Oregon Historical Socltty City Hall ' $1,000 REWARD! ONE TltOl'SAS'l) DOLLARS ni'AVAtt&WIU, l!K I'Ari) UY TUB UNDERSiChVKI) TO ANY PERSON WHO CAN' SHOW BY AUTHENTIC TES TIMONY THAT ANY CITY OK TOWN IN THE UNITED STATES, OUTSIDE OP THE KOGl'E RIVER VLLEY. HAS TRIBUTARY TO IT WITHIN A JO-MILE RADIUS, A 20-MILK RADII'S. A 30-MILE RADIUS OR A 40-AHLE RADIUS, AS MANY DIVERSIFIED RESOURCES AS MKDI'OIID, OREGON, HAS WITHIN A CORRESPONDING RADIUS. MEDEORD COMMERCIAL CLUB. Medford Daily Tribune I'OUJITJL YEAR. MEDFOUI), OHKUOX, TJIUIJSDAY, AL'fJl'ST V, VM). No. 124. MAY MAY DECiBE RIGHT - QUESTION CIIIZ BE ' TO TALK IT OVER IS IE Or. J. F. Reddy as Peacemaker Will Get the Attorneys Together to Decide Upon Personnel of the Board. ONLY RIGHT OF WAY WILL BE CONSIDERED AT THE FIRST MEETING Reames Shows Disposition to Submit Question Board to Be Com posed of Five Members. Unliv. 1111 iint'orest'cn liiti'h devel op)) in Iht) next tew days, the con troversy between tho city of Mcd I'ord ami At. K. llanlcy over 11 right til' way for tho gravity water system across tho llmitny promises mi Lilllo Hull creek will bo submitted to n hoard ol' arbitration and the matter settled. Dr. J. F. Reddy is the peacemaker. Ho took tlui stop of gelling tbc at torneys together at tho instnnoo of several prominent oitions. First bo got in touch with Mr.' Roiinios ami found that bi! would iirbitratc. Then lo the city attorney's office ho hied V I IP ...l ..,A U fttA n'itfl fl. M IlimmTI lulu iiiiivi iv w.v. . .Noff. who states that ns far as tho Noff. who states that ns far as inci f arbitration board is oonoerueu no is M ....vAAiililn mifl will rneoinmend such tl course to tho council. , The purported contract with Hun ley will in 110 wise bo jeopardized by Ibe board, for it will considor only the right of way. If it can bo soltled with only 11 fow days' loss of time it will result in niueli benefit to the eity. It is to be hoped that tho two con tending parties got together and straighten out their difficulties ond that the work goes on. NEW ALBANY BANK OPEN FOR BUSINESS ALBANY, Or., Aug. 12. The Al bauy Slato bank opened its doors yosterdny morning at 0 o'clock, with Cashier IT. N. P-ouley nt tho receiv ing wiekot and President William Bain bobind the counter. Tho bunk ing rooms 11 ro modern in every way, onlc fixtures and tile floors. On the right of tho outraneo thoro is a rost. room and on the left a writing room for the natrons.' The bank is capi talized at $30,000. A largo nnmbor of people twulo deposits on the first lay. On tho lower floor will bo tho offices of the Curtis real estate una and the Commoroinl club. On tho up per Dentist Littlor, Photographer Crawford, Real Estate Agent Miller, Insurance Man KalHtoii, Aronuooi Gurggrnf, Dr. Mnrshull. ARBITRATE OF - WAY OUTSIDE OF COURT 4- WE TENDER OUR THANKS To V. K. IfiMiilhckson, who resides (mil mile south of .Mctll'oid, Ibe Triliiini' force tender (heir (hunks lor some very fine walermeloiiM, which he considerately lel'l ill Die ol'I'ico early Thursday morn ing, imieb to the delight of 1 Ihe office boy ami well, a few other. The melons were Hpleiuliil men, having a rieli. sweet, flavor. They were exeeplion nlly good. Mr. liemlrii'kMon, we (hank yon. GREAT GAME NEXT SUNDAY Grants Pass and Hilt Will Play the Championship Game Here Big Time Is Expected. Probably what is (he most featur ed ball game that has been played in southern Oregon in some time will be played in ibis eity next Snndav afternoon. The game will bejbelween ' Grants Pass ami Hilt. Cal., and thej reason for playing hero is so tint. the panto eotihl bu played on neutral grounds. Grants Pass won tho last game from Hilt, the latter team hav ing won one game previously. Grants Pass is the ehanmion of southern Oregon and the Hilt team is the eliam- pion of northern Culifornin and the game Sunday will bo for $500 11 side. The previous games piayeii oy The previous games played by Athene teams were close ones, iney no- 111? evenlv niatebcd and conso.nnentVv thro is inueb rivalry between them, and neither lentil wanted to play on each other's grounds. Also there is much exnenson ttached to the game and on account of the intense rival ry a big nttondanco is expected ill Medford. for that citv will turn out in force to see the cbnmpionsbip gunn and undoubtedly rpot for southern Oregon, and eiieh tciini