Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 11, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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OHWNANCtt NO. 217.
An ordiuuueu declaring tlin cost of
III" improvement of Oukdillu UVllltllO
mid UHHiissintf flm property benefit!) I
thereby mill declaring such uhhcim
iihiiiI iiim! directing tint entry thereon
in tho docket of Citv Licim.
Tim city uf Medford duth ordain
tix follows:
Section 1, That no protests hav
ing been filed amiiiiKt (lid improve
ment of Oukdulo avenue, dim initio
of tlio intention of the council to
ciiusii said iinpr.iveiieiit to ho iiiutli!
Iniving hi'im given, iiikI snid iiupros-o-nii'iit
having been ordered Hindu, the
council Ihim considered tlm mutter
mid herewith ttseortiiitiH thu cost of
milking mieh improvement lo on lli'i
bum of $52,512.71.
And miid council further find that
the HtM!'iiil mid H.'t:uliur lienefitH uo
critinir ilium 1'iii'h lot or pnrt thore'if
niliiiri'iit to Kiiid improvement by ren
Koit of said improvement u nd in just
proportion to benefits to bo tlio re
spective iiiuount hereinafter not op
posite, tlm number or description of
ouch lot or part thereof, ami wieh
iimnuiils respectively urn hereby de
clared to bo tin) proportionate, share
of each lot or part thereof of Midi
improvement, mid tiro hereby ihhcss
vil ngitinst ouch lot or imrt thereof
respectively, tho iiiimo nppeiiriiu
iihovo eneli desoripton being tho mimo
of (ho owner of such lot or parcel
Assessment of "Oakdale" Avenue
Mcdford. Oreaon
0552.42 linen! foot nsi-essabte pro
perty $5.25 per lilli'lll foot. Totul
iissessmcut $511,150.22.
Xo. 1. Uubort It. Iteiime, $2t;2.50
50 fort froillntro. I-t 7. Block HO, of
llm original Townsitc of t'ilv of Mod.
ford. Oregon, described nml recorded
book 50, pngo 233, comity recorder's
rofiordn of Jackson county, Oregon.
Xo. 2. Lizzie L, lfi niiio. $2iS.!.50
fid foot frontiige, lot H, block 80. i
original townsitu of City of Medl'orii.
iirnL'oii described una recorded m
hook AO. imiu'k 2:t." comity recorder
records, of Jack-mi County, Oregon
X.i :i. Hubert 1!. Jiemne, $202.50--
5(1 foot frontage, lot 9, block HO, of
original townsito of City of Mcdford,
Orciron. dosoribod and recorded m
book 50, phl'I) 234. count v recorder
reeords. of Jnekson county. Oregon.
. Xo. I. Oregon itnd California
Land Co.. $202.50 50-foot frontage,
lot 10, block 80 of original townsito o
CHv of Mcdford. Oregon, doseritioti
mill roeordod book '51. pligo. 34 S,
county recorders records, of Jnekson
eountv. (Ircjra.
So. 5. Orcuon and Califoriim
T.iin.1 Co.. S2(i2.50 50 feet frontuitn
lot 11. block 80. of oritrimil towimitc
of City of Mcdford, Oregon, do
Drilled mid recorded book ol. IMiit'J
t.ld ,.niilv rei'tirdcrs records, of
.ln..tidiiti eiiuiitv. Oregon.
No. (1. OruL-on mid Culifonilu
r.nnd Co.. S202.50 50 feet froiitiiKC
lot 12. block HO. of or'minul townsito
f eitv of Mcdford, Oreson. don
cribed and recoidei! book 51, pauc
:t!8. coimty recorders records
.Iiu-kmin coimtv. Orccoii.
V 7. Kdirar S. Ha for, ?2:t.:!7
r.olll r,, iVimtiiee. lilt 7. block 711
of of oriuiiial townsito of City
Mefll'iird. Orciron. descrilicd ami
corded ill book .'itf, pauc. HH,
rei'iu-dei'M rocordi, of dm
tv. Orciron.
No. 8. Kdmir S. Ha for. if2l:i.:i8--50,1(1
feet froiitaiic, lot H.blook 7S.
of oritrimil town-it.' of tboCitv of
Mcdford. Orcnon. doHcribed and re
corded in book 58, prnio 88, comity
recorders .records, .luckwm comity.
No. !). Kilunr Hor. !rzi.i..n -
t), block i u
thn City of
Hied uml ro
eordod in book las:o , wmniy
rnooeiiel'K VOCIll'ds. .Ilicksoil COUIltV,
v., 10. Kdar H. I Infer, $2tKl.UH- -
50.17 feet frontime.lot; 10. block 7't,
of oriuinal townsitc of City of Mud
ford, Orciron. de-wribod and recorded
in book 58. pane 88, comity recorders
records. Jticksoii comity, uiesrou.
