THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OK BOON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, l'HKl. .t SOCIAL AND PERSONAL! r ' John I.. Conk of Lincoln, Cul., is visiting in Medford. Oeorge C. Korlies of (irtints l'nss is spending ii few days in Medford (Mi business. lllmni I . Wiilmnre ot inns liny is visit ins; in Med lord with friends. J. K. Urown and "wife of Chicago are recent Medford nrrivals. They may locale in (lie valley. Mr. and Mrs. A. Good of Newport are spending n few days in Medford. lien rretlenburg ot Unite rails is spending n few days in Med ford on business. lie reports everything thriving in the Fulls. (oniey B. charge. F. Mulkey had her W. W. Bnrllett of Sissou is ing in Medford. visit- James Fielder. of Chicago is visit ing in Medford. , Opening of the "Wigwam" Friday night, corner Seventh and Oakdafe 'avenue. 123 . L. W. Jacobs, the genial represen tative of the L. W. Smith Typewriter compaiiya, is again in Medford aft er a couple of months spent in Idah-j'i ill the iuterests of his company. Mr. Jacobs says that though he was all over what is known as the "banner'' section of Idaho, he saw nothing that could in any way eompare with Med ford 'and the Rogue River valley. Mrs. II. L. Montgomery leaves this evening for New York, where she goes to select the fall and winter stock for oMntgoniery's ladies' furnishing goods store. Clarence Noe, who has been camp ing for some weeks near Fig Butt'-'. jiaid Medford a brief visit on Tues day. rriday night is the date set for the grand opening of Medford's now amusement parlors. An orchestra of .six pieces will furnish the music of the evening. Come and enjoy voitr self. ' ' ' 'l2.'J Mr, and Mrs. B. F. Mulkey of Jack sonville left for a brief visit to Port land Monday evening. R. R. Rega, V. E. Finisher and ,. L. Goodpasture, three of Mcdford'--eitizens, were Jacksonville visitor (he first of the week. Xellie Thomas of Gold Hill, wh ) was committed to the boys' and gir's' Aid. society at Portland, was taken down Monday evening. District Ai- Slieriff W. A. Jones and Under sheriff H. It. Iow were called to Med ford on business Monday. There will be a grand opening i Medford's new dance parlors on Ft dav night. Music will be fimiishcti bv an orchestra of six pieces, am everything will be done in elaboia' stvlc. Comer Seventh mid Oakda avenue. V. I". lloinliii'kson of Saerumenti Cal., is .spending a tew days in (hi city. K. J. Lewis of Grants I'ass is visit ing friends in, Medford. C. II. Williamson of F.ugene is n raecent Medford arrival. X. L. Jones of Seattle is pnyin.; Medford a business visit. R. K. Wils:. of BiS Medford on business. Butte is in Remember the opening of the Vi wain on Friday night. Corner Sev enth and Oakdale nveime. ' v 1211 Mr. and Mi's. A. M. Woodford leave tonight for an extended, trip east. Thev will no bv wav of the fair. Karl Ralston will leave in the near future to take a place in the office of the Yreka Journal. Ben A. Lowell of Woodville was a recent business visitor in Medford. II. Bartlett of Sis iting in Medford. .011, Cal.. is vis J. B. O'Xeil of Grants Pass was n recent Medford visitor. Get the habit of eating your men! at the Louvre cafe, especially break fast, mid see how quickly you are relieved of that indigestion. " 12.1 A. D. Ilemmingway of Salem is in Medford on business. Henry Gregory of jW'Uliams. Cal.. is spending a few days in Medford vis iting with friends. A. S. Roscnbatim has been under .i physician's care for several days past. He ie now somewhat improved in health. B. W. Whitnev has returned to-lrs home in Bollock. S. D., after a week's visit with II. F. Wil.-oii and iamily ot this city. Mr. Wnitney. who tis a large rancher, intends to dispose of his property there and return to the Rogue River valley some time this win ter to reside permanently. We overheard a young fellow re mark that be couldn't see how the Spot cafe could afford to give tiiicli good meals for the price. 3211 A. K. Kennies of Jacksonville spen Monday in Medford. Floyd Ross of Central point was in Jacksonville a few hours on Mon day. James Kuek, who is interested in the livery slable at Jacksonville, is spending a few days at his home o,l Thompson creek. Hi' is contemplating moving bis family lo Jacksonville soon. Miss Cora llase is speiulini; a few j lays at the Cmighllmm faucli near. Sterling. j Alexander Belcher and Kdwuid Mori gnu of Trail were visitors at the 'utility seat Monday. Purler J. Xeff, city altoriiev, win u business caller at the count v sect Mondnv. First fall flannelettes, on I in., tlnn- nels and fancy kiniona goods lit Ytiu Dykee's. 121 G. H. Ilorton has left for a busi ness trip to Coos Bay. ALL WHITE WASH DRESSES REDUCED. $28.50 White W. Dresses $14.98 $25.98 White W. Dresses $13.98 $20.29 Whlto W. Dresses $12.89 $19.98 White W. Dresses $9.93 $6.69 White W. Drosses $2.19 ADVANCE SALE ON BLANKETS. You save money by buying now. $2.50 gray fleeced. 