THE MED FORD DATIA TRIBUNE. MIC I FORD. OUKCION, SATURDAY, AlKUTST 14. 1909. FANCY OREGON APPLES MARKETED FOREIGN PEACHES HAVE LOCAL RIVAL Oretgon Product Will Soon Back California Fruit Off the Market. ROCKETS CALLED TRAIN MANGLES ASHLAND BOY Southern Pacific Local Hits Butcher Wagon Young Man May Not Survive Injuries. RANCH SELLS, . FOR 812,000 Talent Boys Sell Remainder of Their Large Holdings in Sams Valley, SMELTER FUMES E First Offering of Fine Fruit Brings Vacaville Man Lost on Shasta Has Mass Meeting Will Consider Plans for ' Protection From Smelters. Good Price New Pears Also. Reached McCloud, Weary but Uninpured. SEARCHERS HOM AROUSE FARMERS I'OHTLAKI), Aug. 14. Fancy Ore gon apples Iinve made, their appear ance. Fair lo medium grade fruit has been eominir in a small way for a week or more, and in competition with the offerings from California it cut but a small figure in the market. The first shipment of really fine new crop apples arrived last night from the Independence district, and was put.on the market today at $1.75 a box. The apples were Ked Astrachans, hi color and quality were all that could be asked, and they were ready sellers at the' price named. . Vp to the present this season Cali fornia apples have been the main de pendence, and that state will furnish the bulk of the supply here for soule weeks to come, but the chances are that after the first of next month the sunulv of Oresons will be lur.';e and" of quality such as to force the California!: into second place. Ths best Gravensteins from the south to day were quoted at $2 a bos. ' Oregon crab apples hare for two weeks been a feature of the lociil market, but to date they have not sold in a satisfactory way. These Have come for the most part from the Ho sier district, and the offerings have for several days been in excess of the demand. Dealers today quoted thstr, at "0 to To cents a box. KLAMATH FALLS MERCHANTS PLAN BIG BARGAIN WEEK KLAMATH FALLS. Aug. 14. Tho merchants of this city have set aside the first week in October as a special bargain week. A large catalogue is being issued setting forth attractive prices on all wares carried by the larger merchants. These catalogues will be mailed to all residents of Klamath and Lake counties. One of the main objects in holding "bargain week" is to reach out aftei the trade of the remote sections oc. hoih counties, it is only the com mencement of a general movement on the part of the business men of this city to induce the people of southern Oregon to do Jheir trading in Klam ath Falls. Christian Science. Christian Science services are held every Sunday mornuig at 11 o'clock in the Commercial club room. Sub ject of the lesson -sermon for August 15, "Sold." All are welcome. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. IT'S ON LEGS Medford POHTLANP, Aug. 14. Peaches easily hold first place in the fruit dis plays this week, and for the first lime this season tin fancy California Crawfords and Elbertas have a real rival in the local market. Oregon Crawfords have arrived in a small way as yet, but they are here, and the best of them in quality and ap pearance are, full equal if not supe rior to the peaches from farther south. Next week there will be plenty of Crawfords from the Ashland and lloscburg districts, and from thnt time on the California pencil will hnvo to take second place. .At the markets today the best peaches are selling at 20 to 25 cents a dozen, and that they, arc moving U tlie verdict of all the dealers. Home canning is not yet under way and wi'l licit start until Oregon Crawfords, which are the best available here for that purpose, are in better supply. The chances are that a good many of them will he put up within the next two or three weeks. Of other fruits there is an abund ance generally, mid the quality of most of the offerings "is much supe rior to that of a few weeks ago. Pears from California. Ilartletts and other sorts, are running peaches a close race, and they are now one of tho finest fruits to be had. The crop in both California and Oregon is a big one this year, and the fruit is now coming in freely. The bet of them are selling at 20 cents a dozen. A SUCCESSFUL CHURCH The Christian chinch of Medfov.