Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 13, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Medeord daily Tribune
Official Paper of the City of Medford.
Published every evening except Sunday.
George Putnam, Editor and Mauager.
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof f ice at
Medford, Oregon.
i month by mil or errier....OS0 One year by mall..' 16.00
Clear today and tomorrow. Warmer.
A rare and salubrious climate soil of remarkable fertility
beautiful scenery mountains stored with coal, copper and gold
extensive forests streams stocked with speckled beauties game in
abundance a contented, progressive people such is ihe Rogue
River Valley.
Average mean temperature 55 degrees
Average yearly precipitation 21 inches
An ordinance declaring the cost of
tlio improvement of a portion of Con
tra! avenue mid assessing tlu prop
erty benefited thereby and lt'liiriiiiC
such assessment and diivpiinir thu
entry thoro of in thu docket of city
The city of Medford doth onluiu as
Section 1. That no protest lmv
inir been filed against the improvo
ment of Central avenue from south
lino of Sixth street to north lino of
Kichtli Btroot, duo notice of thu in
tention of the council to ouusu Maid
improvement to bo made havinir been
given, and said improvement having
been ordered made, thu council has
considered tho matter and herewith
ascertains tho cost of making such
by reason of said improvement aii'l
in just proportion to benefits to be
thu respective amounts hereinafter
set opposite tho number or descrip
tion of each lot or pint thereof, ami
such amounts respectively are hereby
declared to be thu proportionate
share of each lot or purl tliercnf ol
improvement to bo tho sum of such improvement, and are hereby as
$7311.411. And said council further I sensed tumins! eiicli Inl up iiin-l llnu-o
find that the special and peculiar beu-! of respectively, tho uiime appearing
etits accruing ifpon each lot or part abovo each lU'scriptiou being tbo inline
thereof adjacent to said improvement ' of tho owner of such lot or parcel.
Description of Property for Assessment of Central Avenue Between Sixth and Eighth Streets. Modford. Oregon
.Tho southerly -1(1 feet .
.Tho northerly 04 feet .'
Most southern Oregon papers favor the new state prop
aganda. They'll get over it. Oregon Journal.
Yes, they'll get over it, when '
The short-sighted rule and blight of the "Willamette
valley mossbaek and the Salem hog is at an end.
Southern Oregon is no longer hampered in its efforts
towards progress and development.
The restrictions of an obsolete constitution an" dono
away with. v
The opposition that defeats every bit of development
is relegated to the past.
Southern Oregon has some representation at the na
tional capital. ' ,
A few other things are done that will aid southern Ore
gon in its development instead of invoking the aid of th"
courts, when all else fails, to stop a worthy movement.
No. 10,
No. 11.
No. 12.
S. T. Howard
Addic llulley
Kliza L. Palmer ',
Medford National Hank
Warner. Wortmnn & (lore .The southerly
Hig ftend Milling Company. .The northerly
h. W ilkinsoil .
ltello Niekell
H F Adkins
Jackson Co. Hank
Big Pend Milling Co
;") feet .
till feet .
The southerly 70 feet
Tho northurly 70 feet . ,
The southerly (ill feet
Tho northerly 74 feet
Pig Head Milling Co
Lot. llloek. Frontage. Amount.
-0 20 III feet $:r.U.27
-0 20 1)4 feet (U I.S.'i
1 'JO 1 10 feet HI. 'I,:!')
1 21 110 feet 1)01.0 1
1 21 fit) feet III 527
1 21 00 feet f07.!)-
10 14 70 feel Ill.'l.liJ
10 14 70 feet l.'.ll.H
0 14 1 10 feet 01 (1.117
10 Kl (1(1 feci
10 1:1 74 feet 481.84
it 1:1 no feet on.oa
Grand total of assessments $7311.1!)
Section 2. Tho recorder of the city
is hereby directed to enter a state
ment of tho assessments hereby made,
in tho docket of city liens and to givo
notice thereof by publication as re-
nuired by law.
Tho foregoing ordinance was pass
ed by the city of Medford on tho fill)
day of August. 3900. by tho following
vote: Welch aye. Merrick almoin,
Wortmnn aye, Kmcrick aye, Kiforl
a VP. Dcuimer nyo.
Approved August 0, HUM).
W. II. CANON. Mayor.
U. W. Recorder.
Article of Lucile Rood Conrad in Progress Magazine Doing Great Good
in Attracting Attention to Medford and the .
Rogue River Valley.
