Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 09, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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W. Woodson unci wil'o (ueo An
mi Iveimi) til Knliilvilln wit Sat
unlay with t lit" hitter's nuitlior, Mrs.
Owen Ki'c'kiui -of Jacksonville.
Ira Kimp, llu genial raneher,
down from Griffin Creek Saturday.
A. M. I'rown, the wliolesnle. saiKilo
imhI harness manufacturer of Dawson
City, arrived hero Saturday and is
visiting his cousin. Miss Agnes Jle-Dmiouh'li-
This is Mr. Brown's first
visit to the outside for nine years.
He reports conditions as being very
favnriililc in his section, and from
his appearance the climate agrees
with him, though it was 70 degrees
below last winter. He will probably
remain here till the latter part of tin
Teams and men wanted. Apply at
office of Big Pines Lumber Co. 122
Mrs. John Harrington is visiting
at Colestin.
A. V. Dunn of Grants Puss was a
recent Medford visitor.
YV . K. Thompson of Gold Hill wa
a recent visitor in Medford.
Xe; Japanese crepes for kinionas,
etc. all colors, at Van Dyke's. 122
Wa represent six strong old line-
fire insurance companies: also tin1
Forest Grove Mutual. Let us take
rare of your insurance. Benson In-
vestment Co. 122 j now I'iriu? an engine for the Siuith-
Mrs. C. IT. Corey and son are j em Pacific
spending a few days camping ir. ! Make life's walk ca.-y by using
Colestin. Grube's Method for removing corns.
Floris Howard of Yreka, who has ' . at Itnskins' Drug Store. 12:'.
been visiting in Medford, has return-j Mrs! E. R Picket is visiting i:,
. ;d home. ; j Rnsebnrg.
If it is music and eutertaimne'il j Mi.-s Xellic Dressier has left for
you desire, the Spot cafe cannot ac- an indefinite period in Fort Leavcn
commodate you, but it cau give yoa ; worth, Kan.
1h-best cooking and as good service ' Miss Maude liippey ha- left .for
tis can be had in Medford at prices ' a visit in Seattle.
you can afford to pay. , j Try Grubce's Method for removing
Don't fail to sec the Black Aristo- j orns, bnnions, etc. 25c at Haskins'
crat at the Bijou tonight. J 121 Drug Store. , 12'!
Mrs. Minnie Wolf, who has. beer. Xcw.ruchings in all, colors, tho
visitins her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. best new widths. See Van Dyke's. 122
"Vf. Kdden of. this city, has returned'
1o her home m. Smith Center, Kan.
Sweaters and knit jackets for oui
Ing wear at Van Dyke's. 122
C. R. Coutts of Seattle is n Med
ford visitor.
L. B. Haak of Eagle Point spent
Monday in Medford. .
Do you cat at the Louvre cafe f If
untj why not ? They make a spec
ialty of appetizing breakfast dishes.
"Special rates to regular patrons.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Carnahan and
Miss Elizabeth of the Blue Ledge
are spending a few days in this city.
High top outing shoes at Van
Dvke's. 122
C. 0. Olscu of Montague, Cal.. is'
vismng m tins city. !
Sheriff Jones was in Medford on j
business Monday.
Everybody is eating ; t the Nash '
Grill these summer evenings to hear
the delightful musical program ren
dered by the orchestra and the great
violinist Romanoff.
K. W, Mcrsorcuu of Portland, own
er of the Wheeler tract of timber in
the upper Hogue district, arrived
Sunday to inspect his holdings.
The Wigwam will give its initial
opening on Friday night of this ween
to the people of Medford. This will
lie one of the most up-to-date place
of its kind on the coast Good music
and fine time in store for all. Conic"
Oakilalo and Seventh streets. t
K. 11. Davis of Table Kock was a
recent Medford visitor.
Miss Hulh Shondy of Ashland, j
who has been visiting in Medtord, has
returned home.
The Benson Investment Company
has a nice 27-aere tract three and
one-half miles south of Medford. op
positeMho famous Burivll Orchard:
i) acres in 4-year-old trees, !." acres
in alfalfa, 5-room house, bam mil
chicken house. Look this up! 121
Don Colvig is planning a trip to
Japan in the near future. He got
the hunch at the last performance of
the "Mikado."
Miss Clara Allen of Phoenix was a
recent Medford visitor.
