Tmwnm THE MEDFORD DAILY TR1DUNE, MED FORD, OREOON, TUESDAY, AUdlJKT 10. 190!). A Bargain The famous VJO-acre I. W. THOMAS GROVE FARM 85 acres of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of the prettiest oak ana.l lmuel grove in the valley, 15 acres of apples ami pears in bearinir, ami loaded with fruit at the prcseit time. ThJs is the best proposition ever offered in Southern Oregon. See Sa- J. WHITE & TROBRIDGE Exclusive Agents, for prices, terms, etc. at office,- Phone 93 6 Fir street Medford Economy o d o a EVERY CUSTOMER of ours owing to the fact of our handling nothing hut the best of meats and giving only the, best of service. IS A BOOSTER If you have never traded with us, begin now and you will find it not only a pleasure, but profit able. THE ECONOMY MARKET HUTH & ASH POLE, Proprietors. Opposite Postoffice Phone 461. :Economy n o p o 3 JfEDFORD, Or., Aug. 5, 1909 Hall's Texas Wonder, of St. Louis, cured my daughter of a severe kidney and bladder trouble ofter doctor, failed to give any relief, and I can cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. L. I. Wilson. 135 Bartlett St. Sold by Ilaskins' Drug Store. " Thought Sha Had Arrivtd. ' "1 have umveil lulu a perfect nmu of au npartiueut on the Klxtli floor of one of those new bouses," wild the woman ' who paints china, "and nui rovellnis In l Its llberiil supply of fri'sli air ami sun- ' IIkIH." "Hut ilnn't vmi Unit the stairs mi ovorlulunclni: lUsnilraiitiiKn?" askiil an a iualutaniv. "The tliounlil "f the cozy quurters at such moderate cost colors my cllmli 1 with the roseate hue of optimism." : laiuhi-d the artist, "but one of iny cus tomers, middle uneil and tilled with ! Rood foiKl and the Joy of llvhijj. evl- , ilently found it a harrnwlm; experi ence. "It seemed hk'S that I walled In the ! hall after the rinirliur of the lower ! 1h1I, and upon hearliiK the labored I nrcultilui; of iny ascending visitor I i ran back for the suiellini; salts., ; "When I had administered all the ; means of resuscitation at baud she j niHiMtfcd to articulate between gasps: " 'I thought St. Teter always opened the door.' "New York Times. Food of tha Chincaa. In the Itevue d'llyglene Dr. Male gnoii. -who lived for many years In China, gives some curious details of the food of the Chinese. This Is whar he says of the sons of heaven and the way they eat eggs: "The Chinese are great eaters of eggs, which they take hard boiled. One Mmls them In all the roadside places for refreshment. The Celestials have an expression, "Kggs of a hundred years.' The eggs ure not always a century In age. hut one Is able to get them of many years' stand lug. The Celestials have a preference for the egg of the duck or goose. They are placed with aromatic herbs in slaked lime for a period, the minimum time of treatment being live or six weeks. Tinier the influence of time the yoke liquefies and takes a dark green color. The white coagulates and becomes green. The product of the eggs, which has a strung odor. Jrom which a stranger betakes himself quickly, the t'hlni-se eat as liors d'oeuvres. and it is said to have the taste of lobster." FOR SALE AUGUST ONLY A SUMMER RESORT ON KLAMATH LAKE That Is Unsurpassed in America This is a sportini,' proposition for men of weullh--ii is nut u farm, rneipmlled Trout Pishing June to November. Heor Hunting on the premise. Align! 1 to November 1. Ihick Shooting- superior to uny ii Ihu state, over thousands of iict-es of wibl celery and rice, September 1 to February 1. Grouse ami I'liensant Shooting ri the plueo October 15 to Novem ber 15. Host starting plueo in thu county for i Hoar hunt. The Crater Luke Automobile road will run through tho plueo for a mile mid n quarter. Xavignblo water to tho proper ty, iiiiKiirptissod drinking wiitor, unrl power to develop tho prop erty. More bottom land and line gul den laud than anv place on thu lake. Thousands of l'ine and Fir trees and thousands of Quaking As pens. More varieties of wild llowei's and natural grasses and vetche i thiin any plueo in the county. If you develop this property as :t can bo developed, there is no resort in tho county (hat can comparo with it. No ii mount of lullcing will .. scl ibe il let us show you. We have been offered more than twice what it cos!, lint have a .price at which you nmy tiike it below which we will keep it. J. G. PIERCE, . W. T SHIVE, Klamath Falls. Oreoon. What is the Best for Indigestion? Mr, A. Robinson of Drumquin, Ontario, has been troubled for year'? with indigestion, and recommends Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv j? Tablets as "the best medicine I ever used." If troubled with indigestion or constipation give them a trial. They are certain to prove beneficial. They arc easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price 25 cents. Samples free at Leon B. Haskins' Pharmacy. We arc Grower Dny direct from ua NO AOINTf Our Trees are crown atrtcily WITHOUT IRRIGATION Writ for free catalog. Larse alorlr of varletieaioitabloforrommi-rclal orchard Cttokt Frail, Nut tnd Ornamental Treet. Qrapa Vinel, 8mall Fruit PlarU and Shnibbny Tub Dalles Nubskiuf.s MalaOOca, 1221 Grand Ave.i'artlaiiil.Ore. Mt. Angel College MT. ANGEL. OR. in charge of the Benedictine Fa I her.. For young men and boys. Term opens September 7th. Preparatory, commercial, scientific and ehiss'uml courses. Write for catalogue. ' "For you particular customers who demand the best groceries, we recommend Pollers, Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain it better coffee not if we paid SI a pound for it. Everything nlixut 1'olfccr's Golden Gate Coffer is perfect, and we sell it with the positive cuaraiucc that it will please you, Allen & Reagan GROCL.JES, CJIINAWAHE, FRUIT AND FEED HEADQUARTERS FOR Harness Saddles Whips Robes Tents v Blankets Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK ' J. C. Smith 314 E. Main ( t Medford Iron Works 4.:"'4Tfil E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. t Foundry and Machinist All H.V of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma- chlnery Agents In Southern Oregon for t FAIRBANKS, MOPSE &. CO. 3ttrs. Urene IKampton. Isaacs "Jnstuctor of "piano. Htlt 5tteH)CO SWr- llln'l. 5t.rih Ofuvst Strt RESOLVED . The best resolution fur you lo niiihii is to come to us fur your next suit, if yo.j want Komcthini: out of tbn onlimin. We do the best wurk and elm rsfo the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT the rr.ocBf,EJnvE tailob MflM The Sarnie Old Story Sw3 But it is a good one and well worth repeating. Owing to the fact that we are the most extensive buyers and ' shippers of rough and dressed lumber in Southern Oregon We Can Fill Your Order Be it a piece of moulding or a train load of timbers with promptness and a satis faction to you that makes it expensive to even think of placing it elsewhere. If ' t GOo