-": is one of the most aggressive church es in this entire southern Oregon country- Two and one half year ago the congregation numberc'l only 11. j mebers. Xow the eburcli feeovd shows 260 names enrolled. I)uri:i;j the pastorate of M. F. "Horn. 2"0 have been added to' the saved, 30") have moved uway fom the city, leav ing a net increase of 145 or several more than double the original num bre. Tlu- bible school has from an average attendance of about 40 to an average attendance of about 120. showing a splendid growth dur ing that time. The chinch is har monious and ready for continued aggressive work. The pastor who is soon to close his work says he regret.- to leave such an earnest church and live town as are. to be found here, but necessity compels him to go even against the earnest desire of the church that he remain. Of all Steel Ranges now manufactured is con sidered by the discriminating housewife ,as SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Is plainly evident. Call and let us demonstrate its merits to you. SISSOX, Cal., Aug, .14. Cms A. Mauer, the Vacaville mini who : lost on Mt. Shasta Tuesday while trying to make the ascent to the top of the peak, walked into McCluml at 8 o'clock last livening, hungry hut in injured, although almost exhaust, u from his trying experience. He had seen the buildings of tho town in the afternoon and finally succeeded in reaching the place. Word was immediately telephoned to Sisson and the grief -crazed wit'.' and son were qilickly informed of his safety. Mrs. Mauer was permu ted to talk tp her husband over the telephone to give her assurance thai the news of his safety was .. true. Mauer came to Sisson this morn'm'.- All Wednesday and Thursday be tween 20 and .'!0 men searched the mountain for the missing man and a! night they kept signal fires burning Last night when word came from Mc Cloud of Mailer's safety efforts were made by steam whistles and sky roc!. ets to notify the searchers of the fact that the man was found. A messenger was scut out on tlie mountain before dawn this morning! to make sure the search parties me informed, so they may return. "" KLAMATH HIGH SCHOOL PUTS ON NORMAL WORK KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Aug. 14 Twn courses will be added t'o the hirh school curriculum for the ensuir ; year. Heretofore there have been tauirht in the Klumath county liicu , school hut two courses, the regular high school work and a complete bus iness course. It has been decided by the board of education to add a thor ough course in teachers' t mimic.;, placing the school on an eonality with the normals, and also to add a emirs" in manual training. In order to teach the additional courses it has bee i necessary to secure one more instruc tor, and during the ensuing year there will be six instead of five member.", to the high school faculty. The growth of the Klamath coindv high school has been remarkable. Only a few years ago it required but one instructor to handle all the work. From a mere handful the enrollment lias increased until this year it will come close to the 100 mark. School will open oik September 0, but al ready manv inquiries are being re ceived from students from all part? of Klamath and Lake counties. The Reason Why THE O R Southern Pacific local passenger train N'o. 20, leaving Ashland Fridir morning tdiortly after 7 o'clock, struck a butcher wagon at the On street crossing and seriously, if not fatally, injured llavid Presley, a butcher, employed by the N'eil-I.oos-ley company, driver Of the dugon and also badly bruised and cut up Frank McAdams. who was riding o,i the wagon with Presley. Presley was drugged for .'1110 feet and was fount leu minutes after the accident hap pened, caged beneath the cow-catcher of the engine in a semi-unconscious condition, with his hips very badly crushed. He also sustained other in juries, ami the doctors liaruly expect him to survive the trip to Portland. where he was taken