THE MFiDFORD PAHA' TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD. OKKOOX. FRIDAY, AlKUIST IVlOOf), 8 THE HUTCHASON CO. IU ini . 85c Voile Dress Goods, fancy stripe and colors, now . ...;.44c 85c Voile, with border, now 443 Butterick Patterns (or Septem ber now on sale. Get a new fash ion sheet at store. Successors to OS Effif Baker Hutchason Co. IF YOU BUY HERE YOU PAY LESS. Saturday is Hosiery Day Sacrificing Sale Of All Summer Goods WE NEED THIS SHELF AND COUNTER ROOM FOR OUR HEAVY FALL STOCK. Sale Starts Saturday Morning, July 14 Lot 1 READYITO-WEAR SECTION. Black Voile Skirts. $20 value, now $14.73 Black Voile Skirts. $18 value, now , . $11.50 Linen Dusters. $4.98 "values, now . . .". $3.60 Khaki Dusters, $4.00 values, now ............ .$3.25 Khaki Suits, reduced .$3.25 to $9.91 Heatherbloom Petticoats, $5.00 value, now $3.98 Ilea tli erbloom Pettineoats, $2.79 value, now $2.75 Sorosis Silk Petticoats, $15.00 value, now $9.59 Black and F'cr Silk Petticoats. $7.50 value, now $4.98 CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES. $2.50 kind, now ..... i $1.25 $1.50 kind, now . , 75o $1.00 kind, how v 5V Ladies' wasli Petticoats, $1.50 value, now ....... .90? Ladies' wash Beach Hats, 50c value, now .27 All infants' fancy Straw Hats . . .1-2 PRICE LADIES' WHITE WASH DRESSES. $28.50 value, now .......... .$14.98 $25.98 value, now .$13.9S $20.29 value, now .$12.89 $19.98 value, now ' : $9.98 $0.09 value, now .$2.19 All Silk Gowns and Tailored Suits reduced 1-2 PRICE Lot 2. Dry Qoods Section WASH GOODS SACRIFICED. All Gingham, Batiste, Lawns, etc,. up to .Tx- now. .13c 35c French Ginghams, now 19c $1.75 and $1.85 Bedspreads, now .$1.13 SILKS SACRIFICED. ' ( Poplin Silks, all colors, 95c value, now .75r Messaline Silks, all colors, $1.00 value, now 75c Messaline Silks, Persian hands, $1.(59 value, now $1.25 TABLE DAMASK SACRIFICED. $2.25 heavy Irish linen, 72 inch, now $1.69 $1.75 heavy Irish Linen, 72-inch, now .$1.13 98c heavy Damask, now 79c SILENT CLOTH SPECIALS. . i $1.00 grade, now 85- 75c grade, now 50c TOWELS 20e huck, now 13c Silkaline, 15c kind, now 7c Nearly all white Wash Belts ' 13C Combs, Barretts, etc., 50c values, now 19c Torchon Lace, 8 to 12 l-2 value, now ............ ,5c Heavy House Lining, now 5C HOSIERY SACRIFICE. Ladies' 35c values, now Ladies' 50c fancy values, now Children's 20c ribbed, now UNDERVEST SACRIFICE. 25c 33c 14c 25c kind, now 20c kind, now . 13C He ADVANCE SALE ON BLANKETS See Window. $2.50 gray fleeced, 11-4, now '. .$1.79 $1.50 gray fleeced, 10-4, now . 79o Buy your winter bedding now and save money. ninl Ilussey.'s is the place to buy popular priced ho siery. Our line of plain and fancy Hose in men's aud ladies' goods at 25c a pair is equal to any !5c hosiers line shown in the city, and will wear better than most lines at W'w a pair.' A complete line of Mack, tan, hrown, oxblood, fancies, etc., in waco cotton, silk finish, lace stripe, dropst itch, etc, pair ', 25c 50 dozen spools cotton, here tomorrowMii Nos. 40, 50 and 150, white only. 2 spools for .5c Colgate's Talcum Pow der, ounce 20c Menem Talcum Powder, box 20C 400 boxes fancy Toilet Soaps tomorrow, per box of 3 cakes 25c We are showing a fine line of" pocket and dress ing Combs, hair and doth Brushes, Tooth Brushes, etc. 1,'riccs are alwa.s right. 10 dozen ladies' white .Jersey ribbed Vests, each 10c ladies' .Jersey rililtcd, knee length Union Suits, each 40c to 65c Ladies' lace trimmed and tight knee Pants, sum mer weight, pair 25 aud 35C 15 dozen ladies' fancy Veils, 35c to 75c ((utilities, tomorrow, each 25 to 45c FANCY JAPANESE CHINA A new line just received. If you want to see a popu lar priced line of fine goods, come in. We will show ion. HUSSEY'S THE BUSY STORE EXTRA SESSION COST A HALF MILLION DOLLARS WASHINGTON, Ati)?. I.t. -- Tic fMriiiirdiiiig-v session of fiiintrm-w, which Mas completed oiic week njfo, cost the American people, it him bee i estimated by some of the statisti cians around tlie iMtpitoI, about $!00. 00(1. The house expense on thin ac count (iggrnKAtoH .1ir4,00(, and tlmt of the Donate $47,000. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. ttttftf t I'OK SAI.K '.'(Ml acre piod lanil ' milcM mil. Kill acres cleared, ! acres li.-iiriim orchard. JO acres :i-veat old; pood house., bam and well; $H0OII; levins, Hox 171. 127 l'OIt HKNT And furniture for mile, pood (I-room house, close ip; rent per mouth. W. II. West, No. -I (' street North. 127 WHY DEL AY P In carrying out your plans in regards to building that new house. You cannot always buy lumber as cheap as you can now, so you had i better ,. See Us At Once And get our prices and terms on lumber nnrr V Wo wm