Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 10, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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A Biiwiirnmii i iwi ' r
ff Running Water in '
Ml l MO rtnVM'lt
YoU CJin NOVO AM HoUTirt-'.tWO C t v.- t ir
hydrant. No waui b.Uj and rvpfeit.-;
Kvry Kwnin"o Sywtfiu ii vr.
tr itystem. insist upm thtf u.-'
l.u tia I-ook for our trailc murk and .
settuiao and yuu will take no chanced.
i O guarantee that,
The beat nd most efficient water supply will be your if you inatall the
Kewanee System
Kc More Elevated or Attic Tzd:$
With the K-;iimo Sj 4tfiu( the tank I
located In the cellar, or bulled 1 1 the ground,
'l'lils tnk In marie of atetl plate and will luit
aluiokt uitlrl.i; o. li.c Kcvyiiii Ui
ted on aolld irmuml. iu.i i-roiiilwl fn.i
all extremes In weeluer; tt Itsik, fre-?
orertlnw or collapee. If Arwiinrc
tern, pom pin the water fc jle- the air .
are. For pn -'" he water any kin I (
it i.iiiy kj vmmI with the Kewune
if ui windmills. jti.lip' --.elec; -t .y,
eternm, hot air, or Uu4 ot i-..i4e
More Elevated or Attic Tzzhs j
pn0tanrAA Krrv lwanM Syntem la maranteed to
vUl VJUcUalllCC gj, jn.t-clswatersupplyandtoUeTery.
thlny v . ulm for
our i v; and yonr
,.e tt the rink.
Kwuee Water Supply
Gasoline Pumping Outfits CSSwStt
E. A. Washburne & Son
Miles Block Medford, Oregon
Savoy Theatre
The Lion Tamer
The most thrilling picture ever shown. Strong Comedy Features.
P. C. Hansen.
We make any kind and style of windows. We carry
glass of any size on hand."
Medford Sash & Door Co.
State Drpi'gitrn
EBtahiisfaed 1888.
Capital and Surplus $125,000
Ecioaivoi 1700,000
These hot days? When you cun get aiiytliing you desire in the lino
of .BREAD, PJES or CAKE, in addition to everything usually found
i:, a flrst-i-lass DELICATESSEN
Wetzel & Hodges, Proprietors.,
The Tribune
jr House and Darn
n The Year
4. ity water aytttom. con now lw had iiuyn lirt,
rvU und-r strunu prvmui to all liMun-a and
no plant is aluuwl verUstiiK.
. at our rfk. not jrruw. To avoid uiiauwaafiil
viiiiH pneumatic tank and ' tnaiiufnt'tt-i i
pl.ttoson iirk and pumping- machinery. Oct tin
of Water Supply
Engineering Service i-KLfc.
not nwrvlr maniifm-lui-p tmwri''i
plaiita. WwattlrowjiU'rauppljf 'ntlfi. lr.
the lad tvn wmi-s. Luv uccelmlr
lvd owr W0 waivr "I'l'lT problem. 1 h
ltirtrtMt bulMliut. tut well hh Ut nuilot domes
at-o equi(nd with Kwmh Wutr
itrooUml xiwrtnr. Kverjr K-riliie iff-
Mrtcni has the Kewnnce ttade iu-r
aud mutf come up to the Kvwuu
atjndartl.nntlliafillie KwinBuar
antee o( uliif jction behind it. Our
engineer will nln your complvle
water ay stem
It, If it Ul return tt ai
money wUlbeieiundeo.
f I
.3 f?l jk 'I
. I I 'J
fcw&see. UL
Ask for Oar 64-Page Catalog
Let us show you how you ran hare a Ke
wanecWater Supply System in vur
nmise. Cir ratal i i beautifully Hlu
rsted. and shnws the many advantises of
the Kewnne System oer the oid
elevated tanks, (lei ourcatalov from our
dealer and ask him whivh Kewanee System
you should install.
Also Agents for
Tom Moffat..
The Jnckson County Bank respect
fully solicits your account, subject
to your check, with the strongest
guarantee of safety and efficiency.
We offer the highest attainment in
systematic banking service, which
assures the greatest , care in, every
finnncinl tr.msnction, with this
ing institution.
W. I. VAWTER, President.
G. R. LINDLEY, Cashier.
is Up-To-Da!e
The Man
From Home
A Nr.diJlon of the Plo)
of l..v- Siime Name
Copjrijht. 190'), by Amcrn T""
"Why. that's too bud," misiioml j
Tike, llshlng for a nut In t':o Iwittoin
f the tomirnu.
"It U too Imtl absurdly monstrous
ly bad! Lady rrvevh It'll r.:i that my
slstor did you the honor to present
you to the family with whlrli wo are
forming an alliance at least to a por
tion of If
"Yrs,. sir." answered Pike, "aad
promised to present nie to the wholo
possetueky of "cm"
"I'll not listen to you!" erled Horace
In a rage. "And I warn you that we
shall act without paying tin slightest
attention to you!"