11-4, "w .. $1.7,. $1.50 gray (Ridgwood) M-4. now ....$1.19 $1.39 gray cotton Blan ket, now 79C $1.40 white cotton Blan ket, now ............99c Never in history of our con cern have we sold as many blankets as the past week, in six days' selling. All our fancy strips French Voiles, 85c grade, to close, 44c. Buy a Voile Dress now at this unheard of price. Clearance Sale of All Summer Merchandise At THE HUTCHASON CO Successors to BAKER HUTCHASON CO. CHILDREN'S HOSI ERY REDUCED. All our 20c fast hi ack ribbed Hosiery now 14c. 35c ladies chamois finished Hose now 25c. Care Much About How Your Shoes Look ? Few shoes keep their style after they have been worn a short time. This is generally clue either to poor "lasting" or else to the use of improper material for stiffening the toe and tin back of the shoe around the heel. "Lasted" by the best paid shoe work ers in the world and made with box toes and counters of real leather, WALK OVER shoes never fall in at the toe' or bulge out at the heel. You can be sure of it. PRICES $4 TO, $5 Edmeades Bros. THE WEST SIDE SHOE STORE Music liy the orchestra ami violin solos from C to 7:30 o'clock (it tliu Nash Grill tonight. , H. ltttrkf is visiting in Shasta. Mis. M. D. Jones of Jncksouvili iv ns n rurciil visitor m .Mcdtord. M. D. Iloldridge of Talent was i recent Moilforil visitor. Mrs. G. f.. Sliivt'ly. who litis hce.u isiting in Medford for sonio days. bus lift for hcrdiome in Aslilniid. W. S. Clay wns surprised on Mon- lay evening by the local G. A. If. aiel W. H. C. Tin- iiffnir wns in honor otMiis "1st hirlhdiiy. A most enjoy ublu evening was spent. Dr. C. H. Kay mid family have let'. for an extended visit in California. Mrs. W. K. Griffin and daughter Marguerite from Cri'sceiil City. Ca!.. ho have been visit ing with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. I). H. Soliss, and other relatives and friends here, left for home Monday evening. Mr. anil Mrs. II. V. .Mulkey am on visit to Salem. Colonel Frank liay'iind wife have left for the east. They will visit the Seattle fair on their return journey. Charles Strung and family have re turned from a visit to the Seattle fair. Everybody is eating the Xn'i Grill these summer evenings to hear the delightful musical program ren dered by the orchestra nnd the great violinist Romanoff. . CLEARANCE ON ALL WASH MATERIALS. 35c French Zephyr Ging hams Oc 15c nnd 18c red stml Glnu- hnms . . .' All Wash Batiste to 35c. now ,' All Whlto Quods reduced. Bargains of all kinds In ev ery department. You must get our prices In order to appreci ate their value. I3o , I3o All Towels reduced. See our 20o huck Towels., now lie All Bath Towels at clearance prices, ranging from 10c to 75c each. FUEL FOR 1000-MILE AEROPLANE FLIGHT NEW YOKK. Aug. 1 1. liefor.-! sailing for Europe Orville Wright, the aviator, announced that ho had jier fceted a device for carrying fuel winch would make it possihle to drivo his aeroplane 1000 miles without stopping. He said he was confident that tli-j aeroplane would he used very soon for carrying mails, us it would he able to exceed in swiftness uud di rectness of route the fastest, trains that could possihly he operated m railroads. lie said the aeroplane! for use in carrying freight was still ii: the distant' future. With the new fuel carrying device he expects to be ttble to keep the ncro plane in the air 28 hours without landing. Wright was accompanied by his sister Catherine. Me said he wo-il I not try for any more records soot', but would devote his time to perfect ing the machine. CROP OUTLOOK IS VERY PROMISINfl POM'LAXI), Aug. .10. A fide out look for crops through western (in I southern Oregon is evident, accord ing to General Manager J. P. O'liriun of the Hurrimun lines, who bus re turned from a week's inspection trip over the west side line, the Wood burn Nation line nnd the Corvallis & Eastern. , . ;i mud Quite a force of men me working on the new dam to be used for elee trie and Homing operations. A gang of men are at work con structing the new county road from SiH"- springs to the Vestal line, mnl soon the telephone line will he built and our town he in coinmuiiicatior. with valley points. Wes Given anil n party of friend from outside points have been in the woods looking over claims of several of the siiuattcrs on the uusiirvevod laud.