Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 14, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Have the Best Turnouts in the City
You' are treated right, the price is right, Uio team is
right in fart, everything is right. Come aud see.
Mlrs. 3rtnt Ufamptott Isaacs
"Jitstucjor of "Ptaao. Tlszt 32tN)Co
Just a Hint
of the good things we furry in stock and suitable
For Sunday Dinner
If you, desire a change from your "regular beef or
pork diet, we would suggest one of our Dresser!
Young Chickens (all ready for the pan), per
pound 20c
Cold Boiled Ham (sll.-cd and ready to serve,
per pound . 35c
For those i who prefer them we have the choic
est liiie of STEAKS, CHOI'S, CUTLETS, etc., as
can be procured anywhere, as well as SALT
butter. isasa
. After once dealing villi us you could noMie
persuaded to trade elsewhere. '
H'JTH & ASHPOLE, Proprietors.
Opposite Postoffice Phone 461.
Timber and Coal Lands
B. H. Harris & Co.
Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs
For Whom are You Sowing
If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying for
your home for yourself and family.
Let ns help you reap the reward of the money you have
been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing
you to pay for it In easy monthly payments and low rate of
We will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages,
homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate.
Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest
or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or
small.. We also allow you 3 percent Interest on all advance
payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes
without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay
ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real
Estate Office of
Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburg
An ordinance declaring the cost ol'
the improvement of a portioii ol'
d'Anjou street and assessing ho
property benefited thereby Mini de
claring such assessment aud direet-
I ine tho entry thereof in the docket ol
icitv hens.
j The city of Medlord doth ordain
las follows:
Section 1. That no protests buim:
been filed against the improvement ol
d'Aniou street from (ho south line uf
Sixth street to north lino of Kigliiii
street, duo notice of the intention of
the council to uauso said improvement
to bo made uuvutg been given, and
said liiiLirovement havinc liu
ed made, the council has coiwi.l.,.-,.,!
tho matter and herewith ascertains
Hie cost ot making such improvement
to be the sum of $0 172.89, Aud said
council tiirflinr iliimit.iri tlmt
. . , . ..... v . , , , ,
soeoial and ncmiliar lu'iiet'its rw.i.t.,.;,! .
upon eneli lot or part thereof adja
cent to sum improvement by reason
Ol said lnioroveiiient. iniri in inet .,r,
uortiou to benefits to hn tlm .....,.,.,
uve amounts ucrcinutter set opposite
ine number or dcserintion of cm. I, l,,t
or oart thereof, mid sncli nmm.i,
respectively uro hereby declared to
oo tnu proportionate sliat;o of eaeii
; lot or part thereot of such improve
; menl respectively, the tuinio appear
; mg above each description beiih the
name or me owner ot such lot or par
Description of Property for Assess
ment ot u Aniou street. Between
5ixth and Eiqhth Streets
Medford. Oreaon.
No. 1. Town of iMcrllnr.l .!:!;;
! Lot :i ill llllll'L- 'M ill lirtiri.i.,1
site of city of Medford. Oregon, us
: recorded in county recorder s recon
, of Jackson eountv, Oregon.
No. 2. Citv of .Medford. S13(i .80-
I Lot it. block Ol :M nriirinnl liii-t.;,.
; ot city of Aledtord. Oregon, as re
! eorded in county recorder's record:
of Jackson county, Oregon.
No. 3. S. K. Lane. S130.7.J T.n 7
I block 21. in original ttiwnsitn nt' .iti-
! of Medford. Oregon, us recorded in
county recorder s records of Jackson
county, Oregon.
No. 4. S. K. Lane. 13(i.G4 Lot S.
block 21. in original townsito of city
of Medford. Oregon, us recorded in
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon.
No. 5. Veron J. Kniei-icL- nml MVi .
i ton J. Kmerick. $13(5.59 Lot 9. block
-1. in original townsite of city of
Medford. Oregon, as- recorded in
county recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon.
No. (j. Vernon J. Emerick and Mvr
Inn J. Eincrick. ,13(j.5.") Lot 10,
block 21. iii original townsite of city
of .Medford. Orecon. ns rii-iii'ilA i.i
county recorder's records uf Jacksoo
county, Oregon.
No. 7. $l;i(i.50 ('. V. Vnhn. I .', Int.
! 11. block 21. in original townsite if
; ci(y of Medford, Oregon, as record
ed in county recorder's records uf
Jackson county. Oregon.
Louis Ncidennever. h.t nt' l.,t 11.
; block 21. in original townsite of city
;Ol Medtord. Oregon, as recorded in
! county recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon.
