Grants Pass: G. (,'. Watkins, Cleve
; ;:ii;d; Mrs. E. Miete. Aberdeen; W. F.
i Winchester and wife. Indianapolis;
.11. A. .Inrgeimtz, W. C. Zeigler, The
odore Geiuien, Chicago Howard Cole,
D. H. Bowlzer, Hilt.
Fred D. Eismun to II. A. Cor
liss, land in township 40,
range 4 W
Fred I). Eisman to H. A. Cor
liss, mining property in the
Steamboat mining district .
Anna Pratt to Fannie Reese,
1-20 interest in E i2 of W
VI' section 35, township 36,
range 3 W
Fred E. Furry to A. A. Davis,
00.86 acres in section 34,
township 37, range 1 W . . .
E. P. Dunlap to II. W. Hunt-
zinger, lots 1 and 2, block
G. Talent
II. C. Stock to E. P. Dunlap,
same as above
John A. Henderson to 0. C.
Boggs, lots 8, 10, 11 and 42
feet off lot 12, block 2,
Park addition to Medfor!
- New Cases.
Merritt and Caroline Bellinger r
Joseph C. Charleton et al.; applica
tion to register title. IL Withington,
attorney for plaintiff.
Charles C. Johnson and Emma R.
Johnson vs. Henry Hart and Frank
Hart ; application to register title. 0.
C. Boggs, attorney for pluintiff.
Charles E. Carpenter vs. to whom
it may concern; application to reg
ister title. O. C. Boggs, attorney for
William U. Hover vs. David Ball, .
et al.; M. Purdin, attorney for plain
tiff. .
Margaret Dcardorff vs. C. D. Wool
verton et al.; application to register
title. ). C. Boggs. nttomev for plaintiff.
First Workman Work for all, eh?
Second Workman (bitterly) Yes,
Just our luck.
Meeting Trouble.
"I'll have itf run ,vez In, young fel
ler. You've been n vlnliillii' the law
- ' '' " 1 ' 1 ' ''
Special music, by the great violin
ist, lioniiiuof.l', and his orchestra ut
it,,, v.-ii fivHi ,i,.; i; ,,. iv t
' Moving Day. (jl
Marriage Licenses.
J. F. Silversmith and Mary F
Lytle. ' -
Making a Bare Living.
"lee. 1 w.isli 1 laid paid my rent!"
Browning's Magazine.
"Our Hero Was Deeply Touched.'
The Bubble Reputation.
' ' j
' "What III the world are you crying
about. Johnny V asked the teacher
"You said that If the earth was flat
tened out the sea would be two miles
deep all over it."
"That's nothing for you to feel bad
"Hut but. teacher. I can't swim."
M W f
New York Herald.
A special lot of 'J.'ie and 3'ie col
lars lor 17e each this week at V'ui
"Why do you keep'aii alarm cluck V" i
'"I'd Inlliiciice public opinion. It :
makes everybody else In the building!
think I am an curly riser." I
Edgar I Infer and party look if
ii nt trip lo Trail Sunday. Mr. Hale;
left for Portland in tho muruinc.
Dr. J. M. Kcene nnd wifo have vu-
i-o,v1 from .'I viit at the SoMt'.-
A Revelation
The first pail- of WALK-OV.KII shoes
is a revelation to tho wearer because he
never imagined that so much of style,
so much of comfort and so much nf
service could be contained in one p!a-T iu'
shoes. Wo never have to talk
quality to him any more lie knows.
$1.00, $5.00
Edmeades Bros.