Music by tho orchestra and violin
solos from G to 7:H0 o'clock at the
Kash Grill tonight
Camiiers' blankets and quilts at
Van Dyke's. 122
Mrs. W. Eifert lias returned
from n visit with her daughter in
lvoscbiirg. Misses Ethel and Marie,
who have spent the summer there, ra
turned home with her. Justin cam
down for a few davs' visit.
He i
F. W. Ifeid and wife of Grant
Pass are visiting in Medford.
C. R. Beel of Sari Francisco is in
Medfocd on business.
. C. M. English of Niagara. X. D.,
is visiting in Medford.
";tr,Fred J. Blnkeley of Roseburg is
spending n few days in Medford.
B. W. Harris of El Paso is a re
cent arrival.
C. II. Willison of Portland is mak
ing a brief business visit in Medford
K.-V. Rogers and family of Roch
ester. X. Y.. arc recent Medford ar
rivals. The Black Aristocrats at the Bijou
tonight. Come and see" them. 121
F. W. Walters will open to the
public on Friday night, August VI,
the "Wigwam." All come and enjo
a vnre treat. Corner of Oakdale and
Seventh streets.
F. Douglas of Ashland spent Sun
day in Medford.
Claud Schrack of Corvallis Is visit
ing in Medford.
That the day of cheap lumber will soon be a thing of the past?
That property is increasing in value daily and
Rents Are Going Up
Proportionately? Of course you do. Then why not take the money you
pay the landlord and build a home of your own. Call and let us talk it over with you.
H. V. Moado spout' Sunday in
Grants Pass visiting relatives.
E. D. Elwood and family have re
turned from an extended outiim nti i
Butte Fall.
Conn Hall and, Charles Young
uiih their families and accompanied
by O. Ituruett, left Monday luorniu.;
for a i extended trip to Crater Lake.
Remember the opening of Mci!
lord's new dance hall on Kridav
of thi week. There will he an or.
cliaslra of -ix pieces and mervllii'i.!
will be up-to-date. Remember tie
dale and place, Friday night, cor
ner of Seventh and Oakdale streets.
We rent houses. Itciison Invest -nient
Co. 122
Peter Kershaw spent Friday in
Jacksonville on business.
Henry C. MeGec, of Trail wa- in
Medford Friday on business. He 1 -(Mirts
a number of Medford citizens
camping in that vicinity.
Mrs. L. G. Porter, accompanied bv
Miss Lou, are camping at Colestin.
Mis. Grace Xonnnn of Ashland is
visiting in Medford with relatives..
J. M. Ifeed of Rose Hill. -la., is
visiting W. L. Orr in this city.
B. F. Fairchilds of Yreka is visii
ing in this city with friends.
Miss Turner of McMiunville has
been spending several days with lu i
cousin. Dr. R. T. Burnett of Jack
Miss Mollie B. Towue, dcpiit,,
county clerk, and her sister. Mi-s
Anna, of Phoenix, left for souther;
California Sunday from where thc
will go by steamer to Seattle.
C. M. Howell of Medford was ct
the county seal Saturday on Inwi
Edward Wuudt of Jacksonville
who was a delegate to the I. O. I!.
M. convention at Seattle, retimed
Saturday. Adam Schmidt, who wa
also a delegate, returned a few day :
Mrs. Rufus Ifolmnn and daughl'-:
returned to Portland last week after
a short visit with relatives living in
George Fallison. of Klk Creek, was
in Medford on Friday on business,
lie reports that the deer arc very
plentiful in his district, but that the
hunters are about as thick.
T. K. Lewis, of Ashland, spent
Friday in Medford on business.
John Castle, of Sacramento, v:i ;
in Medford on business Thursday.
Clarence Retimes was in Jackson
ville on business Thursday after
noon. 27 acres within 3U miles of Med
ford in 4-year-old pears and alfal
fa, house, burn, chicken house. The
price is $20fl per acre. Benson In
vestment Co. 122
Miscs Ada Duncan of Barron was
visitinj; friends living in Jaclvsonvillu
last week.
Mrs. James T. Buckley and son
of Ruch spent Saturday in Jackson
ville and Medford.
William Ulrich of Medford was at
the county sent on business Satttr- I
Continued from puito 1.)
