THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREfiON, WEDNESDAY, 'AITOUST 11, 190!). .- f 'Running Water in v lvw n You can have an uoundanca of water hjilranta. No waur bilU and npairj; Every Kraiinffl Sr'"l U Ins water aytma. inawt upon thf iwnuin by ua. Look for our trade mark and i; VMiuine and you will luke no chances. o guarantee that. The beat and moat efficient water supply will be your if you install the Kewanee System No More Elevated or Attic Tanks With Uie Kfiwutteo Sr"-. h tank It located in the oollur, nr but led 1 1 the irroum.. Tbla tank li made of sto. pint and will lat almixt lndetlnilfJy. The Kemuiee tank ret on eolld b round, act " protected (roro all extretuea In wocther; ot Irak, frtwc, orarflnw or eo Hap. Ir tiewnm1 Sr tra, pumping Utewatrv (he air vre- are. For pumping Uie water any kind ot power may be used fflth the Kwnnw Sy-tem-windmill, raaollne entrinea,, team, but air. or any other kind of aulUbta power. w-aw . S . Kaimnaa our expenae and your w e takie ail me nw. v ua WHITE STEAMER CARS twcwaocv nucr onppiy vwB Gasoline Pumping Outfits E. A. Washburne & Son Miles Block Medford.lOregon Savoy Theatre 'SKKS 2f TONIGHT AND THURSD AY WHICH IS WHICH? THE NEW COP SHROVE TUESDAY TUNISIAN INDUSTRIES COOL. COZY P. C. Hansen. We make any kind and style of windows. "We carry t i L . glass of any size on hand. ' Medford Sash & Door Co. State Depositary Established 1888. 'Capital and Surplus 125,000 Eeiosreof (700,000 WHY COOK These hot dnysf Xhen you cun get anything yon desire in the line of BREAD, PIES or CAKE, in nddilion to everything nsimlly foun.i i:i a flrst-eiass DELICATESSEN. MEDFORD DELICATEESSEK & BAKERY. Wetzel & Hodges, Proprietors. The Tribune ,,11, . MT II jr House and Darn the Year '. city water aystem. can now be had any where, trod under atronn preaaure. to all ltture and .ho plant la almoat averlaatimi. I at our rink, not youra. To avoid unaueeeaaful wimoe pneumatic tank and l. m manufactured i pl.ttra on tank and pumping machinery. Oct ttio of Water Supply Engineering Service FREE We do not merely manumciure wairampiy plant. VrolvwMruply problem, pur Hur the but ten jwara, hare uercMhilir voire. orerftU) water aupply problimia. 1 liirtreM building, an well axtbeiunlltt homo, are equipped wllb Kewanee filter unnikl- nut tit. w ai xprlii. and have 4 System has uie Kewunee trade nun k and mut come up to the Kewnnw aUndunl,audhtuilhe Kewiinveituur- .'Tl I antes otuiUfactlon behlitd It. Our isTf water ajatam trew ot clwrce. firr Cvatam fa artiaarantM-d In money will be refunded. -M ii-A I r h e i rs?: ----- I 1 I Mwaaee, UL B Ask for Our 64-Page Catalog lt us show you how you can hurt a K wnnee Water Sutily Sytm inyuur nouse. Our catalog is beautifully illus ratcd. and shows the many advantages of the KirniiF Syntem over the old elevated tanks. Get our cat aloe from our dealer and ask him which KcwanccSystcm youaboutd inull. Also Agents for AND. FAIRBANKS-MORSE ONE DIME Tom Moffat. HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety 'and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic banking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this oslig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. G. R. LINDLEY, Cashier. . is Up-To-Me The Man From Home A Novelizatlon of the Ploy of the Same Name By BOOTH TARKINGTON and HARRY LEON WILSON Copyright. 1909. Jy Amartean frcu Aaaeciation "Is there a' now oniption of Vesu vius?" ho nskctl. wnvltig tho cloth. Unnlcl met 111 m nnil took tho rnpi. "No," he saltl tlrj"''- "It's an eruption ot colonels trying to arrest a lilfb J, ZSliv Mil " Toil art an American? school professor. I've got hiui under your car there, yonder." The start the German gave would have been ludicrous in any other situa tion. "My friend." he said, "do you realize the penalty for protecting a criminal from arrest?" "1 told them he was your chauffeur. We'll be proud of the risk, doc." lie turned to the refugee under the ma chine. "This man owns the car," ho went on. "You can trust him the same as your own father." And the German shrugged bis shoulders in protest. There was a clatter of arms, and Pike looked up. "Look out!" he said. "The governor's staff is