THE MEDFORD DAILY TIUBUNE, MEDFQKD, OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST .12. 1909. At The Hutchason Co. Tomorow WASH GOODS CLEANUPS. Your last opportunity to buy wash goods at these unheard of prices. YOU WANT DO CLEARANCE OF WASH. GINGHAMS. 35c French Zephyr Ginghams, now ....... . . . 13c I5c and 18c red seal Ginghams, now. . .13c CLEARANCE ITEMS. ' 35c ladies' chamois finish Hose, now 25c 20c children's ribuen Hose now . .J4V' 3. 10c ladies ribbed Vests, now ,13c' 35c ladies' ribbed Vests, now .... 23o : 50c fancy Dresden Ribbons, now ........ 29c 85c voile Dress Goods, all colors, now .. 44c 1 These prices hold good until Saturday. CLEARANCE CN BATISTE LAWNS, DIMITIES. ETC. Up to 35c, now 13c All White Goods reduced. ADVANCE SALE ON BLANKETS-SEE OUR WINDOWS. , $2.50 gray fleeced Blanket, 11-4, now $1.79 $1.50 gray fleeced Blanket, 11-4, now $1.19 $1.39 gray fleeced Blanket. 10-4, now . .' 79c $1.49 white cotton Blanket, 11-4, now .99c Co. The Hutchason Successors to B AKER-HUTCHA SON COMPANY SOMETHING SWELL ISOGIAL AND PERSONAL! ... . ......... ....... A I k A The-best is none too pood for tho who., at this season of the yeai arc looking forward to making their owii preserves aud jelly. Anticipating; .their needs, the Southern Oregon Eeji & Coffee Co. early in the season plueed their order for a full Hue of . whole and ground spices and triple bottled bas sugar, which have jus: arrived. Don't forget the number, 3(5 South Grape street. Phone 3303. ' The ladies of the Christian church will serve coffee and ice cream and cake every Friday evening across from the park. i A four or five-room furnished house wanted ul-onee, not too far out! What have you? Address In quirer, care Tribune office, giving i location and terms. How did you like that last lot ot tea and coffee you ordered of the Southern Oregon Tea & Coffee Co.? Good, wasn't it? 123 Verne Canon has left for a visit at the fair. " J. C. Woods is in Gold Hill on bus iness. . LARGE TRACTION ENGINE TO BE USE DIN HAULING LUMBER GRANTS PASS. Or., Any J. G. Fry of Central Point was a recent visitor in Medford. Miss Talent. Ruth Rundnll'is visit ins; in FOR SALE AUGUST ONLY A SUMMER RESORT ON KLAMATH LAKE That is Unsurpassed in America This is a sporting proposition for meu of wealth it is not a farm. Unequalled Trout Fishing June, to November. Deer Hunting on the premises, August 1 to November 1. Duck Shooting superior to any in the state, over thousands of acres of. wild celery and rice, Septamher 1 to February ! Grouse and Pheasant Shooting on the place October 15 to Novem ber 15. Best starting place in the county for ii Bear hunt. The Crater Lake Automobile road .will run through the place for a . mile and a quarter. Navigable" water to the proper , ty, unsurpassed drinking water, itnd power to develop the prpp- erty. ' ' More bottom land and fine gar den land than any place on the lake. Thousands of Pine aud Fir trees and thousands of Quaking As pens. More varieties of wild flowers and natural grasses and vetches than any place in the county. If you develop this property as .;t can be developed, there is no resort in the county that can compare with it. No amount of talking will dts ' scribe it let us show you. We have been offered more than twice what it cost, but have a price at which you may take it below which we will keep it. J. G. PIERCE, W. T. SHIVE, Klamath Falls. Oregon. Cash paid for Bartlett pears. Sec I John D. Olwell. Exhibit building. VH Tlio tract ion engine and lumber trucks for hauling lumber, etc., fur the Spaulding lumber mills in Swede. Basin have arrived ami an1 vet o-i the cars in this city. The engine U one of the largest of the kind that is built and the trucks are to $1 with the engine, they having extra wide tires with corks- so that the wheels will stick to the road. The i outfit cost something like iflO.OO'i Miss Blanche Oswald is visiting in j and owing to tho long haul the Spaul- Weed, Cal. ' dings have to make, will soon pay for ! itself in the large amount of lumber Get the habit of eating your meu! , j that hnuled at one time. There ah the.Iouvre cafe, especially break-! is nmch speculation as to how the ta&C and see how quickly you are i heavy engine will affect tho roads, relieved of that indigestion. 