No. 8. SlSG.l.") C. F. Young and
T. C. Hall, lot V lil.x.L- Ol :
iuul townsite of citv of Medford, Ore
gon, ns recorded in county recorder's
records of Jackson count v. Oregon.
No 9. $13(i.40 C. K. Young and T.
C. Hall, lot 13, block 21. in original
: townsito ot city ot Medford, Oregon,
j as recorded in county recorder's rec
ords of Juckson eountv. Oregon.
I No. 10. $130.34 C. F. Young and
j T. C. Hall, lot 14, block 21. in orig-
inal townsite of city of Medford, Ore
I son, us recorded in county recorder's
i records of Jackson county, Oregon,
j No. 1L. 13(3.280.. V. Palm and
I Louis Neidermever. one ImlP n,.h ..f
lot 15, block 21, iu original townsite
of city of Medford, Oregon, es re
corded in county recorder's records
of! Jackson county. Oregon.
. No. 12. $130.1(30. W. l'alm and
Louis Neidermever, one-half each of
lot 16. block 21, in original townsite
of citv of Medford, Oregon, as re
corded in county recorder's records
of Jackson eountv, Oregon.
No. 13. .$1830.22 Oregon & Cali
fornia Railroad Company, a parcel of
land known and recorded us depot
ground of citv of Medford. Oregon,
commencing at the N. W. corner of
Mnin nnd Jront streets, runiiiiiir j:i a
northerly direetion fifty (."i0) tcet
west and parallel ivilh the E. lii,i ot
Front street three hundred (H00)
feet, thence westerly in line with the
extension ol south line of g Sixth hi met
to the Oregon & '(.'alifornia 1, l.
track, thence southerly along said
line of- Oregon & 'Cnjifoinia I!. U.
truck to a point where said extension
line intersects with the north line of
Main street,' thence easterly along
side the north, lino of Main ulrcet to
the point of beginning.
No. 14, $137.37-J. T. C. Nanli, lot
5, block 20, til original .townsite of
eitv of .Medford, Oregon, as recorded
in, enmity recorder's records of Jack
son eountv, Oregon.
No. 15, $137.f)0-J. T. 0. Nash, l.-.t
0, block 20, in original townsito 0f
city of Medford, Oregon, ns recorded
in county recorder's records of Jiiek
son county, Oregon,
No. 10, $137.02J. T. 0. Nush, lot
7, block 20, in original (owiisilii .if
city of Medford, Oregon, as recorded
in county recorder's records of Joe!:-
son couuly, Oregon.
No. 17. .T137.77-J. T. C. Nash, lot
S, block 20. in oi-iiilinil iiiuiiuii.i ..i'
eily of .Medford, Oregon, us recorded
in county recorder's records of Jack
sou county, Oregltn.
No. 18. $137.83-0. M. Selsby, lot
! block 20. in original townsilo of
citv of Medford. Oregon, ns recorded
in county recordeii'H records of Jack
son eountv, Oregon. i
No. 10. $140.-J3-M. U. Theiss.'one-
llnrd. and Medmsky. lot 10, block 20
in original townsito of citv of M...I
ford. Oregon, mid in addition u Htrip
or lot 11. three toet in width along
side the north lion of lot 11 nu
corded in eountv recorder's "records
of Jackson counlv, Oregon.
RO. 20. $12 l.f)4 llorinaii .I.iiiniiK.
part of lot 11. block 20, in original
townsite of citv of Medford, Oregon,
twenty-two (22) feet wide on Fro-it
street, extending buck to tho allnv
twenty-two (22) feet wide, us record
ed ill COIllltV recorder's ir
Jackson county, Oregon.
No. 21. $138.15-Ed Wilkinson. ,.t
2. block 20. in original townsite of
it V of Medford. Orceoii. as rccni-.!.
ed in county recorder's records nf
Jackson conn! y. Oregon.
No. 22. $138.2.") Ed Wilkinson, lot
13. block 20.
ns l'iciiril.
ed iii county recorder's ri.ciml, nl'
'ackson eouuty, Oregon.
No. 23. 138.3;i Vernon J. Km.
erick und M'yrton J. Kmerick, lot 1 1,
block' 20, original townsite city of
.Medtord, Oregon, as recorded in
roiinty recorder's records of Juekso.i
oiinly, Oregon.
No. 24, $138 David 0. Wilson.
ot 1"), block 20, in original townsito
f citv of Medford. Oregon, as re
corded 111 eountv recorders i nnls
f Jackson eountv, Oregon.