Tike straightened up a tr;i.
'"Your sister kind of hinted lu her
letter that you think a good den I of
'this French lady the widow. I sup
pose you have uiade up your niliul to
take her for richer or poorer, eh?
Now, what's she going to give you?"
Horaco stopped short In horrified
amazement. .
"Why. 1 thought you'd, charge her
something Just a Utile. Ain't that the
' way over here?"
I "It seems Impossible for you to uu
I dcrstaud our motives in trying to lift
i ourselves alwve the common herd.
You are trying to Interfere between us
' and the line flower of Kurope." went
j on Horace excitedly.
I Pike straightened up and looked him
In the eye quizzically.
"I never beard none of the folks
around Kokomo speuk of your pa as I
'fine flower,' but we thought a heap
of him. and when he married your ma
he was glad to get her. and I never
beard that ne asked for any settle
ment When she took blm tie was t
poor man, but if he'd had ST.'iO.OOO I'll
bet he'd 'a' given It for her."
Horace turned short about and re
tired from the scene. U was evidently
fraposslble to argue with this plebeian.
As he went toward the gates lie met
i Almerlc and Lady Creech and Inform
Jed them eloquently of the ill success
of his attempt to reasou with the law
yer. Then he went out again to the
cliff. . '
Almerlc accompanied blm a few
i steps and then turned off to the vll
jlage, for be said be simply must take
t another look at that pup. And Lady
I Creech announced that she Intended
! to have "forty winks" In her own
room. Five minutes later Daniel, look
ing up from a superb rendition of
Dolly Gray." saw her glaring at him
from her window.
Then came the Ilerr von tirollerha-
gen from the hotel, lie was the same
calm. Imperturbable Individual as ever.
and he smoked with the hi nun Id alinn
don of a man born to ease. He ap
proached Dani") with a smile.
"You make i i-.iress. my friend ?" he
asked, and Daniel smiled at him.
"Your machine's like a good many
people, doc. It's got sand In its gear
At that moment Mariano hastened
out and fumbled nervously with the
lock on the big gates. Von droller
bageu turned Instantly.
You are locking us In," be said.
"No. herr," replied the servant; "I
lock some, one out that bandit who
have not been captured. The carabt
nlerl warn nil to lock the gates for an
hour. 8oon they will capture that
wicked one. M'sleu, this convict is a
With a keen glance. Von Grollerha
gen waved the man aside. Daniel
'They've got two companies of the
tin soldiers. Out my way the town
marshal would hare had him yester
day." "My friend, you are teaching me to
respect your country, not by what you
brag, but by what you do."
"How's that?" asked I'ike.
"I see how a son of that great de
mocracy can apply himself to a dirty
machine while his eyes are full of
visions of one of Its beautiful daugh
ters." .
"Doe, there's sand in your gem- box!"
I Then he looked up. "Now, you go
; down to the kitchen and make signs
for some of the help to give you a
1 hunch of nice clean rags."
j For 1111 Instant the German drew
' himself up haughtily.
"What Is It you ii'!; nie to do?"
1 "Get Ine some more nigs," said lian
i lei quietly, and Von (Irollerhageii bow
ed low.
j "I'd go myself, lint It wouldn't be
safe to leave tin? mni hlne."
! "You fear this fnnioiis Imndlt would
I steal II?" laughed the Geruitin.
! "No; there's parties around here
j might think It was a settlement."
"My friend," Von Grollerlnigeu suld
gravely, "I do not understand."
"That's where, we are In the same
lis," doc," said 1'lke", with a chuckle,
and bent over the machine again,
while Von Grollcrlmgcn departed on
his mission.
While l'lke worked he thought, and
the thoughts dually arrived at thu
point where he saw Unit all ho had
to do to save the girl bo had comu so
far to see was to sit tight on Ids re
fusal. He had accurately gauged the
noble earl aud his Interesting son and
slster-lu-law, 11 nd he knew, that It was
a thousand to one that they would not
agree to a marriage If there was no
money In sight
They'll niako niore'u one bid for old
Simpson's money," he assured himself
aud then looked up quickly, for the
leaves on the pergola were rustling In
a way that no wind should have
As he looked the flgure of a man ap
peared over the top of the flues and
a mle face looked Into his with Im
ploring eyes. Pike looked at htm calm
ly and knew at once that this was the
man the carabtuleri were pursuing.
"Est ce que vous ctes un hotnnie do
ben coeur? Jo ne suls pas counable!"
("Are you a kind hearted man? It ,
not guilty!") bo began, when Pike cut
him oft with a shake of the head.
"There ain't any use In the world
your talking to me like that," he said
mournfully, and tho refugee's eyes
gleamed with hope.
"You are an American?" be said,
making preporntlousjo descend.
"They haven't made anything else
ont of me," answered Daniel, and the
refugee climbed down and leaned
weakly against the car.