coming back," And as the cara binlerl returned he said casually to Von Grollcrliagen: "You'll have to get a new front tire, do?. That one is pretty near gone. Better have Jim here put on the spare one when be gets through." The German looked at him. "Do you know what you are asking me to do?" To have a new front tire put on," answered the lawyer. Tho police were looking on with interest, and finally Mariano upproached. The carablnlerl. with all excuses. beg that you will order the chauffeur to step forth from the machine. Pike made an exclamation. "No, sir! I worked on that machine myself for tfiroo hours. He's got bis hands full of nuts and bolts and Bcrews half fastened. We want to get the Job finished. Tell them to go on up Main street with their Knights of Pythias parade and come around some day when we're not busy." Mariano held a hurried consultation with the carablnlerl and turned back. "Because the chauffeur have been engage today the carablnlerl ask ten thousand pardons, bnt inquire how long he have been known to his em ployer." "How long! Why, he was raised on doc's father's farm!" 'If that Is so" began Mariano, 'So? Of conrse it's so. Tell 'em, doc!" The. German looked at Mariano REACHING THE SPOT It Can Be Done. So Bcores of Medford Citizens Spy. To cure an aching hack. The pains pi rheumatism, The tired-out feeling", You must roach the enit get at lb cause. In most casf-s 'tis the tti'lnov. Doan's Kidney Pills nre for the kici neys. u. U Jloonc, corner Ninth am 0 streets, Medford, Or., says: "I was troubled with rheumatism when I fW began using Doan's Kidney Pills. I did not think they wjM do me nny good, but finnily p-rured a hoi at L'l'.ckins' drng store. They proved to be the remody I roqufren". My kidneys were restored to their normal condition, and tho pains and aches in my hack were removed. Doan's Kidney Pills lived up to their representations in my cas." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foator-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agonts for the United States. Komember the name Doan's anil take no etker, 4g grovely.- -, "You bava heard my frluud ay It." "I buvc your pcrmiiwlon, llerr voo GrollerlniBou. to rcveiil your Incognito to tho cnraulnlprl?" "Is It necessiiry?" "Othcrwlso they will not tlepnrt." "Very well; toll them. Hut I rely upon them to preserve my Incoftnlto from nil others." M:riiuio anilletl. "MonseiKiiom-, they tU'pnrt," and turned to tho uuiroriiied men. Au In stant Inter these hwiiiiu throuKh tho Sato nud went their war. Plku looked after them in astonishment. Ho imiHt huvo ineHincrlxed tho inlli- tlu. eh. doc?" and slunol to tho refu gee to coino out from tho car. Ho was n pathetic IlKiiro as ho emerged and held out his hnml. "To you both I give thanks" Hut Von Grollcrhngon cut in: My American friend has placed himself and myself In dnnger of tho penal codo of ltnly for protecting you. Perhaps you will bo good enough to let us kuow for what wo havo Incrim inated ourselves." CHAPTEU XII. TUB NIHILIST. WITH a hasty glance about the garden to make Hiiro he was uot observed, tho refugee npproneneu von u roller na- gen and Daniel and spread out his hands. As ho stepped forward there was a movement of the window cur tains In the casement above tho door way to tho botel, and ho turned; but, whatever had caused it) tho movement had censed and there was nothing ap parent. Tho Italian Journals cnll me a brigand," said the Russian, "and lu this they are Inspired by tho KiihsIuii legation at Rome. I nm known as Ivanoff Ivanovltch, and 1 bnvo spent nine years In Siberia, nlno years of hell. It Is ten years ngo since I was condemned in St. Petersburg, and you, who know nothing of tho horrors of Russian prisons, cannot understand what 1 have suffered, my friends. J was a professor of languages, a trans lator lu the bureau of tho minister of finance, and I was trusted." For a moment ho pnuscd and press ed his scarred hands to his lined fore head, then sighed and went on: I was also a member of tho Blue Fifty, a Constitutionalist, and as such was able to do a little for the cause, the cause, the same, my friend" be turned to Pike "for which your for bears suffered and fought