No. ll.Kdmir S. llnfer. 2ti:M8
50.17 feet frontatrc, lot 11, block 70,
,.c ,) iutwiiii of Citv of Med-
described mid lwordud
in book 58. push 88. county recorders
records. Jackson coimtv, Uresjon.
No. 12. Kdcnr H. llnfer, $2011.38
r,0 17 fei.l i'ntiitiiL'c. lot 12. block 70
r emiiml townsito of City of Med
ford. Oreu'on, described and recorded
in book 58, nnarcKS. ommty vccordcM
TMmik .Inokson county, ureirmi
No. i:i. V. I- llnllov. ,f7:!5 lot tl,
block 78. orisjinnl townsitc of City of
Mcdford, Orotfoii. fiimtiiao 1-10 t'c-t
on cast side of tlnkilnie uvoniio, dos
oribod and n-corded in book .:. tia.m
III:!, coimtv l orders records. Jack
son count v, Oromm.
Xo. It. (Iroiiou and Ciililirm:t
Laud Co., $7:15-1.11. 1. !llm'' 7S
oriuinal lowusilc of City of Mcd
ford. OreiMti, fronlnuo of 1 10 feci
on oast side of Oakdale avenue, de
scribed and recorded in book !.
natfo, .Sin, couniy recorders nnnum
Jackson coiiutv. Oregon.
K,v 1.V Citv of Mcdford, Ore
con. $1575 City Turk Block, bloc'd
77, original townsito ot City ol Ainu'
ford, Oregon, frontage .'100 foot on
eiiBt sido ol! Oukdalo avotmo, do-
Horibod mid rncorded in book 15,
pagn 271, county reordor' records
JaekHoii't'otitity, Oregon.
Xo. 10. Kliio M, llnllcv. 2112.50
lot 8. bloiik 70, original townsito of
!ity of Mcdford, Oregon, froiitago
50 feet on cast nidif. of Oukdalo ave
nue, described and reeoided in bonk
:t(l, pngo 110, county recorders ren
ords. Jackson comity, Oregon.
X... 17. Kffie, M. ilnliev, 202.50
lot 8. block 70, Original towuwle of
City of Mcdford, Oregon, frontal
50 feet on cast side of Oakditlu uvu
iiui), described and recorded in book
:i0. Pago 110, wiimtv rccordcru re.;-
lords, Jackson county, Orvguu.
$257.25 Jit 7, block 73, uriiihml
townsito of city of Medford. Oregon,
frontage 50 feet, usKfssiiblo for 4'.)
C;t. described mid recorded buo':
11, page 710, county recordern rec
ords of Jiiejisoii county, Oregon.
No. :15. Uiii J!, liaskins ct ai-.
1002.75 U. I. A iiit reel of Innd
with froiitago of Jill fct on east
side of Oakdale uvctmo, eity of Mcd
ford, Oregon, described and record
ed in book 72, page 52!, county re
corder's records of Jackson coimtv.
Xo, ;)0. Leon H. Hawkins ct ai..
202.50.-1. ,1. A parcel of bit.d
with 50 feet froiitagit on cast sido
of Oukdalo nvemie, citv of Mcdford,
No. 18. Svlva K. Ititiiey. $ti-.;'.' (iregon, dcscriliea mill recorded in
lot il. block 70. original townsito f book 72, trngis 521, county recorder'
Citv of Mcdford. Oregon, frontago 50 records of J.wkson county, Oregon,
feet on cast sido of Oukdalo ava- Xo. ,U. Una J. iJavis, 10;j!-
ini described mid recorded ia book 1. K, A parcel of bind with 200
ill. iiiil'i! 110. eouiitv recorder rec- tcct ironlngo on cast Hide, ol Uni
.,rl. .liieksou coimtv. Oregon. dale, avenue, city ot .Meaiord. ifcs-
Xo. 10. Hvlvu K, llulley, $2(12.51) lenbcd mid rceorited in book oti, paira
1. in. block 70. original townsito 500. comity recorder' records of
i,f I'Uv of Mcdford. Oregon, froiitaga JaekHon coimtv, Oregon
fit) feet on cast nid of Oakdale avc- Xo. .'18. William J. Warner, $7,'S7.G2 described and recorded on boon I). A parcel ol mtifl wnieii oecu
HO, iMigo 1M), county recorders rue- pies 1-10,5 feet frontago on cast Hide
r,ls of J.ickson coimtv. Oregon. of Onkdaio avenue, described aid
No ''0. 1'. J, Hallcy, 1 57.00 recorded in boolc st. page ,!., coua
kstui comi-
north part of block 11. block b.
