Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 14, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Dunce- IimiIkIiI nt platform opp.i
hilo oily hull.
Mr. ami Mtm. H. K. Mulkoy "I
Jacksonville, returned from n brief
visit to Portland.
Willinin C. Btono of flruiits 1W
Ht(int Kutiirilny in Medford.
A finir or five-room f llrn'iKhod
house wanted at once, not too fur
out. What huvij ynut AddreiiH In-
uuirer, enro Irilinnc l I hm, fpvnm
location mill terms.
(Iiih Newbury und pnrl.V of Jack
sonvillc. Miss Maude McCoy of Port-,
land ami .Mr. and Mr. V. T. (lricve.
luivo returned from n trip to Crater
l.nkii in Mr. Nfwhiiry'n auto. Thi;v
report u pli'iiHiiut time anil liuve u
llircn-pnint hark to their credit.
Sidney S. Smith of Kl Dorado,
Kim., i viiitinic with Mr. ji ml Mr.
Itert Anderson of tliis rity. Mr.
Kinilli i the business mulinuer of tin'
Daily and Weekly Kepuliliean of that
city. H.i is e,rcutly pleased with the
Tallin d'hnto dinner at tin) Nash
(frill Sunday evoninc. Special mu
(UO. '
Mr. W- II. Dow of JaekiMinvili
.pent a few liours in Medford Fri
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mm. U. S. Pratt, who liave
heen viniliiiu' friends in the valley,
have returned to their home in Perk'
(ley, ('ill.
Danee tuni-hl at platform opio.
site city hall.
Medium.' J.nwton and lluskiu
are spending 11 Jew duss in N'cwKri
Oritorn for nwect cream or buttor-
milli nromntlv fillud. Phone the
. i . .
A. S. Kleiuhainmer of Pun n spent
Thursday in Jacksonville.
, Mr. und Mr-. i. II. I low land luivi
ri-tiirned from a rammWi trip on
Kiln Oaunyaw, public stcuoijruplier
room 'I. Palm building-
A. V. Hitt, special field audit for
Maho, Orccnu and nsliuiKton, wan
in Jacksonville. Thursday looking, up
agricultural and horticultural statin
-I. A. McCoy of Keimclt is visit
iiic Medford.
Don't fort-cl the Sunday diiiuei
served by the St cafe. Hcst cool:
imr in. town.
Dr. -I. F. lleddv is in Portland on a
short business trip. Ho will meel
John H. Allen, president of the Pa
cific & Kastern. mid return witli
him. '
Dance tonight at platform, opp.-
hilv hall.
. Caiucnm of Apilei.'iic was i
recent visitor in Medford.
Miss Xita Norton of Ashland wa
a recent visitor in Medford.
Tnhin d'hote dinner nt tlio Nash
prill S imTny nveniiiR. Si c-:in! mu
C. K. Tnlt of Tustin, f'al.- a pronn
limit irnwcr of KiiL'lish walnuts, wa
in Jacksonville Thursday looking over
tin) valley.
(Icorjjc W. Diiim and wife wctc
down from their Harron inmlt on
Thursday visiting in Jacksonville
W. II. (lorn of Medt'onl was a Jack,
sonville callur Friday.
Head the new ad of the Ashland
CommiTf inl College ami enter Sep
tember (lib.
Mrs. Mary D. Farlow ami danglit. r,
Miss KM a Farlow, of Ashland an:
visiting Mrs. W. It. Coleman of Jack
sonville, llils week.
Mrs, V. C. Kohinson is isitiir
friends in Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. II. 0. King, togelh
er with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hale,
have left for ii camping trip ncn--Trail.
Publisher Voorhies of the (limits
Pass Cornier m in Medford Friday
on u short business trip.
Mrs. K. i. Niles is spending a few
lavs in Asbland.
Miss Sarah L. Stetson of ISnstnr,
Mass., lias pnrc.liiiscd of . H. (jooo-
alu a house and two lots on the cor
ner of Tenth and O xtrcctH. The con
sideration was W'iMI. Brown .V
Wakefield handled the deal.
Tnhin d'hotn dinner at the Kami
(frill Sunday evening. Special mu
Henry Johnson ol' Portland is in
Medford visiting with friends.
Salesman Tihhall of the Make-Me-
Fall Paper company is paying valla
customers a visit.
Many of the campers in the Dig
Unite country are picking a lar,"
number nX wild berries and prcscr
ing lheni.
liner C. Spencer of Dudley mid a
number of men are wjurkmg nt rour
Mile creek for the Fish l-nke l)il-n
Mr. and Mrs. M. I,. A I ford nr-
camping near Hulle Falls.
A marriage license has been issue.l
to J. F. Ditsworth ami Mary K. f.ytle.
C, K. Powers of Unite Falls has
been appointed a deputy sheriff.
Henry Kobison is camping at ( am-
Nick near Butlo Falls.
H. C, flnddis ami wife nrn eumpnm
at Camp Duller near Butte Falls.
Music by the orchestra and violin
solos from (1 to 7:30 o'clock lit the
N'ash drill tonight.. ,
Don't forget that the. Southern Ore
gon Tea & Coffi'u carries a full lin"
of whole and ground, spices and ba'
sugar for ickiing unil.preserving.
Big diint'c at platform tonight on
nosiie fire hall. Something new hi
music. Don't let a stranger bold your
hat. but dieek it and, .have a hat to
gel home ,iil. , . ' ;' ' i,
Dance tonight at ' Via t form oppo
site city hall.
Six Die in St. Louis of Heat Heavy
Electrical Storm Hits,
Park Jammed With Local People Who
Greatly Enjoyed Concert Given
Last Evening.
