THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFOKD, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUOUST 7, I00JK SOCIAL AND PERSONAL V. O. Broadhcnt and wife left Thursday for Pasadena for a visit. M'rs. H. J. Senium and daughter, who have visited tho E. T. Hutln relumed to Visalia Thursday eveuiii, with Norman Hath. Try Grubee's Method for removing rums, bunions, etc 25c at Haakins1 Drug Store. Mill another fresh lot of smelt halibut, salmon fresh and dressed chicken at the Rogue Hiver Fish Com puny. Make life's walk easy hv usim Gniho's Method for removing corns. "ic at Haskins Drug Store. P. Richard Schuler and wife have left to visit the Seattle fair. Miss Grace Lawtoti has returned l'",n the Seattle fair. Miss I au uroiner 01 l rail ice visiting her. Music by the orchestra and violin solos from 6 t; 7:30 o'clock at the Nash Grill tonight. i. i. Mitkm ot Noodville .spent inursnuy in Medford. l. r. lames, foraier field editor "' '" Pacific Homestead, of Salem, onui now general manager of the western branch of the Roseville Pot tery u. ot ancsville, 0., is in Med ford in the interests of his company. Phillip Bnebuer, president of tlie Eastern and Western Lumber com pany, ot Portland, is registered with his family at the Nash Peter Bloom and John Burgland, of Phelps County, Nebraska, are being shown over the valley by J. A. Wes- terlund. Joe Whitney leaves this afternoon for an extended shing trip on Rogue River. Last time he went out a cow ate his lunch. This time Joe intends to hide the lunch in the radiator. Mayor W. H. Canon will leave this evening for an extended visit to northwestern cities. A. M. Olds, of Eagle Point, was a recent visitor in Medford. The has a one-half miles south of Medford, op posite the famous linrrell Orchard: 9 acres in 4-year-old trees. 15 acres in alfalfa, 5-room house, barn a:il chicken house. Look this up! 121 A GREAT SUCCESS JACKSONVILLE WINS TENNIS TOURNAMENT GRANTS PASS, Aug. t. Last spring it was a question with many orelmrdists whether smudging for frost was a success. The Southern Pacific took an interest in the matter and supplied Grants Pass and Med ford with crude oil to experinic!i; with. Shank & Hall, who now have the Kisniauu orchard down the river, used the oil in part of the orchard and in the rest of the orchard they had bonfires and smudges of differ ent material. A visit to this orchard last Sunday showed that most all,nf the trees are heavily loaded with np-1 tie, pies and hundreds of boxes have been taken from the trees in thinniir: i them. It was a practical demonstr;;- i turn, and clearly shows that smudg ing is an absolute preventative rt frost. The part of the orchard where the At tile Southern Oregon Tenuis TouriiaiiK'nt, held at Jacksonville Wednesday :id Thursday, Jackson ville won the cup. Grants pass scored .'t Mi!ut; Jacksonville 5 and Medford 0. The Grants Pa.s team were Misses Chris tinu McLoan and Marjorie Ki:.noy lioy David and C. Long. Meilford's players v.civ O. 11. ,Iolins.'ii, John Beeson, Mis- e-i l.iz.e Nclherland a:ul Mora Thonip .1. V. Campbell, Dr. !. N". Hester and Kphriaui Wilson were tho victors. The next game will be played at Grants Pass on Labor Dav. W. II. Crawford and wife mid C W. Kinerson left Thursday for Sin' GOLD HILL ITEMS. Mi Grants P W. It. ) (The News.) Gwendolyn Slickel iss Wednesday. Harvey made Mcdfurd on was sueu is equal it not liett-.- . , .,, .. , . i.l vls" oiiua.v on iiusincss. .1, uu.t in ml" uvi. I uis UK llilMI will produce this yearan immense crop of apples and ::!! is due to lmulging. There is no tiiestion that if the owners had not resorted to mudging frost would have taken tin- entire crop. pany js one of the finest specimen of the breed ever brought to this country and the apeparance of hU colts show that he has the power of trnnsniilling his good qualities Mrs. M. U. Rice, who returned last week from her vacation, is very en Ihusiasiie over the exhibits at the Seattle Fair, and also concerniiu the scenery in and about the Souiui, but can II ml no words to express her admiraton of our. own Crater Lake, 'ieli she visited before taking (he . trip north, "r had read descriptions and had seen pictures of the lake" ' siii.l f I.:.... o .:i r .i - "oiii i inoiigiu uinl I knew just about what it would look like when I would see it, but the llrsl view of the hike disabused me of all previously formed ideas. It was something so much more extensive, so much grander, so much more beau tiful t liiiii m yimaginalion was able to port ray. Hint it simply left me breath. Ic-s. When line units i.. ii,. i.,.:..i. of those iniLinnse dills and gaze; I downward int.. vast crater, on ' i involuntarily feels her insigninVnmv i the face of this example of the i- John Morris, of Warner, is visitiu:- t I the mighty convulsions relatives and friends in Gold Hill nn-i ! "' "'" N' wonder that the sup,.r- ... .i : : .i.i . i ... vicinity. M" minims nvouieil the ueinilv Mrs. Luke Jennings and Mrs. La' a o G O J Economy.: Suggestions For the busy housewife who desires to prortien economy in the purchase of her meals For Sunday Dinner DRESSED CHICKEN All ready for il.c... reuce Cardwell were visitors at Grants Pass Thursday. v., l .ii f ,i -ir. a hi .tirs. j as. ucwougal re- Note was also taken of the amouiit . r of nil necessary for a night's smudg- i T v" . "" " VL" lo ""' iug. Owing to the lateness of plae-. Al"sk" ""' r.xposit.m,. iug their order for oil pots th-v did! r" ' rrenoh dutch not get the kind thev wanted. ' The,0'1" ls lu'le fl,r the ns- kind thev got was not as eood nor ! seSji""'"t w'"'k "' "'" I,is "'"'''i'-' economical asosem of the other . C1UIUS- kinds manufactured. Each not holds' Illp Indies . u. N eiety will seerve about half a gallon of oil and the ! "'e ""' sherhert on the! pot were placed through every other ! s'm'0' .