THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUflfi. MBDFdBD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUQ ITST 14, 1909. s' Medeord Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : l month by mail or carrier. .. .10.50 One year by mail $6.00 ORDINANCE NO. 2X8. An ordinance declarim; the cost of Iho improvement of a portion of Om trnl avenue ttiiil assessing tlmo pmp crtv benefited thereby and declaim;? such assessment and directing tln entry thero of in tlio docket of fit v liens. Tho city of .Mod ford doth ordain no follows: Section 1. That no protests lim ine boon filod imainst tlio imnrove- nient of Central avouuo from toutli lino of Sixth Htrcot to north lino of J by reason of ttaid improvement mi'l l-.ic.uth street, duo notice of tlio in-iin just proportion to benefits to be tendon of tho eoinicil to cnuso said tlio respective amounts hereinafter improvement to be made havinir been set npposilo tlio number or doscrip iMven. mid said improvement havinir lion of each lot or purl thereof, and been ordered made, the council 1ms such nimnuils respectively uru hureby considered tho matter and herewith declared to bo tho proportionate I1""""18 ,m i'oi oi niuking sueli , shuro of oaeh lot or part thereof of r?VJf',W',lt tw '"' tlu' m"" 'ioc'i imiti-iivfiiifiit. and lire liurtlv nti i .11 1.4.1. And said council further , sensed aiiainst each lot or part there- Mini tliul tho special and pceiilinr ben- ! of respectively, the iiiiinu appearing el its acerninif upon each lot or part ulmvo oaoh description beini tho name incieoi iHiiaceni 10 sain improvement of llie owner of kiicIi lot or parcel. STEAM FEATHER RENOVATING. Description of Property for Assessment of Central Avenue Between Sixth and Elahth Streets, Medford. Oreaon f TODAY'S WEATHER PREDICTION. ' Clear today and tomorrow. Warmer. A rare and salubrious olimnte soil of remarkable fertility beautiful scenery mountains stored with coal, copper and gold extensive forests streams stocked with speckled beauties game in abundance a contented, progressive' people such is the Rogue River Valley. Average mean temperature 55 degrees Average yearly precipitation ....21 inches MAKE "JOV-RIDERS" WALK. Judge Wilbur, of the Los Angeles juvenile court claims at last to have found a way to stop indiscriminate motor cycle speeding. When A. M. Haas and Donah! Wliitsell, 16-year-old boys, were brought before Wilbur recently the judge meted out punishment that is likely to exercise a restraining influence on other speed maniacs. The lads were sentenced to give up their motors for a yea r. Until that time has elapsed they may not throw a clutch nor open a throttle on their machines.. It is an American trait to disobey laws when no out is looking, and of late many deaths have been caused hy speed maniacs. If Judge Wilbur's precedent be followed and " joy-riders" made to walk, it would be far more ef fective than the imposition of a fine. No. Xo. Xo. Xo. Xo. Xo. Xo. Xo. Xo. Xo. IP. No. 11. Xo. 12. S. T. Howard ... Addio Unllev Klizn L. rainier Medford Xntional Hunk . Warner. Woitmiin & (lore Hiar Hend Milium Company 10. Wilkinson Hello Nickell . '. .. H F Adkins Jackson Co. Hank His; Hend Milline; Co. Description. Tho southerly -1(1 feet . .The northerly )). foot .The southerly 50 feet . .The northerly 00 feet . .Tho southerly 70 foot .Tho northerly 70 feet . . .Tlio southerly liti feet . . Tho northerly 74 feet Lot. 20 20 1 1 I 1 10 10 0 10 10 Hiir Bend Milling Co ..'.!!'.'.!'.'.!!!'.!' ) Ornnd total of assessments Block. 20 20' 20 21 21 21 14 14 14 13 , 13 13 Frontline. 1(1 feet 04 foot 110 foot 140 feet 50 feet .' 110 feet 70 feet 70 foot 1 10 feet tit) feet 74 feet 140 feet Amount. if 331.2 7 014.S.5 013.3-1 1101.01 315.27 5U7.02 450.14 016.3" 435.8(1 481.81 011.02 $7311.1.1 Section 2. Tho recorder of tho ci! v is hereby directed to enter a state ment of tho assessments hereby made oiiifed by law. Tho foreiroiug ordinance was pass ed bv tho oitv of Medford on the 5th in the docket of city liens and to L-ivo day of Ausust. 