n Historical Society . Oregon Hwr,fc CUV HaU i $1,000 REWARD! ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS RI'WARD WILL UK PAID f'.Y THK UNDERSIGNED TO ANY PERSON WHO CAN SHOW BV AUTHENTIC TES TIMONY THAT ANY CITY OK TOWN' IN' THK UNITED, STATES. OUTSIDE OF THK KOOUK RIVER VLLEY. HAS TRIBUTARY TO IT, WITHIN A 10-MILE RADIUS, A 'JO-MILK RADIUS, A M-MILE RADII'S OR A 40-MILE RADII'S, AS MANY DIVERSIFIED RESOURCES AS MKDKORD, OREGON.' HAS WITHIN A CORRESPONDING RADIUS. MKDFORD COMMERCIAL CLUB. Medfo Daily Tribune Jj'OURTJI YEAB. KlM-'DUh OI.'KdON, MONDAY, ADJUST !). YM). No. 121. KB 10 ASK THAT I sceke in burbeil omnia hheke picking sura today BARRIER BE 1 City Attorney Neff Will Move to D'3 solve Injunction Barring the City From Hanley Prem ises Soon. CITY ATTORNEY PREPARING EXTENSIVE BRIEF IN CASE Judge Hanna Will Be Asked to Ols- solvo Temporary Injunction Granted Last Friday. i Within tsifiM'.v! few iluxi. iiir,ili'.v ; ri Wednesday, City Attorney Nf'' will m.iKe a motion in tlio circuit : court to dissolve the leinorury in- junction grunted by Judge 1 Iniiiia no j lust Friday restraining ll ily fron entering iiin the I liuilcy promise on Littln Untie crook. Tlio city nt- ; lonicy i icry busy nl present pro-j pining lii liricf mill hopes to mak.' il ho clear to Judge lliinuu tlliil me injunction will I"' dissolved mill lli ily allowed o pi alii'iiil with Dm cunt met ion of the gravity water systeit'. , Should Judge lliimm dissolve tin1 "uiMinetion. then the city would pro ceed upon tlio judgment rendered ilue iiie the special lorm of court. If he declines to grant t'"1 ttt it llion,tho rase will wait until the case in tried in tho Septeinlier term of court. 1m. J- J&J. 5 i,. w ' -.Oi Ml V' I" ' I" 4 -J tallMTION CONGRESS MEETS 45 k i T' - WfV it 4iV '-c I -J- "'il ' Deelgaies Gather in Spokane by Hun dredsGovernor Hay Delivers Address of Welcome to the Members. CLASH EXPECTED BETWEEN BALLINGER AND PINCHOT . i. t ' r r .... . iCAOT Oinc UIAMTO OPUfim i DROVE? GAR TO lhu i uiul nniu uumuuli BURRELL HAS FINE RECORD "THE WIGWAM" WILL OPEN NEXT FRIDAY Is Largest Bearing Orchard In Ore gonMany Splendid Records Made In Past. ' F. W. Walters Fitting Up Model Amusement Tent in West Medford. . V. V. Wnltorx in Dhmuinir to open hid new pluco of umuHcmmit on We! Main strcot, on next Friday ovonini;. It will ho known ns "Tim Wigwam-' nnd will afford tho Hoilford pnblia an Weill plucn of niiiiiHeiiient. Mr. Wnll urn phins to givo daiiimn nnd ikatmK piirtios in tlio hngo tont lie has had wroctod. Lntor moving pioturoH will bo nddod nnd vnudo villo. ' Tho bost of music will bo of fared, tlio omhostra lioinp; under the direction of l'rofimsor Anton Riimiin off, who Iiiih won ii plncc fur hini solf in Med ford among tluiHO who love music. RrfreslimonlH arc to bo nerved mid in nil probability oporas will be pre Kented Inter. Tho hull will bo for rent to thoso who wish lo givo dancttig parties and Mr. Walters stnles Hint uny clmrcli which wishes to use the hull will he permitted to do so rent free. During tho summer Mr. Wallor.i tins spout timo and money in giving Medford liigh-class innsicnl operas, uud it is to bo hopod thoy show ttioir iipproeiation by a Uhoml patronage of his now place. Wo rout houses. P.-!o:i Tnv.ost- , ment Co. 122 The Hurrell urcliiird, ouneil by the I'.iiili'll luvestment coinptiny of I'orl hind, is the hircwt lienrin orchun' in Oregon and is n famous pvoducor. luiving never known n crop fniliirn. From '11 iicrcs of pgnrs ti-l-ll boxe of peurs have been picked, which sold for fi'.'W f. o. b. curs. Forty acres of icm huvo for years aver aged over 1:3(10 mi acre ne! m the owners. The average yield of ho'h pears anil apples is $(100 nu acre. There are 3(10 acres in the prop erty, which is situated three miles smith of Medford, of which 80 acre are old orcii.ird. Tho balance is in young tree.-. Fine buildings and com plete oiiiiipnient make the orchard one of the show places of the val ley. MYRTLE CREEK GIRL DRAWS FIRST PRIZE COKI'U D'ALENE. Idaho, August Isador.- So!!- of Myrtle Ci-.wt. Or., draws !!ie first number in Coeur d'Alene Tiulimi reservation drawing today. TERRIFIC HEAT THROUGHOUT MICHIGAN; MANY DIE DETROIT, Midi., August !).-Si. persons are dead in Michigan as the rosull, of their efforts to escape the torrifie hent of yesterday. There is no sign of relief this forenoon. . Movement Is Placed on Foot to Secu c Hew Building to Save Children Long Walk to West Side School Want First Four Grades if More Cannot Bo Secured East Side Building Up Rapidly. RIM OF CRATER Wes Green in Nine Hours Reached Crater Lake From Medford First Car on Rim. Roosevelt Policy for Irrigation and Reclamation of Lands Will Be Discussed Pro and Con. There is a movement on loot to secure a new school for the East Side in order to save the children ol i Ii it l section of the city a long walk to the West Side" to nltcmi school. The East Side i.- almost unanimously in favor of the new project and a determined effort will lie made to secure such a school. It' it proven not possible to pr iile o nchtiol for the rijjht firndes. then the efforts of the' East Sidero will he devoted to an endeavor to secure a , school for the first four unities. This will save the small children the Ion;; walk which is neces sary at present. The East Side is building rapidly, and with water it will soon becom:' thickly, populated. The East Siders say that they have been neglected too him; iilreadv in the matter of schools. T VISIT NORUHWEST Governor of Nebraska Will Visit th Northwest This Month and Be Entertained in Portland. ' Teams ond mon wanted. Apply at afire of l'ig l'iues Lumber fty. 12'2 J. A. Rogers, who has boon a res ident, of Modford for somo month, will loovo tonight with his family for Spokane Mr. Roger is an old Tail -road construction engineer nnd goes to lake n contract. PORTLAND. Or.. August 7.