THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKOOX. TUESDAY, A IHllIST .I 0, Medeord Daily Tribune Official Paper of the City of Medl'ord. Published everv evening except Suud:iy. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putxam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffice at Medf ord, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : month by mail or errier. . . -$0.5: One year by mail 15.00 TODAY'S WEATHER PREDICTION., Clear today nnd tomorrcv. Warmer. : ' a lure nml salubrious cl ":ite soil of remarkable fertility beautiful scenery monn:iii stored with, coal, copper and gold -extensive forests rstren'- stocked with speckled beauties-? game in abundance a contented, progressive people such is ,-he Rogue River Valley. Average mean temperature. 55 degrees Average yearly precipitation ..." 21 inches SOUTHERN OREGON LEADS IN FRUIT. The summary of fruit conditions compiled by the Port ' &n& Oregonian, appearing in another column of the Tri ; bune, is intensely interesting to southern Oregon, and is made doubly so by the fact that the Oregonian is forced, for once, to" admit that this section excels in something. The Oregonian has ever favored other sections of the state as against southern Oregon, but for once it has been forced to admit southern Oregon's supremacy. "The lest general reports come from southern Ore gon" says the Oregonian. And there are a multitude of reasons for this. Briefly enumerated the more important ones are: The most favorable climate. The best adapted soil. The most intelligent orchardists. The greatest acreage. The most modem methods. The southern Oregon spirit the spirit that is satisfied with nothing but the best ; that does not tolerate shif tless ness; that leaves nothing undone which tends for progress. Fruit A m. 'TOK I WW J canning r-ms J WHGfli is hot work at any time, and with the best of cans, but it is conceded by all CTj P KY AT 1 h-if fh nnlv euro unu tn 1ot.n f rn't HvlVl VLl is to use llJllIluAKj Schram's Automatic Sealing Cans In order to give those who have never used them an opportunity to see how easy and simple the work is, a r Free Demonstration Will be given at Stringer's grocery store August 1112 This demonstration is free to all and will be in charge of MISS EMMA EMO Remember Hie place nii-l the lime STRINGER'S GROCERY August 11-12 No Accidents rm KHMN WAV WITH THE No twisting the jar in two it you use Schram's Automatic Sealer. i OREGON FRUIT CROPS GOOD. I (Continued I'm in page 1.) j Mosier. Around The llullc- 7 el I acres of new orchards have been set unit, while 1700 acres of young 01 - ehnrds will begin to hour next yen v. In .-outheru Oifgon, particularly in tin Uogue River valley. thousand-; of acres are lieii u -el out in npplc-'. while in lii Willamette valley the acreage of n,i;' : and pcacho-. U be. illfi" i-lndily il ciea-cd. About U' acres ol new a.i.M' mciiariK ami I n acres of peach orchard h,ic l..-eu set out in the vicinity id' Alhuuv lliere Mas neen a large tucrciw in the peach acreage of Mnr'...i eouutv. ami 10 to 20 per cent im-icue in the apple aerongo. Kstimates of the apple crop this year in tho eastern stales vary widely the statistics l'nrnishcil b;. the deal ers' associations indicating a yield larger than that of last yrt whi'.o the returned I'urnished hy growers point to a smaller crop. The govern ment report of tho npplo crop on July 1 showed a condition of "U1. compared with 01.4 on June 1, 57.0 on July 1, 1008, and :: the ten year average on July 1. When the report was compiled the principal producing countries were in the grip of a long drouth,-and there may li-'vo hceu improvement in the situation siiiec that time. One of the best eastern authorities on such matterri, the Chicago Packer, has canvassed the situution thor oughly, and finds tho total crop .if the country will fall moderately ,-hort f last year's production. The onlv iniporlaut districts that will have n larger crop than last year nre Colo rado and Michigan. Xew York stat; will fall under its customary oui put. and the Ozark district will have a light crop, though it had practical ly none last year. Nebraska and Kan sas will not have a surplus, and the Xew England states and Virginia are showing irregular yields. Canada reports a moderate crop of apples this year, and Xovu Scotia n large yield, but most of this surplus goes abroad. The crops of Great Britain and parts of continental Europe are said to' promise well, but France's apple crop is a failure. XOTJCF, TO COXTRACTOKS. Xotice is hereby given that the city council of the city of Medford, Ore gon, will received sealed proposals, t construct a G-inch lateral sewer along Koss court, from West Fourth street south, a dislam-e of 000 feer, in theity of Medford, Oregon. AH bids must be filed with the ci!y recorder on or before 4:30 p. m. Au gust lflth, 1000, and accompanied by a certified check payable to the city treasurer of said city, "eipial to 5 per cent of the contract price: check to lie forfeited to Hie city of Medford in ease the successful bidder fails to cnler into eo-'l-ict for same. Con tractor lo fn;::!.