Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 13, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Rest - Romp - Recuperate
At the Seashore
Is a delightful resort and a happy rombUiatiou
of pleasure ground possibilities. An ideal eliinatc
diversion of recreation perfect bathing boating
fishing riding driving, and exploring, make New
porta most eharnmg and popular play, ground.
Southern Pacific
-Has a-
$10.00 from Medford
Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon."
A. S. ROSEXBAUM. Agent. Medford.
General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Ore.
Our CouponBooks
are proving quite au attraction to our patrons,
as they realize that there is no easier way of sav
ing money than to claim the
5 Per Cent Discount
on either the $5.00 or $10 book. Ucside, it is
much more convenient than making change every
time it is necessary to pay a small bill for meats,
poultry or butter.
. ---.i ,i . - ........ A.T vura
HUTH & ASH POLE, Proprietors.
Opposite Postoffice.
Phone 461.
zEconomy ;.:
Timber attcTXoal Lands
B H. Harris & Co.
Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs
For Whom are You Sowing
If vou Dav house rent for the landlord. If vnn am nnuinn ti
your home for yourself and family.
Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have
been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing
you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rale of
We will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages,
homes or business houses, or nay off debts on real estate!
Mnnevs ran hp returned nnv time, thomliv ctnnntn, int...,!
or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or B
V..H.... ..w w ........ j fmivoi uil dll dUVdll'JC
payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes
without a fine. We can .arrange with farmers for annual pay
ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real
Estate Office of '
An ordinance declaring the cost of
(In' iimirovcincut of n Hutioit of
u" An ion street unit assessing tlio
property heucfited thereby iiml de
claring such assessment uiul direct
ing the entry theivof ill the docket ot
cilv liens.
Tito citv of Medford doth orilai'i
as follows:
.Section 1. That no protests having
hecii filcil against the improvement of
d'An.ioti street from the south line of
Sixth street to north lino of Kighlii
street, duo notice .of the intention of
the council to cause said improvement
to be made having been iiivi-n. and
said improvement having been order'
ed made, the council has considered
tha mutter anil herewith ascertains
the cost of making such improvement
to be the sum of $t47'J.H9. And said
council further decided that the
special and peculiar benefits uocrtiiug
uiKMi each lot or part thereof adja
cent to said improvement bv reason
of said improvement ftud in just pro
portiou to benefits to be thu respec
tive amounts hereinafter set opimsiio
the number or description of each lot
or part thereof, and such amounts
respectively are hereby declared to
be the proportionate share of each
lot or part thereof of such improv-i-ment
respectively, the name appear
ing above each description being the
name of the owner of such lot or par
Description of Property for Assess
ment of d'Aniou Street. Between
Sixth and Eighth Streets.
Medford. Oregon.
Xo. 1. Town of .Medford. $l:n;.S7
Lot .". in block 21. in original town.-
site of cilv of .Medford. Oregon, as
j recorded in count v recorders records
I of Jackson countv. Oregon.
Xo. 2. City of .Medford. J:H.S()
I Lot (i. block 21, in original townsito
of citv of Medford. Oregon, us re
corded in county recorder's records
of Jackson countv. On-con.
I Xo, J. S. K. Luue. SUli.".) I.ot 7,
; block 21. in original townsite of citv
! of Medford. Oregon, us recorded hi
countv recorder's records of Jackson
; county, Oregon. '
Xo. 4. ,S. 1(. Lane. $i:iu'.U4 Lot 3
i block 21. in originul townsite of cilv
! of Medford. Oregon, us recorded in
countv recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon.
Xo. 5. Veron J. Kmerick and Mvr-
ton J. Kmerick. $13li.5!) Lot ). block
21. in original townsite of city of
Medtord. Oregon, us recorded in
county recorder's records of Jackson
countv, Oregon.
Xo. U. Vernon J. Kmerick and Mvr-
j ton J. Kmerick. $13li.'. Lot 1.0,
iblock 21. in original townsito of city
j of Medford, Oregon, us recorded in
I countv recorder's records of Jackson
countv. Oregon.
No. i. .l:t0.'.0 C. W. Palm, lot
11. block 21, in originul townsite of
city of .Mull old, Oregon, us record
ed nr. county recordeT's records of
Jackson county. Oregon.
