Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 09, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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That is Unsurpassed in America
This is ii sporting proposition for
iiicu of wealth it is not a farm.
Unequalled Troul Fishing Jump
to November.
Doer Hunting on the premises,
August 1 to November 1.
Jlnck Shooting superior to any h
the state, over thousands of
acres of wild celery and rice,
September 1 to February 1.
Grouse and Pheasant Shooting o-i
the. place October 15 to Novem
ber 15. .
Best starting place in the county
for a Bear hunt
The Crater Iike Automobile road
will run through the place for n
mile and a quarter. j ,
Navigable water to the proper
ty, unsurpassed drinking water,
and power to develop the prop
erty. More bottom laud and fine gar
den land than any place on tho
Thousands of Pine and Fir trees
and thousands of Quaking As
pens. More varieties of wild flowers
and natural grasses and vetches
than any place in the county.
If you develop this property as :t
can be developed, there is no
resort in the county that can
compare with it.
No amount of talking will de
scribe it let us show you.
We have been offered more than
twice what it cost, but have a
price at which yon may take it
below which we will keep it.
Klamath Falls. Oreqon.
Golden Horseshoes.
Roman writers inform ns that Com
modus caused the hoofs of his horse to
be glided. Nero when he undertook
short journeys was always drawn by
mules that had silver shoes, and those
of his wife, Foppaea, had shoes of
Sold. From a passage in '-Dio Cassias"
there is reason to think that the upper
i. o im men in intiKe noDie
metals or that they were perhaps piat-
a out of thin slips. When Boniface,
mnrguis of Tuscany, one of the richest
princes of his time, went to Beatrix,
lKut the year 1038. his whole train
was so niajminVently decorated that
bis horses were shod with silver. Th
nails were even of the same metal.
' His Selection. . I .
Mr. , Brown and his family were
standing In front of (he lions' cage.
"John." said Mrs. Brown, "if those
animals were to escape whom would
yon save first, me or the children?"
"Me," answered John without hesi
tation. Everyliody's Magazine.
A Windfall.
"How f.Hl that roommate of yours
manage to raise the wind tills time?"
"He sent to his father in his usual
)reezy way for a draft." Baltimore
Old System Is to Be Electrified
i . Throughout and Modern Sys
tem Installed.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Aumist 7.
Within the next 'M days work will
be commenced transforming tho pro
ent street car system into an electro'
line. This is the welcome messiit!.
that has been given out by E. If.
Woatncs, president of the Klamath
Falls Land and Transportation com
'Foe iln. l..t -...v..r.,l L
have boen hard ut work on the plans
and specifications nceessarv for the
. ... . , .
carrying on of the work ot ehnnguv
onr present line to an electric svs-l
teni," said Mr. Kennies today. "Our
company has made certain promises
to tho jieople of this city, and we are
going to carrv them out. We now
have bids for the rebuilding of the
line, and withiu 30 days a force of
men will be busy with the work. M.
Brown will be here the first of the
week, when the finishing touches will jof ,h(J K0nanis hereinafter sei
be api.lied to our plans, and we will r,.th thc contractor hereby under
then he in a -position to make a def-hakes and covenants to furnish nil
inite announcement as to when the
service will be inaugurated."
"On the Contrary."
Sit chauge.
r . 1
Weather Forecast.
And our stock is leaving the yards rapidly, yet we can
still supply you with anything in the line of Lumber,
Portland Cement Hard Wall Plasters and all kinds of
Building Felt at prices that are sure to meet your approval
An ordinance providing for the
execution of u contract with the
Warren Construction Cotiiimttv for
the paving of a portion of e-i
Main street, in the City of Medl'oi I,
Oivsjoti, providinif terms of said con
tract. Tli C:.v of -Mcdforil doth oniuiM
as follows:
Section I. That lite proposition .l
the Warren Construction Cumpuit,'
a Washington corporation for the
paving ol that portion of West Maw
street in flic City of Medford. be
tween the Fast line of Laurel street
and the citv limits of said city, with
bitulithie paving be and thu same U
herein' accepted and tho muvor atel
' recorder are hereby authorized ami
instructed to enter into and sura t:
,',""rilL't " -frm and maimer
!"reuintter set iorth tor such pav-
inc and such action by said inavor
' , ra ,,, . .,.,.,. v V
, , " ,
authorized, ratified and confirmed.
This uurecment made and entere I
into this day of Julv,
lilOH bv and between the Warre i
L' Company, a WashiiiL'
ton corporation, hereinafter called
the Contractor and the City of Me.i
loitl. a n'.Miicipnl coriiornlioii, heiv
innfter called the City.
necessary material and labor and do
all the work of excavatim. fillitu
:and pn vint:, installint; inlets . nnl
'other necessary mnteriul and Inb'i'
i for paving West Main street in said
i city 1'rtm the east line of Laur.d
avenue to tilt westerly city limits of
said citv to n width of thirtv-siv
: (36) feet and to furnish said mute
, ial and do said work and comple'. j
said . pnvinir in a first-class, sub
stantial and workmanlike minuter
for the price, hereinafter set forth
and in accordance with the plan.'
