THE MF.DFOUD DA 1 1 Ar TRIBUN K. MEDFORD, OUEQON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 190?). ft Prnm Water ' t 1 in t:a nn ' h.tiruu.a. No wali I'liu- Evrry Ki'Wiiui'C M . - '.i!r .yit!fl, iitoiHi up i tf .' i !'. I.vk toro'.rU i ' r... y'v .air.i' an J yuU will tul.o i.o i...- i The best and most cii!c Kewanee tw y' . X- IIo Here Elevated cr jV;.:c T Wtttl IllP l'W)ltl' (!' , 1. n Hit' rcl.tii , r 1 u. n c,. ' h;-M;i!iri In nmtk'nf jl I 1 ' n ut v n' nuliMimteiy. riv-tn on oll1 (prounil. nil extreme In Houltt ivrtlow nrcolV.niiio. (t in, vnmipim; tlm v..i :tp'' t. i it ' - il;. fiv-jti, t a : t- in"." fnior run? lx us'il w in1 V.llll . v m huliuill. e.isi.1 t4am, lu air, or an? uilivr oi euiu.b.j iAnur. UUl ullai V n tii - '. - c." - - tt'ltik' c-jii'h i.ui i : n.i Kcwxfic : WHITE STEAMER CARS AND. FAIRBANKS-MORSE Gasoline Pumping Outfits E. A. Washburne & Son Miles Block Medford, Oregon Martin J. Reddy The Jeweler For Watches Diamonds and all the latest things in Jewelry- Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing A Specialty. P. C. Hansen. We make any kind and style of windows. We carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. State L)e)ositKry Estabiisbed 1858. Capital and Burplun $125,000 Roioarroi 4700,000 WHY COOK These hot days? When you can get anything you desire in the linn uf J'.KKAD, I'JKS or CAKK, i:i udcli'.inn to everything usually foiin.l i;, first-class DEUCATKSKEN. MEDFORD DELICATEESSEN & BAKERY, Wetzel & Hodges, Proprietors. The Tribune ousc and Darn fear - ,.ncm, cmi now ho bail nny w Iim i. hictir prv?m to ull tiMurttt a.ui . . i.iliKil VVClld5tllllt. v ., tint yours. T nvi.t.l iiihuh'in-h'-'I . ii ui lark ml n -xtt'tti rtiunii i a; ii ii '. i k ;inl pumping nim'ium-'ry. t'K ' ' ;i.a. . :il bo yours if you instiill iKo : Water Supply Lnrjineering Service FREE w . i muMiii.u-iiiri wiitareui l If ' It'll 'j -'iir, ttc h;t.t' mu ot'fl "l! v" . .ri'f '.MO wuwr mipiur proMi'iim. 1 lo ; t'litNlttitr. wi'H uttnfiiiulift lumios, tiipt'iil with Kwwiiiif tut'r IV .mttl! UMDtllA!llll, Mill tlll I Mil" .'.! mrtema, Ktitjt K'vumo i ti.i n o ifw:im-o unut in.u t -in.! (nmtti Kiw:inrt- . 9 f n;it;fui-tun U'Ulnd it. Our "xs"' m ,i r.- m pln jour conipH'to ' -, .:'.v'rsiit'ly ami toiloovor . i it. K it t.Mii reann it in vurmouoy wul bo tutumlwl, Satcr Supply Co.. rt- Ask for Our 64-Page Catalog I ii 9 rhw yi'i fw it nn h ive n K- i. t mans is or tn:u iv uiu ini y(mwi thr manv .nlv.tntaie of V K K Mil life StkIoiii over the o'd ntrd tsnkt. (If 1 our rital from mir d-lrr and aV hi in which kewaticc System you uioujq insu 1 1, Also Agents for Near Postoffice Tom Moffat. 8S HIGHEST ATTAINMENT IN SYSTEMATIC BANKING SERVICE The Jackson County Bank respect fully solicits your account, subject to your check, with the strongest guarantee of safety and efficiency. We offer the highest attainment in systematic hanking service, which assures the greatest care in every financial transaction, with this oig ing institution. W. I. VAWTF.R, President. O. I?. LIXDLKY, Cashier. m is Up-To-Dats Fr& A Noveliz:itioi of the Play o the Same N?- Copyritilil. 1909, by A Press Association luirliii: the last half of his speet tln-re was a lono of afectloaate rt'canl. at which she brlilloil resentfully. "1 quit? full to understand your point of view," she said frlKldly. "Perhaps I had host make It clear to you that I am no longer thinking of setting ainr- j rlel." I Well, Lord 'a' mercy!" ejaculated j like, leaning hack lu his chair aud I stuiliiiK at her, but she affected not to ! notice the llchter tone aud went ou. i "l mean I have dwlded upni It. Tho ! ceremony Is to take place In a fort- j Pike brought the front feet of his I chair down with a crash. 