Louis Xcidermeycr. ',! of lot 11.
block 21. in original townsite of city
of Medford. Oregon, us recorded in
county recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon.
Xo. 8. $130.450. i''- Voting nod
T. ,'. Hall, lot 12. block 21. in orig
inal townsite of citv of Medford, Ore
gon, us recorded in county recorder's
records of Jackson countv. Oregon.
Xo f), $130.40 (.'. F. Young nnd T.
(.'. Hull, lot 13; block 21. in original
townsite of citv of Medford. Oregon,
us recorded in countv recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county. Oregon.
-No. 10. 3G.34--C. F. Young nn-,
T n TT..1I , . 1 it . ...
! i. v-. nun. ioi n, oiock zi, m ong-
I inul townsite of city of Medford. Ore
gon, as recorded in county recorder a
records of Jackson county. Oregon
No. 11. .$136.28 C. W. Palm nnd
Louis Ncidermeyer, one half each of
lot Id. block 21, m original townsite
ot city ot Medford, Oregon, as re
corded in county recorder's records
of Jackson county, Oregon.
No. 12. $130.18 C. W. Palm nnd
Louis Ncidcrmcvor, one-half each of
lot Ifi, block' 21, in, original townsite
of city of -Medford. Oregon, hk re
corded ill county recorder's records
fi .Jackson county, Oregon.
i No. 13, $1830.22 Oregon & (,'uli-,
fornin Hnilroad Company, a parcel of'
: land known and recorded ns depot
j ground of citv of Medford.- Oregon,
' 'omiiiencilig a! the X. V. coiner of
! Ma in and Front streets, running in a j
iiorincriv direction titty. (50) fed
Mvcsl and parallel with Ihe F linn of
! Front si reel three hundred ClOOl
feet. Ihencc westerly in line willi the
extension of south line of Sixth sti-pci
the Oregon & t'nlifoni'm It U.
ui county recorder's records of Jack
son county, Oregon.
'Xo. 1(1, $137,112-.). T. C, Nash, lot
i, block 2(1, in original townsite of
city of Medford, Oregon, iih recorded
in county recorder s records of Jock
son county, Oregon.
Xo. 17, $137.77-.). T. C. Xush, lot
n, Wock 'JO, in original townsite of
city ot Rlodlord, Oregon, as recorded
in county recorder's records of Jack
son county, Oregon.
Xo. 18, $137.83 t). M. Solsliv. lol
J. block 20. in original townsite of
citv of Medford. Oregon, as recorded
m county recorder's records of Jack
noil county, Oregon.
No. 1!', $140.43 M. (- Tlii.iw
third, and Modinsky. lot 10, block 20,
in original townsito of city of Mel.
ford. Oregon, iiml in addition u strip
of lot 11, threo feet in width along,
side the north lino of lot 11. ns re
corded in county recorder's records
of Jackson county, Oregon.
Xo. 20. $12(1.54 Herman Jurgens,
part of lot 1).. block 20. in original
townsite of citv of Medford, Oregon,
tweutv-two (22) foot wide on Front
street., extending buck to the alley
twonty-two (22) feet wide, ns record
ed in county recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon.
No. 21. $138.1-. Kd Wilkinson, lot
12. block 20. In original townsite of
city of Medford, Oregon, us record
ed in county recorder's records of
Jackson countv, Oregon.
Xo. 22. $138.25-F.d Wilkinson.
13. block 20, in original lownsilo of
citv of Medford. Oregon, us record
ed in countv recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon.
Xo. 23. $138.33 Vernon J. Km
crick and Myrton J. Kmerick. lot I I.
block 20, original towiisilc city of
Medford Oregon., as recorded in
county recorder's records of Jackson,
county, Oregon.
Xo. 24, $138 David V. Wilson.!
lot 15. block 20, in original townsite
of city of Medford. Oregon, ns re
corded in county recorder's records
of Jackson count v. Oregon.
Xo. 25, $138.54 David ('. Wilson,
lot 10. block 20. in original towusitt
of cilv of Medford, Oregon, us re
corded in countv recorder's recorijs
of Jackson county. Oregon.'
X... 20. $1848.10-Oregon Cali
fornia Kailroad t'ompuuv, a parcel of
land known and recorded as the depot
ground of citv of Medford, Oregon,
commencing on ihe southwest corner
of Main utid Front streets, running
in n southerly direction fifty (fill I
feet west and parallel with the east
line of Front street, three hundred !
