THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OUKHON, MONDAY, A1KU1ST !), UK)!). $Rupn Water in jr House and Barn si the Year hi. i ho convtV't' Ycm havo tin tiifjml :t 1 1 w ! hydrant. No watt billj and rvjun-.; Every Kvnno NytMii in wat r ytonm, up;i ilu' b i by t a. lk for our trm'o mark an J . lui-euna you wui Wko no c:umti. r:ty water pysU'in. can now K had nnyu lit r.M umlor slum pivsmiiv. lu uil i'ixiuk no plant is almost ever Uuj tin, i nt our rik. not your. To avoid unicnMfl vi niuM in tnnk a ml yu-m nmimluctur; i::ittan iti'k and pumi"" machinery. I lie l th The best and moat efficient water u.-nly will be your if you i:ilall the Kewanee System cf Water Supply No More Elfvntsd cr Attic Tank- j Engineering Service FREE tlo r-it BHMrly r.mnuf;Mttif water tiipri plant. f fcilvw wut. r urpl)' puWui. iir. ititf the JnM ton ypuii, w liav tiwwrviir sol rod uror OKU wtitcr ii'ilf imtMfHiw. 1 1 lartnwtljuiMliiir, iu wlt atuMultt home., am nutmiM.t With KttWIIIIOIt UllT Supply outilU. We arexirt. itnd Imv'dl ..TM.rlmn-. Kvrr Ki'Wtiur yHttm huit Uie Kwnmc timtt mm h tiErf and ntuat come up ! Uie Rvniio aliodurd. and hua ttio Kwim iriur- jrv? 1 anteeof MtUfaodon U'htnd it, tlur tiiEineeni will plan jour comiilcio ,y 4iter ay atom free ot elm ret. a t ui Kowmrmm Rvatnm la imarantpril U ' -J . UUr OUaianiee , ,v ,,fl,,a.elttawaterupilynit(itavery- ttmt .eciaint ior it. li u mua our cxpenw and ynurniuntfjr wui M ft Utn ui I Da riPK. Kcwuee Water Supply Co., With llie Kvwmiro SvtTi, th i located in the ct-ilar, r burled i 1 Ui trrou: Thu tiuk la mait of steel plnt and will 1 . alinnat Indefinitely. The Kowiutee . u ret on anlM r-'ri. am " protected f"- i i.:; v r'u-ib. u. u iaer: t Uuk, ovetUow or coU:t.i. waiif tern, puiuplnit tilt- , i- . u.e a-t iim r'.'.io. I'.t pcni . n u.o :r auy H" l of power way b tort wttJi tbo Kow.m- . y tem windtudia. irawtlioe enirmea,) vtr;.ny, strain, hot air. or any other kind ot tc.MA power. m iroarantwi to - D and to do every- av-iL&iL Ask for Our 64-Page Catalog 1 ct uc show ynu how you nn have a K wnnwWntfr'inuitlji Syatrm in vnur nuse. Our otalit in bauti(ully illuv ntrd. and shows the many advantage if the Kwniie Syntrni otr the old rltrvaied lank. C!fl-nirnl? fivm our dilrr and ask him which Kcwaace byxtini you should inmtall. Also Agents for WHITE STEAMER CARS AND. FAIRBANKS-MORSE Gasoline Pumping Outfits . E. A. Washburne & Son Miles Block Medford, Oregon The Man From Home A Now!!? iltan of the Pla) of li.o c'hIiho Name By BOOTH IARKINGTON anJ HARRY ICON WILSON Copyrijht 190 J, by American PrrM Association Savoy Theatre TONIGHT-AND TUESDAY The Lion Tamer The most thrilling picture ever shown. Strong Comedy Features. 0NE.DIME. i'hry both stopped to llsti-n. TIumi the servants came running, with Marl nuo nt thplr houd. Tlu'y ni-'Htl to I lie wall ami loaned ovt-r. all cxi-Himn'iil. Mariano turned to call to t ti-.-ut over bis 8uouldi'r: The bandit of ItusKla! The soldiers think lie Is hidden In a grotto under these cliffs!" As be spoke Almerlc rnn down the steps with a shotgun In bin band and made for the steps lending down the face of the clllT. Tike, turned to Kthel. "I saw that fellow on the road here. What's he meant for?" Ethel turned auprlly from the law yer nnd called sharply to her flan -e: "Almerlc!" St. Aubyn turned and stoppeil. "Hello!" he said. "I wish to present my cunrdlun tn you." and turned to Plko as Almerlc approached. "This Is Mr. St. Aubyn." she said steadily. Almerlc stared at Tike through his monocle and laughed. "Why. It's the donkey man. Isn't It? How very odd! You'll have to see the governor and our solicitor about that settlement, though. I've some impor tant business here. The police are chasing a bally convict chap under the cliff yonder, so you'll have tn exeuso me. You know there's nothing like a little convict shootlug to break the blooming monotony what?" He turned and rushed off down the dlivcllou, uiul I liu dauod look ou tint face remained theru mull Mariano I'umo to tell It t it that his room wor ready nud that Herr von Urollcrhaifcn was awaiting lilin. Theu for tlio llrst time he awoke, nnd, with a sigh of res ignation as ho realized the but tlo li had before hlui, ho' gave, a curt order that the uutomobllo, which had broken down on the road to thu hotel, should be placed In the enlrnuco garden, for ho proposed to do some tinkering upon it. "If that don't bent" ho muttered to himself and theu allowed the re mark to remain unfinished, for bv, could not Imagine one thing, that tlio Incident could be supposed to have benteu. It stood alone In a Utile hol low mi u n re by Itself nnd positively re fused to surrender to any comparison whatsoever. "And Hint Unit nine cent Imitation of n nun)," he growled at last "that rllltlciitlon upon the the genus homo!" he finished, with a flash ol pride. Then he went off to his room and tried to adjust himself to thu mat ter as he saw It nnd Incidentally to bring some of that nstuto legal train ing gleaned from contact with fanners, promoters nnd other cltlzenn to bear upon the case. Horace In the meanwhile had wnlked aloug the cliff, wrestling with the situ ation as It nppeared to him. There was not the faintest doubt In his mind that the riohlo earl would break off tlio mnteh because, of the humiliation his equally noblo family had beeu sub jected to by the Incursion of this vul gar gunrdlan. Hot nnd tired, he returned to thu hotel with some