ST. l-OI'IK. Aug. ll.-The heat
wave whicb caused six deulhs and .'-'
prostrations during the past '1 boui'j,
continues today. Suffering is intense.
Other deaths are expected.
CIIICA(K), Aug. II. The down
town streets' and basements vtel".
Hooded this morning by the heaviest
tin experienced in years. A heavy
electrical storm is now raging. Many
wires ura down. No fatalities have so
far betfii rcsirU)d.
Alphonse Gets In Wrong.
Poor boy! He certainly got in bad,
yet he had no one to blame for it
bat himself
you attend
laugh at poor Alphonsc's expense
This is not the only laugh, however.
The biiml concert.-! in tlio park ore
proving a great attraction and bun
dreds of local people are attending
them. Last evening the park was
crowdi-d witli a merry crowd, which
evidently enjoyed the program as ur
The hand is improving as the eea
son wears along and it is no idle
boast to say that Medford has the
best uiaateur band in Oregon.
NEW YOKK. Aug. 14. Koui-
Strwig, tin; racing automobile driver,
will pilot a -ar in the-l'ree-for-ull
events at indiauaHilis next week
which in heralded here as one of the
You will get in right if most remarkable racing mnchinc:-
Ihe Savoy tonight an I . ever coiitnicted. Members of the An
lomoliile club of America arc taking
great interest in the machine, whie'i
for "Miss Faust'' is in the city, llci ' 'has eight cylinders and is expected to
Special Photographer of Southern
Pacific Company and Secretary
Conrad Visiting Orchards.
Karly Saturday morning F. H. M
('lure, special photographer for th-j
Southern Pacific company, and Hal
0. Conrad, secretary of the Com
mercial club, left ff.r the largo or
chards of the va'.'.cj to secure pano
ramie and stand'.!.!'! views of the di
form i orchards of the valley.
Several days will bo devoted to the
HOik. the view.-; secured to be use
as advertising matter in Southern Pa
cific pamphlets and future publica
tioirs of the Commercial club.
August 16, 1909.
SANTA CLARA, Cal.. August 14.
Two youths entered the Santa Cla
ra Valley bank this morning, covered
the office force with revolvers and
compelled the cashier to give them
1700(1 in gold. They backed out of the
entrance and entered a waiting aut-j.
They were unmasked and can be iden
Oyster Cocktail, Louvre Special
Mission Olives Salted Nil's"
Consomme Kntasse
Chicken a la Printinirn
Steamed Filet of Mullet, Snuoe vin
Sliced Cucumbers Potato Resole
Broiled Spring I.amb Chops
, New Peas
Orange Sherbet Nebisco Wafers
Stuffed Young Turkey
Celery Dressing
Cranberry Sauee
Corn oii Cob ( Mashed Potatoes
Fruit Salad Cream Dressing
Chocolate Ice Cream
- Home Made Cake
Roquefort Cheese
Bent's Water Crackers
Cafe Noir
75c. ' '
side pui'iHiM; is to create iiicrruncui-
Shc certainly reaches the goal of
ilcr desires in the clever farce in '
which she plays the title role. This
buili-squc is fidl of sharp witticisms
and odd conceits, is hand colored in
a most beautiful and artistic, iiian.ict',
j tickles the eye as well as the crater
of mirth, therefore should not be
The dramatic subject. "The filitler
of Tinsel," shows a new version of
tin old moral in an atmosphere of i in
tense excitement perfumed with com
edy situations. Many a tug at the
heartstrings is felt and a strong mor
al lesson is taught.
Km tire change of program tomor
row night. The Savoy is Medford's
up-to-date popular moving picture
theater, is cool and cozy. Follow the
crowd to the Savoy. One dime.
I'cvclup a -peed of 13fi miles nn bo-ir tified. The machine broke down a
on iht- straightaway.
j mile from town. A posse is pnrsning.
W. K.. Newell of Oaston. North
Dakota, arrived in 'Medford last night
and will spend a few days in this
valley. ?dail, August 14.
Table d'Hote Dinner.
CAPK AODAKPAS. South Afric.v
Aug. 14. All hope of the safcty! of
the big liner Wnrath with .'100 aboard
was abandoned today with the re
turn of the steamer lnsi.n, whose of
ficers reported that the sea off the
llnshce river had many floating bod
ies. This is the point where the
Wnrajli Viis last seen.
' Celery eu Branch')
Salted Nuts
, Consommo en Tasse ,
Bisque of Lobster
Plunked White Fish, Nash Special
Stuffed Tomatoes en Mayonnise
Oyster Patties a la Heine.
French Peas
Creine de Mculhc Punch
l.e-.:iou Wafers
Roast Youi.g Turkey. Stuffed
Aspi.i.gus Tips
M-.sUcd Potatoes
II slou Cooler
Phantom V md l.loa C'l".'
Roquefort Cheese
Bent's Crackers
Cafe Noir
av'BatfJK3Mwi.sSi31 .-
1 ifffil
If it is'nt an Eastman
It isn't a kodak
Eastman Kodak Supplies
Are the most satislactory on
" ' tlfe market
If you have - a cumbersome
plate camera we-can fix it to
to loai in daylight.
STORE Sole xzert
Were always considered a nuisance but science has proven that
they are more than a nuisance, in fact something to be feared as
the most pernicious disseminators of contagious diseases, but
Door And Window Screens Provide Protection
for yourself and family at all times, easily fitted and cheap enough to
cause you to wonder why you have neglected securing them sooner
it'.v; :
t ---4
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