orkniial towtisita of the City of Mcd
ford, Oregon, frontage .10 leet on ttto
nnt. side of Oakdale avenue. (li-
ribed mid recorded m book 'ii
page ;(. count v recorders rwords of
I.tcksoit coimtv, Oregon,
No. 21. Mn rm A. lienowetli.
tori olus 202.50; total $.ib..oll-
South part of lot 11. 105. block j
original tnwnxUe of city of Mcdford,
Oromm. frontage 20 feet on east sit:
of Oakdale avenue, mid also $202.50,
ot 12. block 70, original townsitc
f eitv of Medford, Oregon, frontauo
if) feet, described and recorded boo;i
miifo J2t. county recorders rsc-
, . ... i ,.
ui'i s ol JIleKSoii eouiiiy, ininmi.
No. 22. ii. H. Toft, $202.50- Lot
7. block 75. original townsito ot city
of Medford. Oregon, frontage ot) tool
on east side, of Oakdale avenue, des
cribed ami recorded book il, pag!
r07 coimtv recorders records ol
Jackson conutv. Oregon.
No. 2:i. li. 11. Toft, 202.otl-tt
8. block 75. original townsito ot city
of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet
on cast sido of Oakdale avenue, des
erilicd nml recorded book 1, MWi
507. count v recorders records, ot
lacksoil eoiintv, Oregon.
Xo. 24. t. II" irost.
ty recorder s records of
enmity, Ore;on.
Xo, :i9. Iewis 1$. Warner, $507.-
O. K. A nurecl of and with 108 leet
froitlngo on east sido of OnkdaW
avenue, described and recorded in
book 01, page 410, county recorder's
records at Jitckson comity. Oregon.
Xo. 40. V,'. H. Jones, $:i57 li, H.
A parcel of land 08 feet frontage on
east side of Oukdalt! avenue, an des-
rihed and recorded in book 0t), pagi
504, coimtv recorders records of
Jackson eouiitv, Oregon.
Xo. 41. Assessment notice sent to
icirs of J. 1). Whitman, Mrs. Harali
M. Andrews, $00.75 A parcel of
mid with 10 feet frontago on east
side of Oakdale avenue in city u
Medford. Oregon, described and re
corded in coimty recorder's records.
look 12. page 52!!, Jackson county,
Tins parcel ol land w used m a
public driveway but not dedicated to
tho citv of Medford.
Xo. 42. Bridget E. William'
$1(15.34 D. T. A parcel of land
1.74.35 feet frontage 011 east side
of Oukdalo avenue, described atl'i
recorded in book 50. page 304, coun
ty recorder records of Jackso:
coimtv, Oregon.
Xo. 4X Sarah M. Whitman,
No. 53. tleorgo K. Marshal!, Lille
K. Mar,biilj, $S .1,38 Occupied by
ground 307,5 feet frontago on emt
sido of Oukdalo avenue, described
and r forded book ti!, pago 581,
county rei-oruei's records 01 Jack
son county, Oregon,
Xo. 51, Agutba A. iiraiideabnrg.
$202.50 -A, K. A pared of land
with 50 linen! feet frontage on west
sido of Oakdale avenue, of city oi
Medford. Oregon, described and re
corded limk fij, page C22, county re
corder's records of Jackson comity,
No. 55. II, E, March. $ 2(12,50-
B. C A parcel ztt land with 50
feet frontage tin west side of Oak
duie uViiiue, of city of Mcdford, Ore
gon, described and recorded book 72,
page 2-h. couniy recorders rwiords
of Jackson county, Oregon.
Xo. 58. Uclroy fletchell, $262.50
II. 1). A oarcel of land with 50 lineal
feet frontage on west side ot Oak
dale avenue, of eity of Medford, des
cribed and recorded book 09, page
457, county recorder's records of
Jackson couniy, Oregon.
No, 57. John D. dwell. $202.50
B. K. A parcel of land with 50 lineal
feet frontage on west side of Oak
dale avenue, of city of Mcdford,
Oregon, described and recorded booi
00, page 100. county recorder's rec
ords ol Jackson coimtv, Oregon.
Xo. -58. W. W. Kifert, $202.50-
B. P. A parcel of land with 50 lineal
feet frontage on -west side of Oak
dale avenue, of citv of Medford.
