Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 10, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Xow riirhinss in nil i-nlors, the
best new widths. See mi n.vkes.l.'U'
Williiiiri ('. Stone of Alhertn, Cnu..
is in Mi'ill'onl looking nver the vnlle.v
with ii view of !n-utiiijr.
The ltluok Ariitm-raU nt the ltijou
tonight. Conic anil see them. Vil
C. C. Slonewiil! of Wku is visit
ing friends in Medlord. ...
27 news within 3!-.. miles of Med
ford in 4-ye:ir-old ienrs mid alfal
fa, house, ham, ehieken house. 'The
nrieo is $200 iter aei-e. Heiwon In
vestment Co. . 122
A. S. Williams of Ku(;ene is spend
ing n few days in Medford on busi
ness. We rent houses. IViimiii Invest
ment Co. V22
,T. E. Woodruff is visiting in Ash-,
Teams and men wanted. Apply at
office of Big Pines Lumber Co. 122
Mrs. L. H. Wileox of Portland Is
visiting friends in Medford,
OrdoiM for sweot cremn or butter
cnitk promptly filled. Pbone th
oreamer7. 1
The Roriig Kiver Fish Co. cxpeet
a largo shipment of fresh fish today,
onsi.sttn of smelt, flounders, sole,
etc. Don't forget our dressed
en. salmon 15e today.
If it is.musie and entertainment
you desire, the Spot cafe cannot ac
commodate you, but it can give you
the best cooking and as good service
as can be had in Medford at prices
you can afford to pay. .-'-
J. H. Carkins is. enjoying a visit
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. W.
Carkins of Grand. Forks. X. II., ytv
arc-recent arrivals. J i "'
Xew Japanese crepes for kimotias. ; . ,
etc., nil colors, nt Van Dyke's. Ji j San Francisco Firm Has Representa-
Mr. and Airs. Horace t'elton itl
Pains Yallev were recent Medford -Vf- .
Teams ned men wanted.. Apply at
office of Big Pines Lumber Co. 12
Mrse. Maud Wright is- visiting her "'"
i nr. .i r r n lor some davs iMimmer x ton. -
parents. Mr. and Mrs. I . . Mono - .
of thr citv " ' P,u,y Francisco have had a
mgVtop W at - Van representative w the valley looking
PvW 12' mto the feasibility of establishing a. i
SLh. Alford and family are spend- Wnl factory in the valley. 1 1
ing a few days camping at Big Butte. reported that he is so pleased w.-a
. Do vou eat at the Louvre cafe? If "! "t,,wk ", that the
not. whv not? Thev make a spec-1 P V be earned to a suecess
ialtv of" appetizing breakfast disbe. j termination, providing that cop.
Spe'eial rates , regular patrons. ! -tracts can be made for a sutt.ceui
F.. E. Mathewson of spen.l j quantity of altalia to warrant the
ir.g a few davs in Medford. " " , wM.nriH they contemplate erecting.
Sweaters a'nd knit jackets for on:- The establishment or such a null !
i-.p wear nt Van Dvke's. 122 I the valley would -quickly lead to the
Mrs. J. V.. Sbenrer has left to soend toslering or otner imiusme aiou
John Andrews of Ashland spent ! PILES MAY NOT RUN
Tuesday in Mod ford on busiuesr,. AGAIN FOR SENATE
Vuuii, hv tliu on-bestra mid violin ! , ( ,
i-r.,,., to 70 o'clock nt the! SEATTLE. Wnsh., August
Nash Grill tonight.
William Johnson ot Trail is peim
ing a few days in this city
SEATTLE. Wnsh., August 10.
Uiiuiors are once more current thnt
. I I'niled Slates Senator Samuel Piles
i will not be a caudidiite to ncci"'d
t.... n...i,.,-o "r.,ill f.,i. r,.moviii? Iiinisclt. lie lias elinnge.l lus imiKl
orns. bunions, cto. 25o at Haskius' K"i"g "'"'I"', " S"ver.
Drusr Store. 1
.... i......lw ,-..niin...l finin .i i recent
trio to the Seattle exposition. I.e-1 patche
snvs ln luid n snleudid time, but wa-l
..i.l.l i ,i K,,..L In t,, Mcdl'.Yid. see thing
Kl(" JO u.i. . I
whore I ho sun is shiiunt?.
tive Here Looking Over Valley
With that End in View.
a few days at Colestin. She is ac
companied by her daughter. Mar
guerite. Don't fail to see the Black Aristo
crat at the Bijou tonight. 121
I. W. Tiiney of Grant Pass is
spending a few days with friends in
Medford. .
Everybody is eating r t- the Xash
Grill these summer evenings to hear
the delightful musical program ren
dered by the orchestra and the great
violinist Romanoff.
James Owens, countv commission -
these lines.;
Will C. Steel of Portland is pro
moting a scheme for the forming of
the Steel family of the United States
into an organization. All the avail
able members are to meet in the Ore
gon building at Seattle, August 2G, to
form the first reunion and take steps
for permanent organization. Annual
gatherings in some portion of the
country will be arranged for at the
er. was a recent vjsito'r in this city. ! meeting, and a general family era of
Make tiros walk easy by using
Gruhe's Method for removing corns.
25c rit.-TI1ifckins' :Drug Store. 123
Henry C. Gates bf Eugene is spend
ing a few' 'davs Medford on busi-
good will and sociability will be ush
ered in.
