WHENEVER, YOU BUY Your lumber from us you will not find it necessary to go one place to got your nails, another for windows and doors and yet still another place for building felt and plaster Tell Us Your Needs And we can supply you as we always have a full supply of all building material in stock Ql) yttvs, Ir&nz 3fampton 3saacs "3itstuctor of ptanO' "Xist 3ftetbc5 BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. s o a o Economy.; No Favorites played in our market. You are assured of the best money can buy in the line of FRESH AND SALT MEATS, POULTRY, BUT- TER AND LARD at all times, regardless, o f whether your bill is I 9 cents or $10. Ve are not a cut-rate market, as we must have a living profit in our business and the only way to cut prices is to give inferior quality, which we will not do. If you desire the best at no greater price than you pay for poorer quality, buy of us. THE; ECONOMY MARKET HUTH& ASHPOLE, Proprietors. Opposite Postoffice Phone 461. zEconomy o o P o B vi per Whom are You Sowing If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying for your home for yourself and family. Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have -been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rate of interest. . We will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages, homes or business houses, or nay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest, or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. We also allow you 3 percent interest on all advance payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFORD Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburg Advertise in tfie Tribune llmucc (i. I'lult of the Nicholson Hardware company of Medford ami Mr. Xoe returned .to the valley on Monday from Camp Itutler. It is commonly retried that '. 1. Hriggs has sold out his drug stor; to Mahlnn C'ouely and will remow to his homestead. Saturday night's dunce was largely attended and one ol the cleanest an 1 liest given in Butte Falls. The Moil ford and other campers joined in the festivities and express themselves in most complimentary terms. We can have more such and till the stigma that "whisky all is on hand at our C. E. I'owcrs has heen appointed a deputy sheriff for this district. At- j torneys and others can scud their papers for service, to him. Mrs. Sarah Wright ol Keddin, Cul., has purchased the house and lots belonging to 'Mr. Lewis, who ii now living in the Coos I'.ny country. W. h Lamb, Henry and Herman Myers of Lake Creek, are haulm; lumber from the sawmill for the re pairing of the Lake Creek school house. Charley Edmonson has a crew 01 men working on the new county road between Sills Springs ami Vestal's. A. W. I!eule nnd'tlenry Kountz ol Willow Creek have been called to Central l'oiut as witnesses in n crim inal fuiiM involving some of our well known county residents." ' Henry Robinson and the son of I)t. Fiundy walked in from Kngle Point on Monday and arc at Camp Nick. T. C. Oaddis and wife of Medford came in Wednesday and ore camping at (. amp Butler. Several of our citizens have been subpeaaed to attend the, "sawdust" trial at Central I'oiat. A case in volving the throwing of sawdust into the Big Butte creek near the I'.cnie .'iwniill. Miss Gertrude Mnhoncv -was mar ried at Vancouver to a Mr. Michaels on August I. She is the daughter ol' M. C. Mahoncy of Butte. Falls and a most excellent young lady, to whom all her iriends extend the warmest congratulations. .A great many of our people have b;;cn in the woods berry picking nn-i many cans have been put up for win ter use. There is to be n dam built across the north fork of Big Butte to turn the water into the main stream ns the demand for water is .increasing very rapidly hereabouts, I'1. V. Mcdynski was visiting bis many friends last week. He and his family are at the liomestiad and Fred is making many improvements. Miss Barker, daughter of Winin Parker, is visiting Mrs. rid .Watson of the Falls. ( Hanger Hoist has returned from the trail, but will soon go back to su perintendent the building of this road way. .. We are glad you have called at tention to the violation of the gam.? law by the rangers in and around the I'rown cabin. There are licks neiii1 this cabin and a secret trail leads to them. It seems to ho the policy of I the government to employ men who have little, if any, reputation as ran gers ami whoso sole iiim is to tiiii'v -trouble for the worthy hoincsleadcr and who desire the advancement of their own interests irrespective of the damage and cost to homesteaders mid the government. We understand se rious charges have been made against at least one of the rangers, and the forestry dcpurlmcnf cannot do bet ter thnii to probe these charges to the end. F.lmcr C. Spencer of Dudley is i i charge of a gang of men- at Four. Mile working for the Fish Lake Dilc'i company. AL L. Alford. wife ami child cam to the Falls in their auto ami nie camping at F.utrop's. Kev. Mr. (loulder with his parly of "kids" went out to the valley "o Thursday. . TALENT TADES. .1. Spil.cr made Phoenix a har ness call Saturday evening. Miss Ora Scbidler and her sister. Mi's. Lester Laeey, and family re turned Saturday from n camping trip. Frank Heiil and wife of Fast Talent were visiting at Mr. Itcid's ancleV, James Allen of North Talent, Thurs day. Frank Peflev of Phoeniv was in our city last Tuesday. C. W. Wolters and son Chester made Medford and the county seut a business call last Saturday,, accom pauicd by a couple of traveling sales men. Fmmtt Beeson came in from Klamath county the first of last week, but will return soon. A: (r. Ci'oy, accompanied by bis wife, started for Klamath Falls Inst Friday with n load of fruit. T. II. Goodpasture of Afcdford was in our city last Wednesday looking over some real estate. ' Fred Ifapp; our leading fanner an gardener, was an Ashland visitor the first of the week. Dr. George Helms of San Francisco and his brother, A. J). Helms, sons of Initios Helms of Talent were in Med' ford for a few days last week. Dr. Helms of San Francisco re turned home Saturday. C. Carey and wife were in .Med ford on business last Saturday. While in Medford the last of the week, your correspondent had Iho pleasure of being shown the rio-v switchboard in the telephone office and Die manner, in wlyeh it is operated. NOTICE. is hereby given thnt the undersigned will apply ut the regular meeting of the city council of Medford, Oregon, on September 7, 1000, for license to sell malt, vinous and spiritous liquors in less quantities than one gallon for six months at lot 15, block 10, in Medford, Oregon, for a period of six mouths. GEO. M. NEEDLES. Dated August 10, 1009. "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folders Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid t. St a pound for it. Everything about Folgcr's Golden Ci:itc Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will plcaxe you. Allen & Reagran GROCERIES, CHINA WARE, FRUIT AND FEED. tit t Medford Iron Works f liF-ESl E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. t i Foundry and Machinist 1 1 All Wr of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-f J yiunur), Mycins in ouuinern uregon Tor FAIRBANKS, MOPSE & CO. A Bargain The famous 120-ncrc , I. W. THOMAS GROVE FARM ; v 85 acres of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of the prettiest oak nnad laurel grove in the. vallay, 15 acres of apples and pears in bearing, and loaded with fruit at the prose'it time. This is the best proposition ever offered in Southern Oregon. See WHITE & TROBRIDGE Exolusivo Agents, for prices, terms, etc, at office, Phone 93 6 Fir street Medford