TH E MKT) ' . DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1909. Watermelons For 15 cents h CD R CD at the PA J M Kit IN VKHTiMKNT CO., Owners off MODOC ORCHARD (KICK) acres lying on both sides of Rogue River.) Of for for sale small trucks of irrigated land, with per petual water rights, at reasonable prices and upon easy terms. These lands consist of rich river bottom loam and are suitable in the highest degree for the culturo of Winter pears. Winter apples and all fruits for which Rogue River Valley is famous. Also for the production of Alfalfa, Gar den Stuff, Root Crops and Grasses. Inquiries relating to the resources of Rogue River Valley or of Western Oregon will be answered cheerfully and comprehensively. PALM Kit INVESTMENT CO. Medford, Oregon. ::.Ti:!; !..KK - "Tito Ormitexi Ntitui ;il Woi.dir of lliu World." Medford, (lr(ji.n. What'll you have? BEAR CREEK WATER THE KIND YOU ONCE USED WELL WATER THE KIND YOU STILL USE . RAIN WATER YOU CATCH IT IN A TUB WATER FROM FISH LAKE OPEN DITCH , or Colestine Mineral Water " . THE ONLY WATER TO BE HAD IN MEDFORD THAT IS ABSOLUTELY PURE IS THE KIND YOU OUGHT TO DRINK. SoldOnly by- TobacconistsRTTTRR & DUNLAP Confectioners . ASK ABOUT IT Bijou Theatre T NIGHT AND SUNDAY The Black Aristocrats In thcir'new act. . 1. SLir rUWUtK, prnnl.s nl n hoy. 2. AFTER BACHELOR'S BALL- Sec il.c tronhles 0f a ln li.-Ui-II. NANTILDE A dnimii of I tu- Sni.n unci Moors. I. MOTHERLY LOVE -Hon litiJ'iil i t lire ui' iiniiiial life. .-. TMF UIIMAN APF ..... i . .. Admission Only 10c-15c Attention. Pioneers. The 33d nuiuini reunion of tho Pioneer society of Southern Oregon will he lielil rit Ashland, Or., on Thursday, the 2Gth day of August, 100!). We hopo to Imvo tho pleasure of greeting you on that occasion, to gether with vonr family and friends. It is desirable that tho annual re unions of tho society he perpetuated: Professor B. JVMnlkoy has agroud to deliver tho address to tho pioneer.-! and their friends at that time. Come and bring your badges with yon. Ho I spnctfullv yours, SILAS J. DAY, Secretary. j ' Prepaid Raiiroao Orders. "Something which ia of consider- known is tho system of prepaid or- sblo interest to the publio generally and which is nerhaps not generally dors now in effoot between stations : of tho Southern Pacifio company and all points in the United States. ' By means of this system tickets may bo purchased at Jtedford from any place in tho United States and mail pd or telegraphed direct to the party : wishing to come huro. Sleeper ac ' commodations and small amounts ol , cash in connection tfith these tickets j may also be fr.iwardud at the sum 1 We overheard a young fellow vo mark tluit he couldn't see how the Spot eafo could afford to give such good meals for tho price. "123 H 3 ... t r - f.S S V P. r rrr O CD O CD CQ . 2 !-! CD Q rr 4 I 'CD R tt CQ (TO H & P'CD b o o o 9 p P ft H P Ul p SO CD S" h - ii 09. P d S-S tH P- Hi g. P. CD Pj p O , cr OT hc -s P o P n DO ty o 2l o on CfQ S.w p rV5 . CD O rr- O I T . ' B Gash6 Storey C For Today and Saturday One Large Rogue River Valley Watermelon. ' PLUMS We have contracted for a large quantity, good jelly kine 2e per pound. Saturday is market day at oar store. Yon can find a good variety to Kclect from at the right price. ' - . . WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. Telephone 2351 B.&C.CashStore 223 West Main Street APPLES AND PEARS 'AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific Noitn west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON r t Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms in the sn.tnp. iiml r.nst nf fnur rnums: ir.Rless refrinp.rntnr. built-in buffets 4 r , , t and dressers; cabinet kitchen. J. A. MolNJOSlI, Aivhitcct. Third Floor iledford Natiunal Bank Ciiiidk j 4 .1. Electric Cooking Demonstration rrs. A. Jr. Colby will dvmon-trate eookini; with eleetrieily at tint office of the Kogue River Flectric Company, 'JOD West Main Street BEGINNING Tuesday Morning, August 10 Hours 10 to 12 a. rn. 2 to 4 p. m. M.-iki'S cooking a plotisurc. The puhlin i.-1 cordiidly invited to nt nd those demonstrotions mid h'iirii all nhniil eooli:i; ivilh this prn'-'- ten tical and eoiivement method. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor Water & Power Co. i t ; t- i