Portland August 17-20. About '10'),
d'lcgutes,.from nil nurts of tli. Hull
ed Slates will I lit 111 it 1 1 in til 11 ti hi TIilI
egations from some of u slates will
come in special cars. Oregon tun! mil
insurance companies have arranged
lor the entertainment !' visitors,
Portland anil ueaibv Harts of lln
1 s-itMi mil m siimwii IIiimii and 11 Ir 1
up tlie Cidumliia river will give them
an idea of Oregon seenerv.
To Entertain Jap's.
Fxlcusive plans are now being
iiuiilo for the reception and enter
tainment of the Japanese excursion
ists who will visit tho northwest dur
ing tho early part or September. The
party is expected to spend two duvs
in Portland mid they will be cxteu
sively entertained while here. A re
ception committee has been named
by tho Portland commercial bodies
thai will tik chtirgu of (he represen
tatives of tho Imnl of Nippon and
see that nothing is overlooked in
making them welcome. The visitor-'
are very prominent in (u, , m,r.
cial life of Japan and hone to hrin
about closer industrial Millions be
tween the two countries.
A famous Oregon pioneer. Dr. Joh.i
The Hutchason Co.
Is Now, in Progress
; ir'sa tfciu-nil clt'iiimpiif allsunmicrynods. The spccia'l bargains and tin- swe.-p-iiif,'
reductions must In seen to lie appreciated. Call at the store and see our Imr
Uain tables.
White Wash Dresses on Sale
$28.50 White Dress to close .' $14.98
$25.98 White Dress to close $13.93
$20.29 White Dress to close $12.89
$19.98 White Dress to close $9.98
$16.50 White Dress to close $9.93
$18.89 White Dress to close $9.93
$ 6.69 White Dress to close $4.80
$ 4.00 White Dress to close $2.f)
Some of these prices are less than manufactur
er's cost.
The Hutchason
Successors td
1 McLaughlin, will bo remembered .on
September "1 at Oroiron Cilv. when
his old house., now restored mid mov.
, . ... . .... . .. .
cil to 11 public piirk, will be iledicnl -
...I Tl.ii ., r n...
. S
who did so much for (lie curly set-1
tiers of this slate and made per
sonal sacrifices lo assist others, is til
least to have public honor paid him
for his work. September II is ihe dill-'
of his dcalli. mill 011 (lie in-;
Sunday ti mcmorinl service in hi.
honor will be held, unit Ihe old dwell
lug. where he lived for many years,
dedicated as a memorial of his kind
ly life. The services lU'ciinisc to lie
largely attended.
Many prominent Oregoniaus are in
all lance at the iialionul irrigation
congress at Spokane this week. Gov
eruor Benson ami Ihe commercial
bodies of the slate have appointed a
large number of delegates who aro
interested in furthering irrigation
work in the west. Many left the first
of (he week to attend the sessions if
the congress.
Soundings made by Ihe officials of
the Port of Portland during the past
week show that the Columbia river
from the mouth of the Willamette li
the ocean is in better shape for navi
gation by deep vessels than has been
tho ease for some time, ('cilj;
' lll'' working tit n few pluccM where
! "U""U ,",u, '"'""'. "
wtioie, tittle wont is lieeessarv. I nil
' ,. . . , , ,, .
I h l'l,'"'' "' 111 "' '"'"'
lrf alniU'll lie itm I'm. I llml ll... ltiMl!-ti
steamship Kuvei'ie, din winy 27 feet,
was dispatched during the week, go.
ing down Ihe riier without delay.
WASCIIAC - At Brandon, Or.. Au
gust :i, ,i Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Win
cliaii, formerly of Ibis city, 1111 eight -pound
girl. Mother and child are
doing well.
Mis. A. M. Colby will on Tuesday,
August Olh, demonstrate nokiil;
with elect ricilv lit the office of the
llogue River Electric Company, 200
West Main street.
Hours, 10 to 12 a.1 m., 2 to I p. m.
Makes cooking a pleasure. The
public is cordially Invited lo attend
these iliuaousl int inns and learn u!
about cooking with this practical and
I'litiveiiicn! method. P21
Wash Goods Special
All our 35c French Glnuliams. to close 19c
All our Red Seal Gin(jhams, to close 13c
All our Lawns ant! Batistes to 35c, to close.. 13c
Advance Bedding Sale
$2.50 gray wool finish Blanket"' $1.79
$1.39 gray cotton Blanket 7gc
$1.49 white cotton Blanket 99c
All Towels reduced. See display at the store.