Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 09, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tlltt MKU1 ' ' DAILY TUlIiUNE, MMUffORD, .OKK(iONt MONDAY, AUOUHT 9, 1900,
I Mr. Investor Have you seen the modern home seven rooms In the 1
space and cost of tour rooms; Icc.less refrigerator, built-in buffets j
land dressers; cabinet kitchen.
.. A. McJNTOSII, Architect
I Third Floor Mod ford National Bank Building.
Cool for Summer and warm for winter then build a .good
solid comfortable EASTERN HOUSE two stories rfnil (jarret;
this can be built for the same price as a bungalow come send see
WILLIAM WINKEL, Architect, General Contractor, 30 years'
experience First Class Workmanship Warranted. Plans and
Specifications Free of Charge Orders Expected at Residence.
244 West Fourth Street, Corner of Ivy Street, or at 103 Main St.,
Electric Cooking
Mrs. A. M. Colby will demonstrate cooking with electricity ut tins
office of the Kogtio River Electric Company, 209 West Main Street
On Tuesday Morning, August 10
Hours 10 to 12 a. m.
2 to 4 p. m.
Makes cooking a nleuHure, The imhlic. is cordially invited to ill
tend thepe deinonstrnlioiiH nnd Icnru all aliont cooking with (his prne-
...,,i :.,..t ,ii,.i .. tr)&
III l UllU vou itiiiuii b muiuuu. y ' ' V J
JmiifH i'iirnlt to H. 1. Oump
liell, properly in block 1,
AhI.IiiimI 1')
Chillies II. Itogers lo Klnliul A.
Koimdrt, properly in block II,
A-hhiiid ' J')
J. I'.. Nik lo .liickKon A(;ee,
IhIh I noil '1, block l!l, Siiim-
nililllioll In AkIiIiiiiiI 10
Knliiii A. ( 'nlciniiii lo N. O.
I'o .S'cis, .VI. 70 ucrcH in sec
lion .'!'), townnhip IIS, nuiue
1 W ' JO '
A. I). IJclmmi lo Kiiiiic'ih C.
Ululock, iicren in I) ,
(I 10, townhipp inline
IK 1
Williiun RohK to Ocoigo A.
.Morse, lots 0 and 7, block 8,
Hons uddilion to Medio rd I
J. K. Kinerick to (. A. Morse
1H iicrcti in towiiHliip :)!!,
n.iiK 1 K 50(1000
W. K. I'liippK to J. A. I-yoii,
lots 'J and It. block 1. Kiv
' erxidii Huhclivision lo Weft's
ii (It) i t i ill to Meill'old 10
I. J I'liippx lo Scott V. liiiviri,
land in section III, township
:ili. ransrc 1 W' 10000
(i. It. Mntlicws to Charles K.
Cnrienler, K Vg of S K
-ccliot) si, totvimhip .It, ,
raiiL'C 1 W :t00.)
Clyde A. 1'iiyni! lo Ioiiisu K.
Swindle, lot II, Meikle and
1'iiviic addition to A-Maml l.'x)
Sahra A. Colenuui to Krsulii I.
I loan, .'17 ucres in section 25,
towiifdiip .'(H, range 1 W . . . i
C. I', Hriggn to K. F. HriggH,
iissiu'iimcut. of iigreeineiil. . JO
Alexander McLeod to (. I,,
lioon, lot .'1, lliglilnnd Park
addition to Ashland 10
Warren Nicbolx to W. C. San
derson, properly in block O.
Railroad uddilion to Ash
land 10
K. I). BriggH to Henry G. Kn
ders, iiroiiertv in block 9,
Ashland 1"
O. S. Untler to Karl J. Kouch,
land in D I. C -10, township
Hit. rango IK 10
.1." W. Chandler to Kdwurd P.
Chandler, interest in S
IT of N K , und S K ot
N W 1-4 section 27, town-
sliip 35. rungo 4 W 10
Welhorn Hei'son lo A. C. Mor
risoh. lo 7, block It. Talent 10
William M. Snow to James A.
McKcod, lot 11, block 1.
Kendall addition to Medford 10
S. C. Corbet t lo Mary K. Co
hcl, lots 11 and 12, block C,
Kailroad addition to Ash
land 200
Successors to Condor Water & Power Co.