123 i "' thinking that it will tear them lull to pieces, hut others who have Miss Grace Luwton and Mr. Percy i K,ec" !'""" "scd '"' California, nv L. Wood were married aKihe reS1-Mhat tI,ev nn " benefit to the ron:l deuce of the bride's parents on Weil-j I"' nc("",,nt oi 11,0 h,'nvv w,,0"Ih fi" uesday evening. The young coupio!"1 "'' ""' (''""'k "ollw will reside in tj.isjity. THE DALLES WILL DO . , $41,398 WORTH OF PAVING THEN COME IN TOMORROW AND LET, US SHOW YOU ONE OF THE SWELLEST LINES OI'NOVELTIES IN FANCY JAPANESE CHINA EVER SHOWN IN THE CITY This lot includes ninny novelties in Chocolate Pots, Tea Pols Tea Sets in to 1.) pieces, Rose .1 urs, Vases. Moullion Dishes. Plates, Sauce Dishes, Nut. Howls, Pniit Dowls, Salad Dishes, Silver inlaid Tea Pot, Chocolate Sets. Salt and Peppers, Match Safes, etc., in fact the swellcst Hue of strictlv liitfli in-ad-' novelties evi'f shown in Medford. " . - ' Cash paid for Uartlett pears. Sue John I). Olwell, Exhibit building. 121 j TIIK IULI.KS, Or., Aug. lp.MThe Mrs. J. F. Keddy, Mrs. M. M. Put !''''' council last night passed the nam. George Putnam and a numbei j paving ordinance which has boa of friends left Thursday morning for j postponed from time to time. The a visit to Crater Lake bv automo- j ordinance provides for the paving- bile. The party will return about I " second street with bitulithic puvc Sundav. . mcnt f" tlie east side of Taylor to the west side of Liberty street. The estimated cost to abutting prop erty owners will be $41,308.55, or not more than $2.03 per square yard. The ordinance provides for grading and specifies the character of tho work. The city recorder is authorized to advertise immediately for bids in or der that the work may be completed this fall. Music by the orchestra and violin solos from G to 7:30 o'clock at the Nash Grill tonight. John Seelson of the Applegate ii spending a few days in Medford on business. - - Henry C. Johnson of Salem is vis iting for a few days in this city. The Wigwam will have its opening on tomorrow night. An orchestra of six pieces will furnish the mus'w and a good time for nil is promised. Come nnd be convinced. First fall flannelettes, outing flan nels and fancy kimona goods at Van Dykee's.. 124 Opening of the Wigwam on tomor row (Friday) night, corner Seventh and Oakdale. Don't fail to attend the opening of the new dunce purlors pn Friday night, .corner Seventh and Onkdalc. HUNTERS AND FISHERMEN IN JOSEPHINE BUSY MONUMENT TO BE BUILT FOR HOWES, INVENTORS -avvy one. of the most complete lines of staple Hosiery in Medford. all well made, Tufl size, perfect fitting oods, and people who have bought them sav they are the hest wearing hose in the city. COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU New Line OK LADIIOS SHOPPIXd MACS. 75? AND $1.25 HACIl, AND THEY AKH WORTH IT. COM K IN AND TAKK A LOOK AT THEM. Do you know we cany the most complete line of every day notions to be seen in Medford and all popu lar priced If you want something you" can't find anywhere else, com.' in aud try ns. The chances are w have it. HUSSEY The Busy Store S BELLS They OF THE BASTILLE. BOSTON. Aug. 12. Within a fa days work will be begun on the foun dations for the monument which is to be erected to the three Howes, in ventors, all of the same family, who were born in Spencer in tho sunvj house in the