will take n big delegation with them. The "Native Sons" of California will arrive in Medford tho night bo- fore, so as (o irtit a good rest nnd be iln shape. The Grants Pass team will come Sunday morning with a big bunch of "rooters." Owing to (bo fact that the California boys will have to catch an early train tho game will bo called ut 1 o'clock. STRIKER SLAIN BY EMPLOYE ; . OF, PITTSBURG STEEL CO. PITTSBURG. Aug. Stevo IIov vnl, 11 stool striker was shot and killed by Major. Smith, a' negro om ployo of the Pennsylvania Mallea ble Steel company in tho riot in which a number wore injured near Schoo ville, today. Tho riot followed tho eviction of 47 strikers from homos owned by tho Pressed Stool Car com pany. Smith olaims he acted in self dofonse. HUNTERS GET GAY: GAY WAY GET HUNTERS Game Warden After Number of Local Men Who, It Is Reported, Killed Quail Out of Season. ON TRAIL OF SEVERAL' AND MAY MAKE ARRESTS Gay Closely Watching for Offenders Quail Season Hoes Not Open Until October 15. A number of violations of tho game law as regards tho killing of quail in Ibis county Imvu been reKrtod lo Game Warden Charles It. Guy, and in some instnnees local sportsmen hnve been warned. Warden Gay is iiov on the trail of the reputed offenders and niay make a few arrests ere long. The iiiail season docs not open mi- til October 15 mid closes December 15. No more tluin ten Jiirds can be killed in any ouo day, nor more than 20 in any seven consecutive days. From all roixirts (bo quail are very plentiful this year and tho sport will be splendid when the season opens. BOXING CONTEST ON FOR TONIGHT Fans Anticipating Splendid Show at the opera House Wheii West Meets Sullivan. Local fans are expecting u good time tonight when tho tup of the gong sends W. H. West of this city against Dan' .Sullivan in a boximr contest. Two good preliminaries have been arranged. The doors will open at 7:110 p. ni. The band will be in at tendance. All of the principals, ore in splon did condition. BAD CHECK ARTIST CAUGHT AT TEK0A THE DALLAS. Aug. 12.-r3imies Wnlkershaw, wanted here for ob t ahiiiig money by falso pretenses; was arrested yostorday afternoon at To k' ., Wash., by a deputy sheriff of Whitman county, acting on advices from Sheriff Chrisinnn of this comi ty. On July 17 Walkorshnw, who was quite well known bore, peddled about $100 worth of .chocks on the Gilliam county bank of Condon, all of which were returned indorsed "no fluids." After getting the money on his worthless chocks Walkorshnw disappeared, and on July 28 ono of his vicitinis sworo to n complaint in tho justice court and a warrant was delivered to Sheriff Chrisinnn, who openod corfrespondenco with several county sheriffs in Oregon nnd Wash ington asking that I hoy look out for the. cheek "artist," with tho result that yestordny Mr. Chvisnmn roooiv od a wiro from tho sheriff of Whit man eoiyity that ho bad his man nt Tokon. WTH DIRT FLYING ON PACIFIC Norman Whiting, Grader, Says Over Four Miles of Road Has Been Graded and Track Laid Over Mile. PRESIDENT ALLED IS EXPECTED NEXT TUESDAY From 15 to 18 Teams Employed on thei Work Progressing as Rapidly as Possible. Dirt continues to fly on the con struction of the Pacific & Eastern railroad beyond Eagle. Point, some four miles having been graded and over a mile and a half of track laid Normnn Whiting, who has been nt work with his team of mules upon (be grading of the road, spent Thurs day in Medford and reported that as last as 1," teams and a largo crew of men rim work tho extension of. the road is progressing. President John K. Allen of New Yoik is expected to arrive in Med foivl next Tuesday to look over the road. He will be met in Portland by Dr. J. Reddy, vice-president of the road. N wthat matters have been Rdlusted in regard to-the legal status of the ror,d. it will be pushed forwarl to Butte I'a'ls as rapidly as possible. IRRIGATION CONGRESS MEETS NEXT. YEAR IN PUEBLO SPOKANE. Wash.. Aug. 12. The committee on permanent organization last r.ight seelcted Pueblo. Col., as the next meeting place of the nation al irrigation congress. This and also the choice ot the following officers for permanent or ganization have to be ratified by the delegates Saturday, winch will prob ably bo dono. F. A. Fowler, riioemx, Ariz., nresidont: E. E. Twiteboll, Las Vegas, N. M., Colonet Young, Salt vil'C-prosidents ; R. Insinger, hpokanc clminnnn-.of tho bonrd of governors. Arthur Hooker of Spokane, xerma- nent secretary, . . t All BIRD GETS PRIZE V AT C0EUR D'ALENE pfiRTT.A VTV Am 12.