Timber and Coal Lands
B. H. Harris & Co.
Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs
Von can bid defiance to the heat
by having an electric, fan put. in po
sition. It doosn't cost very much,
(lilhcr. If yon haven't one, wo can
fix yon up i nil short time, nt the
least expense. Wo'ro gcnornl cloo
tricinns, and do nil classes of work
in our linn in- the most thorough
manlier. Jobbing skillfully and
promptly executed nt lowost charges.
Portable lamps in all varieties.'
Kstnle. Pcrciniah V. True: ordi
made appointing O. H. I.indley, ad
ininistralor. and H. C. Oarnetl, .1. A
Perry and 1. P. 'Little appraiser
administrator's bond filed.
Kslate Mury J. Dugg; order mad
appointing M. Purdin, ndministra
tor and Thomas Xorris, John Ovlli
and A. A. Davis appraisers; admin
istrator's bond filed.
Hy Dean Colli.-M in the Dullnft
King "Hey!" and likewise "Ho!" f-r!
Colonel llol'er
And land him nil ye crealurcH here 1
bi-luw, for I
He hntli at last found means i.i '
loo-e the lap I
That from Hie rain clouds draw i
tin; itiiicoiiH sap; !
lie nulls ihi. hziui. durne to ape
Prodi; up ,. Pluviiis and gets bi'ii
busy, , ,
Pi'ivin hint'self more adequate in
that field
Than hath Hie great rainmaker'
Mr. Hatfield.
Sini? "Hey!" and likewise "Ho!" for
Coliiael Hofer
He is the man on whom to bet voir."
dough, for
He Baw the way to break the parch
iiiK drought,
Declaring prayer would bring n
If men would pray with but the prop
er power
And hhow the Lord how bad thev
need a shower,
The heavens would doubtless open
at their calling,
And gentle rain begin at once a--
Sing "Hey!" and likewise "Ho!"
Colonel Hofer
The testing uf his method was
slow, for
The men and eke the maids of Sa
lem town
Forthwith prepared to bring Hie
, rainfall down ;
Prayers from long years' disuse gone
all to seed
Were polished up to meet the mo.
nient's need;
South 'twere beyond description's
brightest power
The great Salemnitv that ruled the
Sing "Key!" and likewise "Ho!" far
Colonel Tlofcr
The subsequent events proved he
must linow, for
The winging prayers, with Salem's
passion fired,
Drought down the rain that they so
much desired.
rW, it was little better than a splat
ter, But why should carping critics let
that matter?
II was, they must admit if prayer
avail them.)
iA darned good job for such a
town as Salem.
Sing "Hey!" und likewise "Ho!" fv.-
Colonel Hofer
la future let him, hp the man to
When specified conditions are de
sired, Or special brands of weather .:re
Peposed is Heals, who could but tell
lo us
The future plans of great .1. Pluvius.
For Holer's plan's a better one, be
cause it
Controls the ruin by player as by
u faucet.
New Cases.
Sf. F. Ilanley vs. vity of Medfo,.
et al.; suit for injunction. A. F
Ueaines, attorney for plaintiff.
Hit With.
The Weary due Hung It! 1
he'd slop talking In my sleep.
pcr's Weekly.
At the Nash J. T. F.rlin, Sun Fi-m.
cisco; Hurry Shippy, Chicago; Mrs.
I'.. Carroll. Mrs. M. C. Harris. San
Francisco; A. SL .Olds. Fugle Poinl .
Ii. I.ulher., Sun Francisco; D. Car
nes. Now York; .1. K. Keiten and wi!"
Sun Frnncisci". K. T." Taylor, lv
gene; T, S. Wngner, ,T. S. Sliindefor.
Porlland; Pen Philkill nnd wif".
Miss Nell Philkill. Mrs. S. K. fh-o--penn.
Fresno; h. Krel. New York".
.1. C. Hreincr, (Irceley; H. F. Hi'.
gles nnd w'ue, Run Francisco; Mi-.
J. Labbe, C. Hemikabbi, Portlnnd;
L. S. Knhn, Sun Francisco! W. C.
Wallin, Snn Frnneiscc; Miss L. K
Polk. Tekou.
. The Intelligent Censor.
8onm years ago a jouug man of St.