.end .-"I ecifications therefor adopt.' I
by the citv for said wo:-.j
and upon the terms and conditio is
in snid r.ian and specifications set
forth, which s.iif1 plans and specifi
cations are on file in the recorder's
office of said citv and are hereby
expressly re'.erre.1 to and made :i
part of this agreement.
And in consideration therefor tlv;
snid city asrees to pay said eon trac
tor therefor nt the following rates:
Kxcavation. per cubic yard 0.7"i.
riitttlithic surface, per stiuiire van!.
lSititmiuous foundation, per eu9
yard. $4.50.
Standard monument cases, each.
Inlets as per planned, each.
Six-inch terrn-cotta pipe, pcrli.i-
e:il foot. .$0.50.
Six-inch east iron pipe per lineal
foot. $1.50.
F.iirht-iuch terra-eotta sewer pipe,
each. .
j Catch basins, each $15.00.
1 1 hree-inch drain tile, if any. per
lineal foot. $0.15.
It is further covenanted and
iii greed, however, thut the total pri'5
for performinr all of said work io
: accordance with said plans and spe
cifications shall not exceed n:i
; amount cuualliiicr the total amount
of an assessment of $5.91 per fro'it
foot on all properly fronting upon
said ptivoinont, exclusive of street
intersections, plus the stun of-
Dollars. The foregoing . nnioiint
shiill not, however, he hold to include
anv work done bv order of said citv
or its duly iiuthorixed officials in
excess of or in addition to the work
coiilcniilnted and provided for by
said plans Mini specifications.
The contractor agrees further li
furnish, u bond lor the faithful per
foriniinco of this contract to be aji
proved bv the citv council of ill-
Citv of Medford, Oregon, for the
siuu of .tlTi.tMII) having as surety
(hereon some surety company until- to do business in thu slate ol
Oregon, gitnrautceing in proper form
the taithtitl iiertoriuance of this con
tract and further indemnifying the
City of Medford ugainst all claims
or liens for labor, work or tmiteri ii
or uels of all suli-ediitriiclois. ma
terial men. laborers and machinists
furnishing lubor or material under
this contract.
If it is found at anv time during
the progress of the work or tit anv
time thereafter that the plans and
specifications differ in any point, or
in anv way conflict, it is understood
und agreed that in such case tho
siecificatioiis shall in each and ev
ery instance prevail.
The foregoing ordinance wits
passed on August 5. 10011 by thu citv
council of tho Citv of Medford by
the following vote:
Merrick, absent. Welch nyo, Wori
man nve. F.iueriek live, Kil'crt avc,
Deinmer aye.
Approved August (1, lilOO.
Mr. Ii. A. Holmes. City.
Dear Sir: If a recommendation
from n customer would be of any
value, in your otlice, allow me to ex
press my appreciation of the munin-r
in which my recent loss by fire was
adjusted, by yourself and the repre
sentatives of the various companies
with whom I held insurance.
An adjustment of 100 cents on the
ibdlar for the amount insured, and
check covering the above amount
within four days after tho final ad
justment was the result, nolwitli
standing the fact that n clause al
lowing (10 days for final adjustment
was attached and made a pint of
each policy F held.
In my. estimation the foregoing,
speaks well for the companies you
M-vseiii nid their methods of pro
cedure, which are the vital oinl :.i
he considered by the insured.
Thanking you for (lie persona) in
terest in my behalf. I remain.
IJespeclfiillv yours.
11!) W. C. OliKKN".
MKDFORI), Or., Aug. .", 10(10
Hall's Texas Wonder, of St. ruiis.
cured my daughter of a severe hidne
and bladder trouble offer doctor,
failed to give any relief, and I can
cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. I,. L
Wilson. 135 Barllelt Si. Sold bv
llaskins' Drug Store.
"For you particular customers who demand the
best groceries, vc recommend Folders Golden Gate
It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee-mot if we paid
$1 a pound for it.
Everything about FoIueYs Golden Gate Coffee in perfect, and
we sell it with the positive Buarantre that it will please you,
Allen & Reagan
I Medford Iron Works f
J "An'?' OSI E- G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. J
Foundry and Machinist t
All w.V of EnninAs, Spraylnu Outfits. Pumos. Boilers and Ma-I
cmncr. Agents In Southern Orenon for
yttvs. 3rznz Dfampton 3saacs
"Jnstuctor of "piano, TLlt !tfZctl)0O
I II I I Mil
The best rosolnlion f,,r y,ci
to niiil.c is to come to ns for
your next suit, if yo.i wunl
something out of the ordinary.
We do the best work and charu
the lowest prices.