Oregon, described and recorded book
06, page 520. county recordera rec
ords of Ja-kon county. Oregon.
Xo. 50. F K. Merrick, $202.50
B. G..A twreel of land 50 feet front
age on west side of Oakdale avenue.
of citv of Medford, described ami re
corded book 5!J, pse 3S0. county re
Xo. 60. F. W. Hollis, $315 A.
Z. A Parcel of land with 0 feet
frontage ii west side of Oakdals
side of Oukdalo avenue 328,70 teeU
described and recorded book 14, paea
63. county rceorder! records of
Jackson county, Oregon.
No. 74. Kogiis Itivcr VaMey Bail
way Company, $001,30 B. U. Port
of lot 2, block 1, Galloway's addi
tion of citv of Medford. Oregon, fron
tage on west sido of Oakdale avenue,
ground occupied 152,04 feet exclu
sive of a strip of 8.5 feet, whkrh w
occupied! 1V the track and ties), des
cribed and recorded book 24. page
377, eoiiiily recorder's records of
Jackson county, Oregon,
Xo, 75, 3.75 ft 3, block C,
deeded by will to Molly Keeuo.
ty, Oregon.
No. 91, JWtw D. Bay, 203.55
li, . Part of lot 1, Mock 1. Barr'a
addition of city of Medford, Oregon,
frontage 50.2 feet (ground oeeuied)f
leKeribcd and recorded book 01, paga
289, coimty recorder3 rseords of
Jackson eountv. Oregon.
Xo, 92, O. C. Oarrett, 2U3.33
D. H, 1'art of lot 1. block 1 Barr'a
addittoii of cily ot Malford, OrejEOH,
fnmlam 50.2(1 feet ground oecu
liied), described and recorded bms'i
ti7, nmte 2HJ, eoaatv recorder's rec
ords o Jackson eouety, Oregon.
Nj. 03. W, iV. Glasgow, 526.04
D, A. Part of lot 2, block 1, Barra
around occupied frontage 179 feet,' addition city of Mcdford. Oregon,
Xo. 1). Kdgar S. ilafei
I 50.17 fi.'ct. frontage, lot 1
1 K of origiuul townsitc of
' ij' Medford, Oregon, dcscrll
fjt il. block 75, original townsito oi l
city of Metltonl, .iregon, ironiagu ou
feet on east side of Oaktlaie avenue,
described mid recorded book 71, pag
(17 eountv recorders records nl
.InekHon eountv. Oregon.
Xo. 25. U. Le Hoy Hall. !?2J2.;j;J
Ijt 10. block 75, origiuul town
situ of i-itv of Medford, Oregon
frontago 50 feet on east sido of Ouk
dalo uvemie, described and recorded
book 72. page 400, county recorder's
rcords f Jackson county, Oregon
X... 20. V. U. Ureon. 202.50
l et II. 'Mock 75, original townsito of
eitv of Mcdford, Oregon, lrontagi
50 feci i n ea: t side of Oakdale ave-
1111.1. iie-.cribed and recorded book
Jl. liaee 500. county recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon
X,. 27. V. 0. tlreen, f2t2..itl -
M 12. block (., original lowtisue 01
idtv of .Medford. Oregon, laoiitage M
feet 011 oust sate ot UaKUuie avenue
.. . 1 l f. Tl ........
ilescrincii mm murara u.miv
r,ii!. eountv recorders records in.
.liieksou COUIltV.
Xo, 2H. Mrs. 1C. J. i.ovis 4-Jb, !rt.).li
O. W. Pa 111 7-10. SiH.iiu; w. 1
Vinvter 5-10. $81.0.1 2U2.0
block 71, original toisusite ot city
of .Mcdford, Oregon, frontago ;0 Jeo.
on cast side of Oakdale avenue, des-
ribed mid reenrded book 21, page
f uiv recorders records 01
.laekson eountv. Oregon.
Xo. 20. Mrs. K. J. Lewis f U .(i
1 V. Palm 7-10, $114.00; W. 1
$S1.05 $202.50 I ,ot
Oallowav'is addition of city of Med
ford, Oregon, less a parcel of, land
owned by Mary A. Beveritlge. des
cribed and recorded book 08, iage 1,
eountv recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon.
Xo. 78. A. A. Davis, W, I. Vawter,
S. H. Penta, $113.01 A. A. Davis,:
W. I. V'awter, S. S. Pent?., original
owners o this alley. A parcel of
land with 21.04 frontage on west side
of Oakdale avenue, ased as a public
driveway, dedicated to the public and
not accepted by eity eonneil of Med
ford, Original plat filed and re
corded February 24th, 1894, county
recorder's record of Jackson coun
ty, Oreeon.