-ii nil labor and ma terials neccssnry to complete said sewer. Plans and siecifieations may lie had for said imnrovcrncnt hy call ing at or addressing the city engin eer's office. Done by order of the city council this flth dav of August. 1900. 130 ROrtT. W. TF.LFKIi, City Recorder. , KKHOUITION. j i Ite it resolved by tho city council ' of the city of .Medford: Thul not ice is hereby given that il j is, in I lio opnruni ot tliu city council. ! necessary and Iho city council hereby requires that a cement sidewalk five feet in width be constructed along east side of d'Anjou street from Sixth street to Jackson sli 'ect. Resolved, further, thai the severnl owners of adjacent and couligiiou tols are hereby rcipiired to construct said sidewalk in said maimer within thirty days alVr service of this res olution upon them, in the manuer provhlcd by ordinance Xo. 30 of said oily, passed and approved Septem ber 2. 1002. Resolved, That copies of this reso lution he served upon the respective owners of said properly iii the man ner provided by said ordinance with in five days from this dulo, or as soon thereafter as is practicable hy Iho eily recorder or under his direc tion. Tho foregoing resolution was pass ed by the citv council of tho eitv of Medford on tho fth day of August, 10011, by Iho following vote: MerricK ubsent, Welch nye, Wortman aye, Kmeriek aye, Kifert aye, Pcmmcr Approved August 0, 1000. W II f'AV'nV M 11. II. .Ulllll. ) Attest: i R. W. TKI.FKR, Recorder, j . We are closing: out our entire line of White Embroideries and light shelf Hardware and offer for the next two days Wednesday AND Thursday Your choice of any piece of while Knamelwarn in the store or any pieeo of Shelf Hardware and Hardware Secialtie in tho store At Just One Half the Marked Price but remember these prices are for Wednesday and Thursday only. Another shipment of fresh fish to day at the Rogue River Fish Co.'s market. Theey also carry a full line of imported sausage, Oci-unm sirvelet, Italian solomi and macaroiii, as well as tho following brands of cheese, viz.: imported and Wiseoiis';i Swiss, Wisconsin cream brick, Kdatr., Roquefort, Sop , Sago, Xeitfchlals. Cierirptn breakfast. Liinburger, Fro mage de Canienihcrt, Fromage do Brie and Bon Marcher 121 Watch for the opening of the new Western Business College Medford, Oregon. Uay and night sessions. Every thing strietlv up-to-date. J. B. MACK, Principal. '-'") dozen footed sherbet (ilasscti, made of pure crystal glass; sale price 60c Set 30 dozen glass Tumblers, the 10c quality, slur cut; bottom miI.i price 35c Set We are closing out a line of misses' plain while lxl ribbed mercerized white Hose; regular 35o quality, 3 pairs for oOc; and a lino of Indie-' 0e quality, light colored Hose at 2."io pair. THE BUSY STORE Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler For Watches, Diamonds and all I , the latest things in Jewelry 'Fine Watch and Jewelry Rnpairimj A Specialty. Nw Postoffliie S71LEM BEER SALEM is the most popular beer jM Northern California and South ern Oregon. It is acknowledfjed lo he the equal of the very best east ern product. All beers are good, but some beers aro liked better than others. The proof for this assertion lies In drinking Salem beer. If you wish to be convinced, ask for Salem beer and drink It. SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION, Medford Depot: Medford lea & Storage Co. New Shipment of Fancy Slippers Pumps and Ankle Straps SOME OF THE SWELLEST FOOTWEAR EVER BROUGHT TO OUR CITY. . This shipment should have reached us June 1st, but it Is better for YOU as it gives you an elegant assortment to buy from at the close of the season when most stocks are run down. Edmeades Bros. THE WEST SIDE 'SHOE STORE Li BJJB2I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Chiulcs K. Cai'pcntcr to Wil liam M. Colvig. F, 2 of S K 'i section 21, township It.l, range 1 W, power of uttor- A. J. Xorton lo M. Giddeon, Xoriuau, 100 acres in seclion 10, township 3i, range 2 K 500 '. I'. Itriggs lo Mis. K. F. Hriggs, hull' interest in N 'L hils I and 2, block 21, Unite Falls 30 .1. M. Chandler lo Kdward I'. Chandler, ipiarler interest in S ia of N K , and S V. i of X W ii section 27, . ,. ' township :i5; range 4 W ...' 10 '