190!), by tho following notice thereof by publication as re-'vote: Welch aye. Merrick .absent" Woi'tinim nve, Kmerick aye, Kifort nyo. Denimer nyo. Approved Auuiist 0. 1900. W. 11. CANON, Mnvor. Attest: R. W. TF.LFEU, Hoc-order. ftc have finished the canvass of Mcill'oril mid vicinity and will alosY our business Wednesday, August 1H. Those having beds or pillows lo trout drop a line to llox 25(1 and we will cull for, same. F. II. It. TAYI.OU. City. TALENT TALES TERSELY TOLD. Mrs. Samuel Netherlaud is visit ing with her sister, Mrs. William Bruin, at Myrtle Creek. . Frank Netherland from Derby was over to Talent recently on ness trip. . ' Talent will soon have a new drug store.1 '--Two druggists are lookmg'u; a location, one from Chicago and one from Oklahoma. The first one on the . premises will obtain the location. On Friday Mrs. L. Waterman was -visiting friends in Ashland. Our genial railroad agent, Stephen McManess, on Friday was quite se riously injured hi the foot by having a large ice cream freezer fall on it One of our promising young citi zens, Carl Bccsoh, while working at the carpenter trade in Medford one day last week, was so unfortunate to run a nail in his foot. He cams up to Talent to have Dr. Forbes treat the wound and by present indications will soon be about again. A party consisting of Joseph Arns, Miss Emma Arns from Gold Hill and the Misses Helen and Hazel Quack enbush, on Thursday went over to Colestin on an outing trip. The neighbors of Will Quackenhush on Wednesday evening gave him a surprise party to celebrate his 43d birthday. Dr. Forbes has bought a corner lot of William Carey and intends to have a residence built thereon. W. D. Holdridge bought of Alf and Newt Morrison their houses and lot' on Harvey street. Miss Tottie De Armond ' from Grants Pass has been visiting with Miss Eveline Hurly of Talent, re turning home on Monday. Harry Low, who lias been teach ing school at McMinnville, not long since returned to his home near T.-d -' ent. JT23 On Saturday Reno Goddard. fore man of the Palmer ranch nrtir Med ford. was visiting relatives in this section. M. W. Qunckenbush on Saturday packed the first apples of the season lo be shipped from Talent. Miss Ruby Hanscome on Saturday left for Ashland, where she has been engaged as clerk in Mrs. Price'- Racket store. On Saturday Mrs. P,aird and Mrs. Newt Morrison look the train for A vers Spur. Arhe I'.stes on Sunday rnturne.l from a sojourn at: Redding, Cal. ' Miss Annie Bnily and Miss Alice Hendricks on Wednesday will make a trip to Colestin. . -Saturday, night Waller Morcland died at his home east of Talent. He had been Sick for some time. Tho doctors pronounced the disease peri tonitis. He was 25 years old and the son of John Morcland. Mrs. Ray Blakcley of Goid Hill is visiting with the family of William Carey 'of Talent. . Mr. and Mrs. George Kluek of Med ford are visitintr with Alonzo Wimer and wife of Talent. On Satnrday Messrs. Kluek nnd Wimcr niad5 .i trip Hp on Mt. .Talent. There will be a -school meeting i i the schoolhonse at Talent on Thurs day evenins:, Amnist 19. to snhmif the matter of having grades higher than the eighth taught in the Talent school. This is a matter that should arouse the merest of the citizens of his place. If Talent is to become an education center, now is the tima to make the start. There is nothing that will give the impetus towards a high school and the building up of onr town than a practical -demonstration of its advantages. With the higher grades in onr school it is al most certain that there will be sev eral pupils from adjoining districts in to attend. The immediate cost 'of putting in the advanced grades may bo considerable, but in the end the advantages derived from it will be great. Everyone who favors edu cation should attend the meeting. James Garvin and Samuel Nether land have set a good example to the citizens of Talent .by repairing tho sidewalk near their place of business Others in Talent should do likewise. Talent is an unincorporated town and there is no way of compelling, tlio repairing of tho sidewalks, hut it