No, 77. Mary A, Beveridge,
9425.25 Part of block 5, ground oc
cupied, frontage 81 feet, ttalloways
addition eitv of Medford, Oregon,
described and recorded book 68, page
1. county recorder's records of Jack
son eountv, Oregon.
Xo. 78, Parchat Halley, f 252,47
Lot 1. Davis subdivision, city ut
Medford. Oregon, frontage J8.09 feet,
described and recorded hook 50, page
576. county recorders records I
records of Jackson county, 'Jackson county, Oregon,
, j Xo. 79, Parchat Haliev, f2a2.4
Lot 2, Davis Lule division, csty of
Medford, Oregon, frontage 4HM0 feet,
described and recorded hook 50, par3
570, county recorder's records of
;i:i0 lineal feet frontage on east side
of Oukdalt! avenue, desenbeir nn:
recorded 111 county recorders rei-
ords, book 25. page 431, of Jackson
county, Oregon,
Xo. 44, S, T. Howard, $1732.50 -
I). V. A parcel of land 330 fee
frontage 011 cast sidft of Oakdale
avenue, aesennea una veeoraea m
comity recorder's records, book 5J,
pages 210-50, of Jackson coimtv.
Xo. 45, Oeorge K, Marshall ct ux .
$510.08 IOt 1, Oaklawji addition,
citv of Medford, Oregon, occupied lv
ground 08.30 feet frontage 011 ea;t
m1o of Onkdaie avenue. Original
plat filed and recorded August, lOOa,
Vol. 1. page 101. count v recorder's
records of Jackson county, Oregon,
Xo. 40. Oeorge K. Marshall et us ,
?3!)3.75 Lot 2, Onkhnvn addition,
citv of Medford, Oregon, 75 feet
truiituge on oust side of Onkdaie
avenue. Original plat tiled ami re
corded August. 1'ltlS, Vol. 1, nngo
101, county recorder's records of
J.ii kson county, Oregon,
Xo. 47. William O. Ksiep. $303,75
Lot 3, Oakluwu addition to citv
of Medford, Oregon, 75 feet frontng"!
oj east sido of Oakdale avenue, des
cribed and reeoided book 00, page
5n, county ieeorder's records of
Jackson county, Oiegou,
Xo. '1. Qeorgo 13. Marshall ei ux ,
$303.75-Lot 4. Oukbuvu addition,
eity of Medford, Oregon, 75 feet
nvenue of citv of Medford, Oregon,
described and recorded book 05, nago ' Jackson county, Oregon,
508, comitv recorder's records ef Xo. 80, B. H. Hams, Trastee,
Jackson comity, Oregon. $252.47 Lot 3. Davis Lnle division.
Xo. 61. Kresa J. Potter. $262, eitv of Medford, Oregon, Irontags
U 11 A iMiveeS of land with :0 4S.09 feet, described and recorder
f.t fmntMi.e on -west side of Oa'i-Hiook 67, page 463, county recorder
rllo nvMine. of ,-itv of Medford. des-! records of Jackson county, Oregon
cribed and recorded book 69, page Xo. 81. B. II. Harris. Trnstee,
430. c-oftnty recorder's records if (,$252.47 Lot 4, Davis Lnle division
Jackson county, Oregon. . Icity of Medford, Oregon, frontase
N'n ai Oarroll. $202.50- - 48.09 feet, described and recorded
n. I. A parcel of land with 50 feet jbook 67, page 463, county recorder's
rwtti west side of Oakdai.l'r:afas of Jackson cosuity, wregn,
avenue, of city of Medford, Oregon, j Xo. 82. R. II. Whitehead, $:J20.78
,tu,.nW nnl rcemiled book 07. nag. Ijrt 1. Wortman's addition city of
503, county recorder's reeords of ; Medford, Oregon, frontage as reeord
,I;icks.m comity, tiregon. ,ed in deed 01.1 feet, described and
No. 03. Iniis B. Wakcman. , recorded book 51, page 32J, county
.(! B. J, A puree! of land I rcejnler's records of Jackson euua-
with 54 feet frontage on west side of ' t Oregon.
Oakdale avenue, of city of Mcdford,; Xu, S3. 1!. II. Wbitebead, $320.7:5
Oregon, deseribed ami recorded Poos tot i. Viortnians aaaiuoii cii i
72. tssge Mil. eouiitv recorder's rec- : Medford, tregon, frontage as reeord
ortis of Jackson eountv. Oregon. !ed in deed 01.1 feet, described and
Xo. 04. (iwtrge Isaacs Kstat-, . recorded book 51. lago 323, county
$525 -B. K. A piiivei of land wit '-i sveorder's records of Jaekson cona
KMI feet frontage u west side uf .ty. Oregon.
