K THE MED!''' DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, QKWION, MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 1000. 3r PA LM UK J N V I0STM ENT CO., Owners of MODOC ORCHARD (1300 ucrcs lying on both sides of Rogue River.) Offer for sale small tracts of irrigated land, with per petual water rights, at reasonable prices and upon easy terms. These lands consist of rich river bottom loam and are suitable in the highest degree for the culture of Winter pears, Winter apples and all fruits for which Rogue River Valley is famous. Also for the production of Alfalfa, Gar den Stuff, Root Crops and Grasses. Inquiries relating to the resoivrces of Rogue River Valley or of Western Oregon will be answered cheerfully and comprehensively. PALMER INVESTMENT CO. Med ford, Oregon. C'UATKH LAKE -"Tim (JrontoHt Natural Wonibr of the World." Modford. Orison. . . I .23 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice in hereby given that tlie city council of th city of Modford, Ore gon, will received sculed proposals, to construct a li-ineh lutcrul Hewer along Hobs court, from West Fourth xtrcct south, a distance of COO fee1., in the city of Medford, Oregon. AIL bids must be filed with the city recorder on or before 4 -JO p. in. Au gust 19th, 1CC3, and accompanied by a certified cheek payable to the city treaHurer of Raid city, equal to 6 par cent of the contract price; check to be forfeited to the city of Mcdford in eaHO the successful bidder fails to enter into contract for same. Con tractor to furnish all labor and ma terials ncccsHary to complete said sewcr. Plans and specifications may be had for said improvement by call ing at or addressing the city engin eers office. Done bv order of the city council this 0th day of August. 1909. 130 KUBT. W. TELr EK, City Recorder. What'll you have? BEAR CREEK WATER THE KIND YOU ONCE USED fHSSS& WELL WATER THE KIND YOU STILL USE affiRSt RAIN WATER YOU CATCH IT IN A TUB WATER FROM FISH LAKE OPEN DITCH or Colestine Mineral Water THE ONLY WATER TO BE HAD IN MEDF0RD THAT IS ABSOLUTELY PURE IS THE KINO YOU OUGHT TO DRINK. ASHLAND IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Prof. Lloyd Bridge of Rochester, N. Y., has been secured for Prin cipal of the Commercial Department. Mr. Bridge is most highly en dorsed by E. E. Gaylord, ex-president of the National Business Educa tors' Association, Prof. Zaner, Pres. of the Zanerian Pen Art School; H. L. Williams, Pres. of the Rochester Business Institute, nnd others: Mr. Bridge has taken two post-graduate courses, and being an experi enced business college teacher and an expert penman, he will be a de cided acquisition to the commercial school fraternity of the coast. Prof. Bridge is an experienced instructor in Calisthenics, Gymnastics and Athletics, and the young men and women of the Ashland Commercial Culliyi! ill have an opportunity for the best training in these lines. Term opens September 6th. P. RITNER, A. M., President. Sold only by- Tobacconists RITTER & DUNLAP Confectioners ASK ABOUT IT A Llttit Off Hi Head. ' IB1 Harper's Weekly. R The Heart of Youth. I W- i College Preparatory and Business School Ashland, Oregon . First Term Opens Sept. 6, 1909 State High School, College Preparatory, Teachers' Review, Bookkeep , ing and Stenographic Courses Taught by Competent Teachers. THOKOTJGHNESS OUR MOTTO W. T. VAN SC0Y. A. B., Pres. . A. C. CREWS. Secretary. APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY ' Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific Nortii west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFOED,. O R E a O X Kill -Kridi me n-tnkln' yor nht for n 'iil'l'.v dye siftlnv: liouo nullink hut grumble, yon 'nven't, over since I put the snowball dauii yor Imok. Sketch. Bijou Theatre TONIGHT Paul Brady AMERICA'S FAMOUS ACROBAT, in his sinning, dancing nnd tiimiiling act. llirccl i'i-iim Pn nliics vaudeville circuit. Attention. Pioneers. Complete Change of Pictures Tonight . . i Watch for somcthins special FRIDAY NIGHT. Admission Only 10c-15c Tho Xid-nnimal l-euninn of (ho Pioneer society of Southern Oregon will bo helil nt Aslilnnd, Or., ' on Tlmvilay, the 2(itli day of August, 3009. We hope to havo tho pleasure of greeting you on that occasion, to j gether with vour family anil friends, j It is desirable that the annual re unions of the society bo perpetuated. Professor li. V, Miilkey hns agreed to deliver the address to the pioneers I nnd their friends nt that time. Come 'and bring your badges with you. Ro j spec! fully yours, SI1.AS J. DAY, Secretary. j Prepaid Raiiroan Orders. i "Something which is of eonsidor j known is tho system of prepaid or j nblo interest, to the public generally i and which is nevhaps not genornlly dors now in effect between stations of tho Southern Pacific company 1 nnd nil points in the United States. Uy menus of this system tickets tnny be purchased at Jlodford from any , plnco in tho United States nnd mail i nd or telegraphed direct lo the party wishing to como here; Sleeper ao- 1 comniodations nnd small amounts of cash in connection with theso tickets ; tii n v also be foiwnnleil nt tho sntni' Wo overheiird a young fellow ro j mark that ho couldn't see bow tin Mt. Angel College MT. ANGEL. OR. m charge oi me neneoicnne r anion.. I'or young men nnd boys. Term oiiens September 7th. Preparatory, commercial, scientific and classical courses. Write for catalogue. ! I t- t i J Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms in thej space and cost of four roums; iceless refrigerator, built-in buffetsj t X and dressers; cabinet kitchen. t J. A. MclNTOSlI, Ar.-liitc. t. I Third Floor Sredford Nnriotml P.nnk !'.nilrl;iiz. 1 - Hard Bubt! 111 vile uscl to tie u pessimist and say tho world was a bubble. 1 under aid. stand lie has cluiueil his oplntoll." "Yes. Yon see, he fell out of an air ship not hunt ano.." New York llenihl. STEAM FEATHER REN0VATIMG. Electric Cooking Demonst ration . We have 1'inishwt (he canvass of ) red lord and vicinity and will close' our business Wednesday, August IS. Those having beds or pillows to treat drop a line to Mux .'iti nnd we will Mrs. A. M. Colby will demon.-.lrate cooking with electricity at tho ol'fice of the Rogue River FJectiie Company, 209 West Jlain Street BEGINNING Tuesday Morning, August 10 Hours 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 p. m. Makes cooking a. pleasure. The public is cordially invited I" at tend these demonstrations and learn all about cooking with Ibis prac tical and convenient method. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO.