THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREO ON, SATURDAY, AUOUST 14, 1M9. 1 AtTm-.ri I." .mnm,,.,- ff Rimnin?? Water in ' Ktt tM pcnvi-i.t. Yon cnn hnvt an Bi.unil..nco c f v. hydrants. No wutti b.iU mid rviwa. . Every Kowrtnro Srtim fa Iv water syittrmn, iivuit urn thwjN"'''' hv us. Itolc for our tratlo murk nml nenuino and yuu will tak no cimncct. o guarantee Umu The best and moat efficient water supply will bo yours if you install the Kewanee System Mo More Elevated or Attic Tanks With tha Kon-nnr STtf in. Uis tank It located in ttm cellar, or burled 1 1 th ground. Thiblr.nk Is niu-Jeul sict-l pUtoj und will lust Klniiut indfttuitcly. Tiio Kownnoe tuk rvKU ou solid k round, nut " urottH.-td front nil Mtremw In wcetlwr; A lenk, (rww, orertlow or collap. If V"wune Sys tom, pumping Uio wait r -utoa Uie nlr pro aura, tor imtnplnu. the water any kind of power tnur bo usd with the Kowimen Sys tem miiduiLlla, fraaollneetminea, electricity, steam, hot air, or say other klud ot aulUblo power. ""v . m PVr- TTvr'inikM UT OUaTalllce KiTnflnit-claMwaterupp)yandudoevery. "L untie we ruim ur , -, we take all the risk. Kewanee Water supply to., W fl,iTlv WHITE STEAMER CARS AND. FAIRBANKS-MORSE Gasoline Pumping Outfits E. A. Washburne & Son Miles Block Savoy Theatre TONIGHT AND L A U G H MISS FAUST ALPHONSE GETS IN WROKG GLITTERING TINSEL COOL COZY P. C. Hansen. We make anT kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door'Co. Stato Depositary Established 1888. , Capital and Surplus $125,000 Reiourrot (700,000 WHY COOK These hot days? When you can get anything you desire in the lino of 13 HEAD, PIES or CAKE, in addition to everything usually found is; .a lirst-ciass DELICATESSEN. - MEDFORD DELICATEESSEN '& BAKi-.fcY. Wetzel & Hodges, Proprietors. The Tribune St jr House and Darn n me Year - ..iyin system, cat. now IhiIiwI an yw red under ah our prviisuiv, to all tUtumi and .ao plant ta almoat uvvrlastins. . at our risk, not yours. To avoid utwiicciful wimtHi pneumatic tuuk and tyhU'in manufaclumi l!atia on tnr.k and pumping machinery. 0't the of Water Supply Engineering Service FREE we do not merely mannineiure wnierw,Tj plauhi. VoMMve water upnlypmbleui. lnir lux tho liirt teu ;eaiw, wo bare luccwiiully Ml red orer X water nnpply problems. I Uo largest buttdtnif. n well att the malltt home, ure equipped with Kewnn Water Wnpiily ouitlta. Weaieeximi ts-anaimve r i tirnrtli-Ml xiArlence. LKvry KrWiinea 1 T SjHtvnx bits Uio Kewnne tunrk iv.'tS and tuurt come np to tna Ktiwanuo Tv5i st.imlanl, and has l lie hwnmw tiuar- I anteo( satltfucllon behind It. Our irCH water ay&Uuu tree oC charare. .- Srrm la ffimranteed to .VT-jf ' it. it it imts return u as .Ill lun.f1,n.lil Ask for Our 64-Page Catalog I t us rftrtw you how you ran hive a Kc vrnnoVntrrSuitly SjHtmin vur nniixe. Our catalog is beautifully illux ratrH. and shows the many advantages "f the Kewnnee .Syrttni over the old t Irvated tank. Get "iir r.nalng frm nr dealer and .isle him which Kewanee System you should insult. Also Agents for MedfordOregon SATURDAY ONE DIME Tom Moffat. ,'ZJfv Jl Hi I 'll HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bunk respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this oblig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. G. R. LINDLEY, Cashier. ' is Up-To-Date The Man From Home A Nove!i;atlon of the Pljy of llw Same Name By BOOTH TARKINGTON and HARRY LEON WILSON Copyrijht, 1909. by American Prta Association "No, f wouldn't do ttinT. because 1 won't take up auy settlements with tilm or any one else." "Hnvo you of tor this any objection to my alliance wltb Mr. St. Aubyn5" sbe Inquired, her linger at white beat "It Isn't an alliance with Mr. St. A ii by u you're after." he replied calm ly. "You're after something thero ala't anything to. If I'd let you buy what you want you'd