Ulclnrlral SOClttV wis!)"" M City Hall $1,000 REWARD! ONE THOUSAND HOLLARS RFVS'AItD WILL BE PAID BY THE UNDERSIGNED TO ANY PERSON WHO CAV SHOW BY AUTHENTIC TF? TIMONY THAT ANY CITY OR TOWN IX THE UNITED STATES, OUTSIDE OF THE ROGUE RIVER VLLEY HAS TMBUTAIW TO IT WITHIN A JO-MILE RADIUS, A 20-MILE RADII'S, A 30-MILE RADIUS OU A 40-MILE RADIUS, AS MANY DIVERSIFIED KfOURCbfs AS M EDFOUD, OREGON, DAS WITHIN' A COKKESPOMilNG RADIUS. ' mkDFOH . COMMFlSSr CIUB edford' Daily Tribune TOUUTll YEAR. MEDFOUl), OWI'XJO.V, KIM DAY; A I '( i 1 1ST 1 : J YM). No. 125. M PRAISE LOWELL IS TO HARVESTING BARTLETT FOR LOCAL F Government Entomologist Looking Over Valley on Lookout for Pear Thrlps Orchards In . Fine Shape. MARVELS AT PEAR CROP; IS GREATLY SURPRISED Expert Foster Will Go From Thk Section to Willamette Valley. W. S. Foster, assistant in tho de ciduous fruit wr ft investigation, 1m lenu of ntiiiiK y , li'piirliiu'iit ol' nprii'tiltmv. Ii.i- b en in the valley during th: .nst I days looking ovvi different orchards in order to de termine whether nny oui' Ihrips urn lo be fniniil Icx-ii II . IIi will prohn liml.v return in Iho spring t miik-j further investigations. "Yon Imvi! ciTlniiily n wonderful valley here," said Mr. Foster. "I have never seen 11 belter eur crop in my experience mid pears are my xpuuinltv: Your orchards nro in .ilindid shape uud everything look filll'." Mr. Foster will go from Mod ford to the Williiinol to valley. 'whero tin will curry on investigations rcgnrclin; lover, Ihrips in tin neighborhood of AHianv. MANY ARE AFTER TEACHERS PAPERS Large Number of Applicants Taking Examinations This Week. There is a large number of young women of the. county taking the l.cachors' examinations this week. Tho applicants for county papers are: Lillian Thordason. Eagle Point ; Alberta Stacy, Bougie: Noll C. rol mcr, AKhlnnd; If. II. Lowe, Tnlonl; Nettie Marin Abbott, Ashland; Maude I'caehey, Jessie Ashby, Ashland j Bes ide Bell, Brnwnsboro ; Anne S. Han Hon, Medford; Editli Isabella Knlei, Ashland; Jul in Sidley, Helen Sidley, Lake Creek; Kaye Burcholl, Wood ville; Thornton S. Wiley, Ashland; Edith R. Fredonborg, Butte Falls; Hornice Ileululi Oardor, Medford; Borlha Anna Brynn, Wellon ; Ornco Hullingor, Medford; Cora O. Gregory, Central Point ; Miss L. M. Kineaid, Prospect; Gay Webb, Medford; Mary K. Bighnm, Enghi Point ; Virdl Hens ley, MrH. L. M. Chipp, Lucy O. Hindi -lell, Mayken Gibson, Ashland; Vi Thompson, Marguerite Holmes, Cen tral Point; Mary B. Underwood, Ash land; Bertha N. Di'-worlh, Peyton; Mnnn May Ward, Talent; Mrs. Har riot Minthorn, Woodville; Peter Kill' gory, Lottio Viola Swoet, Medford: Viola IVisler, Woodville. The applicants for state papers arc: Miss E. M. Beaver, Ashland; IT. loeia iNimon. ah nm 11011 11 1 un u- wol L Ash and: Vinnio Snoneer. Ash- land: Actios Storev. Ashland: Ethel Kroner, Ashland; I'rnnceR I. Aiken, Agate; Bosnia Wagnuor, , Ashland; Walter 'ITerndon, Ashland. ' BID I PEARS WELL ONDER WAY Leaves With His Family for San Jose, Cal where He Will Go Into - Aaeroplane Manufactur ing Business. IS BACKING YOUNG MAN, WHO HAS INVENTED MACHINE Sells His Place Nead Woodville and Is Ready to Risk All on New Venture. Hen A. Lowell of Woodvillu ha-3 hold his properly ncur that plnco and left Thursday with his family for Sun Jose, Cal., where he is going in'-i ihc aeroplane manufacturing busi ness. Mr. Lowell slates that ma chine can be furnished those who de sire to fly high, for 11 consideration of about $.10011 each nearly as cheap as automobiles. Mr. Lowell lias as one of his part ner), a yonnr 111.111 who has proven suovysf,!! in (be building of aero planes. .e. I owcll will place tlie business upon a sound fiuauciiil ba sis, - , Mr. IjOU'oII is very well known iii southern Oregon as a sound finan cial man and in this ago of aoro plaues he is taking advantage of get ting into the field enrlv, If success ful iu the new venture the next trip Mr. Lowell makes to southern Ore gon will be via the path of the swal low. BIG DEMAND ON FOR BARRETTS Sgobel & Day of New York Say the Prospects for Northwest Crop Was Never Better. Sgobel & Day, New York fruil brokers, under dale of August 7, have tho following to say of the Now York Bartlett pear market: Durtlotts Our people apparently ununot got enough of them, our streets arc full of wagons and they are going down people's throats morning, noon and night, this fruit boing tho most favorablo of nyy that comes from tho const. California has passed her heaviest shipping time and after next wook wo look for much smallor arrivals of Bartlett .pears, bo hope that those from tho northwest will strike hero in a good time. From advices reeoivod