THE ME I) FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OUPXiON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1 What'll you have? BEAR CREEK WATER THE KIND YOU ONCE USED WELL WATER-THE KIND YOU STILL USE RAIN WATER-YOU CATCH IT IN A TUB WATER FROM FISH LAKE OPEN DITCH or Colestine Mineral Water THE ONLY WATER TO BE HAD IN MEDFORD THAT IS ABSOLUTELY PURE-IS THE KIND YOU OUGHT TO DRINK. Sold Only by- Tobacconlsts RITTER & DUNLAP Confectioners ASK ABOUT IT PALMER INVESTMENT CO., Owners of MODOC ORCHARD (1300 ueres lying on both sides of Rogue River.) Offer for sale small tracts of irrigated land, with per petual water rights, at reasonable prices and upon easy . terms. , , These lauds consist of rich river bottom loam and are suitable in the highest degree for the culture of Winter pears, Winter apples and all fruits for which Rogue River Valley is famous. Also for the production of Alfalfa, Gar den Stuff, Root Crops and Grasses. Inquiries relating to the resources of Rogue River Valley or of Western Oregon will be answered cheerfully and comprehensively. 1. PALMER INVESTMENT CO. Med ford, Oregon. i CRATER LAKH "The Greatest Natural Womiar of the World." r Miulfnnl. nr,.,rnn. fi1IW Bijou Theatre TONIGHT The Black Aristocrats j.liIK Singers, Dancers mill Fun Makers, in thcii; "I Love, I Love, I Love My Ham, But 0, You Chicken." e nine to see Ihi.s clover Umin, direct from I lio, l'antnes vaude ville circuit. You'll ;iiih till the tears mil down Jour chocks. Entire Change of Pictures Attention. Pioneers. The 33d annual reunion o tho Pioneer society of Southern Oregon will bo hold nt Ashlun'd, Or., on Thursday, tho 2Gth day o August, 1!I09. Wo hope to havo tho pleasure of greeting you on that occasion, to gether with your family and friends, I It is dcsirablo that tho annual ro- unions of tho society be perpetuated. I Professor H. P. Mulkcy has agreed ; to deliver the address to the pioneers I and their friends nt that time. Como j and bring your badges with you. Ro i speetfully yours, SILAS J. DAY, Secretary. Keep your eyo; on Fill DAY NIGHT. iSoiuelhiug doing. AdmissionOnly 10c-15c Prepaid Raiiroao. Orders. "Somothing which is of considor known is tho system of prcpuid or nblo interest to tho public generally and which is Dorhnps not gouorally ! dors now in offect botween stations I of tho Southern Pnoifio company nnd all points in the United Statos. I By means of this system tickets may ! bo purchased at Modford from any i place in the United States and mail- ed or tolographcd direct to tho party ! wishing to come here. Sloeper nc I commodationR and small amounts of ! cash in connection with these tickets ixiny also be forwarded at the same It is nhsolulnly impossible for yoi to secure a better grndo of ten or ooffon than the Southern Oregon Ten nt'd CoffeP Honso Carries. h CD H CD to O H O CD O CD 3, Be C5 . rr CD CD Q & B Ul ss err-en CD i CD to CD CD & CD tzi CD r1 CD HP O . 4 MM S SO I re CD 15 7 P. CD Pj 22 O cn m. -!-P o to o CfQ S W 1 I . Hi t Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms in the. space and cost of four rooms; iceless refrigerator, built-in buffets j tand dressers; cabinet kitchen. J. A. McINTOSH, Architect, J Third Floor Medford National Bank Building. t For Whom are You Sowing If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying for your home for yourself and family. - Let us help yon reap the reward of the money you have been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rate of interest. We will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages, homes or business houses, or nay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping Interest, or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. We also allow you 3 percent interest on all advance payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFORD Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburg Electric Cooking Demonstration Jlrs. A. SI. Colby will demonstrate cooking with electricity at the office of the Rogue River Electric Company, 209 West Main Street BEGINNING Tuesday Morning, August 10 Hours 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 p. m. Makes cooking a pleasure. The public is cordially invited to at tend these demonstrations and learn all about cooking with this prac tical and convenient method. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successors to Condor "Water & Power Co. P r CD O c C WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co. MB D FORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs GET AHEAD OF THE HOT SEASON. You can bid defiance to the heat by having an electric fau put in po sition. It doesn't cost very much, either.. If you haven't ouc, we can fix you up i na short time, at tho least expense. We're general eleo triciuns, and do nil classes of work in our line in tho most thorough manner. Jobbing skillfully and promptly executed nt lowest charges. Portable lamps in nil varieties. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO.