THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDJj'OttP, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 1909. 7 'J i 1 I What'll you have? I fur (Vcck Wulor Tin; kind yon once used Well Water The kind you hUII use Rain Water You eatch it in tub Water irom Fish Lake open ditcli or Colestine Mineral Water Tlie only water to be liad in Mod ford is absolutely pure is the kind yon oiifilit to drink. Sold Only by: Tobacconists R TTTRR & DUNLAP Confectioners ASK ABOUT IT PALMER INVESTMENT CO., Owners of MODOC ORCHARD (1300 acres lying on botli sides of Rogue River.) Offer for sale small tracts of irrigated land, with per petual water rights, at reasonable prices and upon easy terms. These lands consist of rich river bottom loam and are suitable in the highest degree for the culture of Winter pears, Winter apples and all fruits for which Rogue River Valley is famous. Also for the production of Alfalfa, Gar den Stuff, Root Crops and Grasses. Inquiries relating to the resources of Rogue River Valley or of Western Oregon will be answered cheerfully and comprehensively. PALMER INVESTMENT CO. Medford, Oregon. CRATUR I.AKK -"The Greatest Natural Wonder of the World." Medford, Oregon. Bijou Theatre TONIGHT. AND. SUNDAY Ingles and Darling in "The Piano Mover" Thin is the hot Sketch of the week, nml is guut'iiiilccd Id he n sure cure I'm1 I lit h mil lllltl ol'leil Villi I'lIM SCO THE ROSE FESTIVAL A $Ki,iiiki piciuic Hill Wonderful ( 'll-llixiil nf Ruses lor Hli "-3 MEM A thrilling pint Hi', nml well worlh llic price of nil-iiiixismi. Admission Only 10c- 15c BEGINNING. MONDAY THE BLACK ARISTOCRATS - I iivcl, from Iho Sunny South. ORDINANCE NO. 213 An ordinance iirovidini; for the construction of a lateral newer uloin! allev between D'An.joii street and Central iivi-nui. from Kiyhlh street to Ninth !ici;t in the City of Med fold. On-fnii. -i rut for tin; assessment of the cost llicuMif on adjacent prop erly. ni"l providing a meeting of tho council to consider protests ncaiiirft l haid construction and assessment land tho tervin of the owners of ad jacent ri"itTtv with notice thereof. The City of Medford doth ordain 1 11 h follow: Section 1. It jH the intention of tho council to cause a six-inch lat eral Hewer to he conNtructcd along alley bcUc.-n D'Anjoit street and Central avenue from Kicjith street to Ninth Street, and to asses the .out thereof upon the property ad jacent to said portion of said alley ill proportion to its froiitiiue thereon. Section 2. The council will hear and consider any protests airains'i xaid construction and the assessiu;: of Hiiid property for the cost thereof at a incptine of the council to he held AnsrtiHt 111. 1!I0!I. nt 8 o'clock in the council chamber in said city and all property owners of adjacent property are hereby called iiixui to appear before said council at said time and place and Know cause, if any thev have, why such construe- tion should not be made and the cost thereof no assessed. Section 3. The City Recorder is icrcbv directed to serve notice there of upon the property owners afore said, by pontine three copies of this ordinance in three public places i:i said citv and publishing this ordin ance once in a daily newspaper pub lished and of general circulation i.i said citv at least ten days befove the date of said meeting. Tho foregoing ordinance was passed on August 5th. 1909. by the t'itv Council of the City of .Medford bv tho following vote: Merrick absent, Welch aye. Won man ave. Kineriek aye, Eifert aye Demmer ave. Approved August 6. 1909. W. H. CANON. Mayor. Attest: K. V. TKLFER. Recorder For Whom are You Sowing If you pay house rent for the landlord. If you are paying fo your home for yourself and family. Let us help you reap the reward of the money you have been paying for rent, by building you a home and allowing you to pay for it in easy monthly payments and low rate of interest. We will furnish money to build Churches. .Parsonages, homes or business houses, or pay off debts on real estate. Moneys can be returned any time, thereby stopping interest, or we give you nine years to return any loan, either large or small.. We also allow you 3 percent interest on all advance payments.. We give you three months grace on all notes without a fine. We can arrange with farmers for annual pay ments.. If these terms suit you, call and see us at the Real Estate Office of WHITE & TROWBRIDGE, MEDFORD Daniel S. Walker, Home Office, Roseburg Attention, Pioneers. The 33d annual reunion of tho Pioneer society of Southern Oregon will be held at Ashland, Or., on Thursday, tho 2(ith day of August, 1909. Wo hope to have the pleasure of greeting you on that occasion, to gether with your family and friends. It is dcsirahlo that tho annual re unions of the society bo perpetuated. Professor I!. F. Mulkcy has agreed to deliver tho address to tho pioneers and their friends at that time. Como and bring your badges with you. Re spectfully yours, SII.AS J. DAY, Secretary. Prepaid Raiiroao Orders. 1 "Something which is of oonsidor ' known is tho system of prepaid or I nblo interest to the public goncrnlly nnd which is narhnps not gonerally dors now in effect between stations of tho Southern Pacific company 1 nnd all points in tho United Slates Hy mentis of this system tickets may bo purchased at Modford from any plnoo in tho United States and mail od or tolcgrnphod direct to the party i wishing to como hero. Slcepor ac commodations nnd small amounts of cash in commotion with theso tickets I may also be forwarded at thu same ! tin.." ORDINANCE NO. 214 An ordinance providing for the construction of n lateral sewer along Hamilton street in the City of Med ford. Oregon, and for the assessment of the cost thereof on adjacent prop erty, ami providing a meeting of the council to consider protests against snid'eonstnietion and assessment und the serving of the owners of ad jncciit property with notice thereof. The Citv of Medford doth ordaiu as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of the council to cause a six-inch lat eral sewer to be constructed along Hamilton street throughout the eu- lire length and to assess the cost thereof upon the property adjacent to said motion of said street in pro portion to its frontage thereon. Section The council will hear nnd consider any protests against said construction and the assessing of said property for the cost thereof at a meeting of the council to be held August 19. 1909. nt S o'clock p.m.. in the council chamber iu said citv and all property owners of adjacent property lire hereby called upon to appear before said council at said time nnd place and show cause, it anv 4 hoy have. Why such construc tion should not bo made and the cost I hereof so assessed. Section 3. The Citv Recorder is hereby directed to serve notice there of upon the property owners a tore said, by posting three copies of this ordinance in three public places in said city and publishing this ordin ance once in a daily newspaper pub lished and of general circulation i; said citv at least ten days befor: the date of said meeting. The foregoing ordinance was passed on August "th. 1909. by the fit v Council of the Citv of Med ford bv tho following vote: Merrick absent. Welch ave. Wort man ave. Kineriek ave. l'.iferl aye llcmmer ave. Approved August li. 1909. W. II. CANON. Mayor. Attest: U. V. TKUT.K. Recorder Table d'hote dinner grill Sunday evening. nt tho Nash Special mu- Intense Colicky Pains Relieved Bargains B.&C.CashStore This store is "chuck" full of ihem just now things you really ough.. to see. AMERICAN BEAUTY VASE ASSORTMENT, five patterns to select from, each 25c HAVILAND CHINA La France Pattern, each piece gold decorated with green floral sprays: Handled Teas, set of 6 $3.". Flower Pots, No. 6. each 121-C Flower Pots, No. 12, each 30c For Today and Saturday We will sel Iat cost, to close, the remaining pieces of the White and Gold Austria China Pattern Tea Cups, Platters, Sugar and Creamers. The Store that Serves You Best By Telephone 2351. BlGash Store C 223 West Main Street Table d'hote dinner at the Nash grill Stnday evening. Special nu nc. REACHING THE SPOT It Can Be Done. So Scores of Medford Citizens Say To cure an aching rack. The pains of rheumatism, The tired-out feelings, You must reach ths spit get at the cause. Tn most cases 'tis the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kidneys. G. It. Boone, corner Ninth and C j streets, Medford, Or., says: "I was troubled with rheumatism when I first began using Doan's TC-dney Pills. I did not think they -could do me any good, but finally procured a box at Hrkins' drug store. They proved to be the remedy I required My kidneys were restored to their normal condition, nnd tho pains nnd aches in my back ware romoved. Doan's Kidney Pills lived up to their -opraaentations in my cas;. " For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole ngMits for tho United Str.tes. Rjmomber the name Doan's and tako no other. 46 Table d'hote dinner at the Nash Mt. Angel College MT. ANGEL. OR. grill Sunday evening. Special mu-j in charge of the Tienedictine Fathers. SIC' i For young men and boys. Term " "" opens September 7th. Preparatory, HEADQUARTERS FOR j commercial, scientific and slussieal HameSS SaddleS courses. Write for catalogue. years I suffered from v pains which would l' or sonic intense colic como on at times and from which I could find no relief," says I. S. Mas on, of Heaver Hani, Ky. "Chamber Iain's Colic, and liiirrhoon Remodv was recommended to me by a friend. After taking a I'e wdoscs of the vcm- dv I was entirely relieved. That was four years ago and there has lien no return of the symptoms sinc,e Ihnt time." This remedy is for sale by Leon U. llnskins' Pharmacy. Whips Robes j Tents Blankets! Wagon Sheets Axle Grease and Gall Cure ALL KINDS OF CUSTOM WORK J. C Smith 311 E. Main Wo nro Orower-HiT dim from u Our Troon ntit ffrown ntrlrlly WITHOUT IRRIGATION Write tor fn-e cBl.lon. !." k of vnriotUiKiai t alili' fr 'xiinmtTi-ial orchnnw Choica Fruit. Nut and Orruimnlal Trwi. Gum Viim, Small Fruit PlMli nd Shrubbery I'iim DAT.1.K8 NCRSKKIKS AUlnOOk-o, Orand Avo.l'ortlaaJ.Ore,