No. 25. $138.54 David O. Wilson.
lot l(i. block 20. in nnrirml tnwnsilA
of citv of Medford, Oregon, us re-
orded in (uiiintv recorder's rcenrds
of Jackson county. Oregon.
No. 2(i. $1848.10 Oregon Cali-
foruia Kailroiul Comnaiiv. n nut'ccl :il'
land known aud recorded as the depot
round ol citv ot .Medtord. OreL'oi".
commencing on the southwest corhorl
Main and front streets, running I
a southerly direction fii'tv (501 j
t wesl and parallel with the east
line of Front street, three hundred I
(300) feet.tlicncewesterlviu line with
the extension of Kighth street lo t!io
Oregon & Califot-niiL riiilmiiil li-m-l.-.
thence northerly ulongside said Ore
gon A: ( alifornia railroad track to
a isiiiit where said extension line in
tersects with the south hue of Main
street, thence easterly along said
south line of Main street to Ihe noint
of beginning.
Section 2. The recorder of Ihe citi'
is hereby directed to enter a state
ment ot- the assessments hereby made
in the docket of citv liens and In irive
notice I hereof by publication ns re
quired by law.
The forei'oiii! ordinance u-ns nnuu.
ed bv the city of Medford on the 5th
day of August. 190!). by the following
vote: Welch aye, Merrick absent.
Worlmaii nve. Kmerick aye, Kifcrl
aye. Demmer aye.
Approved August (Kb. 1009.
W. 11. CANON. Mayor.
"For you particular customers who demand the
best groceries, Vvc recommend Foltrers Golden Gate
It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid
$1 a pound for it.
Everythino; about FoIhcVs Golden Gate Coffee in perfect, and
we sett it with the positive guarantee that it will please you.
Allen & Reagan
I 4
Bl AJ I t 1 $
!?f!IHE! E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprlotor.
Foundry and Machinist t
All !.-.. of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Bolters and Ma-t
ilncry Agents In Southern Oregon for T
4 chlnnri.
Notice is hereby given that the city
council of the city of Medford, Ore
gon, will received sealed proposals, to
construct u (i-inch lateral sewer
along Ross court, from West Fourth
street south, a distance of (300 feet,
iu the city of Medford, Oregon.
All bids must be filed with tho city
recorder on or before 4:30 p. m. Au
gust 19th, 1900, nnd nccompnnied by
n certified check payable to the city
treasurer of suid cilv. eounl to 5 nnr
cent of the contract price; cheek to
be lortcitcd to the city of Medford in
cuse the successful bidder fails to
enter into contract for snnie. Con
tractor to furnish nil labor nnd ma
terials necessury to complete snid
sewer. Plans mid specifications muv
he had for said iiiinro.vntnont by call
ing at or addressing the cily engin
eer's office.
Dono by order of tho city council
this nth day of August, 1000. ,
City Recorder.
The best resolution for you
to mako is to como to us, fur
jour next suit, if yo.i want
something out of the ordinury.
Wo do the best work nnd charge
the lowest prices.
A Bargain
( The famous 120-acro
' 85 acres of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of the prettiest onk annd laurel
grove in the valloy, 15 acres of apples nnd penra hi bearing, and
loadod with fruit at the present time.
. This is the best proposition over offered in Southern Oregon.
Exclusive Agents, for pricos, terms, etc, nt office,
Phone 93 6 Fir street Medford
MEDFORD, Or., Aug. fl, 1000
Hall's Texas Wonder, of St. Louis,
u'ttrod my daughter of n severe kidney
and bladder, trouble offer doctor)
failed lo give any relief, and I can
cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. L. T..
Wilson, 135 HiirtloU St. Sold by
Iloskius' Drug Store. '
yr -a-.- ASHLAND '
Prof. Lloyd Itridgc of Rochester, N. V., has been securnd for Prin
cipal of tho Commercial Department. Mr. Bridge is most highly en
dorsed by K. K. Ouylord, ex -president, of the National Business Eduea.
tors' Association, Prof. Zaner, t'res. of the Zniicrinn Pen Art School '
S. I,. Williams, Pres. of the Rochester Business Institute, and others'
Mr. Bridge has taken two post.-giuduate courses, and being an experi
enced business college teacher nnd nn expert poiimiin, he will lie n de
cided iicniiisilinn to the commercial school fraternity of the coast Prof
Bridge is an experienced instructor in Calisthenics, Gymnastics nnd
Athletics, nnd (lie young men nnd women of tho Ashland Commercial
College will have an opportunity for the best training in theso linos
Term opens September 0th. IMfeWtw imm, , M
P. RITNER, A. M., 'President.