Bud It as empty as tho judgment day tho moraine after. You thiuk because I'm a jay couutry lawyer I don't understand. Why, we've got the same ' thin at home. There was little Annie lloIT meyer. Her pa was a, carpenter and doing well, but Annie could not get Into the Kokomo Ladles' Literary so ciety, and her name didn't show up In the society column four or five times every Saturday morning, -so ho gets her pa to give her the money to marry Artie Seymour, the minister's sun, and a regular minister's son he was! Al most broke Annie's heart and her pa's, too, but he let her have her way and went in debt and bought them a limine on Main street That was two' years ago." l'lke paused momentarily. "Annie's working at the deepo candy stand now," he resumed, "ami Artie's working at the hotel liar In front drinking up what s If rt oi old man HoCfnieyer's settlement!" She flung away from hlni In a tem per and then wheeled on him In u Bash. "And you say you understand you, who couple the name of a tippling yo kel with that of a St. Aubyn. whose ancestors have fought on every field of battle from Crecyand Agincourt to the Crimea!" "But you won't see much of bis an cestors!" complained Tike. "Uo bears their name," she an swered. "That's it. and It's the name you want. Nobody could look at you and not know it wasn't him! It's the name! And I'd let you buy It if it would make you happy If you didn't have to take the people with It. Don't you see they're counting on It? The earl he's counting ou living ou you." The Iu dlanlanj)ecn me exulted. "Why, a Tcrrc Haute pickpocket could sec that! And this old Lady Creech she's counting ou it. and this Frenchwoman that's with them isn't she trying to land your brother? The whole kit and boo dle of them are on the track of John Simpson's money!" - "I gave Almeile my promise. It was forever, and I shall keep It," she an swered slowly, as lf.she had been Im pressed with his earnestness. He look ed at ber quietly. "I'm not going to let you," he re plied. "Then I'll throw your interference to the winds. I shall marry without jour consent." "Do you think they'd let you'" 1'lko asked quickly. Tor a moment ska stood still, and then came the sound of the guitars from over the wall. Pike went on after n time. "Sounds kind of foreign and lone some." he said. "I'd rather hear some thing that sounded more like homo 'Sweet Genevieve,' for Instance. You know it, don't you?" "I used to," she answered, hanging her head. "It's old fashioned and com mon, Isn't It?" "That's why I like It, I giK'SS." he auswered. "I couldn't get you to sing It for me before I go home, could IV", She looked at him thoughtfully for n moment. "I'm afraid not," she answered and went quickly Into the hotel, leaving him looking after her curiously. (To be continued.) HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Robes Whips Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E. COST OF LIVING CHEAPENED. Over One-Half Million People Bene fited In Oregon Alone. When you euii save about 111! pur cent on the otiht of tin article and ill the sniuo time get tho highest stand ard of iiinlily at a lime when most nmnnl'iietuivrs uie talking of raising prices is something Unit consumer should not forget. The price made on mis partieultir ui'ticle is not u price forced by competition, nor is it n price mmle in n spirit of philan thropy. It is nmile strictly tis n bus iness proposition; the idea licintr that Invgo business with small profits is better than u small business with urge profits. Made of the finest grade of cream of tnrlar, it is put up in tins of u'l sixes, the most economical sizes per haps are tho ;i-ponnd cans selling for $1.00 and tho !)