'Well, 1 declare!" he cried. "Wc shall dispense with all delays," she went on, and Tike recarded her solemnly for a moment "Well, I don't know as I could say anything npilnst that. He must be a mighty nice fellow, aud you must think a heap of hi in." He s!;hed. "That's the way It should be." He looked at her. "And you're happy?' "Distinctly!" said Ethel declslrely. Pike looked off over the blue bay, and then his gaze traveled to where Horace bad been standing, and with a start be turned to ber again, speak ing eagerly: "It ain't that fellow. I was talking with, yonder7" And she voiced an Indignant protest "That was my brotberF' "!.ord 'a' mercy!" ejaculated Daniel and then recovered himself. "But then, I wouldn't remember bim. He couldn't have been more than tweWe when you was borne last. Of course I'd 'a' known you" "How?" demanded Ethel. "You couldn't have seen me since I was a child." "I-'rom your picture, though now I see It ain't so much like you," he an swered, and she stepped forward, with astonishment. 'You have a ; jgrapb of me?' "The last time I saw your father alive he gave It to me to look at" "And you remembered" "Yes. ma'am." . A look of Incredulity passed over Ethel's face, and she replied: "It does not strike me as possible. However, we will dismiss the sub ject." "Well, If you'd like to Introduce me lo j our to your" "To my brother?" "No, ma'am; to your to the yonng man." "To Mr. St Aubynr cried Ethel, re coiling a step. "I think it quite un necessary." "I'm afraid I can't see It that way. I'll have to bare a couple of talks with him. sort of look him over, so to peak. I won't stay around here spoil ing your fun any longer than t can help only Jnt for that and to get a letter I'm expecting from England." Ethel bit her lip vexatiously. "1 do not see that you need have come at all. Wc could have been spared this this mortification." "You mean I mortify you' Why, I I can't see how." "In a hundred ways," she replied, "every way. That common person who Is with you" "Me Isn't common. You only think so because he's with me," returned Daniel sadly, looking down. "Who is her' demanded Ethel sharply- "He told mo his mime, but I can't remember It. I call Mm 'doc.'" "It doesn't matter. What does mat ter is that yon needn't have come. You could have written your consent." "No, ma'am, not wit hoiil seeing the young tiinn." answered l'l:e resolute- "And you could have arranged the set I lemon t In the sntne way," went on Ethel unheeding!1. "Settlement! Y'ou seem to have set tled it pretty well without me," re turned Pike, smiling. "Y'ou don't understand," said Ethel Impudently. "An alliance of this sort always entails a certain settlement." She pnused. "Plene listen. Tf you were nt nil ii mini of the world I should not have to explain that In marrying Into n noble house I bring my dot, my dowry" "Money, yon mean?" Asked Tike, puzzled. "Yes, if you choose to put it that way." "You mean you want to put aside something of your own to buy n lot ind start housekeeping" "Is'o," she liiired. "I nie:,n n settle- Man H r By BOOTH TARKINGTOH and HARRY LEON WILSON "You n V" mean you want to give It to "If that's tho only way to innlte you understand yes!" she Unshed. "How much do you want to give him?" asked Pike thoughtfully. "A hundred nnd llfty tluiusuml pounds," sulci Ethel desperately. Pike whistled. "Seven hundred and tlfty thousand dollars!" "Precisely that!" sabl Ethel. "Well, he An made yon cure for h'.ni," said Daniel. "I guess he niiisi tic Hie prince uf (lie world! He uiUM lie a grtvt man. 1 expivt you're riglu .il.'.m uie not meeting lilin. I pr. 'jablj iv. hi Id n't slack up very high iilougMiii I man that's big enough for you (i ililnk so much of us you do him. Why I'd have to squeeze every bit of prop rty your pa left you." "Is It your property?" she tlare.l a mm. "I've worked pretty liurd to tali, are of It for you," he uuswin-.I gen ily. and Instantly she regretted tli ili.irp speech. "forgive uie." she pb-uded. "It vu unworthy of me unworthy of i lit higher and nobler things thai lite ..ill. me to live up to thai 1 shall ..v.