THE MEDFORD DAIIy TRIBUNE, MED FORD, OKKfiON", MONDAY, AUGUST 9, YM). I Classified Advertisements, Business Directory and Market Reports : rnniT nurn m hWIMI VIII fr-X l I HUM UnLLU II! MARKETS EAST Heavy Offering Sllyhtly Reduces tha Prices Pair for Bartletts. Fruit hiiIcs Saturday in tho unit were heuvy. Prices received over- aged us follows! New York IturllottM averaged 1.80, ElbcrlaH $1, Sugars, $L20. Susquehanna 05c, Crawford 05c, Malagas $'2.2U. Philadelphia -- Butilclls $2.25, Cruwfords $1, Sugars, $1.0"), Trag edies $1.2.1, Thompson Scedlcy) $1.20. Chicago -CriiwforiU 70i;, Elbortns 7.1c. ItarllrllM $1.80. Boiirro Hardies $1.30, Eggs $1.5.1. flros $2, Germans $1.2.1, Malagas $1.10, MuiiK 50c. Sugars $1.5.1. Pittsburg Bartletts $1.05 to $2.0.1. average $2, Columbia $1.20 to $1.30. average $1.2.1; Kelscy $1.80 to $2. peaches 80c. Boston Itnrtlctts $1.8.1 to $2.5.1, Crawford 05c to $1.10, Klbortas $1.2.1 to $1.5.1. Ensquehnnnn flOn, i-UK plums $1.30 to $1.40, Thompson Seedless $1.35 to $1.55. Brokers' Statement. I'dcr llii' duto ol' August 2 Itao & Hntfield.ruit brokers of Now York, discuss market conditions for de ciduous fruit iih followH: Fine weather over Sunday. Lnrgc attendance at sab'. Offering ran heavy to Bartletts many ripo to opor-rijx). Several of our diverted earn in very poor con dition and brought our uonernl av erage down to $1.05. Sound stock nold $2 to $2 3-8 mortly. Modi-rate supply of pliuiin Cgg some ripe, $1.41. Grand Dukes $1.07, Kclscys $2.24, Wicksons $1.51. Germans $1.37, Diamonds $1.(50, Su gar $1.20, Oinnts $1.20. . flood sound pcuohos Hold from 90o to $1.12ff, wasty 05o to 75fl, Craw fords 83c, Foster Otic, Decker $1.04. flood Elbcrts sold $1.25 to $1.37'. Few Thompson Seedless grupe $2.3.1 to $2.37 '. Our Recapitulation. 4(177 boxes Hartlell.i. ?1.002.25: average $1.05. IS3 half boxes Bartletts, $1.001.50; average $1.23. 382 boxes Crawford. C5c$1.37'3; average 83c. 71 boxes Deckers, $1.05. 50 boxes Fosters, 95c(r?$l ; average Oltc. 129 crates Grand Dukes, $1.25(u) $2; average $1.87. . 025 Sugars, $1.2.1'1.37'.i ; average $1.20. .13!) WicksoiiK, $1.25(3)2; avcrnga $1.51. 2.13 boxes Diamonds, $1.502; av craeo $1.00. 37 boxes Kelseys, $2.12M.2.25; av erage $2.24. 444444 MFfiFORD MARKETS. 4444 Fruit and Vegetables. (Prices paid by Medford merchants.1! Apples, HoVJifjii apricots, 5e, peaches, (10c box; blackberries, 80c crate. Potatoes, lu (.nions, $2.2.1 rwt ;; green onions, 3.1i do., bunches; carrots, KiM'oe; beets, KiO'je; string beans. He; cabbage, le; preen pepper", 8 1-3c; eueumbors, 15o doz.; tomatoes, le; sipiash, 20c doz. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Ranch butfer. 25c j fancy creamery, 32ic (Prices paid by Med ford merchants. t Fresh ranch eggs, 27Mi0. Mixed poultry, 1ft"-, spring elivk eiiH, 15c; ducks. 10e; turkeys 1.1c; Feed and Mlllstuffs. (Prices paid producers.) liny Timidity, $10; alfalfa, .14; grass, $13 ton. Wheat-Old, $1.20 bushel; now, $1 bushel; oats, $30 ton; barley, old. $30; new, $20. (Selling pricos.) Rolled ltarlev. $2.10 cwt, $30 ton; bran, $1.55 .05; middlings, $1.85 (ii)1.00; shorts, $1.80(1.85. 44444444444444444 PORTLAND MARKETS. 444444444 It nnnn n utnirTC 4 WOOL-190!). Willamette valley, 22()21c; eastern Oregon, 2(Ki;23e. TALLOW Priino. per II'., 3(?4!. SlIKKPSKINSBhcariiiK, 100pK! cnnli; sliort wool, 2540c; medium, wool, 50(!C'i'$l each; lone; wool, 75 C"$1.25 oaeh. IIIDKS-Dry hides, 14(n)10o lb; Kfeon, H(7)10i' lb ; bulls, jjieen salt, (c per lb; kijts, t:alvus, (frnmi, Kl per lb. MOHAIR 1000, 23(21i. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. P.UTTKH Kxtru creamery, 30M-(f!) 31c; fancy, 20e; Btoro, 20o. UUTTKIt FAT Delivery f. o. b. Portland Sweet cream. 20c; sour, 27c. FXIOS Candled, local best. 27c, uiieaudled, 2(!,.o; Fluhtorn, 25c. POULTRY Mixed ehieketiK, 14-:; fmii'V hciiH, 14M;((ri)15c; roosters, old, 12o; springs, 18(rr20c; geese, &(i'J;; turkeys, nlive, IClSo; dressfd. 22V!;(l'23e; ducks, 13c; pigeons, sipiabs, $2 do."it; dressed poultry, iji 1 ya liiKhcr. Grain, Flour and Hay. DA It LEY Producer's prio, 1900 - Feed, $30; rolled. $3435. WIIKAT Duyiujj price, 100!) crop Track; Portiand Club. 07(o ()8u; bliicstem, $1.02; red Russian, fl.lfii' 00c. M1LLSTUFFS, scllinfr price lirnn, $20.50; midlings, $33; shorts, $30; chop, $2331; alfalfa mcu!, $20 per ton. FLOOR, selling price Easter) Oregon patent, $0.25; straight, $5 30 (WO; export, $4.70; baiters, $C(7i) 0.25; vulley, $5.50; graham, sack, $5.00; whole wheut, $5.80; ro, 5 sucks. $0.50 ; bales, $3. OATS Producers' price Track, No. 1 white, $1041; gruy. $40. 11AY Producers' price Now tim othy, Willamette valley fancy, $15; ordinary, $14; eastern Oregon, $18.50; mixed, $11.50(i12; grain, $13.50(14;,c.heat, $14(cS15; alfalfa, $14. ' CORN Whole, $30; cracked, $37 ton. f." . : ' . Fruit and Vegetables. FRESH FRUITS Cuntaloupos, tains. $9(5)0.10; good Blockers,' $7.G0. $22.50; loganberries, $1.25(;1.50; raspberries, $1.25; currants. $2; Royal Anno cherries, 5(cT(ie; Lam berts, P-i'ic; peaches, 80cf?$l. anges. SL E. D. Sweets, $2.75. POTATOES-Ncw, 75c(5?$1.25. VEGETABLES New lurnips, Ore gon, $1.25 sack; beets, $1. 75(3)2; car rots. $1.25 sack; cabbage, local, $l(n) $1.25; tomatoes, local, 50(iP75c; hot house, $1.00; California, 75o crate; beans, 2c per lb.; cauliflower, 75c(?i: $1.25 doz; peas, 0c lb.; horseradish 10c; green onions, 10c doz.; peppers, bell. 12Vic lb. J head lettuce, 20u don ; hothouse, $1 per box; radishes, 10': doz. bunches; celery, $1 doz.; egg plant, l.lcjrhuburb, 2c lb.; corn, 30 doz. ONIONS .lobbing California reti. $1.151.25 sack; white. $1.25; Walla Walla. $1.151.25; garlic, 12ic lb.' tains, $9(310.25 ; good Blockers, $7.50. APPLES-$l(dl2. MONEY New, 5o per lb. BEANS- Small white. $7.2.1; laro white, $()."". pink, $4; bayou, $5.75; Litnas, $.1.2.1; rods, $0.50. HOGS Best east of tho moun tains, $0.50; good Blockers, $7.50. CATTLE Best steers, weighing 1200 pounds, $1.50; medium steers, $4.25; best cows, $3.25(u3.50; me dium cows. $3; bulls, $2.20(12.75.. SHEEP Sheared., best wctheri, $I(M.25; ordinary. $3.7.1(1? I; sprintr spring lambs, $5(i)5.50; straight ewes, $:75(Ii)4; mixed lots $1. ;r:i.00 : mixed lots, $3.50. CALVES - Best, $5; ordinary $40? 4.50. Intense Colicky Pains Relieved "For sonic yenrs I Buffered from intense colicky pains which would ciime on at times and from which I could find no relief," says I. S. Mas on, of Heaver Dam, Ky. "Chamber Iain's Colic, mid Diarrhoea Kemedv was recommended to mo by a friend. After taking a fo wdoscs of tint rem edy I was entirely relieved. That was four years ago and there has ben no return of tho symptoms since thai time." This remedy is for sale by Leon D. Ilnskins' rhnnnacy. t f 4- 4-4- j TRIBUNE WANT ADS I ! BRING QUICK RESULTS j THEY ARE IMPORTANT ! 0Y0U. When ofl'ico or home routine is upset. When you change your furnished room. When you seek to secure i bargain. When you want to sell your furniture. When you wont to buy horso or auto. When you want a town lot or orchard. When you decide to sell that house. When your servant gives notice. When you are hunting employment. When you want to borrow money. When you want a boarding house. One Cent a Word. Six insertions for the price of four. 444444 4 4444444444444 44444 44 444444444 44 4,4 44444 WANTED. 