THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, IQOtt. St i k 1 is si II 15 -- ffitanniN Water in ' jr House and Barn - .frvju- the Year You can have urt uum1:uit i 1 wri t hytlrbuta. No wuiei biUs and rvpuiia. Erry KinvinifO Sjratrm Is i c vnter system. inMwt up m thfjrvnuin lv Iswk for our tr.t.le mark anil r Kenuino and you will Uko no chance. ' . c ity water EvsWm, run row iehatl nny w red undrr ation irfuro, to all Uxlun and .ho plant ia almost I'VcrUstmif. i at our rhk. not your. Tn iwh! unmiwmful waiiiH pneumatic Unk and itni manufactuml nn tank and uumutnii machinery. Oct n .o surante that. Tli- hut and moil efficient water supply will be your if you install the 4! Kewanee System of Water Supply No More Elevated or Attic I a tiki With th Kcwniir NTMrm. the tank U IncuWd in tlw cellar, or Imi led la Ui vround. Tbll Uink in made at iUd and will lart almoct lndUott)r. Ino Kcwuneo tnk rrt-tn ou aulid irronnd. r.( - roUvid itvui all extreme in wecther; ot leak, trvoxo, wai-fln or tollapM. lr ewnnre fiya ttm, pumpinirUiawatrrv ata U air pre aur. 'or punipin iho water any kind ot powr may beuaed with tb Kewanw Sys tem artnduidla, irasoline cmnine, electricity, ateam, hot air, or any other klod ot uitable power. Engineering Service) rKtt. V do not meri'iy nnw r," . iVii nlanta. W tr aupply problem nr. In the lt tn jeart. have iicoealully B.lTiHloTerUIatr supply rroMcnis. Ilia Untet buiMtn. u well a the mull; t Immes, ... ,i..i Kowtmra Water (Supply ouidto. WearecxiKtrtandbaTe practical experience Kvery Kuwnii System has Ui Ktranp traoe nun ana idum coma up ' w Undunl, ami battue niwniieKir-, anteeotsatiii&cUoo behind It. Our wAtHT aratm ir of chnrc A rmw PnarantPA Frery Kwn Systfin fs twanwefl to r-am mua m ww siTeannt-ciass watersuppij inu u vo thlnir we claim for tu If ii (ail leturn it i B't . ri l v. Mfltakeaiitn i Klre a flrvt-claas water supply and U do every- pence and your money wm m rtiunuw. na. Supply Co., 11L Ask for Oar 64-Page Catalog 1 rt s fhnve you hove u can h ive a K wHtie'Vitttr Supply System in your nniue. Our catalog is beautifully tilus rated. md show the many advantaccs of the KewHttet System over the old rlrva ted tank. (;rt nur canine from nur dealer and ik him winch KcwAncvbysiem you should install. Also Agents for The Man From Home A Novcllatloo of the Play of the Same Name By BOOTH TARKINGTON and HARRY LEON WILSON Cepyrisht, 1909. by Am cries q Association, Frass WHITE STEAMER CARS AND. FAIRBANKS-MORSE Gasoline Pumping Outfits E. A. Washburne &c Son Miles Block Medford,LOregon A Savoy Theatre TONIGHT AND SATURDAY L A U G H COOL COZY MISS FAUST ALPHONSE GETS IX WRONG GLITTERING TINSEL ONE DIME P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat We make any kind and style of windows. Wo carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door'Co. State Depositary Eetabiioied 188S. Capital and Surplus $125,000 Eeiouroci $700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest gunr.mtce of snfety and efficiency. . We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this olrfig ing institution. W..I. VAWTER, President. G. R. LINDLEY, Cashier. CHAPTEK XI It. . THE LSTTER. Lady Creech ud Ham-castle entered the Kurdon, where Horace wns still lioUUnc tbe hand of the fair countess, they encountered Almerlc, who was stroll lng In aimlessly from the direction of the village, linwcastlo beckoued to him. "AnythliiK unusual down there?" ho asked, pointing to the village. "Itawtlierl Carabluleri still hunting that bandit chap." said his hopeful son languidly. "Don't mumble your words'." snapped the old lady, and Horace and uindauu' turned sharply and confusedly. Al merlc made a gesturo of Impatience and, putting his head close to his re spected aunt's ear, shouted: "nuntlnc a bally bandit!" at which the old woman screamed sharply Ilawcastle took blm by tho shoulder. "What do they say about him?" lie demanded. 