on the limited train, which followed the local. Presley, before being taken to Port-' laud, made a ilcHisitiou in which lie' stated that he did not hear nor sec, the train as he was driving down the! street towards the crossing : also tliu.i neither was the bell rung or a w histle i blown by the engineer at the cross ing. The evidence of other eye wit-; nsses tnds lo'ciirrolmrate his story, j The engine cut tlie rig in two between ! the horses and the wmroo. one of the horses being badly cut. but the oth'i was not even scratched. MISS CLEMENS VISITING FRIENDS IN KLAMATH (Klamath Herald.) i Miss Mildred L. Clemens of Med-1 ford, Or., is in the city, the guest of her hum. Miss Curler. She will re main here for about a mouth, and expects to spend most of that time in the northern part of the county with Mr. and Mrs. Carter and family. Miss! . rM....,. :.. l ii i fraternity throughout the slate. She U-ll:il.S IS ,,,,1 ,l lT HIT , ?.I,F, I is not out ot tier teens yet, mil mis, established a reputation as being -i ' wrier of ability. She has bad charg? of the circulation department of .the Oregon Journal, in which position she Distilled iaLouisvillo, Kentiivky,iatJiiKiHMloi demouslratcd that she possessed ex-' as'Uoncdwayrroinn.-l,ictgrainanilHton',lliimiMl-ec'utive qualities that will wind for' wan.hnnnlllftilK.,,11,tut.lf her a high station in the ranks of, uewspapcrdom. -- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WAXTKI1 -A dishwasher wanted once at the Diamond. FOU SALIv-Milch cow. young cow, fresh; a bargain. WriliM''. P., P.or 04. Medford, Or. 128 i A Hardware A. P. Talent, .1. I). Talent and C. P. Talent have jus! closed a deal for the sale of the balance of (heir Sum-. Valley ranch to 0. L. McNnry of this city.' The consideration wan if 12,000 This is the last of n Utl5-iicri tract which they originally purchased from I.. C. Coleman of San Francisco. Methodist Episcopal Church. Kcxl Siibbnlh at 11 u. in. Ilev. Ken tcr begins his series of sermons on "Four .lolnis." The first one will h, "St. John the lavinc." At night the ihcinc will be "Tho Higher Coming Down Into the Lower." Suhlmlh school at 10 a. in. Kpwor'.h ! ' ' V- "' Ml ro invited. Few people realize how importu it it is to have their glasses Intel properly ami wonder why they never have comfort. The above cut shows tlu lenses adjusted in su di a way as lo cause hi ruin on the delicate muscles of the eyes, wh'."h strain often causes headaches, irri tability and many oilier liillc troubles. Watch for cut showing glass;- ; properly adjusted ami note the difference. I do expert glass fitting ami ill give satisfaction in the most dif ficult cases, no matter how many have failed on your case. Brief consultation free. OR. IVY M. ROBINSON, Main Street, over Nicholson's Hardware, Medford. MM,!- -I S JjOJM.rlW.llf II (rfi r ir ll,);, rm mnfZm ill Urmbll -"M DIRECT TO YOU Without Anv f.Vdtldlnmt-n'ti Iwittleo!y IwrFAiliLVuiuISIKOICIXAL I I'UKI'OSIi.S meeting iho luoiit oxiivtliur rn- qmrcinnatH ot tint pure fmxt law. YOU ORDER DIRECT oi nave Hint extra protlt of the middleman, anil -no traveling ex)iixui to pay. IT Tin: OM.V way to lury Thin tluo old whiskry in nluppctl illruct In plain, miiluil cusob, without ninrkN to imllRata content. Full quart totUm, four to 9 BO PER GALLON till, gallon IintlU CMMlt NUNUO HENRY FLECKENSTEIN & CO., PORTLAND, 0RE00R Send fur I'riin LUt uf Oilier lllicli iru,l. Uuuum mm nuiwm ; N ANDKHSON, Cal., Aug. I I. A iiiiiss meeting has been called lo as semble here lo consider tint Hiacllni' Miunko question. Koprascntulivcx ol 111 various districts affected injuri ously by the fumes from the Kcnnclf and Coram smellers will be in at tendance. A branch of tho Farmers' Protec tive association, which was started hiHt Saturday evening in Oliuda school district, was organized last evening in the (Tovcrdulc school dis trict. The meeting was held in the Hchoolhottsc. Lntniiu school district, two miles sqiiihcast of Anderson, will organize at a meeting called fo rloinorrow eve ning. '. P,f:f II ill II V fcAH Mi rsTAni.isiiKD 40 YKAIW Co. ITS ON LEGS