444444 WANTED Teams and men wanted. Apply ut office of Big Pines Lum ber Co. 121 WANTED Housekeeper for small house. Address "F" care this of fice. 123 WANTED TO TRADE 200 acres of good fruit land, 5 acres bearino;! fruit, 0 miles out, for a small plac close in. Box 171. 123 VANTED 12 wood choppers to chop cord wood u,;:-. tierwood. Address P. O. Box'il WANTED I am prepared to take camping parties to the mountains. Anyone wishing information, ad dress "M" earn of this office. 1 42 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 444 4 4 4444 FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with board. 325 Riverside avenue, South. 123 FOR RENT Boarding house, in bus t iness center of Medford, nicely lo . calcd .with beautiful grounds, at n reasonable rontal. Impure at Rogue River Eleclrio Company, 209 W. Main St.- TO RENT 4 room house close to. apply Marion Dryer, care Mcdford Hardware Co. 121 FOR RENT Nice furnished rooms ith bath. G04 West Tenth st. near West school. RANCH FOR RENT With tools easy terms. Apply to C. E. Wool verton. Central Pointy 124 444 4 4 4 444444 DFORD TIME TABLE 444444444 4 4 44444 SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Northbound. ; No. 20 Roseburg Pass... 7:41 . m No. 12 Shasta Limited... 9:25. m No. 16 Oregon Express . . 5 :24 p. m. No. 14 Portland Express. 8 :39 p. m. Southbound. No.lliShasta Limited... j No. 15iCalifornia Express No. 13jS. F. Express ! 5 :50 a. m. 10 :35 a. m. 3 :32 p. m. Medford to Jacksonville. Motor oar leaves Train leaves Train leaves Train leaves Motor car leaves . 8:00 a. m. 10:45 a. m 3 :35 p. m. 6:00 p.m. 0 :30 p. it' Jacksonville to Medford. Motor ioavos '. : . Train leaves Train leaves Train leaves Motor car leaves 7:00 n. in. 8:45 n. m. 2 :30 p. in 4 :30 p. m. 7:30 p. in. No motor car scrvieo until about July 20. PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY No. ll.eaves Medford... No. .ijLeavcs Medford. . . No. 2!Arrivcs Medford.. No. 4A n ives Medford . . . No. llArrivo Eaglo Pt. ... No. ".'Leaves Eaglo TV... No. 3 Arrives Faerie PL, . No. dlLeaver: E;"-!! PL. . . 8:00 a. m. 2:20 p. m. 10:10 a. in 5 :00 p. in. 8 : 15 a. m. 0 :05 n. in 3 -.05 p. m. 4:15 p. m. MAIL CLOSES. Northbound . . Southbound . . Eagle Point . . Jacksonville .. 8 :5,1 n. m. 0 :00 p. in. 10:40 n. m. 8:1 Op. n,. 3:00 p. iv.. 2:00 p. m. 3j15pm. Teams and men wanted. Apply at office of Bi;;- Pines Lumber Co. 122 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 : 4 4444 444444444444444444 FOR SALE. 444444444444444444 FOR SALE Feather pillows; feath ers lacked from live geese. Enquira Exhibit building. 128 FOR SALE 1200 acres improved land, suitable for fruit, for sale cheap. See H. M. Coss, sole ngen', 004 V. Tenth St.. Mcdford. tf. WILL EXCHANGE 4x5 cumera and outit for 25-35 or 30-30 Winches ter rifle. Box 785. 122 FOR SALE Small business paying $100 per month. $150 buys it. Mast sell at once. Address Box 171. 123 FOR SALE Good rooming house with long lease.! Address P. O. Box 802. FOR SALE Corner ot, east from, Choice location. A bargain. Own er. P. O. Box 5G3. 122 FOR SALE 400 head goats, 200 reg istered and eligible, to register, bal ance high grade; 40 head stock hogs, 20 head cattle, some good yearling . Btecrs: two full .blood fox hounds, one registered Dtiroc boar; horses and' kind seeded to alfalfa. I buy and sell. C. C. Gilchrist, Sams Val ley, Oregon. FOR SALE Town or county right for the hidden window screen, some thing good for a man with a little money to make big money with ; can sell you rights for $5 Oand up. Call at office and see -demonstration. Room 22, Jackson Comity B.iuk bldg. E. C. Aylor. " FOR SALE 3 and 10-acre tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments.. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE For Phoenix town prop erty,, both improved and unim proved, and three good orchards, see Matt Calhoun, Phoenix, Jack son county, Oregon. " . FOR SALE Oak, fir mid pine .vood, cordwood, 4-foot lengths, will be sawed into 16-itteh lengths when do sired; fir woo.i split and in blocks Hi inches in dength. F. Osenbrttgge. Sttidcbaker Bros. Co.'s warehouse. 131 FOR SALE 7 room house. 3 closets, low lots, good soil. A bargain ir taken within 10 days. Address Box 737. V27 FOR SALE Choice business proper ty at a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE 80 acres of best farm ing laud in Regno Uiver valley; all free soil and under irrigation ditch, with deed righ' !o water; two miles from rni'road st.itum, ounrler mile from, on rural delivery route; now in alfalfa and grain; will make an ideal orchard; price and terms reasonable. For infor mation call at Tribune office. What is the Best for Indigestion? Mr. A. Robinson of Druiuquin. Ontario, has been troubled for years with indigestion, and recommends flinmberlnin's Stomach and Live' Tablets as "the best medicine I ever used." If troubled with indigestion or constipation give them a trial. They are certain to prove beneficial. They nro easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price 25 cents. Samples free at Leon D. Hnskitts' Pharmacy. 444444444 4 44444!44 . LOST. 4444444 44444444 LOST Fish rod. on Eagle Point road. Return to Chas. Young. LOST A locket and chain; locket is set with diamonds. Initials on back, "L. H." Finder return lo Tribune and receive reward. 444444444444444 BUSINESS DIRECTORY 444 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO.-Rcal estate, loans and fire insurance. Office 112 W. Main st., Medford Ore. Phone 3073. Printers and Publishers. .MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. has the best equipped job jffice in Southern Oregon ; Portia id prices. 37 South Central ave. Building and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION C. O. Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 W. Main Street. Amusements. BIJOU THEATER West Seventh st. Continuous performance every eve ning of motion pictures and illus trated ballads. Entiro change of pro gTom Monday, Wedne'- and Fri day. Admission 10 ceuts. . SAVOY' THEATER North d'Anjou street; latest motion pictures and il lustrated songs. Entire change of program, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Admission 10 cents. Pawn Brokers MEDFORD LOAN OFFICE . For jood bargains in ,watches and jew elry, pistols, . musical instruments. Cor. Main, and Central avenue. Signs. SIGNS Display 'advertising, Mor gan & Stoeclunann, Miles bldg. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young and Hall building. A nice cool place to spend the hot after noons. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and .sheet iron ware on hand and made to order. 113 North G street. Furniture Renials. !C. B. JONES Handles rentals ex j olusively. Over Bijou Theatre. II. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and second hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Mound City kit chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS . Corner 8th and Holly Sts., Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet -work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MOR DOFF & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New and Second Hand Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18-20 F St .South. Phone 91, Medford, Or. Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bnnk. Night calls promptly answered. Office and res ident phone Main 2301. S. A. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Physician and surgeon. Office, 133 W. Main st. Phono Main 577, Medford. I DR. R. J. CONROY Successor to ! Dr. Jones. Office in Stewart build- I j S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and j Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Office hours: j 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson I -Co. Bank Building. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 4444444444 4 4 4 DR. F. O. CARLOW. DP.. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteop at h i o Physicians. Mission Block, Phone 291, Medford. Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist. Of Ace hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Main street, Medford, Ore gon". 1 ' DR. WALTER R. STOKES Dentist Successor to J. M. Keen. Attorneys. F. J. NEWMAN, JOHN CAR KIN. Newman & Catkin, Court Lawyers. Corporation and criminal prac tice in state and federal courts. Of fices over Jackson County bank. C01.V1G & BEAMS W. M. Colvig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Office: Medford Bank Building. SecoDd Floor. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers, Palm buildir. PORTER 3. NEFF Attorney-t-Iaw No. 9 D street, ground floor. Opticians. Ophthalmologist. DR. IVY M. ROBINSON, graduate of McCormick Neurological, Chica go, uses new methods in findini; and relieving eye troubles, lenses fitted, repairing done. Main Si , over Nicholson's Hardware Store. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive op tician between P-irtland and Sac ramento. Office on West Main street an-i runr.iEio. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Ey specialist, when olhe-s fail. Office in Eagle Pharmacy. Mam 233. East Alain near D Anjou. Jewiler. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew elers, carry a complete stock and make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho tel. GEO. A. BUTT Watchmaker jew eler and engraver. My jewelry stock is up-to-date. My facilities, includ ing eperieuce and material for re pair work, are tho best in the city. Corner G and Seventh sts. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office, in Hotel Nash. EDEN VALLEY NURSEHY N. is Bennett, Medford, Or. Grow tree that sell, sell trees that grow and fruit true to label. Phone 3221. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Ccok, Prop. R. R. V. depot P. O. Box 841. Phone 583. Medford. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. A. T. O'BrienT O. D. Nagle. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers and contrac tors; also lime, cement and, plaster in' any quantity. Office. Medforil National bank bldg. Phonee Main 545. Underakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day Phone 353. Night, Phones C. W. Conklin 36; J. II. Butler 118. Fruit Stores. PR ESH FRUIT We have the Targ est exclusive fruit store in Medford We have a reputation for handling only the best. We know how to buy and seN cheap. II. H. Lorimer, R. K VVR.ll. Depot Photograph Studios. MACK FY'S STUDIO "Pose wiri Maekey and die with joy." Over A1 leu & Reagan's store; entrance o.t Seventh street. Drayage and Transfer. ADAMS & MOORET GYNERTl Drnying and Transfer, will cull nnywhero in city. Phone Main 505. Stand at S. P. Depot.