THE MEDSORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OUKO.ON, TUtlltSllAV, AtKUJKT 12. VMX Medeord daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medford. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Geokge Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : month by mail or carrier.... $0.50 One year by mail .95.00 TODAY'S WEATHER PREDICTION. ' Clear today and tomorrow. Warmer. A rare and salubrious climate soil ot remarkable fertility beautiful scenery mountains stored with -coal, copper aud gold extensive forests streams stocked with speckled beauties game in abundance a contented, progressive people such is the Rogue River Valley. Average mean temperature 55 degrees Average yearly precipitation 21 inches OHDIN'AN'CK NO. 218. An ordinance declaring tho oo.-t of the improvement of u portion of Cen tral avenue mill assessing tlio prop erty benefited thereby mid doelariar Mich assessment mid directing tlu entry there of in the docket ol rity lions. The city of Medford doth ordain a follows: Section 1. That no protests hav ing been filed against tho improve ment of Central avenue from south lino of Sixth struct to north lino of Highlit street, duo notice of tho in tention of the council lo enuso said improvement to hit Hindu having been L'iveu. nod said imiirovemenl having Ix'cn ordered nuide, the council has considered tint mutter mid herewith ascertains the cost of making sni'li improvement to be the sum of $7H11.4H. Aud said council further find that the special and peculiar ben efits accruing upon each lot or pail thereof adjacent to said imiirovemenl by reason of said imiirovemenl and in just proportion to hcnofiU to he the respective iimouiitH hereinafter set opposite the number or descrip tion of each lot or part thereof, aud such amounts respectively tire hereliv declared to he the 1 proportionate share of each lot or part thereof of hi.., i. i i i i j -,, ii inn m i. . i'iiii-it i, iiiui ii 1 1.' iii'i li"- jsi'ssed against each lot or part there of respectively, the name appearing nbnvo each description being (lie name of the owner of such lot or parcel. Description of Property for Assessment of Central Avenue Between Sixth and Eighth Streets, Medford, Oregon A MARVELOUS PBODUCElt. Under the caption "A Pointer for Doubters What One Little Cherry Tree Docs on the Bayfield Peninsula' the Bayfield County Press of Bayfield, AYis., publishes the following news item : Wednesday last Mrs. Julius Forsbcrg finished pick ing the cherries on one cherry tree in the yard at her hom. on First street, and reports a total output from this oni tree of 100 full quarts, exclusive of all that had hcen pick ed and eaten from the lower limbs. This tree is over 30 years old, and from personal observation of the writer he knows that it has been a bearing tree for 27 $tiinnicrs. This tree lias had no especial care, stands in a grass plot and is to all appearances as sound in trunk and perfect in limb as it is possible for a tree to be. Yet, in the face of such evidence as thin, you will occasionally run across one of those wiseacres who will sneer at the statement th! fruit raising here can be made a financial success. One hundred quarts of cherries! And from one tree. . Marvelous! And still the Rogue River valley has a few records in 'he cherry line- For instance, there is a tree near Eagle Point which this year produced 98 gallons or 392 quarts Likewise there is "a tree near Gold Hill which produced 200 gallons or 800 quarts. Affidavits will be furnished upon request. Description. Lot. Illoek. 1'Ynutngc. Amount. Xo. 1. S. T. Howard The southerly -It! feet HO 20 III feet iKIIIl.'J" Xo. . Addiellalley The northerly 04 foot 20 20 04 feet llll.H.I No. M. k rainier I 20 1 10 feet 1HM.:'I No. 4. Medford National Hank 1 .21 140 f.iet .001.01 No. 5. Warner. Worttnun & (lore .The southerly f0 feet ' 1 21 ."ill feet :il.'i,2" Xo. (i. ltii; Hend Milliinr Coinimiiy. .The northerly 110 feet . I 21 ill! feet .riU7.H2 No. 7. K. Wilkinson The southerly 70 feet 10 14 70 feet -tlKl.tlJ Xo. 8. Helle Niekell Tho northerly 70 feet 10 14 70 feet 450.11 No. !. BFAdkins 1) 14 11(1 feet Ill(l.:i7 No. 10. Jackson Co. Hunk The southerly (III feet 10 l:i (III feet IHrt.Hll No. 11. His Bend Milling: Co Tho northerly 74 feet 10 Kl 74 feet , 181.81 No. 12. Hiir Bend Milling Co 0 III 110 feel 1111.02 Grand total of assessments. . . Section 2. The recorder of the ei'.y is hereby directed Ho enter n state ment of tho assessments hereby made in the docket of city liens and to givo notice thereof by publication as re- ouired by Inw. - . Tho foregoing ordinance was pass ed by tho city of Medford on tho .1th day of August. 