In the August number of "The
Progress Magazine" a Chicago pub
dustry. Probably the most celebrat
ed fruits from Jhc valley are the Spit-
lication, the following article froci zenberg and Newtown Pippin npple;
the pen ol Lucile Hood Lonratl, ap
pears. The article sets forth iu a
striking manner the opportunities and
possibilities of Medford and its vi
cinity and is doing much good a.s
many letters have been received fro;..:
eastern readers of the publication re
garding this section. The article fol
lows: Mother Nature was good to the
valley of the Rogue river, in Oregon,
when she showered her choicest liuun
ties ujion it: and in the of thi.s
glorious valley she placed a little
town called Medford. A rare mid
salubrious climate, a soil so rich ns
to almost surpass belief, beautiful extraordinary
scenery, mountains stored with coa:, best thought
copper and gold, extensive forests of
imestimated value, streams stocked
with the delight of the fisherman's
heart, "speckled beauties," quail,
grouse, deer and' bear in abundance,
and the gateway to Crater Lake, the
greatest natural wonder in the world
i. i.- i- ,i..' '
' huco, ill me imiiM jiur.riui nuiun,
aim me various varieties ot pears.
At the present lime there are 2,500.
000 young apple and pear trees alone
in the valley. From 200 to 300 cars
of apples are shipped out of Medford
each year, and if the newly planted
and prospering orchards which wi!i
come into bearing within the nev!
few years are'acy indication, there
will be thousands of cars of apple
shipM;d out of Medford annually b,
the very near future. The effect of
this great industry upon Medford iinl
the valley iu general is becoming mors
and more evident, and destiny points
its finger inevitably to a future of
promise. The ver:
of the brainiest ine'i
in Oregon and iu the l.'nitod Stalas
has been given to this horticulture
since the possibilities of the business)
have become known, and no effor:
is spared on the part of the orchnrl
ists or the government to produ -i
the Unest and best gi-.ult of applet
mid pears from this ve.!p.y that there
is the condition in the famous Kogue arc in the world. T':r,v: ncil space will
River valley, in southwestern Oregon. ' not permit one t) go into detail-:
If one wore ever justified in lauding about these orchards, hut the a-:
the wonders artd possibilities of any ! cornpiinying pictures will give som"
land, he is certainly justified in giv- idea of the scene in on r.'ciinrd on r.
ing this beautiful valley and its picking day.
throbbing, wide-awake heart, the Mining,
progressive citv of Medford, a full Then there are the .nines. Many
measure of praise. The object of ( localities have mines, 'nit nowhere
this article is to tell the readers of 1 are they more thrifty limp here. Th?
this worthy magazine something of Pdue Ledge copper mine, on the ('.li
the conditions existing here, that ifornia-Orcgon line, is i:i en extreme
they may know and. enjoy, if thev ; ly rich stage of development, mid k
will, this garden spot of the west. is tributary to Medford. owing to the
Fruit Raising Chief Industry. ; plans of kind Mother Nature ill lay
Perhaps it may be said that the , ing out the valley. This is the pioneer
i-hief pursuit is fruit raising, and 'mining district of Oreon Cold wr,
well it may bo said, for at present first discovered in .1eel,s.n creek in
there are about fiO.OOO acres set to j 1851. bringing thousands of fortune
fruit trees, and it is fully expected j hunters over the Si.skivoas, and f.M
that at least 1.000.000 more trees will ! years Jacksonville, w4ii:h is now the
he planted during the next, tree plant-1 county sent of Jackson county, and
ing season. The orchards vary m i located five miles west of ihe present
size from five acres to 1400 acres site of Medford, was one of the li vol i -and
apples, peaches, pears, plums. est gold districts in Ihe acsI, and i1
apricots, iv-uins .: i cherries are1 still a mining center. Marble is onn
raised commercially, whiln strawber- of the chief sources of wcallh. Snnd
rics, loganberries and currants form ' stone for building purposes is found
no small part of the fruit raising in- in several localities; cobalt, nickel,
zinc, nrscuie, graphite, clays, caleite
of limestone, and also the rare metal.
platinum, .are found in the valley.
Other Resources.
The present upbuilding of the rail
road facilities, the recent discovery
and the development of coal, now
under way, and the opening up of the
largest sugar pine timber licit in the
world adds decidedly to Med ford's
assets. Rogue river furnishes inoug'i
power for every conceivable purpose,
and its influence1 will be tremendous
in the development of this great an I
rich territory, besides adding to the
comforts and pleasures of life. Near
ly every ranch is equipped with elec
tric lights, which makes their light
ing problem simple and easy and in
dicates something of the prevailing
wealth of the community. I might also
add that Medford claims the distinc
tion of having more automoliiles thin,
any other city of its size in the world
and that there are more typewriters
used. This is not only the ease with
the city residents, but the rancher.;
as well arc nearly all supplied with
typewriters artd automobiles, and it
is a sight to the newcomers to see
the number of automobiles from the
country lined up before the "eleve-i
churches on Sunday mornings, hav
ing brought their resoctivc owner-i
to their places of worship.
Prosperity Ahead.