"If you give me up I shall not lie
taken alive! I havo 110 weapon, but I
shall And a way to cut my throat!"
"Are you the bandit they're looking
for?" asked Daniel, with Interest.
"They call me that? How closo are
they?" asked the other, with sudden
fright. I'lko looked at the gates and
heard n clank of sabers off on tho road.
"There!" he said mnl stripped off his
blouse. "Did they seo you climb that
"I think not," murmured the num.
"Do you know anything about auto
mobiles?" asked Daniel, holding out
the coat.
"Not a thing lu the world," replied
the other despnirlngly.
"Then you're a chauffeur, all right,"
returned tho lawyer, forcing the rough
gnrment on the man. "Here; climb In
nnder that machine, and don't you
dare unscrew anything. Pretend you
are fixing."
He pushed the refugee toward the
machine and saw him wriggle beneath
H, then heard Mariano's agitated voice
calling In the hotel. An instjint later
the maltre d'hotel rnshed ..nt to the en
trance gates and threw tlieni wldo'
open, revealing two cnrablnle! I with
out, who immcdlntelv (nter"?. Then
ensued a conversatle" I'-'t -i that
was pure Sanskrit to I'ike. who l.sike:!
on with calm Interest " mi-
atit of Hie' file addressed the lawyer In
a long speech, to which Pike smiled
and waved a cigar.
"Wishing you many happy returns,
colonel," be said genially, and Mariano
hns'ened forward.
"It Is the robber of Itussla. They
think be climb the wall, the assassin.
The others, tlicy surround all yonder.
These two, they search here. They ask
you please, slgnorc, have you seen blm
climb the wall."
"No." replied Daniel shortly, turning
'They ask. then, has any one crossed
tbo lawn?" went on the servant.
"No." replied Daniel, and as lie spoke
one of the men pointed his gun bo
neat li the car at the figure in the long
"He ask who that Is, slguore," said
Mariano excitedly, 'also pointing.
"The new chauffeur for the machine
from Paris." answered Pike casually,
and, with a bow. the two went 'off, one
to the right and the oilier to the left.
As they disappeared Von Grollerhngen
came walking across the grass with
some white rags In his hands and an
amused smile upon his. face.
(To he coiitinucu.)
lntense Colicky Pains Relieved
"For some years I suffered front
intense colicky pains which would
pome on nt fimeH and from which 1
could find no relief," suys I. S. Mas
on, of Hcuver Hum, Ky. "Chamber
Iain's Colic, and Diiin-lioea Hemndv
was recommended to nie by n friend.
After Inking a fn wdoses of Ihn rem
edy I wits enlirely relievpil. That
was four years iifioiinil there has
lion no return of Hie symptoms sinei!
Mint time." This remedy is for snie
by Leon H. llnskilis' Phiirmuey.
Mrs. A. M. Colby will on Tuesday,
August Olh, demonstrate cookin;;
with elcelrieilv at Ihn office of 1 In
Wngiiu Ifiver Kleelric Coiiipnny, '20:1
West Alain street.
Hours, 10 to 12 n. in.. 2 to 4 p. in.
Afnkes cooking u pleasure, Tim
public is cordially invited to alleiul
these demonstrations find lenru uM
about, cooking with this practical and
convenient method. 321
Summer Rates East
During the Season of 109
via the
Southern Pacific Go.
To OMAHA and Return $69.90
To KANSAS CITY and Return $69.90
To ST. LOUIS and Return $77.10
To CHICAGO and Return $84.40
and to otlior principal cities in the East, Middle West and South,
Correspondingly low fnreH. '
On Sale August II, 12.
To DENVER and Return $64.90
On Sale August II.
Going transit limit 10 day from date of sale, final return limit
October Slat
These tickets present some very attractive feuturea in the way of
stopover privileges, and ohoice of routes ; thereby enabling pause u
gora to make aide trips to many interesting points en route.
Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a
slight advance over the rates quoted.
Pull particulars, sleeping ear reservations and tickets will be fur
nished by any Southern Paoifio local agent, or
WM. McMURRAV, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon.
The Best Meal
In Medford is to be had
At The Star Restaurant'
All white help. Home cooking. Room
and board $5.00 a week. Give us a
trial and be convinced.
MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322 E7th St.
Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North
west.. Not in the combine. Competes with all first
t lass nurseries.
L. E. HOOVER, Agent
We would like to ta Ik with you about fire insurance.
We are agents for the WORLD'S GREATEST FIRE IN
SURANCE Companies.
GLOBE and others
Successor to CANON & HOLMBS
Room 33, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Phone No. 781.
J. E. KMYART, President
JOllN S. ORTI1, Cashier.
Safety boxes for rent. A
We solicit
Advertise in
J. A. PERRY, Vioe-Presideat.
V. K JACKSON, Ass't Cashier
goncrnl Banking Business transacted.
your 'patronage.
the Tribune