- u io. The money tucuns i.nihliig to uie I'm nut thinking of I tin I. tl i u lie en ary form." Pike looked ut her keenly. "Have you talked with .Mr. St. An jy;i about tills Mcttlcuioii:- tills presein you want to make to tiliuV" he asked. "Not with him." "I thought uot." he went nu aimi-cd ly "You'll see. -He wouu.u't lake ll If I'd let you give it to Mm. 'In. 'nan like that wants to make !' own way. Mighty few u:en In have lua p'ked at them uhout thin;, oti their wives' money." "i 111. I can t make you u r:e,l Ethel despairingly. r .lain; : 'A .-.-.tie nieiit isn't a gin." "Then liow'd you !i.ipp": l-i !- Ta llin just a liiimlr il cn l liftv lb, i: n" I p.- r: "The police are chasing a bally convict clmp under tlie cliff." pounds wag what you wanted to give him?" ho demanded. "It was Mr. St. Aubyn's father who fixed the amount," replied Ethel des perately. "His father! What's ho got to do wllb It?" "He Is the Earl of Ilawcustle, the bend of the nneleiit house." "And lie asks you for your property asks yon for II In so many words?" "Yes, as n settlement" "And your young man knows It?" "I tell you, Mr. Pike, I have not dis cussed it with Mr. St. Anbyn." Tike laughed. "I reckon nut," he said amusedly. "Well, sir, do you know what's tho first tlilmr Mr St. Anbyn will do when in- hems his father nnide sneli a prop o.'RiouV He'll take the old man out fi the buck lot and give lilm n. thr.-uih-in he won't forget to the day of his death!" She was about lo answer when from a distance caiiio the roll of drums and then the sound of a bugle. The sounds came from nfur off, as if below the cliff. (To bo coUinuoii.) Summer Rates East During the Season of l"P Southern Pacific Co. From MEDFORD To OMAHA and Return $69.D0 To KANSAS CITY anil Return $69.90 To ST. LOUIS anil Roturn $77.10 To CHICAGO and Roturn $84.40 nnd to oUinr principal cities in the East, Miilillu West and South, Correspondingly low faros.. On Salo August II, 12. To DENVER and Roturn $64.90 On Salo August II. doing transit limit 10 days from date of sale, filial return limit October 31st. These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of sto)over privileges, ami choice uf routes; thereby euub!iii(f piisseu gors to make siclo trips to ninny interesting p.iuta en route. Houting on the roturn trip through Cnfiforniu may lis bnd ut it slight ndvnnce over the rutos limited. Full particulars, sloeping cur reservations and ticksts will bo fur nished by any Southern Paoifio loenl agent, or WM. McMURRAV, General Passenger Arjriit, Portland, Gfsgon. The Best Meal In Medford is to be had At The Star Restaurant All white help. Home cooking. Room and board $5.00 a week. Give us a trial and be convinced. MRS. W. E. GOODE Prop. 322E7th St. APPLES AN'l) i'EAUS AM) ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. YAKIMA VALLLY NURSERY Largest Commercial Nursery in il;o Pacific North west. Not in the combine. Competes with all first class nurseries. L. E. HOOVER, Agent MEDFORD, O R E a O N FOR QPICK AND SURE RESULTS We would like to ta Ik with you about fire Insurance. We are agents for the WORLD'S GREATEST FIRE IN SURANCE Companies. The i2ETNA,iROYAL, QUEEN LIVERPOOL, LONDON, GLOBE and others R. A. HOLMES, Successor to CANON & HOLMES Room 33, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. Phone No. 781. .). K. KMYAU'I . President JOHN' S OliTll. Cashier. THE MEDFORD CAPITAL SURPLUS Safety boxes for rent. A We solicit Advertise in the Tribune via the TRY THE TRIBUNE "WANT" ADS J. A. PKHUY, Y. It. JACKSON, Ass't Cnshie- NATIONAL BANK $60,000 $10,000 general Banklny Business transacted. your patronage. j tun nir. Ainiyii oirccti;."