It is hard to realize thai with (hi;
completion of the extension of the
Pacific & Ka.-tcni railroad, which is
now being rapidly pushed, a new cr.i
of prosperity for Medford will dawn,
and that it will tap one of the great
est timber belts iu America. It is in
teresting to nole that i is he largest
body of standing sugar pine in the
world and the largest body of tim
ber accessible by a lateral road in
tho United States. This will inevit
ably mean factories and mills for
Medford, which means pay rolls fin.!
money iu circulation. Some of tin
finest furniture material iu the world
today is accessible in this little city
among the mountains.
Sportsmen's Paradise.
Dear to the heart of all hunter:-
and fishermen, and, it is almost sat''.'
to say, dear to the heart, of ever
man and boy in the united Stales,
here in abundance may be found what
so many lovers of the gun .seek for
in vain unlimited, diversified shoot
ing. (juuil, Chinese pheasants, mal
lards and teal, pigeon, ruffed grouse
and mountain quail are some of the
winged game that you can see on any
bright fall morning a few uiih-s out
of -the city, and the woods are full of
deer nnd bear. So plentiful, in fact,
are the deer that a large doe was
shot and killed last October in a pear
orchard within one-fourth of a mib
from the cily limits. The numerous
streams that abound - through this
section arc i.ll blocked with gamy
trout, and the jacknililiils hop up
and run alonog beside you if you go
for a stroll outside of the lm-ini"-"-
i-enler of the cil v.
Well ' Located.
Hut. no mailer how fertile a valley,
how prospering the country may be,
it must needs have an nutlet to the
fuller world and a shipping point for
Ihe. output of Ihe produce and a thriv
ing, throbbing heart for a business
center in other words, the concen
trated activity of the people al largo.
liogue Kiver valley has this in (be
city of Medford, situated on the
banks of Hear creek, surrounded with
green fields and blossoming orchards,
doing justice to tlio most critical of
artists, beyond the urt of artil'icic.i
reproduction or thu Hiwer of des
cription by tho author's A cli
mate thai raises roses nearly the en
tire year, fresh strawberries on the
table eight mouths in the year, with
an invigorating atmosphere that re
freshes, and a cool breeze tint
braces, makes Medford an almost
ideal place iu which to live. The
paved streets, brick business blocks,
banks. 11 churches, good schools,
well stocked and modern More 4,
abziiudance of fruit nnd vegetables
at any and nil seasons, and its re
markable bealllifulness as shown by
vital statistics, are only a few of the
conditions thu exist in Medford.
Hustlers Wanted.
The . government recognizes the
possibilities of the great N'oriliwcst,
where its projects cover nenrl.i a Mil
lion acres and each year .naihs a
new era of dcvolopmcnt and civil
ization extended to the remotest cor
ners. Now thut the worst stages of
development are overcome, ami Mhc
railroad facilities are theirs, il is the
man that comes in and helps make
known the unlimited advantages that
will reap . the harvest ot llnauce
The earnest, energetic, hustling busi
ness men of the cast and middle west
are gradually looking toward the
coast, ar (heir grandfathers flocked
to the middle west in the earlier
dales. It is (piality that Medford
and Rogue River Valley' are seeking
and they can justly pride themselves
now- on having the fewest forciguei-'t
of any city of its size along th--coast.
Willi our fruit industry growing
every year to an enormous size and
bringing almost increditable results
from the market, with our coal sup-'
ply coining on iinmcdirlely after the
T'nitcd Stales geologists have staled
that there is only enough coal in the
I'uitcd Stales to lart another hun
dred years, our unlimited supply of
the most marketable timber in the
United States and the other most
natural resources make this inevita
bly a place with a future hard to re
alize. - Crater Lake.
Andlast but not least, this is the
mil iirul gateway to (.'rater Lake Nat
ional Park, a park set aside by the
government covering 24!) sipini".'
miles and comprising one of Ihe
greatest natural wonders of the
world, and the only one that histor
ians, geologists, botanists and zool
ogists are alike baffled on, thai
seems to have no history back of the
part few years. That it is the rim of
an old and extinct volcano, one (but
ahs blown itself ouj. and that it is
filled with the clearest and coldest
water, clear as crystal, with no vis
ible inlet or outlet,1 is known lo be
run, but why il is true is a (piestioii
thai biindreis of intelligent men have
failed to sdve. The lake is oval in
shape, six miles long and four mile,-,
wide , with a depth of from -1000 U
fitlOO feet, and so clear llinl bottoir,
can be seen in places. The waler is
pure and cold and sweet. Snow men
can be made and flowers picked from
the rim of the hike in July; the pined
is filled vvilh interesting places, and
Ihe legends lold of it by the Indians
anil onviv wmie seiners woumi iiiiikc
Signals to Grants Pass Girls Causa
Auitation tor Noiseless
Ordinance. 1
(WANTS PASS, Or., Aug. l.'l. - -Householders
who like a mmiocI'i:I
night's repose have a grudgrt against
some of tho Southern Pacific engin
eers, who have the whistling huliil,
and arc trying to gel the citv council
to pass an ordinance prohibiting pro
miscuous whistling within. the cily
limits. Many of Ihe engineers have
signal whistles they use to let their
wives and best girls know they aro
coming into town or just going out.