-r-Charles A. Arirv. Aim rtf fhe eouhtVs bonrdors at Kellv Butto. is one of the prize winners 111 Uncle ham's great lauu lottery ofr the. Coeur d'Alene resor-,-,.i;in. f His nnme aooears as No. iiiRt As lie is under an eight months sentence at the rockpile for larceny. ho was hot able to register 111 pei soii. but he is a veteran of the Span ish war and this gavo him the right to register by power of nttorney. He resides at 8ti.'t Syracuse street, ac cording to the slip ho turned in. Ho will make his selection of land if ho decides to take a claim. nr. V.. R. Seclv won the gun shoot held on tho ideal grounds Wodriosday afternoon. Tho scores: Out ot ju Ski-Iv broko 4fi. Miimrd 45, Bordeaux 3!), Enyurt 37, Bightvm 33, Gregory 20, Mrs. Enynrt 24. N ctSTERN THAW LOSES LAST HOPE OF Justice Mills Orders wan Asylum for Criminal Insane. ; De cision Follows What is Thaw's Probable chance for freedom. - WHITE PLAINS, N. Y., Aug. 12. Harry Iv. Thaw's last hope of re gaining his freedom faded toduy when Justice Mills filed his decision w committing Thaw to the asylum for the criminal insane, where he was TO TAKE ORCHARD VIEWS Photographer of Southern Pacific Company Wil Arrive Friday to Snap Orchards in bearing for Advertising , - Purposes, i , , Carrying out a promise made some months ago, a special photographer for the Southern Pacific will arrive in Medford Friday morning to take views. of local orchards for adver tising purposes. The company mud? a promise to the Commercial clut) some months ago that this would he SLEEPER PUT BACK UPON TRAIN 16 The northbound sleeper for the accommodation of Mod ford peope has been trans ferred from train 14 to train 16 nnd now leaves at 5:24 p. m. instead of 8:32 p. m. The change becomos effective to night. 4.4.4. STRINGER'S GROCERY STORE CENTER OF ATTRACTION The grocery store of W. Stringer is now the center of attraction for tho Indies of Medford todny, the oc casion being a practical fruit can miifc demonstration by Miss Emma Emo, who represents tho bchrara au tomatic Sealer company of St. Louis, nnd for whom Mr. Stringer is local distributor. Even to the umnitintea it is remarkable the ease with which fruit can bo preserved in the Schrnm jars with their specially eonsirueieu Tho iar itself has a large mnnilt with ground edges wlnoli it fii'isv to tilnco whole fruit in or remove it from tho jar without Fo,ir nt nntini? tho hands or tearing the fruit tj pieces, while tho lid is so simple and easy to remove when accessary that it really must be seen to bo appreciated. The demonstra tion will continuo all day tomorrow ad ovoryono is cordially invited to visit the store while it is in prog ress. . HANLEY FREEDOM Him Back to Matte- placed at the end of the second trial for killing Stanford White in the Madison Square garden. The decision is a voluminous one and follows a great struggle by Thaw and bis family on the grounds thnt he is now sane. . done: The photographer will be equipped with standard and pauorama cam eras and will secure views of the or chards at this time, while they are heavily loaded with fruit. The views 1 will be used in future publications of Ithe Commercial club. " " ROSEBURG GETS BETTER SERVICE The Commercial Club's Efforts For Through Trains Bring Results. HOSEBURG, Or., August 12. Aft er ceaseless efforts the Rosoburg Commercial club has been practically assured that tho local train service betweeu Roseburg and Portland will be improved. The improvements will consist of the extension of the Ash land local to Cottage Grove ;and the removal of tho Cottage Grove local, thereby making an afternoon servioo. from Roseburg to Portland. 1 . Other improvements in tho servico will be the re-establishing of the Pull man sleeper on trains 5 and 1(5, be tween Ashland and Portland, and al the observation car, now running on tho Cottage Grove locul between Port-, land nnd that city, on to Roseburg. ONLY $70 PER WEEK FOR. EVELYN THAW NEW y6RK. Aug. 12. Evelyn Thaw has denied that she is con templating suing tho Thuw family for $50,000. She said : . ' "It is 'unjust to make mo live oa $70 per week, with only an extra $200 per month, but I don't know what I can do. I won't sue."