100!), by tho following vole: Welch aye. Merrick absent., Wnrlmun aye. Kmeriek ityo, Kifert nve, Deinmer aye. Approved August (1, WOO. W. II. CANON. Mavor. Attest: it. W. TK1.KKII. Keeorder. SHIPS SIX MILLIONS OF FRUIT IN SIXTY DAYS SACHAMKNTO. Aug. 12. "Cali fornia has shipped $1011.000 worth of fruit n day for the last i0 days. Thtat means !?(i.000.000." Seiul .r Charles B. Bills. Senator Bills was not merely ro mancing when he said this last nighl at the chamber of commerce. Tlv senntor is a big shipper of fruit him self. Through the I'ioneer Fruit company with which he is affiliated, aud he ought to know. '"It is simply astounding,'' he rumi nated. ''Think of it, one hundred thousand dollars' a day. seven days a week, for eight weeks. Three million dollars a month, six-millions for two months! mid still going on! The rec ord to date is ")."i42 ears for the sea son." 'Best of all," Senator Bills reflect ed, " all hut n very small portion of the money finds it way hack to tlio hands of the people of California through Sacramento channels. The hanking operations carried on via t!in banks here. This is the clearing house for practically tho returns from the eastern sales of deciduous fruit." Senator Bills went on to say that the record will be surpassed next year when California begins to ship apples and celery, two products that growers will find profitable to raise in large quantities. Apples, are scarce now and bring $1.00 a box. Celery is a vccgtuble this end of the state has not paid much attention ( i heretofore, but farmers on the lower Sacramento are beginning to wak) up to its advantages as it marketa ble product and bread winner. SOLDIERS MOWED DOWN BY MAHOUT IN MACHINE LONDON. Aug. 12. A heavy au tomobile near Salisbury dashed around a turn in the road into a company of soldiers and killed seven and injured 20 before it was ditch ed. Many were injured and will die. The - soldiers attempted to escape, when the driver lost his head, for got to apply tho brakes, aud tho ma chine continued to plow through their ranks. READ THE TRIBUNE FOR NEWS. PRETTY WEDDING IS CELEBRATED IN A , . PHOENIX HOME At Ihe home of Hie bride's par ents, I'hoenix precinct, August II, 1000, at II p, m,, in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends, Miss Maud Yiiudnrphy, old est daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Vandorphy, was united in marriui;-i to Mr. Bert . Uekw I of Medford. licv. W. L. Black of Medford offi ciating, i " The bride looked very prtilly, gown ed in a very dainty dress of sky hluo silk, trimmed with white satin and lace, and carried a bouquet ol whilu roses. ' The bride, who was the favorite of a largo circle of friends, was tho ro eipient of many beautiful mid useful presents. The bridegroom is one of Mud ford's popular eoulriicling carjien lers. After the ceremony was performed a bountiful snpcr was served to the guests assembled, who extend to them their best wishes for their future happiness. , Opening of the Wigwam on tomor row night. Corn-r Seventh mid Oak- dnle, Bargains in Real Estate A few investments that will make money for you 40 acres fine fruit land near rndroad Million, $80 per acre, '3 i t -h, easy terms on balance nt :t per cent interest. 100 acres of the best orchard lend in the vnllev, (INK MII.K 1 1,'uM RAILROAD STATION", if SO per acre, ONK-FOI'HTI I eab. cny terms on balance at (i per cent interest. 10 acres of choice orchard laud closo to ruilroad Million, $100 DOWN' AND $10 A MONTH JUTS THIS. Yon will regret it if y,j., neglect to securo this ten d joining Kenwood addition, $200 en. 4 largo eity lots in West Mudforucres on tiio above tonus. The owner of thu ubovo properties purchased them four years ngj before tho advance in prices and will sell at a very moderate profit. Considering quality of laud and location, these are among ilm cheapest buys in the market today. j. C.BROWN Olflce In Palm BIogR, Upstairs Metlford, Oregon This Is To Let You Know That MEDFORD Is soon to have a Business College that is second to none on the Pacific Coast The Western BUS INE SS COLLEGE And School of and Typewriting a Will open About September 1st, Day and Night Sessions, Modern Methods, Competent Teachers, Successful Graduates. For Particulars, Address J. B. MACK, Principal, Medford I 1 1 nr