the cause of liberty. I could do but little, though tried. At last I transferred the funds of the government to the Socie ty of the Blue Fifty. It was a small thing. Jt was for tho cause not one ruble for -myself. I swear It!" Von Grollerhageii started back, with a gesture of repulsion, and Ivanovltch held out bis hands. "Not ouo ruble for myself!" ho re peated. "It was for Russia's sake, not mine!" He paused and went on wearily: "But I committed the great Russian crime. I was cuught, and through treachery. There was an Englishman who lived in Petersburg. Ho bad con tracts with the government. I thought he was my friend my best friend. I had married in my student days in Paris. Ah, it is the old story!" he cried bitterly. "I knew the Englishman ad mired my wife, but I trusted her, and I trusted him, and he inado my houso his home. So many have dono that thing. I had 00,000 rubles lu my desk the-funds I bad transferred to be delivered to my society. Ono day. tho police came to search, and they found only me not my wife, not my English friend,' not the 50.000 rubles. I went to Siberia, Now 1 search .for those two." (To be continued.) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice !h hereby given that tho city council of tho city of Medford, Ore gon, will received sealed proposals, lo construct a O-iiich lateral sower along lions court,' from West Fourth street south, a distance of (100 feet, in the city of Medford, Oregon. , All bids must be filed with tho ci'y recorder on or before 4:30 p. m. Au gust lOlh, 1000, nud accompanied by a certified check paynblo to the city treasurer of said city, equal lo 5 pnr cent of tho contract price; check lo be forfeited to the city of Medford in onse the successful bidder fails to enter into contract for snme. Con Iniclor to furnish all labor mid m.i Icriiils nccessnvy lo complete snid newer. Finns mid spccificnlions may be bad for said improvement by call ing at or nddrcssing the cily engin eer's office. Done by order of the city council i his nib duv of August, moo. KI0 KOI'.T. W. TELFEIl, . City Itecorder. MEIiFOKI), Or., Aug. ',, 100!) Hall's Texas Wonder, of SI. Louis, cured my diuif;Ii'ler of n severe kidney mid bladder trouble ofter doctor) fuilcd to give any relief, nud I enn cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. L. L, Wilson. 135 JWtlott St. Sold by Hoskitis' Drug Store. Summer Rates East During the Season of 1909 via the Southern Pacific Go. From MEDFORD To OMAHA and Return $69.90 To KANSAS CITY and Return $69.90 To ST. LOUIS and Return $77.10 To CHICAGO and Return $84.40 and to other prinoipal cities ii tho East, Middle West and South, Correspondingly low faros. . On Sale August II, 12. To DENVER and Return $64.90 On Sale August II. Going transit limit 10 day from dute of sule, final return limit October Slat. These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of stopover privileges, and choice of ronton; thereby enabling passen gers to make side trips to many interesting points eu route. Routing on the return trip through California may bn had at a alight advance over the rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping oar reservations and tickets will be fur nished by any Southern Paoifio local agent, or WM. McMURRAV, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant " All white help. Home cooking. Room and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St. APPLES AND PEARS AND ALL KINDS OK . i . . FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pucific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, OREGON FOR QPICK AND SURE RESULTS We would like to ta Ik with you about (ire Insurance. We are agents for the WORLD'S GREATEST FIRE IN SURANCE Companies. The iJETNA.iROYAL, Q,UEEN LIVERPOOL, LONDON, GLOBE and others R. A. HOLMES, Successor to CANON & HOLMES Room 33, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Phone No. 781. , J. E. ENYART, President JOHN S. ORTIT, Cashier. THE MEDFORD CAPITAL SURPLUS Safety boxes for rent. A We solicit Advertise in the Tribune TRY THE TRIBUNE "WANT" ADS J. A. PERRY, W. B. JACKSON, Ass't Cnshier. NATIONAL BANK $50,000 $10,000 general Banking Business transacted. your patronage. '