Many irascible citizens declare the;,
commence lo whistle after leaving
Merlin and don't ipiit until they get
to Medford. Anyway, a long drawn
out morning makes most pcoplo sit
up and take notice, hence the pro.
posed ordinance. ;
a book iu itself. Scenery seldom
surparred for its naturalness, its
wild, tumbling, happv-go-lackv, rol-i
lisksonie spirit, must be gone through
to reach the lake lioiu Medford.
The inarringe of Miss Pauline Ren
ter and Max Vogl took place Wed
nesday at The Dalles. Miss Renter
is a native of Jacksonville and' has
been living with her brother, Dr. Jolnix
Renter, at Tbo Dalles for the past
i few years, Mr. and Mrs. Vot will
j go to Alaska on their wedding ton"
, ' return.
which is the natural railroad point
lo lac lake. II is lierc thai eampe: i
and tourist's prepare for I ho journey
ami start on tins most uitercstiti'4
trip. Splendid hunting grounds and
camping places arc en route and the
trip itself is one of unceasing delight
from start to finish, with this won.
derful lake for a climax. The free
dom of development anil Ihe unlim
ited beauty and grandeur and advan
tages invite inspection and scltlcimuit
iu this great northwest, and il is Ihe
purpose of thirty magazine and this
article to invite its worthy readers to
participate iu this opportunity ami
investigate it with a purpose of set
tlement and location iu some of the
health lid and delightful homes on the
coast. .Mcdl'ord's advantages aic
most apparent.. -
and will reside iu
The Dalles on lle-ir
Man Charged With Polluting Stream
With Sawdust From Mill Soon
to Be Tried.
Information has been tiled by Dep
uty (iaine Warden ('buries (lay
against O. W. Heule of liig Untie
charging him wild allowing sawdust
from his mill on a tributary of that
stream to pollute the water to the
detriment of the fish. The hearing
wus set for last .Monday morning he
fore Judge T. M. Jones of Central
Point, but Mr. Ilcaln not being able
to secure his witnesses al. that lime
asked for and was granted a con
tinuance until next Monday. Mr,
licalo is inclined to try the case on,
saying that he does not consider him
self guilty of any crime,
Opening of the Wigwam tonight,
corner hevcnlh and' Dakdale slrce!.
That Is Unsurpassed In America
This is a spoiling proHihitiou for
men of wealth it is not 11 i'urin.
Unequalled Trout Fishing June
to November.
Deer Hunting on the premises,
August 1 to November 1.
Duck Shooting superior lo any i 1
the stale, over thousands ol
acres of wild celery ,and rice,
Scpldiuber 1 to Kebruary 1.
Grouse and Pheasant Shooting 01
the plaei) October 1' to Novem
ber 15.
liest starting place ill the county
for a Hear hunt.
The Crater Lake Automobile road
will run through tbo pliiee for a
mile and a quarter.
Navigable waler to the proper
ty, unsurpassed drinking water,
and power lo develop the prop
erly. More bottom land and line gol
den land Hum any place op tin
la lie.
Thousands of Pine 11ml Kir tree-
nnd thousands of (Quaking As
pens. More varieties of wild dowers
and mi I unit grasses and vctehiM
than any place iu the county.
If you develop this property as !
can be developed, there is no
resort, in the county that can
eomparo with it.
No amount of talking will de
scribe - let ns show you.
We have been offered more than
twice what it cost, hut have a
price al which you may lake it
- below which we will'kcep it.
Klamath Falls. Orenon.
Bargains in Real Estate
A few investments that will make money for you
40 acres fine fruit land near railroad station, $H0 per acre, .U, cash,
easy terms on balance at il per cent interest.
100 acres of Ihe best orchard lund iu the valley, ONK MILK KIIOM
. RAILROAD STATION, if-iO per acre, ONK-KOI'RTII cash, easy
terms on balance at, (i per cent interest.
10 acres of choice orchard land close to railroad slalion, .$100 DOWN'
AND $10 A. MONTH LI'YS THIS. You will regret it if you
neglect to secure this ten acres on the above terms.
4 large, cilylols in West Medford joining Kenwood addition, $200 ca.
Tho owner of the above properiies purchased I hem four years ag
before the advance in prices and will sell at a very moderate profit.
Considering ouulily of land and location, these are among the
cheapest buys in Ihe market, today.
OlfiGC In Palm Block, Upstairs MetlforaV Oregon