--'Governor Shiillenhorger of Nebraska with his staff will visit the Pacific North west this month und will he the gues: of Portland on August '11 and 2'J. While in the city he and his party will lie entertained by the Portland Cum nicrcial crab ami every possible cour tesy will he shown the. visitors. The purly will make slops at other coast points, including a stay of five days al the Seattle exposition. The trip is made for the purpose of getting better acquainted with the coast iin l coming into closer touch with its people. The l llh annual convention of the American Association of Mutual In surance companies will bo held in (Continued on Page CARRIER DISTRICTS ARE WED OUT Will Not Deliver to Every Place With in the City As Was ' Expected. A number of residents of Medford believe that with the institution of a tree carrier service that all pnrn of tho city within the limits will b within the districts served by the carriers. This is not the case. Each carrier will have a certain district to cover. There will lie two earner i ami one substitute. ' The limits nrc In il out by the inspector and cniinol lie changed by the local postal an Munition. Carrier No. 1 will deliver on all streets north of the postoffice to Inekson street nnd from the railroad track east to Riverside avenue. H will also deliver on Central avenue north of Jackson street to Court street and on Bentty street lo one In nine hours Wes Green of this city, accompanied by C. W. Perkins of San Francisco, W. S. Toms of Fresno and II. A. Thieroff of this city; put his Chalmers-Detroit "30" over the rond from this city to the rim of Crater Lake Inst week. Ti Wes aoes the dilsinction of driving the first car to the rim of the lak this season. During the trip he burned 12 gallons of gasoline and suffered no mishaps. Mr. Green's California friends are charmed with the valley ond pro nounce Crater Lake the greatest nat ural wonder of the world. Mr. Per kins is the president of the company Mint owns the famous "401"' orchard SPOKANE.'. Wash.. August 9.--The Rooseevlt policy for the irriga tion and reclamation of arid lands throughout the west is expected by the delegates to the 17th national ir rigation congress meeting here to day to precipitate a clash between Secretary Ballinger of the interior department and Gifford Pinchof.. ehief of the forestry bureau. Pinchot champions the Rooseveltiau policies and Ballinger. while not opposing. has -changed Roosevelt's plan, thus meeting I'mehot s opposition. Both men will meet before the con gress und the advocates of both sides will fight it out on the floor, as they both wish to place the congress on record ns being in their favor. The morning session of tho con gress was called to order by R. In- singer, chairman of the hoard ot control. A musical invocation fol lowed and then came the address of welcome by Governor Hay of Wash ington. A message from President Taft was read and then the business of the congress was taken up. Mauy prominent men from till sec tions of tho country will address the congress. Hundreds of delegates nro in the city. MODIFY EXPRESS RATES ON FRUIT SALEM. Or., August 9. J. W. Rodgers, general superintendent ol the Pacific Express company, has near Medford. He is even more de- under consideration the complaint of lighted wjth the valley than ever. block north of Liberty street. This carrier will also cover nil streets south of the - postoffice to and in cluding Ninth street from the raii ivad east to Riverside avenue, au.l on Central avenue to the city limits i-iu. block south of Thirteenth street. Riverside avenue between Ninth nnd Twllfth streets; east Main street nie block east of Willie street : Wes! Main street to IIollv street. the Trontdale Fruit & Produce as sociation relative to alloged discrim inatory rates on produce from that point to the east. It was alleged by the secretary of tho produce as sociation that higher rates were charged from Troutdnle to Wasco and to other points of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation company's lines cast than were charged from Portland to points east. The matter had been tnkeu up with the railroad commission by Miss M. Dewcv, secretarv of tho Trontdale ,. , . , . ' ". ,' , ,r j organization, and todnv Mr. Rodger district: Alain street west of IIollv . , .. ' . . b,, street to one block west of Quinoe street; Grape street north to Jack son street; Jackson street to one block west of Alden nolly street north to Second streets; Second street west to one block west of Ol son street; Oakdulo nvenuo north ( Fourth street; Fourth street west to one block wost of Quince street; the whole of Orange nnd Olson streets all streets south of Main street ! notified the commission thnt the rates from Trontdale will be modi fied nnd made the same ns tho rates from Portland. Eleventh street; from Orange street east to Fir street; Grnpo street be tween Eleventh and Thirteenth streets; Twelfth street from Holly street to Railroad: Onkdale avoniin from Eleventh street to citv limits.