Petersburg. Ivan Kcilowskl. quarreled
with his sweetheart und then look Ills
grief out of the country. About year
after he wrote to the girl asking her to
"lunkc up" aud tolling her If she for
gave him to Insert n "personal" to that
effect In a St. Petersburg paper not
Inter than a certain date. The giri was
repentant, too, and she promptly got
the "pcr.-onal" ready, and all would
have been well laid It not lieen for the
lynx eyed censor, w ho believed II to be
some sort of nihilist message and re
fused to allow lis publication. After
awhile, however, the stern otliciai was
convinced that, the "personal" was
harmless, and it was printed four days
late. It was a Mule while after when
the girl received word that her lover,
having failed lo sec the message In
print on the dny he had set. hud she;
himself two d.-tvs before It saw the
Kept His Feet Dry.
Kxlrnordinary conduct on the part of
two men upon seeing (lie body of a
woman In the waler was disclosed nt.
nu inquest held at the Victory inn. on
the Hogs Ihti li, Surrey. A farm labor
er named Sidney Smith missed ills
mother one morning and on searching
found her lying lin e upward In a road
side pond, lie ran on, and another la
borer named Aiattliews. who passed
the pond, also ran aw.iy, neither mak
ing nny effort to pull her out. Mat
thews told the coroner he did not do
so, as he did not know If he would be
doing rh.'hr.
The funnier The poor creature
might have not been dead at that time.
You cou'd easily have got her-out, I
'1 s!n uM pave had to go up to my
''i'.. ;-. In C ( wiilcr." London Mnll.
of ours owing to the fact of our handliivj
nothing but the best of meats and giving only the
best of service.
If you have never traded with us, begin now
and you will find it not only a pleasure, but profit
HUTH & ASHP0LE, Proprietors.
Opposite Postoffice Phone 481.
A Bargain
' The famous 120-acre
85 acres of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of the prettiest oak anad laurel
grove in the valley, 15 acres of apples and pears in bearing, and
loaded with fruit at the present time.
This is the best proposition ever offered in Southern Oregon.
See . t H. I' I.- ' l tbs..
Exclusive Agents, for prices, terms, etc. at office,
Phone 93 6 Fir street Medford
Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon S3 A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal
Old in years, new in methods, admittedly the high-standard
commercial school of the Northwest Open all the year. More
calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and
individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by
office practice. Shorthand that excels in every respect Special
penmanship department. Write for illustrated catalogue
Horemheb Did More For Egypt, Par
haps, Than Any Othor.
rioroinlieb nt the time of his Acces
sion was forty-tlve years of age. full
of enerjry ami vigor mill passionately
anxious to have free hand in the ear
rylup out of lils schemes for the reor
ganization of (he iroverniuent. It was
therefore with joy that In about the
year IXiO K. ('. he sailed up to Thebes
In order to claim the crown.
Had he lived longer he might have
been famous as a conqueror as well as
an administrator. Ihouiih old nt,'e might
retard and tired bones refuse their
olllce. As it Is, however, his name In
written sullicicntly Inrpo In the book
of the world's ureal men. and when ho
died, about 1315 B. C, after a relKU of
Home thlily-tlve years, ho had done
more for Ksrypt than had almost any
other pharaoh. He found the country
in the wildest disorder, and he left It
the muster of Itself and ready to be
come oiii e more the master of the em
pire which Akhnaton'H doctrine of
peace and pond will had lost.
t'niler his direct ion the pursed wor
ship of the old pods, which for him
meant only the maintenance of some
time proved customs, had Rained the
mastery over the chimerical worship
of Aloii. Without, force or violence ho
substituted the practical for the vision
ary, and to Atmtii nnd order his grate
ful subjects wore able to cry. "The
sun of him who knew thee uel bus vet,
but he wno Knows thee shines; the
sanctuary of him wiio assailed thee is
overwhelmed In darkness, but the
whole earth is now In light." Arthur
E. P. Weigall In Century.
The Reason.
"I wonder why snllors nro iilwayw
"Ik'ln' culled 'salt' so much makes
them thirsty, 1 s'pose." St. I.ouis Ke
puhlic. Man's Superiority.
"Woman." exclaimed the suflTrn'etle.
"Is the equal of limn In evcrj revpeei "
"Oh. I don't know." r. v' u i .'
in the audience: "II :,. r i i
put an nuRleworui ou I. '.!t !! "
Petrnlt I'ree Press.