does look as if every business man would see the advantages of repair ing the sidewalks. What is the use of representing our resources to the stranger, and then when that strau-' ger comes into onr midst let him sec that we have a class of citizens who have not enough pride in their town to even repair the 'sidewalks? How can we expect to grow when our cil 'izeus are liable at any time to get ci-ipplcd from defective sidewalks? CENTRAL POINT NEWS. have been spending the summer at their summer house at Gold Rnv, left Monday morning for their New Yoric home. Mrs. Kiimia Hchb and children, who have been enjoying an outing nt hor mother's farm on Applcgate for :i couple of weeks, returned Monday. Hoy, who is head devil in the Herald office, says that the trout over iu that country are too wise for him. but when he gets settled down newspaper life again ho may be able to spin out a few good,' live bear, coou and squirrel stories. Residents of the foothill district west of town are well pleased with the-excellent rond improvements thai have been made by the, county roa-l crew during tho present summer. Fine roads have been made all around tin base of the mountain and the road drainage will also he of great ben.j fit to the farm' and orchard lands ly ing below the road. J. O. Isaacson .expects to move to day into his new bungalow which has just been completed. It is one of the neatest and handsomest homes in the city. . i ' 1 Tr. E. Davis' and R. Hi t'nmpbelf of this place and Messrs. Storey nnd Shaver of Ashland left Sunday morn ing for a hunting and fishing trip in the Evans Creek country. They ex pect to be pone two or three weeks, or until such time as they get their quota o fbig game. George P. Ferguson' of Moiave, Cal., last week purchased 80 fine meadow land at Wimer, the con sideration being $3000. Mr. Fergu son will immediately begin a number of substantial improvements un his new possession. The deal was made through the' Central Point Real Es tate company. R. D. Fogg, W. (J. Proper, ml( A. Cronk. all young men of .Jones villc, Michigan, were here for a few hours Monday morning calling on Mr. and Mrs. J. H. On v. The fathers of all gentlemen mentioned were school mates and friends of Mr. Jav, who was born and spent his early life in the Michigan village. The gentlemen have been visiting the Seattle fair and are touring I lie coast on their re turn east. C. E. Taylor, principal of the com mercial department of the Medford high school, war in town Tuesday with a view to organizing' a commer cial evening school in this sity for the coming white. Mr. Tayior is an ex pert inhis line of work, being a mem ber of 'Iho American Association of (ccountants and also holds a medal for proficiency in Pitman's shorthand methods. Any of our young pople who wish to perfect themselves in ! commercial education should invc-ti-j gate Prof. Taylor's system. ' BIG BALL GAME New Pleasure Resort on West Main Hilt and Grants Pass Will Cross Bats Street Does Big Business on Opening Night. on Local Diamond Tomorrow for Championship. . Hilt and (limits Pass will meet o:i tho local diamond Sunday at 1 p. m. The Wigwam opened for hushies-i on Friday evening and judging from the.ornwH Hint !,, it... : . " "-i.. i.... c. ,i , . ,. ... is going to prove a great success ' ' "."' ciiampmnsnip oi the Manager Walters is leaving not bin-,' ni'w H,al ot Siskiyoii. There will undone which will add to the nttrae-1 be winething doing, tivcness'of the place, and it should! Tho Kn".' wi" bo 00 ft sub be well patronized. nH ech of the teams have won Dancing was the order of tho open- u K"mo' t,ln h'11"0 w'" be for blood. ing night. Refreshments were served i I,.w'11 be the Inst as well as the pro. FOR SALE AUGUST ONLY , A SUMMER RESORT ON KLAMATH LAKE That Is Unsurpassed In America and everything added to the enjoy ment of the evening. The music under the direction of Professor Romanoff left nothing to be desired. CANT BUILD flLL WAREHOUSES MOVE mier giuno of the season. H. Withing, the uttorney. Jacksonville Thursdny. was in This is a sporting