Oakdale nvemie. f city of Medford. , Xo. S4. Roman Catholic Church,
Oregioi, dcM-ribcd ami recorded born; ' Bishop of the Diaeeso of Oregon,
12. p.ige 42!t. comity murder's re.'-!.32tt.7S Fit 3, Wortman's addition
,,r,!s of Jackson coimtv. tregon. 'city of Medford, Oregon, frontage as
, li.-. t'iara and Ida Kadcr. recorded in dcet Ul.l leet, UCaCriije;,
Vawtcr 5-10
8. block 74, original townsito of city frontage on east side of Onkda
l' Me. tin tireeon. ironiuge . irei
on east side of Oakdale avenue, des
cribed mid recorded book 21. we.-t
!! eountv recorder's reeords ot
.liieksnu eountv. Oregon.
Xo. 30. J. E. Day, $202.50 Lot
0. block 74, original townsito of city
avenue. Original pint tiled and re
corded August, 1008, Vol. 1, pa
101. county recorder's records of
Jackson eountv, Oregon.
Xo. 49. C. V. Rowell, $393,75
Iit 5, OaklawiS ndditioii, eity of Mud-
lord, Oregon. 75 frontago on east
of Mcdford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet 1 sido of Oakdale avenue, described
. 1 ... 1 1...3 I 1. r.rt
011 east sido of Oukdalo nvenue, des
cribed and recorded book b.i, page
iff cmilv recorder's records ol
.bicksou coimtv. Oregon.
No. 31. Jessie llonck, $202.50
Lot 10. block 7-1. originnl townsito ol
..r l.ll,.,r,t. tlreeon. frontiige 5'1
feet 011 cast side of Onkdnic avenue,
described and recorded book 71, pnge
(10, 1 itv recorder's records of
Jnekson eountv. llregoii.
No. 32. 0. W. I av. $202.50-Lot
11. block 74. original townsito ot ohv
of Medloi-il, Oregon, troningo ou ioet
on cast side of Oakdale avenue, des
cribed and recorded book 03. png.
100. county recorder's records of
Jackson eountv, Oregon.
No. 33. Kmiiia Oagmm, $202.50-
r.l 10. litock 7.1. nriiriltill to'wnsite
of -itv of Mcdford,. Oregon, froutuwa
50 feet 011 cast side of Oakdulu ave
nue, ilescvibed and recorded book (!
pagt! 588, comity recorder's records
of .Jackson county, Oregon.
2li2.50 B. L. A parcel of Saiiit'aud recorded tmoK W, pago Oil,
widi 50 feet frontiige on wfM side ot : eouiitv recorders reeortis 01 jjckso..
(hikiiaie avcimc, of city of Medfor.l.j eountv, Oregon.
1 srcim. described and recorded book j Xo. 85. Horaan Catholio Church,
05. pnse 37, eonniy recorders ree-
and recorded book 07, page 50, eoun
tv recorder's records of Jaekson
county, t)regon:
o. ot). H. 1. lioiicris. f;i!i;i.i,i -
Lot 0. Oaklawii addition, citv
Mcdford, Oregon, 75 feet fronta:;,!
on east sale 01 iiaKiiaie avenue, de;-
rvibed mid recorded book 71, ;iage
408. comity recorder's reeords of
Jackson county, Oregon,
Xo. 51. Oeorge K. Marshall ct us ,
$393,75 - Lot 7, Onklmvii addition,
eitv of Mcdford, Oregon, 75 feel
frontage on cast side of Oakdiib
avenue. Originnl plat filed and re
corded August, 1008, Vol, 1. pa-.c
101, count y recorder's records of
Jaekson eountv, Oregon.
No. uenrso t',. .Mnrsnitii.
$525 Lot 8, Oakluwn addition, env
of Medford. Oregon, 199 feet front
age on east side of Onkdaie avenue
Originnl plat filed mid recorded Au
gust, 1008. Vol. 1, page 101, comity
recorder's reeords of Jnekson eouii-
ovds of Jaekson comity.
Xo. (Hi. Seott V. Pavis, $22.. -
Lot 1. 50 frontage of Morey s addi
tion of the city of Medford. Oregon,
described nnd recorded book 48. iag
022, county recorder's records of
laekson eountv. Oreaon.
