THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUU UST 11. MOD. 33 Fruit Canning is not work at any time, ana wnn ins JJISJJKE-Tllt best of cans, but it is conceded by alt KTJPKYQI Uiai uic uiuy auic way iu ccjj nun jnrjj jirp TATvll is to use lipiuU ml mm Schram's Automatic Sealing Cans In order to give those who have never used them an opportunity to see how easy and simple the work is, a . Free Demonstration will be given at Stringer's grocery store August 1112 This demonstration is free to all and will be in charge of MISS EMMA EMO Remember the place and f he time - . STRINGER'S GROCERY; August 11-12 MKMINIIUT Tm am wv Ho Accidents W(TH TMt No twisting the jar in two it you use Schram's Automatic Sealer. ASHLAND BUYS LAND TO PROTECT WATER SUPPLY ! ASlll.ANK. Anjjust II. The .it v of Ashland Ims closed a ileal fur lln1 I purclm-e from I.. II. ami K. J. Tee ', i its of certain holdings of lain) Ashland creel; al ami above the I" v. - it intake of the city water system, nuioiuiling In 110' j niTi's. The Tci ii r habitation just below I lie water in take of Hii' lower sslcui. anil t'iiurl inr toiravelcrs through iho cnnoi'., i mi a one-quarter acre Irart em braced in tlu- purchase, ami there are two other .separate tracts further j up tin' canyon, one of -0 acres ami one nl' lO'i acres, whjch have now ! become the property of the ity. ! j quireil as a means of further pro tecting Ihe'wnter supply ami the pipe lines anil the prevention oY. any pos sihle contamination of the stream, which is the soiiree. of Ashland's splenilid water supply. The consideration of the purchase in the present instance was $!IO0. NEW RURAL ROUTE TO RUN OUT OF ASHLAND ASHLAND. Or., August 11. l'ost master Casey has been notified ly the department that a new free de livery rural mail route will he estab lished from the Ashland poslofl'icc as soon as the patrons of the service shall have agreed lo maintain the 1 boxes requisite for it. The route is ' part within the corporation limit- of Ashland outside the present free tic ! livery district, and extends to Sndii Springs. 10 miles east of Ashland, i including also the Neil creek mill dis trict and the Ilarron postoffice. The ' total distance as outlined by (he fol j lowing description of the district , made up by the department is J.'i' .j mile.-, but this will probably be added to so as to include a small but popu 1 loii territory in Ashland that for I some reason seems to have been ovcr : looked in making up the route, in the YVcightmnn street vicinity. HOTEL ARRIVALS. s o G O u a- Economy, Our Coupon Books are proving quite an i'ttractiou to our patron:-, as Ihey realize that there is no easier way of sav ing money than to claim the 5 Per Cent Discount on either the .$").00 or $tll books. Reside, it is much more convenient than making change every time it is necessary lo pay n small bill for meats, poultry or butler. ASK US ABOUT. THEM. V'.. THE ECONOMY MARKET HUTH & ASH POLE, Proprietors. Opposite Postoffice Phone 461. Economy o o p o: 3 At the Nash V. 1". Smith. I'or! (and: It. J. 1'elerson. Portland: Ceo. It. Slepp. San Jose; .Mr. and Mrs. N'. V. Flnisig, New York: K. O. KiikI". San Francisco: J. I. Sam. (Irani Pass: William .1. Haymouil. Sun Francisco: Mr. and Mi. It. K. Mai ing. O. W'. Wcst. Portland: I'.. ('. Morgan. San Francisco: V. It. Lon don. Claude V. P.nwninu. Portlaud: AL IViser.' Los Angeles; Arthur P. Karlaeh. Omaha : J. T. lSrenunr, San Francisco. At the Moore F. I!. Fric airi wife. Old; .1. II. Mourficld. St. Louis; C. IL Williams. 