of his anguish worked off nnd sought his sister. She, how ever, wns locked up In her own room and would only Insist thnt he go awny. So It wns from Ijidy Creech nt Inst that ho gleaned some Inkling of what had occurred. It was nearly tt o'clock when ho made up his mind to search out Pike and "have It out with the beggar," as he put It, nnd he found tlio olwtaclo In the entrance garden. As Horace came upon the scene I'lke was pounding cheerfully with n hnmmor upon a bolt head of the motor cnr. Summer Rates East During the Season of 190 via the Southern Pacific Go. From '' MEDFORD To OMAHA and Return $694)0 To KANSAS CITY and Return $69.90 To ST. LOUIS and Roturn $77.10 To CHICAGO and Return $84.40 nnd to oilier principal cities in I ho Kant, Middle Wont and South, Correspondingly low fares. On Sale August II, 12. To DENVER and Return $64.90 On Sale August II. Going transit limit 10 dnys from date of sale, finnl return limit October 31st These tickets prosent some very uttrnclive feature in tlio way of stopover privileges, and choioe of mutes; thereby enabling pastm gors to make Bide trips to many interesting points en route. Routing on the return trip through Cnrifoniin mny he had nt a slight advance ovor the rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be for lushed by any Southern Paolfio local agent, or WM. McMURRAV, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. P. C. Hansen. Tom Moffat We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size n hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. State Tlopositnry Established 1888. Capital and Surplus $125,000 Resources (700,000 HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respect fully solicits yonr account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic bunking' service. ; which insures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this oldig ing institution. W. I. VAWTER, President. G. R. LTNDLEY, Cashier. "77 CAUAHISIKHI HK(1 THAT YOU WILL ORDEIl THE CHA VFFEtlli TO STEP FOHT II tltOil THE MACHINE." WHY COOK These hot daysf When you can get anything you desire in Ihn lino of BREAD, PIES or CAKE, in addition to everything usually found hi a DELICATESSEN.' MEDFORD DELICATEESSEN & BAXF.PV, Wetzel & Hodges, Proprietors. stairway. Pike turned to look after him In mute astonishment aud then turned to Kthel. She refused to meet his glance, and the hot blood rose to her face as she felt his scrutiny. She tapped nervously with her foot, nnd the astonishment grew In Daniel's face. He looked from her to where Al merle had disappeared und back to her again. Then he took a step forward as If to speak and stopped. Kinnlly the dawning horror in his face took concrete form, nnd he spoke. "'in hi; groaned. "Seven liuu I drcd nnd llfty thousand dollars for I th&t! Say, how much do they cliargo ; for n real man over here anyway?" , Hut she was unable lo meet IiIh eye. 'Turning ipilclily. Willi her cheeks flam j ing with shame nn:l anger, sin; rushed Into the hotel ami left him standing speechless on I he spot. The Tribune is Up-To-Da!e CIIAI'TKIt XI. A CLASH OK WILLS, IT required some minutes for Dan iel Voorhccs I'lke to get over the amazement that possessed bltn when Kthel lied from him in such evident confusion. His usually ulert mind seemed lucs pnblejof concerted effort In the proper " ' ' . . - lie was In bis shirt sleeves nnd wore a long workman's smock close but toned nt the neck. From between his teeth came the unfamiliar strains of "The Ttluc and the Orny." With a revulsion of feeling Horace npprnached him. "Mr. Pike!" hu said politely. "One lies down nt Appomattox," went on the song, nnd TTnrnce stnmped Impatiently upon tho turf. "Mr. I'lke! Mr. Pike! I wish n word wllh you!" Horace went on, quite angrily. I'lke looked up mildly and regarded Horace with Interest. "Eh?" he said nnd moved to the other side of the machine, rubbing tils lean chin wllh thu handle of a monkey wrench. "I wished lo tay that the surprise of this morning so upset mo thai. I went for a long walk. I huvc Jnsl: returned," snid Horace. He wailed expectantly, but Mr. 1'lko went on abstractedly, "One wore clothes of gray," and seemed to be ab sorbed In his work, so thnt Horace wns forced to go on. "I linve been even more upset by what I hnvo just learned.' (To be cont'nuod.) -..- .ivecc kis? - : i:i ; w 7 mk W YL - -Jw ' ' - - -Vv r- The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant All white help. Home cooking. Room and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322E7th St. APPLES AND PEAKS AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AN0 ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLEY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in the Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with nil first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent M E I) F O R D , ORE Ci O N F0R OPICK AND SURE RESULTS TRY THE TRIBUNE "WANT" ADS We would like to ta Ik with you about fire Insurance. We are agents for the WORLD'S GREATEST FIRE IN SURANCE Companies. The i2ETNA,iROYAL, QUEEN LIVERPOOL, LONDON, GLOBE and others R. A. HOLMES, Successor to CANON & HOLMBS Room 33, Jackson Co. Bank BlrJg. Phone No. 781. J. E. ENYART, President J. A. PERRY, Vice-Presidcat. JOHN S OHTII, Cashier. W. 11. JACKSON, Ass't Casino. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safely boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. Advertise in the Tribune J