Xo. 67. Scott V. Davis. $262,53
Lot. 2, 50 feet frontage, of Morey s
addition of eitv of Medtord, Oregon,
described aud recorded book 48, jiage
622, county recorder's reeords cf
Jackson eountv. Oregon.
Xo. 08, L W, Thomas, $202.50 -Tii
3, 50 feet frontage of Morev's
addition of city of Medford, Oregon,
described and recorded book 50. pii iC
.')T7. county recorder's records id'
Jackson count V. Oregon.
No, 09. Medford M. K. Church.
. 'i;-2.59 Lot 4. 50 feet frontage Mo
rev's addition to citv of Medford.
theuun. described nnd recorded tioo'i
tiO, page 70, county recorders roc
iirds of Jnekson coimtv, Onscon,
No. 70. Medford M. E. Clmreh,
'J(i2.59 Loci 5. 50 feci fnwiaso
ol'IMoicy's nddiiiou to eitv ot Jledtord,
Oregon, deseritied and reciirticd Isooi;
(ii). unifc 70. oittiutv ivcoi-ders rec
ords of ,Tsickm cmntv. Oregon,
Xo. 71, Medford M, K. Climco
i(i2.50 Lot 0. 50 teet troniaee Mo
rev's "addition to eitv of Modiord
Oregon, described and recorocu nonh
lift, njiee Tl). count r recorder s rec
ords of Jackson count v, Oregon.
Xo, 72. Mcdford M. K. Clnneh
'U3.70 1M 7. 3S.S linenf feet- fi"
age oeeuuied bv around. Morev's ml
dilion to citv of Medford. Oregon
described nml recorded book 00. 5ue
70, eountv recorder's record
Jnekson eountv, Oregon.
Xo. 73. Heboid Itistriet Xo. II,
Citv of Medford. Oregon. $1720.15 -
Bishop of "the Woecso of Oregon.
$329.78 Lot -L, Wortman's addition
citv of Medford, Oregon; frontage as
recorded in deed 01.1 feet, described
and recorded book 02, page 517,
county recorder's records of Jack
son comity, Oregon.
Xo. St. Roman Cnfboiie Chnreh.
Bihon of tho Dioeeso of Oregon,
$320.78 Lot 5, Wortman's addition
itv of Medford, Oregon, Iroiilage as
recorded in tleed 61.1 feet, described
Hid recorded book 62, page ol.-.
ounty recorder's reeortis of Jackson
county, Oregon.
Xo. $7. WUliam Ulrseh, $320.. S
Lot 0. Wortman's .addition city eC
Mcdford, Oregon, frontage as record
ed in deed 01.1 feet, described and
recorded book 71. page 295, eouiitv
recorder's reeords of Jaekson comi
ty, Oregon,
Xo. 88. William IJneli, $313..I- -
Lot 7, Wortiiimi's addition eitv t
Medford. Oregon, frontage as re
corded in deed 05,-13 feet, described
and riicorded book 7J, page 295,
county recorder's records of Jaekso i
couittv, Slregon,
X.i. SMI. M. W. Tiitiie and Harrv
If. TiiStlc, $421.31 lint 3, Tattles
sidHlivishm citv of Medforil, Oregoi;,
grotiiiils occusued), K9.25 feet front
age 011 wes! si!e ol Oakdale avenue.
described and recorded hook 61. page
-101. eountv recorder's records vf
Jaekson comity, Oregon.
Xo. Hit. Xanuie Bare, $081.85- -1).
K. Part of lot 1, block 1, Ban's
addition jo citv of Medford. Oregon,
frontage 130,45 feet, described and
recorded book 14, page 229. coimtv
recorder's records of Jaekson conu
tv, Oregon,
Xo. SMI. K. U, Seolv, $520.94 -I). V.
Part of lot 1, block 1. Purr's addi
tion of eitv of Medlord, Oregon
Xo. 34. Mary Ann Davison, ty. Oregon.