south part of town. - The monument, which is being modeled by Paul Winters Morris of New York, will occupy a position in the grass plot in front of the towji hall. It bears upon its fnco bronze portrait mcdullians in alto-relief of the three inventors Elins Howe, in vontor of the sewing machine; Wil liam Howe, inventor of the tru3S bridge, and Tyler Howe, inventor of I the spring bed. GRANTS PASS, Or.. Aug. 12 Up to the present time there litis been i ssucd from the county clerk's office 637 -hunters' licenses, 257 fishing li censes that have been paid for, and 85 fishing licenses issued to 1)oy.? undor the age of 16 years that are not puid for. REPORT THAT WHITES AND SEMIN0LES HAVE CLASHED INDIANA MAN DRAWS FIRST PLACE IN FLATHEAD MIAMI, Jin., Aug. 12. Meager advices here 'todny indicate a fight between the whites and Seminole in the everglades. There, are no dn tails obtainable. COEUH D'ALENE, Idaho, Aug. 12, Joseph Furay of Warsaw, In., drew the first prize in the Flathead reser vation drawing todny. No. 2 Joseph Hodge, I)cer Lodi-e. Mont. . No. !t Patrick Quigley, Ito-. mont, Minn. No. 4 Edward. M. Webber, Hill, yard. Wash. No. f E. McClfilhm, Missoula, Mont. No. 6 William Zticplc, Applcton, Wis. Arc Hung In a LittU Rustio Building In Pari. The bells of the TtiiMtlllo are still In ParlB In n little court In Avenue d'Ky luu, where tlicy ure bung in n little rustic building. There Ih no doubt oh to! their (luthcutli-ity. They carry In relief their Ktory. "Tliese three bellit were made by l.oult C'heron, founder to,tiic court, for the royal ItiiHtllle In the year Hill." l-'k-urs-de-lia, croHHCM and Microti tigiircM adorn the legend. The boll formerly were purl of the Hock Installed by M. Sartlue In 1"(M. In t!ii' nrehire do I'nrxcuul are all tho document relative to the work. ' On .Inly I t. 1TW). the hulls of the assalhuiis stopped the clock of the J5ustl.IV nt a r'l.irtf-r past In the even ing. Palfoy. who doi.iollKln-d flip prfs-1 on, three d:iyn later received tho order I to deliver the cluck to Mm cninmnndor I of the Paris tnlllllii, who trnnsportcd It no one know whlthor. After the revolution the llls were found at the foundrlex of ICtiullly-Hiir-Andcllo, In Kure. where, under the reign of ter ror, tho church liells were converted Into money. The proprietor of the foundry vun Interested In thenc relic nnd did. not melt them. Ito Installed the three bells in his work with, the movement of the 'clock. By tbla time the dlul plate hid disappeared and the llgures whlidi belonged to It. Homo years ago the bellit wore transferred from the Itoullly foundry to I'arlH, anil there they Imve Mince remained. Ten don Olole. Th Frnch Academy. The Frem h academy n one of the five niHiileiiiir nnd the iiionI emlnenC cojiHtltutliu the Instltule of Kriince. It whm founded In liKIS by Ciirdliinl Hli-h-elleu and reorsniHed In IN 111. It la couipoKeil of forty tucndierx, tho now tnmnlMT elected by the n-iniilnliiK thlr-ty-nlnn incinbcnt for life .after person al application anil the xuhmlxHloii of the nominntlop. to tlio licnd of ths Hlale. It. meelH twice weekly nml la "the highest authority on everything pertaining to the nlcetlim of tho Freuclt Inugunge-tu gruininnr, rhetoric ami poetr. and tbn publication of tho Kroneli clnmilcM." The chief officer In l lie aecrctitry. who haa n life tenure of his poHltlou. A cbulr In tho academy Ik (he bgutt nmbltlou of moat liter ary Kroifhmon. B o x in g Contest Medford Theatre, 8 p. m. August 12 Mr. Dan Sullivan of Montana Champion Middleweight of Northwest, W. H. West ahd Earl Ralston, of Medford Mr. Sullivan will box West an I Ralston 3 rounds each 6 ROUNDS SEATS ON SALE AT HASKINS'. A good preliminary bout will be puton at 8:30. Big match comes off at 9:30 sharp. PRICES, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50.