-""""Is Saturday evenin,;. row of trees. These pots, 'lighted '"wrvoii" i ; mi ii.: between 11 and 12 o'clock, burned1 Miss (Hue Tur. . and Miss Maud ! day for Seattle 1 l the mysterious, sileul lake. When -ne gazes int.. . iiiilathomnh'o depths of Ihal clear blue water an I I hen upward mid again upward- to the suinmil of the cliffs lowering thousands of feel above, iiirnnwlrlc sailing in a small boat, which seem lo be lloaling in air almost, so near' : is mo color oi the water below lo j Hie sky which arches above you, one j realizes how iiifiiuitcsniiilly small 'a human being is. pan L'Oc VEAL ROASTS None ocltcr, per pound. .. W BEEF ROASTS - Nothing l.cii. v hit nflVivil at any price, per po'.iud I Oc HAM - Nolhino; ui than mid boiled Hum ibis v.nrin wcnlhiT, j"T p-iiud 180 We would like to have yo'i v':,ll the market prr sniiaily, but If you have tint the time, phone your order and it will be promptly delivered. THE ECONOMY MARKET HUTH & ASHPOLE, Proprietors. Opposite Postoffice Phone '.61. Economy n o o The Tribune is Up-to-Date until elock in the morning. What i 'il'l"-.v v il1 I'avi . 1 and ot'ie. rude oil for this purpose can be pur based for is not' known, btu it costs ; gone several w the railroad company laid down here j l"hn Kalis, about two cents a gallon, and it is I Terwdli. xr " not likely the expense would be much I 'u p .iim i i -i lt- 1 1 : rii ioiuts. to be a I':, li e on Benson .Investment Compni-.v nice 27-aere tract three and greater. . ul inn nf At this orchard is another demon - i T'.ri s. trillion of orchard growii'c Thev have a five-acre orchard set out. every other row being peach trees, and the other apples. Peaches conic into bearing much quicker than ap ples so that the grower will realize from the orchard much quicker thisjweul way than otherwise, and all the trees are looking fine. Between the rows are potatoes and a finer patch of po- "l.'llll IT -ge I r I :n I). the . ami Pern wilds of ti I !iur cexpe : ;ion. old Miss e'.l e I , visiting !.ei!' Reed, left Mond-iv r return Inline, go:n Mrs. Addie K. Ilaswelll left Thins- Ilt(IPS ennl)t hp fl)llll,i nnVwher nnj ror rowier, Dcing called by tlie:nnr illness ot her niece. Mose Barkdull claims a new fish ing ehamponshipi landing a four pound sucker, the grand-daddy of all the suckers in the Rogue, after a terrific battle. The sucker was caught with a spoon, being gaffed in the side. There is a reason why the Spot Cae is crowded to the limit of its seating capacity every day take dinner with us tomorrow and it will be made plain to you. The Spot this will he a very profitable crop. It is worth an orchardist's time to go out and see this orehan; t the presto, time. A camping party composed -.t Gus Newmury. Mr and Mrs. W. T. Grieve and Miss McCoy of Portland, left for Crater lake Wednesday morning in Mr. Newbury's new ear. Mr. and Mrs. John Beeson and daughter of Medford attended the tennis tournament Wednesday and Thursday at Jacksonville. I ro-t .. i nephew. If. i evening on by way of Seattle. George Lance and family cam-; . back from a short trip the first of tli-i ;. George was one of the luckv hunters, succeeding in slaying :i couplpe of the antlered ones. S. G. Hodges returned the first of the week from a hunt in the Evans Creek country, and reports the deer few and far between. When San: hunts three days and comes ha' with two. there isn't much use for the ordinary man to go out at' all. A meeting of the German Coac'i Horse Co.. consisting of twelve oi the representative hrosemen a dinn ers of Sams Valley and Gold Ilili. was held at this place Monday after noon, wherein plans were laid for net season and the results of the tw.i pprevious seasons were discussed. Lanz, the horse owned by the com- 1 'J Hi - ;v t MX3iJUUK-M''AUtllra T.V 1124 I' ! ' row to -.few -tit 1 'i :J ",i '.iWud'J ui-&,ata 'rrft::., l-1! 1 I 1 Ms W?M -iA Wl If it isn't un Kustmuii, it isn't u Kodak. Vacation days With their many and varied pleasures, aiii-ou tit" mountains or along the shore may be Extended indefinitely If you are thought fill enough lo provide yourself With an Eastman Kodak Simple in construction and convenient to carry. We have them in sizes to suit, at prices ranging from l to $3". All neeossary supplies in stock. Medford Book Store F YOU WILL ALL And inspect our stock and get our prices, you will find that you can afford to go ahead with the construction of that new building you have been needing all the while. mm id MM m m M M m m iri mom r--T -,i mm r. m its rt I'vi ? -'.. vt 14... B' ,r I ii ( "i i: 4 ! I . k K f-ra m y.' ia mm N m m m m m N h M e- liMii ptliLii et anci Soi fjf r il ljlfl.fl III 1 I