'Portland: A. S. Smith I. G. Hoffman, San Francisco:. II. ft. Schoenthul. .lerome: L. A. Wcsi, Fred S. P.nfield. Mrs. L. II. Wil cox. Portland: Mrs. H. K. Armstrong and daughter. Omaha; Frank Sims nud Wile. Aim; J. Hummer. P. Don. W. K. llaviliind. Seattle; C. P. Kn huhariit and wile. Chicago: W. '. London, Portland: .John A. Lombard, San Francisco: It. 1!. Itos.s, Chiengo; W. J. Ramsey. Wlicttcrs: Kd F.. Math cwson, Yreka: J. If. Carkin and wife,, ttrnnd Forks; L. G. Within. Callie Withitl. Mollie Wilhitl. liotons: W. II. Galloway and wife. Mrs. Wash bargh, Xeopolis; A. S. Williams, F.u gene: T)r. and Mrs. Mcdearis. Kmi sas Cilv. j New Cases. Stale of Oregon vs. Wobert Knv bould; transcript from .justice court. Floyd I). Moore vs. Ilerendoii Swe-dr-nberg; demurrer filed. Marriage Licenses. W. P. Lomux and Franci's Hordm Orders for sweet crcum or butler milk promptly filled. Phone the .rpfl-npr7 College Preparatory and Business School Ashland, Oregon First Term Opens Sept. 6, 1909 State High School, College Preparatory, Teachers' Review, Bookkeep ing and Stenographic Courses Taught by Competent Teachers. THOROUGHNESS OUR MOTTO W. T. VAN SCOY. A. B., Pres. A. C. CREWS. Secretary. Watch for the opening of tin- new Western Business College Medford, Oregon. Day and night nessioiifl, Kvery thing strielly up-lo-dale, J. B. MACK, Principal. FOR SALE AUGUST ONLY A SU M M ERRES0 RT ON KLAMATH LAKE That is Unsurpassed In America This is u sporting proposition for men of wealth -it. is not u farm. I'ueqnalleil Trout Fishing Juno to November. Deer limiting on the premises, August I to November 1. Duck Shooting superior to nuy i i n the state, over thousands of acres of wild celery anil rice, September 1 lo February 1. Grouse and Pheasant Shooting o i the place October IS to Novem ber 15. Pest starting place in the comity for a Bear hunt. The 'rater Lake Automobile ro(id will rim through the place for n milo ami n quit tier. Navigable water to the proper ty, unsurpassed drinking water, nml power to develop the prop erty. More bottom land and duo gar den laud than any place on the lake. , Thousands of Pine and Fir tree and thousands of Quaking As pens. More varieties of wild flowers and natural grasses and vulehe-i than any place in the county. If you develop this property im U can be developed, there is no resort in the county that can compare with it. No amount of alkiug will d-t-seribc it let us show you. We have been offered mow than twice what it cost, but have a price at which you may take u below which we will keep it. J. G. PIERCE, W. T. SHIVE. Klamath Falls. Oreaon. HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C Smith 314 E. Main Mt. Angel College MT. ANGEL. OR. in charge of the Benedictine Fathers. For young men and boys. Tonn opens September 7th. Preparatory, commercial, scientific and elnssicul courses. Write for catalogue. NOTICK. - , is liemby given Hint (lie undersigned will apply ill Hie regular ine.i'ling of the cily coinidl nf Medford, Oregon, on September , J.!MW, lor license lo sell mall, vinous nml opinions: liquors in less quantities limn one gallon for six months nl; lot 1.'), bloidc 20, in Medford, Oregon, for a period of six IIIOIllllS, GI'Xl. M. Nl'iMDLKS. iC "'aJ. t jL.J. " For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Folgcrs Golden Gate Coffee." It is so Rood we cannot obtaina better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it. Every thinu about Folur'n Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and pc sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. Allen & Reagan GHOCiiwJKS, ClIINAWATtE, FRUIT AND FEED. j, t Medford Iron Works J'VliflfiiSl E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. t Foundry and Machinist All Wr,.' of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps. Boilers and Ma-t clilnor Agents in Southern Oregon for j FAIRBANKS, MOPSE & Cq. ytlvs. Imne, 3fampton Isaacs "Snitttctor of "ptano. "Xl$t 5nctbc6 S'UiMea. M la-c. Morlh Ora4 Stxtti t . ) RESOLVED . " StN The best riHidntion for you to inukn in to como to iih for I j . your next unit, if yo.i want s" tjJO something out of the ordiimr. d-hj (rA ''" l'lu wot'! ""d 'lI'r?e JT3 W. W. EIFERT THE PEOOELflSIVB TAJLOB A Bargain Tho fanioiiH lUO-acre I. W. THOMAS GROVE FARM 85 acres of nlfiilfii gurdon, 'JO acres of the prettiest oak mind laurel grove in tho vullo'y, 15 acres of apples and pours in bouring, and loaded with fruit at tho prcse-it time. This is tho best proposition over offered in Southern Oregon. See . L , .-., -u':- WHITE & TROBRIDGE F.xe.lusive Agents, for prices, terms, etc, nt offico, Phone 93 6 Fir street Medford We do JOB PRINTING t .u r I ' Excellent Workmanship ' ", i , f1. ,11 -t ; ;: J '