B T. Lot 1, block 1, Galiowav's mi- jnmtogo joo.oi ieei, aeserioea mm
ditiost of city of .Medford, Oregon recorded book 0, pam 367, county
igromid occupied), frontago on westreeorder's reeords of Jaekson couu-
trontttgo ivy, ji ieet tgronno oceu
picd). deserihed and recorded book
59, page 311, county recorder's rec
ords Jackson county, Oregon,
No, 104, IL O, Wortman et as.,
.$771.12 B. A, A parcel of land
whh 140.88 feet frontage on west
side of Oakdale avenue, city o Med
ford, Oregon,; described and record
ed book 40, page 523, county record
er's records of Jaekson county, Ore
Xo, 107, F. IC Deuel, aSS,
D, X. A parcel of laud with 453.5
feet of frontage on west side of Oak
dale avenue, city o Medford. Oregon,
described and recorded book 57, page
4-56, county recorder's reeords o
Jaekson 5unty, Oregon,
Xo, 161. Elinor Mauie, $421.31
Lot 1, Tuttto's subdivisksB city of
Medford, Oregon grounds occupied),
80,25 feet frontage on west side o
Oakdale avenue, described and re
corded book 72, page 434, eoanty re
corder's reeords of Jackson county,
Xo. 108. M. W. Tattle and Harn
II. Tnttie, $520.83 Lot 2, Turtle's
subdivision city of Medford, Oregon,
(grounds occupied), 100.35 feet
frontage on west side, of 0akda!i
avenue, descrsoea ana recoraea ooott
61. page 404, eomilv recorder's rec
ords of Jackson count y,- Oregon.
Xo. 95. John Osburn efc ax..
$395,06 C. Z. Paft of Jot 2, block
1, Burr's addition city f Medford,
Oregon (ground occupied), frontage
44.25 feet on west sido of Oakdala
avenue, described and recorded book
70, 'page 218 coauty recorder's rec
ords of Jackson county, Oregon,
Xo. 04. IV. II. MeOowan and Mary
E. MeGowass. 873.50 A parcel ot
land (used as public driveway, nai
dedicated to the public) 14 - feet
frontage on west side of Oakda'e ,
avenue, eity of Medford, Oregon, des
cribed and recorded in county rec
ords, book 32, page 404. county rs- .
corder's reeords of Jackson eoanty,
Oregon. -
Xo. 9fi, John K, Howard, $395,98
L G.Y. Part of tot 2, Woek 1. Barrs
addition city of Medford, Oregon,
(ground -occupied), frontage 75.2
feet on west side of Onkdaie aventw.
described and recorded book 65, pass
2S0, county recorder's records ot
Jaekson connO, Oregon.
X'o, 97. Bertha L. Barnuni, $093.3
C. V. Part of lot 3, part of lot 2,
block J. Barrs addition eity of Me 1-
ford, Oregon, (gronnd, ocenpsed),
frontage of 132.45 feet on west sidsj
of Oakdale avenne. described and rc-
corded book 50, page 3 IS, county
recorder's records of Jaekson county,
Xo. ia W. P. and Delilah M. Dodi
$1380.3 C, V. Part lot 3, Woefe
1, Barr's addition city of 'Medford,
Oregon, (ground occupied) 264.6 .
feet frontage on west side of 0akda:3
avenue, described and recorded boeK
40, pages 30-31. county recorder's
records of Jaekson county-, Oregon.
Xio. 100. Porter J. Xei f and P. K.
Deuel, $050.51 D. Y. A parcel i
land with 1S1.0-5 feet of frontase vii
west sida of Oakdala, aveuise, city .f
Medford, Oregon, described, and r.j
eorded book 57, page 45(5, county re
corder's records of Jaeksn count .',
Xo. 103. O. If. Johnson. ,f472.',l
D. Z. A parcel ot land with SO
feet frontage au west side of Oat
dale avenue, eity of Medford, Oregfi."".
describe! and recorded hook OL twto
(500, eouttv recorder's records of
Jaekson county. Oregon.
X., 102. Flavia Barker, ,f3I,5)-
K. V. A parse! of land willi J7S
lineal feet of frontage wn aest si'15
of O.-ikdaie avenue, city vt Medfofi,
Oregon, described and recorded book
SI, ms 123, eounfy recorder' j rec
ords o Jackson county, Oregon.
.Xo. 103. Pauline Sturgis, $STU1
K. It. A isareel of land with lli.5.75
i'ect frontage on west side of ta;
dule avenue, city of Medford, Ore
gon, described ami recorded book HI,
SKtgs 51, county recorder's reconi
of Jaekson coimty. Oregon,
Section 2. The recorder of the city
is hcrehv dsiietcd to enter a state
mcnt l: the assesiuciits hereby maJo
in the docket of city liens ami to tno
itoiiec isicKNi! ?sy puiiisentson as rs-
omrea nv saw.
The forcgjiiiig oi-sliiiassee mas pass
ed bv tlie citv of Medford on ills? 5th
day of August. bv the follow
ing vote: Welch ave, Merrick ssh
scnt, Wortiiian nve, Euicrick aye.
Eifert ave, iteurncr aye,
Ainitttvcd Ansimt , 1009,
Attest: W. If. CAXOX, Mavor.
11, W, TELFEM. Kocorder.