today the following general range of priees hold in tho enst : . New York $1.05. Boston $2.20. Philadelphia $2.0". Pittsburg $2.45. Baltimore $1.80. St. Paul $2.15. Chicago $1.65. Three cans of Holly milk for 25(1, while thev last, nt Rex Grocery Co. ' ' 125 John Cox nnd wife havo returned from tho Seattle fair. Charles Hendricks of Eugene is spending ft few days in Medford. Four Cars Have Gone Forward Others Will Be Shipped This Afternoon and Tomorrow All to the New York ' Market. The harvesting ol the liarllctt pear crop is well under way, four curs li'iving been shipped up until last! r'ght. Of these four the Burrcll or chard shipped three and the Bear C.iiel; one. Today u second cur of Ihc Bear Creek will go forward an-l 11:111 tomorrow. Saturday a car will be shipped bv 1'ie (lore orchard, one by J. A. I'errv. TO TAKE THAW BACK TO ASYLUM Superinte-i.lot l ot Asylum Leaves to t Take Harry Thaw Intn Custody Again. FISIIKILL LANDING, N. Y.. Aug. LI. Superintendent Baker of thi asylum for the criminal insiinc ut Mattowan. started this morning to lake chnrue of Hurry Thtiw and re turn bun to the asylum. Thaw will be in his cell at 7 o'cioc. this evening unless Justice Mills lis tens to the plea of Hurry to be con fined elsewhere. i CENTRAL POINT CITY PROPERTY SALES Values Have Increased in Neighbor ing City as in Other Portions of the Valley. Ernest Hathaway bus sold his five acre orchard tract west of Central Point to E. W. Brninerd of Medford. the consideration being $1000. Mr. Jlrainerd is connected with the Ilutch- ason company of Medford, mid it waa largely through tho work of A. J. Dunlnp of tins place who is nn old riend of Mr. Brninerd, that he de cided to invest in this section. The deal was closed throutrli tho real es tate agency of W. E. Whiteside. W. E. Whiteside reports the sale of lot 1, in block 40, formerly owned by .T. V. Hale of Grants Pass.' Tho pur chaser was Mrs. R. M." Whiteside, who is becoming one . of , Central Point s heavy property owners'. Tho consideration was $500. To give an idea of the trend of town property in Central Point within tho past few years it may bo said that Mr. Hale bought this lot about four years ago for $3i. The proporty is situated ol the corner of Fifth and Pino streets. Henry Lester, an need inmate of (ho comity hospital, died Thursday evening. He has a son in Coouv d'Alene, who has bnn communicated with. Misses Bessie Wagner, Bculali Cald wll, Agnes Storey and Winnio Spen- cor of Ashland nro in Jacksonville taking the touchers' examination. Julia Sidley nncl Helen Sidley of Lake Creek are taking the tenohcrs' examination. and one by the Hillcrcst. A cur froin thu Will Stewart tract will also g forward soon. All of the orchards are heavily laden and ure now the scene of great activity, The annual harvesting of the pear crop is on in full blast. All of the pears being shipped urc going forward to the New York mar ket. TOWN WIPED OUT BV FIRE Two Thousand' People Rendered ' Homeless by Conflagration t That Sweeps City. DOVER, Del., Aug. 13. A com pany of militia started for Milton, 4' miles south of hero, today, which wa practically destroyed by fire early this morning, when it burned 'n t wind-fanned conflagration. Two1 thousand persons are homj less. Jktiw were kille dnnd none arc rcH?i led missing. The loss was very heavy, as the insurance is light. NEGRO WAITER WHO HIT BOY SOAKED IN RETURN GRANTS PASS, Or., Aug. 13. Albert Johnson, n colored dining car waiter on the Southern Pacific, ran up against a Grants Pass justice and was hound over to the circuit court in the sum of $300 for assault with n dangerous weapon. A few days ago while the train was going through Grants Pass. Mr. Johnson had his hoiitl out of the window, gating at the various resources of Josephine comity. , Ono of tho small boys who peddle apples and other fruit as tho train obeservod hitn and called him Snowball and various- other adjec tives. Mr. Johnson reached back and diking a piece of coal, hit the small boy on the head. Tho authorities had him arrested at Ashland and brought back for trial. It will prob ably result in tho city council licens ing these peddlers of fruit, and there will not be such n horde around the trains as to be beyond control. MOORS DRIVING SPANIARDS BACK, STEP BY STEP LISBON, Aug. 13. The Spanish troops' at Melvilla have been driven from all advanced positions by tho Moors, wEo are bombording the fort resses of tho city with captured can non, according to advices received today. In tho past week's fighting both sides lost heavily. Proof Positive. (July Success.) A western newspaper man visited Washington recently and told the following- story on former Representa