'That he is still In tho neighbor hood." replied hi heir, with a languid sigh. - "What did I tell you?" asked Ijidy Creech triumphantly. And tho ear' made a sesturo of Impatience. "Almerlc, find your betrothed audi I brins her here." ho said. And the youii!; man trotted eff slowly. Horace rnme slowly forward. ."What's the row, sir?" he asked, and the earl suilletL ."My dear young man." h said. "I congratulate you that you and your sister need no ltngcr submit to an odious dictation." He was ubout to say more, but at that moment Daniel came down the steps and walked across the grass to the motor. As he passed tho group he smiled genially and observed: "Looks to me as If It was going to clear up cold." "Good afternoon, Mr. I'lke," answer ed the earl and motioned the others to leave. Tike merely, nodded his bead, and Ilawcastle came up to him. "It is a pity that there should have been any mlsunderstandiuc in the mat ter of your ward's betrothal," he said, and Pike smiled grimly. Oh, I wouldn't call It a iniHiiiider- etandlng." he said, and the earl went on. "It would ill become a father to press upon the subject of his son's merits" he began, but Tike cut him short. I won't talk with you about him. he said. "I don't want to hurt your feelings." Hawcastle glared at him and was about to reply when Mariano entered wltb a letter on a tray, which he hand ed to tho lawyer, who regarded it curi ously. There was a growing menace in the carl's attitude, and as his anger grew his suavity grew with it There is another matter to which want to call your attention," he went on; and Pike answered him at once. I'll talk about anything else with rou. e replied anil iookcii up to see Ethel coming down the steps. She came forward to the earl and said "Yon wished me to come here?" "I wish to tell you that I see light breaking through the clouds. Have an other talk with our friend here, ami believe me, all will be well." With a bow he left the garden, and Ethel stood staring after him. Pike looked up quickly from the letter he was reading and crossed over lo her. "I'm glad you've come." he said. "I've got soinethiiiK here lt want lo read to you. When i got your letter at home I wrote to Jim Cooley, our vice consul In Ijndoli, to look up tlwo Ilawcastle- folks and write mo here now "they aland.'' "You did thatl" she cried lu auger! "You bad the auduclty to prv Into tho atTalrs of the Karl of Hnweasllo!" "Why. I'd 'a' douo that If It'd been tho uovernor of Indiana himself," ho replied, with surprise, "llesldes, Jim f'ooley's 'homo folks.' Ills otllea used to bo rhjhl ueit door to mlno in Ko komo. I haven't opened the letter yet, but I haven't much doubt but Jim 'II hnvo soino statements In It that'll show you I'm right ubout these people." "How do you kuow that?" nho de manded heatedly. "Hecauso I've had experience enough of llfo"- 'In Kokomo?" sho asked scornfully. "Yes, ma'am," ho unswered. "There's Just us many kinds of people In Ko komo os there Is lu Teklu, and I dldu't servo n term In the legislature, without learning to pick underhand men at sight. Now, that enrl, let alono his having ii Imd eye his ways uro too much on tho stripe of T. Cuthbert Iientley's to suit mo. T. Cuthbert was a Chicago gentleman, with a fur lined overcoat, that opened up a bank In our town, mid when ho caught tho Cana dian express thrco months later all ho left In Kokomo was tho sign on the front door. That was painted on. But, thero, hero's tho letter. Iteod It for yourself." He handed It to her and watched hor whllo sho broke tho seal and then be gan