-pound enns sell ing for $1.05. It is now generally conceded by nil that there is nothing on the market showing more merit for ipmlity mid price than the article here referred to Cleveland Superior Unking Pow der. Intense Colicky Pains Relieved "Kor some yenrs I suffered from intense colicky pains which would come qii nt times and from which 1 could find no relief," says I. S. Mas on, of lictuer Dam, Ky. "Chamber- Iain's Colic, and Diarrhoea Remedy was recommended to mo by u friend. I After taking n fo wdoses of tho rem- J edv I was entirely rulieved. Tlmt ' was four years ago and there has. In. n mi return of the svimitoms since' that time." This remedy is for snlo ! by Leon 15. Ilaskius' I'liarnmcy. ; REACHING THE SPOT It Can Bo Done, So Stoics of Medford Cltizons Say To cure an aching back. Tho puins of rheumutitui, Tho tired-out feeling-, You must reach tho tnit gut at tho cause. In most cast's 'tis tke kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills ore for tho kid neys. Q. 1j. Boone, corner Ninth and C streets, Medford, Or., says: "I was troubled with rheumatism when I first began using Doan's K-dnoT Pills. I did not tbink tbey to-jM do me any good, but flnaily p-vnrd a box at Pnckins' drug storo. They proved to be tho remedy I required My kidnoys were restored to their normal condition, and tho pains and aches in my back were romoved. Doan's Kidney Pills lived np to their roprnentations In my cas." For sale by all dealers Price !i0 cents. FoBter-Milbiirn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for tho United States. Remember thn nam.) Doan's and tnko no other. (let the habit of eating your men! i at the Louvre cafe, .especially break fast, nnd see how quickly yon live relieved of that indigestion. 123 Watch for- the opening of the now Western Business ' MoilfnrH rirorinn Day and night sessions. Every thing stricliy up-to-date. ' J. B. MACK, Principal. Wo nro Oroivrnw liny illriKrl from ut NO AQENTS Our Trm-n am ei-ow-n nlrlellr WITHOUT IRRIGATION Wrllfi f'r fr-o rnUloR. I.Aruit twk nt vurioUi-nKull ulilt! rnrcfiiumi-rcinl nn;lniril Chnlca Fruit, Nut and Ornamental Traaa, Gran Vine, Small Fruit Planla and 8hmbbery Tin'. Dat.i.ks Nwiishhii'.s Main OlSi.o, Kli Urrm.l Avo.l'ortlnml.Orn. You must not forget tho nine fish coming in every day nt Iho Rogue River Fish Market. All kinds cheese, dressed chickens, always on hand, College BASEBALL Hilt vs Grants Pass AT MEDFORD, SUNDAY. AUGUST 15, FOR CHAMPIONSHIP OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA AND SOUTHERN OREGON (THE "NEW STATE OF SISKIYOU") AND $500 A Side EACH TEAM HAS WON ONE GAME. GAME CALLED AT I O'CLOCK. LAST GAME OF THE SEA SON IN MEDFORD. ADMISSION 25 AND 50 CENTS. The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant' All white help. Home cooking. Room and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. Souvenir Spoons ! I have just received large selection of Fine Spoons Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing A Specialty. We would like to tn Ik with you about fire Insurance. We are agents for the WORLD'S GREATEST FIRE IN SURANCE Companies. The i2GTNA,iROYAL, QUEEN LIVERPOOL, LONDON, GLOBE and others R. A. HOLMES, Successor to OANON & HOLMES Room 33, Jackson Co. Bank J. E. ENYART, Prcsidont JOHN S OBTH, Cashier. THE MEDFORD CAPITAL SURPLUS Safety boxes for rent. A We solicit Ned'- I'pstofflue Bldg. Phone No. 781. J. A. PERRY, V. II. JACKSON, Ass't Cushio-. NATIONAL BANK $50,000 $10,000 general Banking Business transacted. your patronage. GET AHEAD OF THE HOT ' SEASON. You pim hid defiance to the heat by having an electric fan put in po sition, it doesn't cost very much, either. If yop hnven't one, wo can fix you up i mi short, time, nt Iho least, oxpenso. Wo'ro goneral cloc Irieinns, and do nil classes of work in our linn in thn most thorough manner. Jolihing' nkillftilly and promptly exeoulod nt lowost charges, Portnble lmnps in all varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL , CONSTRUCTION CO.