tive Amos J. Cumniings of New York, who was onco city editor of tho Sun. One Saturday night it was announc ed that all the saloons were to be closed noxt 'dtiy. Cuinmings enllod his star reporter, Murray. "Tom," ho said, "go out tomorrow and find out if the saloons nro sell ing liquor." It was Thursday when Tom again appeared rit tho city desk. "They were," he reported. CITY GETTIICOMITTEE SUBURBAN STORES Medford Taking On All the Earmarks of City Three Stores at Present on Outside of City. ONE IS PLANNED FOR THE EAST SIDE OF CITY With Institution of Interurban Motor Car Service Great Stride for Progress Will Be' Made. Medford is fast getting all of the earmarks of an up-to-date metropo lis. The latest to be noticed are the suburban stores that are beginning to stiow themselves. One of these stores has been established iu north west Medford, one in southwest Med ford and one in north Medford. Plans are on foot at present to es tablish a general merchandise- store on the Enst Side as soon as a suita ble lot can bo acquired. Bakeries are also scattered over the city and with the institution of the regular motor car service on the R. It. V. railroad the west suburbs of the city .will rapidly build up. CONDITION OF APPLE. CROP IN AMERICA The International Apple Shippers' association, now in session at Buffa lo, has issued the following estimate of the 1D00 apple crop, based on last year's production : PK. Maine 105 New Hampshire 95 Vermont .....100 Massachusetts .' 135 Connecticut '..135 Rhode Island 100 New York . . '. uO Pennsylvania 85 New Jersey 40 Delaware 70 Ohio SO Michigan 180 Wisconsin . 150 Indiana 125 Illinois 160 Missouri , 125 Kansas : 60 Iowa k 200 Arkansas 500 Nebraska.., 150 Oklahoma .... 25 Indian Territory 25 WcsJ Virginia .. ....173 Maryland 200 Tennessee .125 Virginia 125 Kentucky 200 Colorado 300 Idaho 35 Utah 100 Montana 100 California 100 Oregon 100 Washington 70 New Mexico 00 Canada 175 Nova Scotia 100 Tho association pronounces tho quality of fruit in tho west good, and in the enst poor to fair. Church of the Brethren. Tho Church of the Brethren will conduct religions services in Smith'i hall, 128 North Grape street, every second nnd fourth Sundays of tho month nt 11 o'clock a. m. A kindly invitation is oxtendod to all. ELDER 8. E, DECKER. P ITS W Committee Appointed to' Investigate Washington Supreme Court , Waits Further Instructions " ' From House. WILL ASK FOR ENLARGED POWERS TO CARRY ON WORK Believed That Sensation Will B Sprung With Report Much Secret Work Being Done. OLYMPIA, Wash., August 13. . The work of the committee appoint ed by the house of representatives to investigate the charges brought against the supreme court of this state baited today and it was an nounced that no further steps would be taken until the committee has re ceived instructions from the house. 1 It is declared that the committee will ask for enlarged powers in or der to caa on the investigation. Much work along secret lines has been done. It is believed that a great sensation will be sprung when the committee files its report. THROWS BLAME ONTO NEWSPAPER MAN WASHINGTON. Aug. 13. Acting Assistant Land Commissioner Schwartz today issued an official de nial of the report from Helena print ed August 10 that lands had been grabbed iu Montana by a power trust under Secretary Bollinger's regime. The. statement gave an account of the laud transactions in the Boze man land office on that day and de clared that a newspaper correspond ent, had misread a decimal and that the land opened was comprised of a few acres for a spring for a sheep corapnny and not mony acres for a power trust. USE TRACTION ENGINES TO FIGHT FOREST FIRES WENGLER. Aug. 13. One hun dred acres of valuable timber one mile east of this place was destroy-! ed by fire yesterday. The origin of the firo is attributed to ; careless campers. The fire was subdued by tho combined efforts of every man in the employ of the Redding and Big Bend Lumber company. They fought the flames with four big traction en gines, each of which is especially equipped with fire fighting appara tus provided for just such an emer gency. But for the traction engines it would have been impossible to have conquered the fire. Four Great Church Lights. Beginning with next Sabbath Rev. W. C. Renter of tho Methodist Epis copal church will preach four ser mons on "Four Johns." August 15, 11 a. m. "St. John, the Divine." 1 August 22, 11 a. m. "John Knox, the Scotch Presbyterian Reformer." August 29, 11 a. ni. "John Bun yan, the Great Baptist Allognrist." September 5, 11 a. m. "John Wes ley, tho Methodist." Everybody is invited to hear theso discourses on these four historic characters.