(300) fecL'thence westerly in line with
the extension of Kighth street to the
Oregon & California railroad track,
thence northerly alongside saiil Ore
gon & California railroad I rack' to
a point where said extension linn in-
lersecls with the south line of Main
street, thence easterly along said
south' line of Main street to the point
of beginning.
Section 2. The recorder of the city
is hereby directed to enter a slate-!
ment of the assessments herebv made!
in the docket of citv liens and to give
notice thereof bv publication as re-j
luired bv law.
The foregoing ordinance was pass-
ed bv the city of Medford on the 5tli
duv of August, 1900. bv the following
vote: Welch nve, Merrick absent.!
Wortman ave. Kmerick aye. Kiferl
aye, llemmer ave.
Approved August fjlli. 100!).
W. II. CAXOX. Mu vor.
Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseliuigv
I 1. 1 1 .1
iiio-K. iiience souilieily along,
lino of Oregon & Cniifoniia It. H.
tritck to a point where said extension
line inlersecls wild Ihe iiorlh lino f
Main street, thence easterly along
side the north line of Main slrce
the point of hcinning.
Xo. 14, $137.37 J. T. C. Ksh. 0
5. block 20, in original townsite of
cilv of Medford. Oregon, ,,s recorded
ill County recorder's records of .Inek
hOii couiilv, Oregon.
No. 10, $137.50 J, T. ('. Kash, U,
0, block 20, in original townsite of
Notice is hereby given thut the city
council of the city of Medford, Ore
gon, will received sealed proposals, to
construct a 0-inch lateral sewer
uIoiik lloss court, from West Fourth
street south, a distance of 000 fee'.,
in the city of Mndford, Oregon.
All bids must be filed with the city
recorder oir or before 4:30 p. in. Au
gust KMli, l!IO!t, and accompanied bv
a cerlitTcd cheek payable lo the city
treasurer of Hind cily, 'equal to 5 per
cent of the conlracl price; cheek to
be forfeited lo the city of Medford in
case the successful bidder fails to
enter into conlrncl; for wiine. Con-
trad or to furnish all labor mid ma
terials necessary to complete Said
sewer. Plans and specifications may
be had for said improvement by call
ing at or nddressing the cily engin
eer's office.
Done by order of the city council
this Olli day of August, 100!).
Cily Recorder.
jM HI) FORI), Or., Aug. 5, 1!)0!)
Hall's Texas Wonder, of SI. Louis,
cured my dnughlcr of n severe kidney
and bladder trouble offer doclori
failed, to give any relief, and J can
cheerfully recommend it. Mrs, L. I,.
Wilson. 135 rtiuiletf. St. Sold by
cily of Medford, Oregon, ns recorded TTuskins' Drug Store. '
"For you particular customers who demand the
best groceries, we recommend Folecrs Golden Gate
It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee not if vrc paid
$1 a pound for it.
Kvcrythinn about Folger's Ooldcn Gate Coffee is perfect, aad
e sc!l it with the positive guarantee that it will please you.
Allen & Reagan
t Medford Iron Works
1' '.raSH E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor.
Foundry antf Machinist
All 1lr.' nt timing en.uli..i ft , . , f : - n . . n.ll . I -
i - ui i-ouon a, opiajiou uuiiiis, ruuiis, Duucis ana ma--
chlnery. Agents In Southern Oregon for I
t-M-f l-M'M- ftf-M---M-fft
3rzm Ifamf ton 3saac$
"3ntuctor of lplano. "llit ttetrjoA
SuMer ?UUac. Sotb Onm Strut
The best resolution for yon
to make is to pome to us for
your next suit, if yoa want
something out of the ordinary.
We do the best work and charge
the lowest pricos.
A Bargain
' The famous 120-aerc
85 acres of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of the, prettiest ouk itnud laurel
grove in tlio valloy, 15 acres, of apples and pears in' bearing, und
loaded with fruit at tlio present time. . ;.
This !h the host proposition evor offered in Southern .Oregon.
'i;"' Exclusive Agonts, for prices, terms, etc, at office,
Phone 93
6 Fir street
Excellent Workmanship