proposition for mon of wealth it is not n farm. Unequalled Trout Fishing June to November. Doer Hunting on tho premises, August 1 to November 1. Duck Shooting superior to any n tho state, over thousands of acres of wild celery and rice, September 1 to February 1. Oronse and Pheasant Shooting o-i the place October 15 to Novem ber 15. Hest starling place in the county for'u Hear hunt. The Crater Lake Automobile road will run through tho place for n mile and n quarter. Nitvigabli) water to the proper ty, unsurpassed drinking W!i4cr, and power In develop tin. prop erty. More 'bolt. on land and lli.e g;ii dcu laud than any plai'en (he lake. Thousands ol" Pino and Fir trce-i anil thousands of lnakii.g As pens. More varieties, of wild llowi-.-r, .and natural grasses and vctchtM than any place in the county. If you duvelop this properly as il can bo developed, there i no resort in Ihn county that can compare with it. No amount of talking will de scribe il let ns show you. Wo have been offered more than twice what it cost, but have n price at which you may take il below which wo will keep it. J. G. PIERCE, W. T. SHIVE, Klamath Falls. Oregon. SALEM. Or., Aug. ll.denoral Manager J. P. O'Brien has written the railroad commission in respect to the new depot at Oakland uud says improvements will be stalled at that place as soon ns warehouse men can res of j be compelled to move their buildings.' The Southern Pacific has been wait-' 111!? Oil till Wlll'cliolisn mittl tn umno time and if they do not move nt once I legal proceedings will be started in the courts. ' ' Delays in shipping stock from Drain to Portland complained of by shippers, a re not denied by the geu- ehil manager, who says that heavy) passenger traffic between Portland i and California this summer has crip-' pled the facilities for handling freight ! Men have been taken off the freight' trains and put on passenger runs dur- ! ing the rush. i Bargains in Real Estate A few investments that will make money lor yon 40 acres fmo fruit hind near railroad station, ifHO per acre, K cash, easy terms on balance nt '.I per nent interest. ' 100 acres of the hest orchard bind in tho valley, ONH MILK FROM RAILROAD STATION, fiO per acre, ONF.-FOURTIl cash, ea-y . terms, on balance nt 0 per cent interest. 10 ncros of cboieo orchard land closo to railroad station, 100 DOWV AND $10 A MONTH BUYS THIS. You will regret it ifVo'.i neglect to secure this ton acres on Ihn above terms. 4 largo city lots in West Medford joining Kenwood Addition, if'-'OO en. Tho owner of tho above properties purchased lliem four years ng.) before tho advance in prices and will sell at a very moderate profit. -Considering quality of land nnd location, these are among tl cheapest buys in tho mnrkot today. . J.C.BROWN Office In Palm Block, Upstairs Medford, Oregon, FAREWELL SEVICE AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH (The Herald.) Miss Ada Welch left Monday eve ning for a two weeks' visit to Port land. Misses Anna and Bertha Tribish of Tacoma, Wash., arrived in this city last, Saturday upon a visit with their uncle, C. S. Anderson, and family. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Knisely of Im dianapolis, Ind are hero visiting her brother, J. ,T. Brown, just north of town. Colonel Frank Ray and family, who Sunday. August 15 will mink the close of the present paiiorale of the Christian church and at the morning hour. Mr. Horn will speak on the miIi ject, "Keeping the Faith." In iHc evening the subject will. lie "Snl'IVi-in r nnd dory." I'.olh aie Ihoughl pro voking themes. All members friends arc especially invited. Cor dial welcome to all. I'ihle school ;it 0:45 a. m. P. P. S. C. K. nl 7 p. m. All services interesting and helpful. Special music. You are welcome, yon iire wanted at Ihc Christian church. RESULTS COUNT And results are what? we obtain. VERIFY THIS BY SEEING THE BEARING ORCHARD LOADED WITH FRUIT ON Crestbrook Orchard Tracts y 5-1(1-20 Acre Tracts ' WHEN YOU ARE BUYING OR SELLING AND WANT RESULTS, CONSULT OREGON ORCHARDS SYNDICATE Selling Agents Rogue River Valley