to rend: IVar Dan Tim enrtdom ot llnwcnatlo la one of tho olilum In tliu kingdom, ana tho 8U Auhyns have dlKthiKUlHhM thumsnlvea in tho forefront of KiiKllxri bntilra from Aslncourt soil Crfcy to Bvbaatopol. Tho present holder ot th title cmna Into It by icclitcnt. lie wna a younicur aon'a younKr son und hnil spent Rome ycura tn Huaala tn bualne undrr another name. Nothing here In lit Knitllnh record la seriously UKuinst him. ttuiuKh everything he had Is mortgaged to Iho handle. She finished with a look of triumph'. "What a terrible Indlctuientr' sho said scornfully. "So that wns what you counted on to convince mo of my mistake? I shall tell Lord Ilawcastle i BASEBALL Hilt vs Grants Pass AT MEDFORD, SUNDAY. AUGUST 15, FOR CHAMPIONSHIP OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA AND SOUTHERN OREGON (THE "NEW STATE OF SISKIYOU ") AND $500 A Side EACH TEAM HAS WON ONE GAME. GAME CALLED AT I O'CLOCK. LAST GAME OF THE SEA SON IN MEDFORD. ADMISSION 25 AND 50 CENTS. If m inmf it terrible Indictment." iC nli. that you will lu' willing to take up the matter of the settlement the moment Ills solicllor arrives." l'lJ;o shook his head sadly, (To be continucu.) The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant' All white help. Home cooking-. Room and. board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OP FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON. (let the habit of eating your tneais j nt the Louvre cafe, especially break - fust, and see how (ptickly you nrei relieved of that indigestion. ! WHY COOK These hot days? When you can get anything you desire in the lino of BREAD, PIES or CAKE, in addition to everything usually found in a DELICATESSEN. MEDFORD DEL1CATEESSEK & BAKF.R. Wetzel & Hotlyes, Proprietors. Farmers and Feed Consumers. We want your hay and grain and will pay Iho highest market price fur il. We will mil your hurley mil crack your corn n'l Hie Kuss mill. 1 1 you need hav we will give you n-.-i!-I weight and every pound you pav for j yon will gel. We keep Watch for the opening of tho new Western Business College Medford, Oregon. Day and night sessions. Every thing slriclly up-to-dute. J. B. MACK, Principal. The Tribune is Up-To-Dat will gel. e keep a lull sloe!; of nil kinds of feed inr hand al rea sonable prices. Call nt the J ii - -mill iilnl gel. !ieiiiainled with n .. whether or no yon wish lo sell 01 buy. J'or.K IllJIJi & SOX, !lj."i Medford, Oregon. Everybody is ealing ;-t the Nils' Grill these Kiimnier evenings to hear the delightful nmsiciil program ren dered by the orchestra mid the greu! violinist Romanoff. We would like to U Ik with you about fire Insurance. We are agents for the WORLD'S GREATEST FIRE IN SURANCE Companies. The i2ETNA,i ROYAL, UUEEN LIVERPOOL, LONDON, t GLOBE and others R. A. HOLMES, Successor to CANON & HOLMES Room 33, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Phone No. 781. J. E. KNYAItT, President JOHN S ORTH. Cashier. J. A. TERRY, W. !. JACKSON, Ass't Cnshior. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit youT patronage. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Whips Tents Wagon Saddles Robes Blankets Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C. Smith 314 E, Main GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. You ciiii bid defiance to the heat by huing an electric fan put in po sition. It doesn't cost very much, either. If you haven't one, wo can. fix you up i mi short time, at the least expense. Wo'ro general eloc liieinns, and do nil classes of work in our lino in tho most thorough niiinncr, Jobbing skillfully find promptly executed nl; lowest chnrges. I'orlabln lumps in all varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO Advertise in the Tribune