- with a view of hiiyiug them out. as the railroad wishes to scrip thes lands and have their representative on the ground. I. J. I'nt I en and family arc camp ing at the idd homestead nnd Unite Kalis, us they find they have not lost their love for 1hc hills. Mrs. Frank Ttrown of Eagle Point lias hcen visiting in Medford. Miss F.lsie Eunih of Luke frees attended the Saturday night dance a! Itufte Vails. The railroad is making good prog ress and is now making a rock fill of several hundred feet in length uud .'Ml feet wide on the Kriuik I'rmv.i ranch. The force of men and the number of teams have been increased and the work will he rapidly pushed. President Allen will he on the gioun i soon mid us the Portlnnd druuhack have been about settled there is n i reason why the road should not reach Butte Falls this fall or early while!1. Tronson & Guthrie of Euglu Point have been having some inside mil sonrv work done by the Medford Brick company under the supervision of Mr. O'Briei'i. The irrigating ditches along the road between Eagle Point and the BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. Jack place are playing huvou with I the roud mnl in many places foot Frank Xetberlund of pcrby saw-1 truvclers find it a hard prohlcm how mill has returned from the valley, to get along. There is uo foot brid'jc where he bus been for several diiv-.iover the stream near Jack's and pa in the interest of the mill and nrraiiu-! destrimis must cliiuli or cling to barb ing about cutting ties for the rail- j 'ir' fence to cross from ouo siilo to the other of the road. The ditch company and the county should sec to this obstruct ion-at once. Mrs. Ilattie Ohciichuin uud her two nieces. Misses Chambers of Buttu Falls, are picking nnd canning Muck berries at the Ohetichaiii boiiiustead. The schoolboiisc near Ohcuchiiin's bus been uhuuiloiieil and a new on' built in the grove near F.dsuH's since the district was changed. A warrant was issued from the of fice of Judge Pent, for the arrest ol one of on i leading citizens near the Falls. Particulars hereafter. Mrs. E. I)r. Watson lias returned from the valley, where she has benn for a week or more. Professor Smith has been visiting Dolpb Carlton and family while mak ing homestead proof. The noted hunter uud trnpM'i Corrigaii of Indian territory, is in our mid.t and will try his baud at ridding the country of the pests des troying slock. Miss Kraukie Ohetichaiii has re turned home alter a pleasant vis, I with her sister. Mrs. Kinenid of Sunn Valley. t 'n'hv drvs and niulils at the KnIU n"- nlcii.- Mil and fires are not u:i -eon torlahle i: "ruing- and nights. There nm-l he some move on foot in ihe Trail section, as so many l'c"i'e are daily going lo this point. Joseph Gcpocrt and family made I'm Falls a pleasant v: .it on Sunday. TALENT TALES TERSELY TOLD. Welhorii Itcesoii was an Ashland visitor Thursday. , C. Wollers made a flying trip Klamath Kails and Crater Lake.. They made the trip from Talent clear around in two days' travel. Miss Clara Allen was a Medford visitor Saturday. .Mrs. W. S. StauclilTn was in Me.I ford last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Carey were ii Medford Friday evening attending the theater. Miss Kathryn horeii was a visitor at the pleasant home of Miss Clara Allen la-t Thursday night. , A. E. Alford returned from his trip his trip lo Butte Falls Wednesday. I'car packing will commence at the Buckeye orchard Ibis week. Mr. and Mrs. ('. Cuiey spent Sun day at the lr, Atkins ranch just ea-t of Medford. The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Jlciidrickhou. There was a merry crowd ynthcrcd then'. Among them were Mr. uud Mrs, l.ouis Eskew of Willow Springs. All enjoyed themselves, as Mr. and Mr. Ilcndricksoii are jolly enter tainers. There are a few tracts of alfalfa around Talent that will yield their owners a heavy fourth crop this year. Many acres have not been irrigated nl allj'aud each crop hits hcen a heavy one ibis season. Next to orchards in this vicinity comes the raising nf alfalfa. Speaking of the first young or chards in the valley, )r. II. P. liar grave of Medford has UO acres if N'ewtown apple trees on his land be tween Talent and Phoenix which ar-' jn-l coining into hearing that ni hil rd to heal. They are uniform in shape, healthy, well grown trees, on deep rich soil, thai produce an app! i of fine flavor and good keeping ipiai itics, because of proper maturity. This orchard uill yield ils owner a neat little hank account each suc ceeding year. Mow did you like thai last lot of tea and coffee you ordered of the Southern Oregon Ten & Coffee Co. If Good, wasn't it ? 123 Boxing Contest Medford Theatre, 8 p. m. August 12 Mr. Dan Sullivan of Montana. Champion Middleweight of Northwest VS W. H. West ahd Earl Ralston, of Medford Mr. Sullivan will box Wast an! Balaton 3 rounds each T "VT TVmC A Bod Preliminary bout will be ptiton at 8:30. Big match comes off at 9:30 sharp. SEATS ON SALE AT HASKINS'. PRICES, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50.