William Xcllis of Phoenix. Ariz.,
ness.' ' '" ' j has purchased the Willike ranch.
Campers' blankets and quilts at i which is situated .-10 miles up Bogu?
Van Dvke's. 122 I river. The consideration was $12.00M.
, inert liusniess, largely iiecaiisc ol Ins'
! ..I ill,,..-.! . v.,U,i,.i r
say he i coming home i
rest and politicians me beginning "to
Should Senator Pile de
cide to retire, there are iiinnv willing
to don hi toga. Among them U
Onirics F. White, one of the wealth
ist lumbermen in the state, who is
now traveling in Europe. On his re
turn announcement, is expected, if lh,,
situation looks favorable. William
I'itt Trimble is not wholly deaf t
the siren and may yield to tlif tie- ;
mauds of his friends, if there is any
hope. Judge Thomas Iturke was in
troduced as "our future senator" at ,
a recent dinner given at the A. Y. '.
eHisition, tuid there may be moi't
truth than Mctry iu it for the ebi-1
ijuent clubman. ... f
KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. August '
The body of Sammy Amy, one ol j
the oldest Indians on .the .Klauui'h ,
reservation, found in upper Klamath
lake, appears to have, been in lh"
water for several days. It is it - t
known when the old Indian di-ap '
pea red or how he came to his dent1!. ,
Tlie snnposition is that he was n - ,
cidentally drowned. Sammy Andy
was more than HO years of age. He
belonged to the old Link river Irjbe.
wliich lived ut the head of Link ii' -;
er when the first while men came i n
the Klamath country. He was ul-;
ways friendly to the palefaci'- and '
bore a good reputation.
The Lion Tamer at the Savoy.
i he Lion lamer, now being pru-J
iluccd at the Savoy, is the (alls "of'
the town. This feature film is : !
hair raiser, full of thrills from start
to finish. N"o circus in the country
shows a lion' taming act as thrillitm
and exciting as the one howu in tliv j
picture. Tonight will be your last op
port unity to sec ''The I. ion Tamer.",
Follow the crowd to the Savoy. "Ad j
ventures of an Amateur Detective"!
is just one bundle of laughs ai! I
harly gives you time to catch your I
breath between explosions. The oth- i
er features are of unusual merit.
Entire change of program tomor
row night. Remember Wednesday is
"dish night'' and that the Savoy is
cool and cozy. One dime.
is hereby given that the undersigned
will apply at the regular meeting of
the city council of Medford. Oregon,
on September 7, lOllil, for license to
sell malt, vinous and spiritous liquors
in less quantities than one gallon for
six months at lot 15, block 20, in
Medford. Oregon, for a period of W
Dated August 10, 1009.
Medford Theatre, 8 p. m.
August 12
Mr. Dan Sullivan
of Montana. Champion Middleweight of Northwest
VS ...
W. H. West and Earl Ralstonof Medford
Mr, Sullivan will box Wast an i Halston 3 rounds each
R.OUIDS A 000,1 ,,re"minnry bout wl" be p"'on at 8:30- Bi match comes " al
SEATS 0N SALE AT HASKINS'. PRICES, 50c. 75c, $1.09, $1.50.
Of All Summer Merchandise
Continues Wednesday Thursday and Friday
,,. . un"to- $2.25 urade, heavy, 72 Inches wide, now $1.6!)
S SS 5E ::::::::: -: IIS "-y. 12 me., wide, now ...$,,.
$20.29 Dress, clearance price $12.89 98c rat,e' hcavy 72 ,nc,,es wi,,e now 79c
$19.98 Dress, clearance price $9.93 85c (jrade, heavy, 72 inches wltlo, now 59o
$6.69 Dress, clearance price ' $4.8'J 65c flratlc, heavy, 72 Inches wide, now 39
$4.00 Dress, clearance price $2.19 it will pay to lay your supply of linens In now.
$2.50 smoke gray fleeced Blanket (11-4), now $1.79 25c Turkish Bith TowpU nn in.
$.n50Ridgewood gray fleeced Blanket ( 1 1-4), g 2 ff Si! 'now ! 'Ic
$1.49 white cotton Blanket' (con be'used'for t h',ckl, TT0Wcl?' now ;c
silent cloth) 99c 20c cotton huck Towels,, now 13c
$1.39 gray cotton Blanket (10-4 size), now . . .79n Se8 our window display of silk petticoats.
You save money by buying blankets now. See our See our window display of ladies' 25c hosiery
window display. Best value in land.
The Hutchason Co.
Successors to
Big Steelfaeads
Is not much of trick with our special Rogue river flies. They are doing the
work---lu ring the king of trout and holding him fast. No broken hooks or
snapped leaders. Every fly guaranteed and especially designed for local
streams. Our rods and lines are also the best made.
Prize for Anglers
Rod costing $50, aii'cl best reel and line
made goes to the successful angler who lands
the biggest steelhead on one of our flies.
If possible, the trout must be weighed.- a f t
er it is dressed, at our store.
The angler must make affidavit to catch
ing it on one of our flies or bring two relia
ble witnesses to the store to verify his statement.
Given away to the angler who lands the
biggest steelhead on one of our special flies.
Read the conditions of contest.
Don'ts For Contest
, Don't bring your fish cut up in sections.
Don't make your claim on live weight, but
dressed weight.
Don't try to claim' prize on fish caught
on spoons or other makes of flies.
Don't make claims you cannot substan tiate.
Hardware Go.
. . !